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The Kraig

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Posts posted by The Kraig

  1. 5 minutes ago, Chris2K said:

    Lego: The Bond Films


    All the films preferably, although they can forget Quantum of Solace if they want to. I wish I could.

    Such a good shout, I'm kind of shocked it's not already been done. As for Quantum...if only you had a quantum of tolerance. :lol:

    There's a bunch of anime shows which would make pretty fun Lego games. I'd lap up a One Piece Lego game. Imagine JoJo x Lego?


    Also remembered I'd have loved to have seen a Metroid / Halo cross-over back in the day. 

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Benji said:

    Crossovers are all the rage right now. Give me some crossovers you want, be it serious, a joke, game Vs game, game Vs TV or whatever else.

    Me? I'm waiting for Sesame Street Fighter II.

    Download MUGEN and have some fun. I'm sure they have Big Bird and all sorts to add-in.

    As for real cross-overs? I'd love to see Streets of Rage cross-over with Final Fight. Seems an obvious and easy cross-over. Throw TMNT in too, fuck it.

  3. So, I heard One Piece had a 1000th episode. I've decided to revisit my teenage years and watched the first 50 episodes (the later dub). It's better than I remember, and I have no recollection of any of these episodes until Arlong Park.

    Fairly enjoyable, especially when treated to some epic battle scenes. Tends to drag in some story arcs but that's only natural when slowly introducing various characters. I think the best scene so far is easily this and is the first time we really see 'the crew' unite out of a sense of justice. Guessing anyone who has watched One Piece will know what's coming up.




  4. So, a guy called Cr1TiKaL made a $5,000 challenge regarding Halo 2. He increased it to $20,000 when he realised just how hard the challenge was. 'LASO' is Legendary with All Skulls On and has never been done. Highly recommend watching this to understand the insanity of the challenge and some clips of runs being ruined by weird glitches or plain bad luck.

    The skulls relating to this challenge:
    Anger: Enemies have a higher rate of fire and will use guns instead of melee at close range.
    Assassins: Enemies are cloaked with 'active camouflage', making them constantly semi-transparent.
    Black Eye: Your shields only charge if you melee enemies to death.
    Blind: No heads-up display. No flashlight.
    Catch: Enemies throw grenades more often. They also drop more when killed.
    Envy: This is the one NOT active, as it allows temporary active camo for the player with no downside.
    Famine: Ammunition is more scarce.
    Ghost: Enemies do not flinch.
    Grunt Birthday Party: Headshot kills cause enemies to explode.
    I Would Have Been Your Daddy: Rare battle dialogue becomes more common (doesn't affect gameplay).
    Iron: Reverts co-op players to their furthest back checkpoint (irrelevant to this solo run).
    Mythic: All NPCs have double health and double shields.
    Sputnik: Items have less mass and are bounced around easily from explosions. These flying items can easily kill players.
    Thunderstorm: Enemies get boosted ranks, so they generally have more health and shields.
    Whuppopotamus: Enemies are on high alert and are more accurate.

    JerValiN has attempted it quite a few times using the original Halo 2, which is a pain in the ass to set up because you have to collect the hidden skulls every time. He uses a pretty complex set of save points to do this before each run. This is his final run, it's just amazing stuff.


    This challenge in Halo 2's remaster is even harder.

  5. Honestly love the idea of having the roster from inception and adding to it through DLC or newer additions in the series. It's like building the foundation of the game like the foundation of the company.

    That being said, I need to see way more gameplay than what has been shown. I prefer a more arcade-like style to the wrestlers (like Street Fighter IV) but I like a nice realistic fighting engine which may put off fans of both styles and please only me. I'm curious if they will implement different styles of play to suit different players.

  6. 2 hours ago, RPS said:

    I'm playing Pokemon Shining Pearl and I'm super pumped for another mainline Pokemon game. I'm find with Shining Pearl but it definitely feels like a game released decades ago. 

    Highly recommend Arceus Legends. Gave me something that felt genuinely fresh while being a constant nostalgia Sinnoh nostalgia-trap. It's the only game where you feel like you could actually be in real peril if you take a wrong turn, hope there's some of that atmosphere in S/V despite being set in a different timeframe.

    It feels like a mainline game, just a prequel.

    • Like 1
  7. On 29/07/2022 at 11:35, Lineker said:


    I was literally about to say the goalkeeping seems way better despite there not being many giants in goal. Glasgow City exploit 'weak' goalkeepers constantly.

    Well done England, wasn't an easy final to win either. Well deserved. Gives me hope that one day football will indeed come home.

  8. 1 minute ago, damhausen said:

    For what it's worth the USG manager who helped them achieve all that success did just leave for, I believe, Anderlecht. 

    C'est vrai, and this is van Bronckhorst's first proper season at Rangers. Should be one to watch, I might go watch with the locals, it was a great atmosphere for the Rangers/Frankfurt final even when they lost, took it on the chin did they did.

  9. On 18/07/2022 at 17:30, Lineker said:


    I can see Rangers fans enjoying this draw, not realising USG got promoted and immediately topped the Belgian league. They could get a bit of a sucker punch here.

    There would also be something hilarious about Rangers being put out by the 'Royal Unionists'.

  10. Heard people gushing over this tournament, really chuffed to see people out supporting the women's game. I'll probably check out a tournament highlights, but if anyone has specific match recommendations I'd love to hear them (I'm sure others would too). England sound like they are just bossing the whole thing.

    • Like 1
  11. I really didn't find this season that enjoyable. I like individuals characters and some of the settings were great...but man, so many issues bothered me.


    I need to say the cast is excellent but the writing for their characters feels way off. It also feels like they have too many characters and can't focus on any one particular. At least Max and El get a lot of time.

    Loved all the Alaska/Russia stuff. Felt like a nice side-story to get Hop back and makes Hop, Joyce and Murray feel quite heroic. I especially enjoyed Murray and Hop's antics. Yuri as well.

    The mysterious hallucinations and deaths were intriguing...then they revealed more and more and the suspense was just gone for me way too early. Having Robert Englund as Creel was a fairly awesome touch. Could have done without all the Papa/001 stuff, far too long, repetitive and honestly tiring to watch. Having El regain her powers could have been done in so many interesting ways, this has to have been the most boring way to do it.

    I think my biggest issue is the many teases with insufficient payoff and characters just being useless for no reason - Will's obvious struggles, El/Mike, Robin's self-confidence and sexuality, Jonathan's lies, Steve/Nancy, Dustin's lack of purpose, the dumbest jocks, Eddie's idiotic death...the ending scene with them on the hill watching over the red clouds was extremely anticlimactic.

    Despite it's incredible length, this just feels like half the season instead of it's own self-contained chapter. The Russia stuff probably feels better for me since it has a more traditional conclusion.

    I really hope Eddie returns in some manner. He dies heroically in the Upside Down...the writers can get a bit creative with it if they want to, especially when they already showed that the power of music and memories is to be reckoned with.

    Despite feeling fairly meh by the end, I just wish we didn't have to wait so long for the next season. Maybe that was the intention all along.

  12. 31 minutes ago, Baddar said:

    Djokovic-Norrie has just started.

    Norrie leads the first set! If he beats Djokovic and then Kyrgios he is immediately my new hero.

    Also, if Norrie wins here then we have two Wimbledon finalists from Africa (technically).

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