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Frederick Jameson

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Everything posted by Frederick Jameson

  1. Yeah I can see where your coming from but I still didn't like it much maybe it was just the way it was done Also does anybody think that
  2. I loved everything with the exception of the last minute or 2
  3. You could argue that is to do with time leaking the cars and other stuff comes out earlier than they should of they just have to continue using the same format for license plates though. I could see it myself but am not 100% sure
  4. I think they used that for the game but I'm not 100% sure as I havn't got around to playing it yet
  5. Bill Murray gives a major spoiler to Ghostbusters 3 Credit>http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/movies/news/a201974/murray-confirms-ghostbusters-3-plotline.html
  6. Wasn't that Dr. Phil? And yeah, every country has programs like that, Jerry's nothing compared to Jeremy Kyle to be honest. I think it was Vanessa Feltz when she went to BBC1 1 thing I like about Jerry is at least he is honest that he is purely exploiting the ppl on his show and doesn't try to act like he cares as every other person with a show like that does when truth is none of them give a damn about anybody that has ever appeared before them and some even seem to get a kick about these ppl's lifes been ruined before their eyes
  7. Unsure about other countries but if you watch UK shows such as Jeremy Kyle they give the same image of the UK public as Jerry Springer does the US it wouldn't shock me to find most countries have similar type of shows where either actors go on ( a few years ago in the UK a show got into trouble when it was found they hired actors with scripts to act as guests ) or pick the very worse of the population as guests
  8. Kingpin can't be used as Fox still owns the rights to him and Spiderman is a Sony movie That's why DC made a much better deal with WB as they have all their characters under one roof and crossovers can happen with Marvel their characters are spread out over quite a number of different movie companies
  9. Now there is another problem when the 10th Doctor stopped his regeneration halfway through during "The Stolen Earth" did that use up one of his regenerations. If they wish to carry on after his last (12th) regeneration they could say a few things like The Time Lords were in charge of the actual amount as they are no longer there he gets a unknown amount or during the Time War to keep all of them alive for as long as possible The Time Lords changed the number to a unknown or infinite amount. They could even say that is another reason he was so worried about regenerating as now without any Time Lords to keep it in check he's not so sure he will anymore
  10. TBH I don't listen to much music at all so it's not surprising I haven't heard of the singers To show how much about music I know when Boyzone came back last year or so I didn't even know they split
  11. Only one out of that bunch I've heard of is Vinnie. TBH I have hardily heard of any of them other than Vinnie Stephanie and Baldwin. I've vaguely heard of that guy who shacked up with Katie Price and the Russian girl who went off with the Rolling Stone and that's only because I occasionally glance at the papers if I go out
  12. They were fakes from what I read about her she has done 1 topless scene but even then she was in the background and you couldn't see anything
  13. Don't think we have Tivo in the UK
  14. TBH it is just something I know I haven't watched PR regularly since Kimberly left Only reason I know he was Zeo Red is I saw a bit of the Turbo Rangers Movie (which sucked ) and saw him as both Red Zeo and Turbo Ranger and then yeah I did watch a bit of Dino rangers just to see if Tommy was still any good
  15. Wasn't Jason the original Red Ranger, while Tommy was the Green one? Tommy then became the Red Ranger in the next series IIRC? I'm not sure of Tommy became the Red Ranger or not. I stopped watching after the first series. In the first series he was the Green Ranger at first and then he became The White Ranger. Tommy became Zeo Red Ranger then Turbo Red Ranger then when he returned he was The Black Dino Ranger
  16. I do find it odd that Blink is on of the best episodes despite the fact it's a Doctor lite episode and he's only in it for about 5 mins altogether. I'm still hoping Sally returns to be a companion
  17. I would bet though that the girl comment will be used to argue to the fact The Doctor can regenerate into a female and TBH if they did that in the future as long as they got a good actress in to play him/her I could live with it
  18. Whilst I know this is more likely to be a coincidence a theory about what makes Wilf so important is doing the rounds based on the fact
  19. TBH it did have a bit of crap to it the town of Worksop for example I grew up there and only the posh part was like that the rest was a dump Bizarrely I'm actually on the board to follow this, but what point are you making? Is it a random dig at Worksop or are you actually comparing your childhood to the 1400's for accuracy? Random dig TBH the way they presented the characters as scruffy and idiots is pretty much what a lot of ppl were like there
  20. TBH it did have a bit of crap to it the town of Worksop for example I grew up there and only the posh part was like that the rest was a dump
  21. I hear the DLC may be available on Sunday or Monday if not it should be within the next week
  22. I'm wondering what the DLC will cost for the PS3 depending on who or what it is I'll guess between £3-£6
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