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Everything posted by Rocketbusta

  1. These are some recommendations based on what I've played. MoH I suggest renting, since people either love it or despise it. Assassin's Creed 2 Mirror's Edge Red Dead Redemption Burnout Paradise Borderlands Medal of Honor Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Uncharted 2: Among Thieves I already have RDR and Burnout Paradise for 360. The Uncharted games are on my radar, as is ModNation Racers. I'm in a holding pattern to see what other games are in the package. I appreciate it though.
  2. So, tomorrow I'm acquiring a PS3 from a co-worker (as those who are my facebook friends know), it's coming with 6 or so games. Just wondering what games I should be playing on PS3... only game I know that is coming with the system is God of War III. So, yeah. Help me out, EWB.
  3. I do want to get through the first Ultimate Alliance on the hardest difficulty, maybe throw a little online play into it as well. Unless they've closed the servers and I missed it.
  4. Carolina vs. Pittsburgh... in Pittsburgh.
  5. So I picked up X-Men arcade, Tomorrow night I'll probably be up for some multi... dibs on Colossus.
  6. I have 1600 points... what Arcade games should I be considering?
  7. Please refrain from upsetting me, slaptesticles.

  8. You know what's awesome? Everything I do.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rocketbusta


      When I want your opinion, I will tell you what it is.

    3. Sousa
    4. DJ Ice

      DJ Ice

      Z really told you

  9. I've dropped out of the franchise, Madden doesn't do anything for me. I'm done with Madden until the 2013 edition
  10. Tomorrow (Saturday) after 5 Eastern Time, or any time on Sunday
  11. 24-17 over Cincy... I should probably start playing Madden again so I can look decent in these online games.
  12. I'm probably last. It's been an eventful couple of weeks dealing with Comcast.
  13. I might be up for an online rumble with some EWBers tomorrow after work... I play on 360, HoodedMandarin's the gamertag
  14. Makes me glad I don't have class on Tuesdays this semester, means I can grab it on my way home from work Tuesday and start playing it.
  15. I got Smackdown vs. Raw 2011 on my schedule, then Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood... then my next release day purchase is Marvel vs. Capcom 3.
  16. Favorite cheat code? Invincibility in Battletanx: Global Assault When is your favorite time to play games?
  17. I'd be game for a fantasy draft, or barring that taking over as commish after the season.
  18. I find I get the most of Madden games by inserting a creampuff created team and building them into champions. Might not work for everyone though.
  19. If you're not doing it for yourself, you're doing it for the wrong reason

  20. Seems like simming might be the only way I get wins now. lol
  21. So many quarters poured into this with my friends Nick and Rich, beating it once. It was awesome, my Colossus was amazing.
  22. Srar, I'll be busy tonight after work, and probably tomorrow after work (meeting with career services at school, math test, and project for my problem solving class), but I should be available after 4:30 pm Eastern on Saturday to play. If you see me on before then, we can knock the game out then, although I'm predicting a Srar win.
  23. I need a microphone to do a video where I declare my candidacy for the 2016 Presidential Election.

    1. LittleDaniel


      Microphones are expensive. Use sign language.

    2. Rocketbusta


      That would help me win the deaf vote.

    3. TGWL


      Create posters and stand on highways. Real cheap.

  24. I'm pretty sure that Diglett isn't Water or Bug type.
  25. I won't be available to play until Wednesday evening (after 7:30 pm EST), but I'm free after 7:30 EST the rest of the week.
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