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Green Demon

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Posts posted by Green Demon

  1. I am hoping that the Browns jump in and try and get Bush eventually if he is sitting around for a while. I already am happy with the draft so far getting 3 guys that were or should have been 1st round picks and all postions of need as well. For the rest of the draft for the Browns I hope that they adress the DL with a couple of picks and then just take the BPA the rest of the way.

    I realize that the Quinn trade could potentially be a steep price depending on where the Browns finish next year but the Browns would just be drafting a QB next year anyways so esentially they are taking that QB now and giving a year to learn the system. Along with that outside of Brohm and possibly Henne there really isnt a guys that I would clearly want ahead of Quinn so in the end I think the trade works out.

  2. Wow I am pretty happy with the way things have turned out so far we got a LT that should be able to protect the QB very well for the near future and now we actually have a QB for the LT to protect. Kinda steep price to more up into the 1st round but it is understandable that they paid that price to grab Brady Quinn before another team snatched him up.

  3. I dont know why everyone is so sold on Thomas being the best pick for us they have already put alot of money toward the Oline this year and who is the line going to be protecting. I dont understand what was so bad about Quinn either he didnt win big games but he was far from not performing in them. I would have also liked to see Peterson as well, since if he can stay healthy he is going to be a great running back. I just hope Savage knows what he is doing here and that another draft pick doesnt come back and bite us in the butt.

  4. The thing is though that even if they didnt take Quinn, I really couldnt see the next player they would be likely to take to be Adams. Right now they need some body on offense and it really doesnt matter wheater it is Quinn, Russell, Peterson, Johnson, or even Thomas, thier offense has been terrible the past few years and they do have the potential to be better with Winslow and Edwards but they need another playmaker at QB or RB to help out first. The only way that the Browns go defense in the 1st round is if they trade down, there is no way they are looking at Adams or another defensive player at #3.

  5. I really cant see the Browns taking Gaines Adams, I realize that there D could still use some help and make the young LB corps that they have even better but I would be extremely suprised if they didnt take and offensive playmaker if they were to stay at the #3 pick. If they were to trade down to around the 7-10 pick then I could defiantly see Adams as a possiblility with the offensive guys gone. The order I see things happening for the Browns is Russel - Johnson(BPA if he is there, altough they would likely trade down) - Peterson - Thomas - Quinn.

    On your notes I dont think many people doubt that Gonalez will have a better career as a reciever then Ginn, Ginn just has more use on ST as well and he has the POTENTIAL to be a very good reciever and that why he is higher on draft boards.

    I know alot of Ohio State fans debate that one game put Smith further down in the draft then it should have but I have to disagree. I think that game was actually a good indicator of how Smith would fare in the NFL, since it could be said that Flordia has the most "NFL-like" defense with all of the speed that they have along with alot of future NFL prospects.

    On the actual mock itself, I agree with the first two picks and like it was said Detriot probably wont be the one picking Johnson. I cant see Peterson or Levi Brown falling that far someone would probably trade up to get one of them if they see that they are falling. Branch seems to be in free fall right now and I would be surprsied to see him go in the top 15.

  6. Yeah that is what I was saying I realize that the Warriors have been beating on the Mavs lately but that was just in the regular season and more often then not that doesnt usually traslate into the Playoffs. It will be intresting to see if they Warriors were just a one trick pony or if they can take this series to the limit.

  7. I definatly has been an intresting first two day of games so far with a couple seed upsets but not real upsets in NJ and the Bulls winning and then there are the two games that are closer to being upsets with the Nuggets over the Spurs and the WARRIORS over Dallas, not to many people could have expected that. I know that is only the first games but it already looks like things could be intresting.

  8. Definatly cant say how happy I am that the Cavs were able to pull out the 2nd seed last night. They now get to face the Wizards I belive in the first and they could probably be a sweep and then it is likely onto the Raptors who dont have any playoff experience so far so I dont see them as a huge threat and then it would be the ECF were they could see a variety of teams either the Bull, Pistons or even possibly the Heat anyway it happens the series will probably go on long and the Cavs can be rested atleast this is how I hope it all turns out altough I know it is the playoffs so really anything can happen.

  9. Are you a Pac-man fan or something?

    He has been arrested 3 times in under 2 years for things that I wouldnt consider minor offenses and in no ways has shown that he will not countiue to put himself in situation where he can likely end up in more trouble like the nighclub incident.

    If all he were to get from the NFL was a slap on the wrist do you really think that he would change his ways at all? Obviously he would have no reason to so I think the suspension is warrented, along with that the NFL has an image to uphold and suspending him like they have shows that they wouldnt take likely to arrest that happen off the field espesially with the new commish in office. As far as I am concerned he is lucky that he is just gone for a year he has had a history of "being in the wrong place at the wrong time" and unless he decides to change his ways he wont have much more of a future in the NFL IMO.

