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The Donators
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Everything posted by Bigal

  1. Well, in my current game, I've just finished my 2nd season with Institute (one of the lower teams in the N.Irish Premier League). Finished 5th in the first season without any silverware after being told to avoid relegation, but after strengthening my squad (thanks to 150k for my midfielder), I won the League Cup and All-Ireland Cup in the second season, despite only finishing 7th in the league. I of course applied for any big jobs going, and got turned down for them all (Paris, Man Utd, Birmingham, to name a few), but I just got offered the Charlton job I like 'Stute, but Premier league football appeals to me. I dunno what to do And upon further inspection, I just realised I'd be playing Championship level next season after a 19th place finish. Damn Curbishley
  2. It's another galaxy, so they're bound to discover things at different periods from us. Incidentally, there's a non-canon story where Han and Chewbacca end up on Earth before the colonization of America, and then Han is killed by Red Indians and Indiana Jones finds the Millennium Falcon's remains 100 years later
  3. Glentoran, Celtic, Cheslea, Man U.
  4. I personally prefer the Fatboy Slim remix of it. Makes the song much more lively.
  5. Hard Candy - Counting Crows I have no idea why I like it so much,
  6. What you're failing to see (as are others, I have to admit) is that this thread has fuck all to do with Villa or Charlton or Sunderland or whoever; it's about Boro's victory. TALK ABOUT BORO'S VICTORY.
  7. Oh fucking hooray, Middlesborough won a match. I know it's a rare occurance, and you want to be defensive because hey, you don't know when the next time it's ever going to happen, but I think we...no, scratch that, I think I'd appreciate it if you got into a horrific accident involving a combine harvester and lost both your arms. That way, you simply couldn't get on here to piss people off, and everyone goes home happy. Except, of course, you, because you'd have no arms. Ah well, no-one's loss. P.S. I don't really have too much of an opinion of Middlesborough, I just hate Summers. P.P.S Manager who has a hope of doing something worthwhile with his time? Check. Goalscorer? Check. Players that would help England? Check. Kit that isn't a West Ham rip-off (and, to pre-empt you, I don't care which club was formed first)? Check. There are some things money can't buy. Like a decent team that gels together well, or an atmosphere. For everything else, there's Mastercard.
  8. Well, if this is going official... What's the Oasis song in the montage before the 50 years of Radio 1 skit on Colin & Edith's show?
  9. I assume he just means that Puzo and Coppola regretted making Godfather III. Nimrods
  10. Who would they get to play you? Dylan Moran. He's a more awesome version of me What would the title of the movie be? Mandarin Balls What type of movie would it be? Comedy drama What would be the theme song? The Verve - The Drugs Don't Work Who would play your friends and family (supporting cast)? Scarlet Johannson would have to be in there somewhere, just because she's hawt And of course... What would be the most memorable scene? The night I finally got Lauren
  11. Okay, I don't want to look dumb, but I watched this last night and...
  12. Quiet you. And I may have to, as even applying for a job gets me nowhere; and I'm doing so well with N.Ireland too
  13. Oh God, what if I have to do that?!
  14. Hmmm, there is no button. Maybe its the skin? I'm just using the default one.
  15. CSAMH, it's the one with Mel Gibson remaking "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" with Homer.
  16. Okay, I got a message saying Argentina have offered me the job as national coach, but there's no button to accept it or anything, just the usual "Apply for job" button. Is that what I do, or is there something I'm missing?
  17. Anyone have any idea if the guy that plays James Heller is due to be in the show this season? Despite being ridiculously sweaty, he was an awesome, awesome character.
  18. Well, finished 2nd in my Euro qualifiers with N.Ireland. It was kinda close, actually; I was playing Spain, Scotland were playing Ukraine, and if Scotland had won, they'd have went second. I was beaten by Spain, but thankfully Ukraine held the Scots to a 2-2 draw. I turned down the Spain job, but Everton looks like a challenge
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