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Posts posted by Laice07

  1. Meh list so far, but I know it will keep growing. I can't wait for games like Super Mario 3, Super Metroid, more of Legend of Zelda, and hopefully Chrono Trigger and Goldeneye 007 with online play. Oh and Super Smash Brothers with Online play. If that happens, my 360 will start to collect dust.

  2. I'm definentley buying Call of Duty 3 also,even if its a bit later but as for Pro Evo, I'lll be waiting for the next one, which hopefully will feature at least a bearable X-Box Live! play and not so rushed game overall. And since my PS2 broke down(my 2nd Ps2 too), there's no point in getting it. Smackdown vs. Raw 2007 is another one I'll get....but I'll have to wait until I get some more cash. Rainbow Six Vegas looks aweseome too, and I rented Marvel Ultimate Alliance and its great fun. I wish I had more money :(

    By the way, what does the limited edition if Gears of War include, and is it worth the extra $10?

  3. I just got a 360 about a week ago and this game is one of the reasons why. It looks absolutely amazing, and by all the previews I have read the gameplay will be great too. That also means I have another game to play with X-Box Live! The only bad thing is that my 360 is at home and I'll be in residence for 2 weeks, which means I'll have the game, but not the system since I pre-ordered the game and going to get at launch day. So who else is getting it?

  4. Saw 3: 8/10

    I'm right there with you pepsi, if it wasn't for the last third of the film, this would have been the worst of the 3 Saw films. This film is not for the faint of heart, and its because of one particular trap. The acting, which has been a major problem for the series(at least for me) is better but thats not saying much.

  5. I just started watching season 2, and it is truly one of the best shows on televison. If only I began watching it earlier, I would be able to watch the new episodes. I always thought the special effects were great, especially for a T.V. show, and I fell in love with all the characters, except that I have a little bit more love for Starbuck.

  6. I also wish you good luck, and hope you finish this thing.

    The Shawshank Redemption



    Terminator 2: Judgement Day

    Lord of The RIngs: The Fellowiship of The RIng

    Lord of The RIngs: Return of The King

    Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban

    Star Wars Episode V

    Star Wars Episode III

    Star Wars Episode VI


    Schindlers List

    Saving Provate Ryan

    SPiderman 2

  7. AMER2006, and if you gus want some target practice, you can find me on Perfect Dark Zero, and GRAW. But once I get NHL 2K7, WWE Sd vs. RAW 2007 and Gears of War, watch out. Oh, and I'm only on weekends, so any other day and you'll face my younger brother(s).

  8. I recommend Battlestar Galactica(the current one). It has a great cast, and a great writing team who actually cares\ for the story and the characters. You don't even have to like Sci-Fi to enjoy this series, although its a plus if you do. I also recommend Smallville, as I enjoy that series, and I guess I'm not the only one since its already in its 6th season.

  9. The Departed:9.5/10

    Amazing film, tied with Little Miss Sunshine as best film of 2006, and most definentley a frontrunner(at least in my eyes) for Best Picture in this years Oscars. The acting is top notch(well...except for the female lead, but we don't see too much of her anyway) and its my favourite Scorcese picture yet. Yes, to me its even better then Raging Bull, Taxi Driver and Goodfellas all masterpieces on their own.

  10. Smallville's on tonight, and it looks like its going to be awesome! (Which isn't surprise since all the season openers have been great!).

    And one question I'd like to ask is how's Supernatural? I bought Season 1 as a blind buy because well I love the horror premise. I haven't watched it yet...but sooner or later I will.

  11. I already released my first film Supernatural. There are so many options in this game, a big step up from Hollywood Mogul 2. My film made 116 Million in North America, and 253 Million worldwide. ALthough I don't know if this happens to you guys, but I can't attend to the primiere of my film, it says I have a file missing, and the game closes. Hopefully its just me, if not, then theres an early bug to fix. I guess thats it for the night. Later on today after I get a few hours of sleep and get through some hours of class, I'lll start a new game and play for real.

  12. I'll be getting Wii because of the Nintendo first party titles that I can't live without (Zelda, Metroid Prime 3, Mario, SUper Smash Brothers Brawl especially). I'll also get a X-Box 360 for Halo, GTA, Smackdown vs. Raw. I won't get a PS3, because I don't care about Final Fantasy, nor do I care about Metal Gear Solid, and the rest of the games will be on the X-Box 360 anyway.

  13. There's way too much....I'll list a few:


    Someone also mentioned this, but it deserves rementioniong. Amazing film with an amazing and unexpected ending.

    Star Wars

    Episode III: Obi-Wans speech before leaving Anakin, I get chills everytime I watch it

    Episode V: I am your father scene

    Episode VI: The final fight between Luke and Darth Vader. This scene also has the best music ever.

    Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire:

    Seeing Voldemort rise was wonderful.

    Lord of The Rings Trilogy:

    I'll just leave as that since I'm too tired mentioning the greatest parts in the three films which are many.

    Forrest Gump:

    -The final scene with Forrest talking to Jenny's grave

    Kill Bill Vol. 1/Vol. 2

    -The Crazy 88 vs The Bride

    -Beatrix Kiddo seeing her child and her encounter with Bill.

    Pulp Fiction

    -Any scene where Sam Jackson and John Travolta are together

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