  10. Well I know that Blackburn is somewhat followed where I live since Friedal was born in the area and people just followed where he went. I try to catch Reading when they are on over here since they got a couple American players who I like and I like how well the have done this year since getting promoted.

  11. I gotta say that I was pretty suprised to see how many people turned out to the Indians-Angels game, there was about 19000 people there. The game was just decided to be switch there in about the last 24 hours so it was amazing that they were even ready in time. Should probably help all the teams that are involved, Indians and Angels might get new fans and the Brewers may get people that would regularly come to game for regular to come and become fans.

  12. Dont know wheather you may care or not but right now they are showing Man Utd vs. AS Roma on Espn 2 and then Chelsea vs Valencia both games in the UEFA Champions League if you are looking to watch some football that isnt on at 2 in the morning.

  13. Wow they just cancelled the whole rest of the Seattle vs. Cleveland Series and out of the four games they were supposed to play from thursday on they played one but that one didnt even count since it didnt even make it to the entire fifth, granted it was just one strike away from a full game which pissed alot of people around here off. Now there are four games to make up and the teams share only 2 off days. So I just gotta say nice job to whoever scheduled Cleveland to play thier only series at home against the Mariners in the first weeks of April when who knows what will happen with Cleveland weather.

  14. Last time I checked it takes more than muscle to hit a baseball.

    Let us not start that shit again. Yes, it does take more than muscle to hit a baseball; damn good hand-eye coordination and a few other things. But the fact is that players' home run production goes down eventually, not up, and Bonds has been past the point where his home run production should be levelling off or going down, not going up, and he was past that point the year he broke the record. I don't care if you've got the greatest hitting coach who ever lived working with you and are possessed by the ghost of Babe Ruth or Ted Williams (or both), you're NOT going to be hitting a lot more homers per season in your late 30's-40's than you did earlier in your career unless you're cheating somehow. No way. Bonds is either cheating or a freak of nature.

  15. Yeah the US defiantly had some chances espesially at the end of the game but just werent able to put it in. Along with the notes that you mentioned it didnt help that Guatemala was basically coming into this game looking to not lose and showed that by having most of thier team in the box for most of the game when we were attacking. Now along with having little room for error because of the full box, having a bunch of younger guys getting a chance to play for the first time along with some other guys that havent been with the team that long yet it made for some sloppy play and unfinished chances.

    I liked what I saw from Mapp for the part of the game that I was able to catch, he may have been getting pretty well defended but he was able to use his speed a few times and create some chances and he also had the best chance in the game when he just put the ball a foot outside the post near the end of the game.

    I am kinda of dissapointed that the US doesnt have another friendly till June just before the Gold Cup, but with the tournaments this upcoming summer I am defiantly looking forward to seeing how the US can perform against better competition.

  16. I dont think he will be a flop, I mean I realize that he wasnt able to come up big in the big games very often but you cant put that all on his shoulders. The numbers that he was able to put up still were impressive and he should be able to atleast be a quality QB in the NFL.

  17. For anyone that really cares I was able to find the goal highlights from the Ecuador game on youtube so if anyone wants to see basically Donovon's three goals here they are Goal highlights . I gotta say that the last goal was pretty impressive for me but I just hope that he countiues his play more then anything.

    Next up tommorrow is Guatemala for the US, and it really should be just a game where Bradley will be able to experiment a bit more then he has been in the past few games since we should be able to beat Guatemala fairly easily. I am hoping to catch the game but since it isnt on till 9 tommorrow night that might be a bit hard to do.

    I know that there were alot of fans over here hoping for Jurgen Klingsmen as the next US coach but since he has turned down the job I hope that they give Bob Bradley a chance since it seems like the team has been developing well under him so far and he still hasnt lost a game, not that it matters much since it has just been friendlies. This summers tournaments will likely what his future is based on and I am hoping that he sticks around.

  18. I am not really expecting much from Lewis this season that is why I am figuring that the Browns will probably still draft Peterson. Lewis is only going to be here for one season for one thing and we would have a good two back system to go with and defiantly bring ourselves out of the bottom of the league in rushing where we have been since we came back into the league. I would be surprised if the Browns take Thomas to be honest since they already have alot of money locked into the Oline and that would be another big deal for a linemen when I would rather see a quality skill postion player that will help us right now.

    This draft should be really intresting with as of now no one really focusing on just one player other then maybe the Raiders and Russel but that isnt a done deal yet so who knows. There could be lots of trades going on on draft day and lots of places that different players could end up, so it will be intresting to see what happens.

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