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Posts posted by Venom

  1. Is that Fall of Troy song the one where it is like green + yellow, red + blue, red + yellow, yellow + blue, and all those over and over and over again? If it is, I hate it and I hope the band dies! If not the song i am talking about sucks!
  2. I feel the same way - now that I've beaten Zelda, I have basically no use for the system, and my PS2 gets pretty much all of my gaming attention. At least I'm just loaning mine from a friend though, and I'll have given it up by the end of next month, at which time I'm going back to college where I can just freeload off of my housemates' games and systems.

  3. I'm going to the one in NYC, ordered my tickets the second pre-sale was available. I've never been more excited for a show, seeing Rage alone is gonna be amazing, not to mention Wu-Tang, Public Enemy, and all the other acts. Nas and MF Doom aren't playing at the one I'm going to, though, and that kinda ticks me off.

  4. I picked up a used copy of Rogue Galaxy yesterday for like 30 bucks, and I can already tell that I'm going to become completely engrossed in this game. Other than that, I played Tanarus, which is a freeware online first-person tank game. Anyone who's strapped for cash and is looking for some good online action, seek out this game, it's a great team game once you get the hang of the controls.

  5. You realise no-one's criticising the battle system, right? We're criticising the spawning of the game, it's not seeing a cool enemy, it's the fact you either have to do too much or too little to encounter a enemy in these games, it's nothing at all to do with the actual battle system.
  6. Haha, three replies within a minute. I think I'm gonna go ahead and defend what I like about FFXII's battle system... I love parts where I'm just roaming around a field, killing off weaker enemies to get to where I need to go, and off in the distance I see a huge enemy has spawned (maybe some kind of wyrm) and bolt towards him, swords a-swinging. To me, it adds a certain quality that I haven't seen in many games, as I haven't played any MMORPGs or other games which this battle system is based on.


    I found myself hating the battle system early on, but later in the game I've found it to be a pleasure. My advice to someone who doesn't want to continue past Rogue Tomato: play for at least a few more days. What happened to me was that the story sucked me in so much that I didn't mind the battle system, and later on I grew to love even that.

    And as a side-note, fuck that huge final mark. Fuck him to hell.

    I love the story, I love the characters, I grew to like the battle system, but I refuse to spend two hours levelling up just because I have to run from one room to another every sodding time.

  7. I found myself hating the battle system early on, but later in the game I've found it to be a pleasure. My advice to someone who doesn't want to continue past Rogue Tomato: play for at least a few more days. What happened to me was that the story sucked me in so much that I didn't mind the battle system, and later on I grew to love even that.

    And as a side-note, fuck that huge final mark. Fuck him to hell.

  8. TNA No Surrender

    Nicho El Millionaro © vs. Sonjay Dutt in a Ladder Match for the X-Division Title

    Nash's group will cost Dutt the match, furthering the feud.

    The Steiner Brothers © vs. LAX vs. Team 3D vs. Motor City Machine Guns in Tag Mayhem for the TNA Tag Titles

    I think the Motor City Machine Guns will win the titles sometime soon, but the Steiners just got the belts, and it'll be better for the young team if they take the titles after a feud with the champs. Maybe this match will start that feud.

    Abyss vs. Sean O'Haire

    Because I see Abyss becoming TNA's version of Kane.

    AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle

    This was tough, since AJ has been on a roll lately, but Angle needs to pick up an important win to retain some credibility.

    Homicide vs. Samoa Joe in a 30 Minute Iron Man match

    The beginning of Homicide's rise to the top.

    Sting vs. Christopher Daniels in an 'I Quit', Loser Leaves TNA Forever match

    Daniels will win with the Scorpion Deathlock, no idea what will happen to Sting afterwards though.

    Carlos Colon © vs. Rhino in a Steel Cage for the TNA World Heavyweight Title

    I think the feud between these two will go a little longer before Colon drops the belt.

    Chris Jericho and Rob Van Dam vs. Christian Cage & Tomko

    It makes sense to have the two new faces win against Cage and Tomko.

    WWE Unforgiven

    Kevin Thorn vs. Charlie Haas

    Because WWE never gives us a reason to believe that Charlie Haas will ever, ever win a singles match.

    Val Venis vs. Viscera

    Hopefully the start of a push?

