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Green Demon

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Posts posted by Green Demon

  1. Being at .500 doesnt really mean much if you have three teams that are in front of you, I know it is better then losing alot but being above .500 is basically competing and unless something big happens they wont be competing at the end of the year.

  2. Well they were able to to win again. And again they gave Westbrook little run support but it was just enough, they won 3-2. Wickman now has 20 saves to lead the AL too. I hope they get atleast 1 guy if not 2 guys from the bullpen to go to the All star game even though I doubt 2 bullpen guys will go. Arthur Rhodes has under a 1.00 ERA so he is doing real well too. Next up is probaly the toughest test they have had recently in the Red Sox, see how it goes though.

  3. Wow the Indians are really tearing it up in interleague play and just in general right now. They are 11-2 in interleague play and have now won 8 in a row and looking for the sweep tommorrow against the Diamondbacks. Grady Sizemore has really turned it on lately he is batting atleast over .400 for June and has had alot of big hits. The Bullpen has been unstoppable leading the league in ERA and the Pitching Staff as a whole is 2nd. I wouldnt have believe that the Pitching staff would be doing better then the lineup at the beginning of the year. Now that they are starting to hit things are starting to turn around.

  4. Well it good to know that you can draw that conclusion already. I might want to see this it just depends on how they do it live action or like the FF movie in CGI. Also if it is a direct story of the first game I dont know if I would want to see that since I have already gone through it a few times in the game.

  5. Well the first round of the MLB draft along with a few more rounds happened yesterday and like predicted BJ Uptons brother, Justin went with the first pick to the Dbacks. Rather then posting the entire analyst from espn since it is pretty long here is a link to the write up on the picks: Draft Picks.

  6. Could be true, I didnt realize that they got him for just 300000. That is a pretty good deal if he is able to return to his previous form and even if he returns to the way he has been pitching most of the season if really isnt that big of a loss finacially.

  7. Graves wasnt really doing that well at the beginning of the season. When I saw him when they faced Cleveland he really didnt pitch that well and by the looks of his ERA 7.76 he wasnt pitching that good against anyone. Maybe a change in scenery will help him but that remains to be seen.

  8. I say it is probably on the down side now and it was at it peak back in the late 90's atleast here in Cleveland that how it was. As soon as the change over from the old NPSL to MISL the league began to crumble seemly from finacial troubles. It reach its peak at cult level status and as of now I think that is going to likely be as far as it makes it, even though I do like it.

  9. Yeah I used to go to lots of the Cleveland Force game when I was younger and they were winning championships but I really havent watched it recently. I did see the Finals on Espn 2 though since Cleveland was competing, altough they may have to fold after this year.

  10. I think that people care alot less about horse racing when there is no Triple Crown on the line after the first 2 races, including myself. Anyways I really dont think that Giamico is going to win this at all, Derby was a fluke and I think Alex will probaly win this one.

  11. Yeah the Espns and ABC play all of the US games and Spanish channel plays the Mexican games. They threw in some other games I think also.

    Edit: Anyone see yesterdays qualifier against Costa Rica. It was a pretty close game and Keller had some great saves in the secound half. Donavon has been playing really well in the qualfiers with 11 points in 12 games with 2 goals yesterday.

  12. There are a few upcoming World Cup qulifier games for the US Mens team, the next one is Wednesday June 8 but it wont be on till 1 am on Espn 2, kinda sucks but I will still probaly watch it since school will be out. Here are pretty much the rest of there games for the rest of the summer mostly qualifier and a friendly if you care if you care: US Mens Schedule

  13. Granted Washington didnt play that well last year it isnt like they are some thrown together expansion team they are a team that been together. I am sure that a change in scenery probaly helped the players since there are actually people at the games this year compared to last years games in Montreal.

  14. Yeah that is a Cleveland paper, it is the one I get anyways. I am not really sure what to think of Brown becoming the team president. I mean he was a great coach, but what personal talent has he shown in the past. The Olympic stuff that happened between Lebron and Larry also makes me wonder if they have moved on.

  15. Espn.com

    Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert got one Brown -- new head coach Mike Brown -- added to the payroll in recent days. Will he have another to add in the coming weeks?

    Larry Brown has told two league sources that he plans to take the Cavaliers' offer to become their next team president. According to the sources, who spoke to ESPN.com on Monday evening, Brown said he would accept the position after the Pistons' season is over.

    Larry Brown has refused to discuss the Cavs' offer publicly with reporters.