    MVP © vs. Jim Duggan for the United States Title

    Seems like a throwaway match to continue building up MVP's credibility.

    Melina © vs. Michelle McCool vs. Candice Michelle vs. Maria for the WWE Women's Title

    No idea why.

    Santino Marella © vs. Paul London for the WWE Intercontinental Title

    It's weird, because I really can't see either of these guys winning this match. I'll go with who I would prefer to win.

    The Hardy Boyz © vs. The Highlanders for the World Tag Titles

    Again, no idea why.

    The Great Khali © vs. Triple H for the WWE Title

    Maybe by interference. You seem to be alluding to a long title reign for Khali.

    Bobby Lashley © vs. William Regal for the ECW World Heavyweight Title

    Hopefully Lashley is finished with the ECW Title.

    Brock Lesnar © vs. The Undertaker for the World Heavyweight Title

    Again, no idea why, because we don't really know what's been going on with WWE until the actual PPV posts.

  9. - It also seems as though WWE is purposely trying to dig their own grave. Flair being snuffed immediately comes to mind, as I really doubt that would ever happen in real life. Also, "The Marine 2" would never have been made with the premise that you described, as it's obvious that it would receive the very reception that you described. It just kinda seems as though everything for TNA is suddenly going right for no reason, and everything for WWE is suddenly going wrong for no reason.

    Think about what happened with the WWF back when the Monday night wars first began - the writing team thought stuff like Mean Gene and the Gobbedly Gooker dancing around the ring was a great idea, but now it's looked back on as a very low embarassing event. The causes for WCW's death, with repeated squashings and letting politics get in the way with Hogan, Nash, Bischoff, etc. - everybody thought that was alright at the time, only to have the way it turned out be very very different from how it seemed. More recently, stuff like Katie Vick, the new masked Kane - somebody on the writing team thought that would be a great idea, but they both failed horribly.

    Since we already know the ending of this story - WWE declining and eventually dying, and TNA growing and eventually becoming the face of wrestling, most of WWE's decisions are going to be seen in this retrospective as terrible. If Vince thought that Khali was going to be this monster heel, he'd do everything he could to make him into a star - including squashing Cena and retiring Flair. If he wanted to continue to push Cena to be a star face, he'd continue along the "Hogan" idea and try to make him into a larger-than-life star on the silver screen. The decisions are stupid, no doubt, but they could be seen to fit Vince's plans and hopes.

    Bouncing off that, one thing I'd like to see is little quotes from somebody from the writing team, or maybe even Vince or Shane, trying to defend some of their decisions and explain what was going through their head at the time.

  10. I read through this yesterday and today, and I gotta say that I'm loving it so far. The Jericho and RVD debuts were great. I do have a few pieces of constructive criticism, do with them what you will.

    - It might have just been because I was reading through all of the posts at once, but it seemed to me that there were a few too many instances where you described an event as "planting the seeds for what would turn into a legendary feud/character/turn." I definitely understand that it goes with the overall layout of the diary, though, and it's really just a minor complaint anyway.

    - It also seems as though WWE is purposely trying to dig their own grave. Flair being snuffed immediately comes to mind, as I really doubt that would ever happen in real life. Also, "The Marine 2" would never have been made with the premise that you described, as it's obvious that it would receive the very reception that you described. It just kinda seems as though everything for TNA is suddenly going right for no reason, and everything for WWE is suddenly going wrong for no reason.

  11. I'm also finding myself to be over-leveled for pretty much everything that has happened after Archades. Right now I'm just doing sidequests and whatnot, since I feel as though I'm practically at the end of the game.

    Reddas just died :thumbsdown: , and I'm about to board Bahamut.

  12. When I'm playing songs on Expert and such (where "playing" is interchangeable with "surviving through"), I find it's best to wait until you're almost booed off the stage to use my star power as opposed to using it at the beginning of the tough part. That way you can do your best to survive through the beginning, and by the time you need to use star power, you're hopefully at least almost halfway through the solo, putting you in the clear for the rest of the song.

  13. Seeing this thread bumped reminds me: is this game worth buying for the PS2? I know I won't be able to check out all the cool add-ons the 360 version has, but I've seen it used for under 20 bucks and can't decide whether or not to pick it up... it definitely seems like a really cool game that I'd be really into.

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