    Brown is still under contract to Detroit, which trails the Miami Heat 2-1 in the Eastern Conference finals, and sources say he will continue to maintain publicly that he won't decide his future with the Pistons until 72 hours after their season is over. Given that timetable, pressing medical issues, his history of unpredictable decisions, and the fact he can't formally sign a contract with the Cavs until he resigns from his job with the Pistons, Brown's future in the NBA won't be certain until he attends a news conference for the Cavaliers to formally announce his hiring.

    ESPN.com talked to a Cavs source who refused to confirm or deny whether Brown had given them an answer.

    Reached earlier Monday by The Associated Press as he watched a movie with his daughter, Brown refused comment other than to say: "If I'm healthy, my goal is to be the coach of the Detroit Pistons. That's the only thing that's really real."

    In recent days, Brown has said repeatedly that he intends to check into a hospital after the season is over because of a serious medical condition. The condition has developed as a result of midseason hip surgery he underwent, and Brown wants a medical evaluation. However, sources maintain that while Brown's medical condition might keep him from coaching again, they do not believe it is serious enough to keep him from working as a team president.

    Still, the sources claim that Cavaliers ownership pushed Brown to give them an answer this weekend before they lost out on other top candidates for the job. After hearing Larry Brown's answer, events leading to Mike Brown's hire were set in motion.

    Pacers senior vice president David Morway, who had been the frontrunner to get the Cavaliers' GM position before Cleveland began flirting with Brown, had given ownership until Monday evening to make a decision before he had to withdraw from consideration. On Monday, Morway found out that the Cavs were going in another direction.

    "I'm in a great situation in Indiana working for Donnie Walsh and Larry Bird, and have no desire to leave unless an unbelievable opportunity came along," Morway told ESPN.com. "When I first interviewed, I was told that the general manager position would have full authority over basketball-related decisions and report directly to ownership.

    "However, over the course of the last week, they indicated that they were exploring hiring a high-profile team president that would have full control of all basketball decisions. After talking with ownership, it appears that's the direction they are going and as a result, I am no longer a candidate for the GM position.

    "I appreciate the interest they showed in me and wish them the best of luck in the future."

    Morway refused to confirm or deny that Brown was being targeted for hire by the Cavs.

    Signs, however, are everywhere that Brown is coming aboard. Newly hired head coach Mike Brown is the protégé of Spurs coach Gregg Popovich, a close friend and confidant of Larry Brown.

    Mike Brown also has reportedly contacted Randy Ayers, a former Larry Brown assistant and former coach of the Sixers, about an assistant coach's position.

    The Cavs also recently interviewed Wizards director of player personnel Milt Newton for the vacant GM position. Newton played for Brown at Kansas and is another close friend who might be targeted to take over the day-to-day operations of the Cavs.

  16. Wow the A's are really doing pretty bad this year, I mean I knew that they lost good starters but I thought that they would do better then they are doing right now. I am glad that the Indians were able to sweep them today. The team looks to have turned it around recently with 4 wins in the last 5 or so. There still got alot of games to make up against the White sox's but there is still alot of season to be played. Aaron Boone needs to start hitting, or he needs to sit some games on the pine since right now he is sucking and he is doing pretty bad on the field too. I went to the game thursday and he bobbled almost every ball that went his way. I am still surprised at the Indians bullpen, they are one of the best in the AL if not the ML right now, a big turnaround from last year.

  17. NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- Former major league pitcher Rick Helling of the Nashville Sounds is expected to start next week as scheduled, five days after he was impaled in his non-throwing arm by a piece of broken bat.



    Helling, who pitched in the majors for 10 seasons, will start Wednesday against Albuquerque, Sounds spokesman Doug Scopel said Saturday.

    Helling was facing New Orleans' Craig Kuzmic in the seventh inning Friday when the bat shattered and a 3-inch piece of wood struck his left forearm, according to Scopel.

    Scopel said Helling was taken to a hospital where he was treated and released.

    "There was no internal damage," Scopel said. "They stitched him up and released him and he's on target for his next start."

    Helling ended up with the victory in the 13-3 win by the Sounds, the Milwaukee Brewers' Triple-A affiliate.

    Helling was 90-78 with a 4.77 ERA in 225 starts with Texas, Florida, Arizona and Baltimore. Helling has not pitched in the major leagues since 2003.

  18. I have heard the VM move talked about at other boards and they have said other then Lost it is all new shows out there so that could boost its numbers. Also it will actually have a solid lead in for the audience it is looking for in ANTM.

  19. Yeah commercials werent that long, I wish they wouldnt have had them every round but it was alright. The fight really wasnt that close for the last few rounds, the annoucers were just trying to play the match as if it would all come down to last round so people would stay tuned. I thought Sergio dominated most of the rounds with his combos.

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