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The Mask of Norro

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Posts posted by The Mask of Norro

  1. EDIT: And what's all the talk about the Wii "forcing" us to buy extra controllers? I've bought one Classic Controller, and MotionPlus since I got the console shortly after it came out. I've never seen any need to rush off and buy any others.

    Never said forcing. I said it's more apparent. The Wii is a multiplayer system by and large, very few single player games keep people coming back to the console quite like the 360 or PS3-- that's not to say single-player games that make the Wii worthwhile don't exist, though. It's just that you're more likely to need more than just one set of WiiMote & Nunchuk than you are to just need one 360 or PS3 controller.

    It's definitely not forcing anything on anyone and, again, I'll defend the pricing of Nintendo's controllers because they aren't any more overpriced than any other controller on the market. It's just that what stands out about them is that they're still priced at the same range, when it's more than likely you'll need at least two, if not four Wiimotes and Nunchuks on average for the Wii than you would on any other console.

    The need for that many controllers is more common on the Wii than any other system, and that's when the price becomes a pain for people.

    EDIT: Matz, then you could have said that line about any company's controllers, not just "Nintendo controllers are never cheap." Fact is, no controllers ever are, but I highly doubt Nintendo is going to ramp up the price on this one in particular.

    You have to remember, the tech and hardware behind these things is actually becoming less expensive. Nintendo kept out of the 3D market for so long because they were waiting for the tech to become more accessible to the general public. Will the controllers be up there in price? Probably. Will they be out of reach for most people? Don't really know, but I highly doubt they're going to charge $100 for it.

    • Like 1
  2. Wii-U-007.jpg

    The analog positioning is...weird, to say the least.

    If you put it in relation of actualy holding the tabelt in your hand it´s pritty natural that your thumbs are up there. Think of it more like holding a book.

    Nintendos Controlers never have been cheap Norro. Esp. with Wii it felt like they tryed to regain the low cost of the console with the pricing of WiiMote and NunChuck. You still pay about 50€ for that these days, i higly doubt a WiiU controler will be far less than 100€.

    WiiMote Plus & Nunchuk: $60

    PS3 DualShock SIXAXIS Controller: $55

    XB360 Controller: $55

    PS MOVE Starter Set & Extra Navigation Controller: $125

    Nintendo controllers are roughly the same price as any of the others. It's not that the controllers are expensive, it's that the need of extra controllers are more apparent on the Wii than any other console. Furthermore, the Wii was an accessory-driven system, so of course their larger selection of accessories will bump up the price; however, as a singular unit, Nintendo controllers cost roughly the same as any other controller on the market.

  3. Yeah, the controller is the only iffy thing about the console for me. I mean, I loved the sound of a touchscreen controller (having the HUD on the controller in an FPS would be nice, make the screen less cluttered & easier to cycle through options) but that... that's pretty friggin' big.

    Nintendo's all about competitive pricing though, always seem to have been. All this talk from people about "Oh it's gonna cost so much" is just reminding me of all the talk about the NGP after its features came out. "TWO TOUCHSCREENS?! IT WILL COST SIX-HUNDRED AMERICAN DOLLARS." Yes, the controller does seem expensive, but you can bet Nintendo's more likely to try and cut costs for consumers on something like that to stay competitive in the market.

    I dunno. The announcement of the Wii was initially met with both skepticism and excitement. This seems to be the same. I have to say that as far as this year of E3 is concerned, Nintendo took it once again for me. The line-up of third party games for the next system, and the implied first-party games coming for it (NEW SMASH BROTHERS OH GOD YES) have me more excited for a gaming system than I have been in a very, very long time.

  4. From what I could tell, it's actually a brand new console Matzat. Otherwise why would they tout its backwards compatibility? New console, but the main focus is the controller, pretty much the same as when they announced the Wii originally if I remember correctly.

    I mean come on, they're not gonna start making developers excited over a fucking accessory that works with a system that's in the past generation vs. the accessory's slick new graphics and all. They're going to design a brand new console to go with it.

    In other news, Norro now has to buy a 3DS, a PSVita and, most importantly, a WiiU (God, that name) in the next two years. Soooo much money, nevermind the games... I CAN'T WAIT! :w00t:

  5. "Kinda meh" he says... the show was fantastic and the character development was awesome. I care not for your tastes, sir!

    Though I have to say that I'd be pissed too if I didn't know that that last episode had an epilogue. All that build-up and the way they ended it, had they not included that bit at the end, would have ruined the ending for me entirely. Absolutely loved how they wrapped things up though.

    Also, try Claymore for a dark anime. Lots of action and good pacing, albeit the manga was a fair bit darker than the show. Still though, I definitely enjoyed it and I know a few others here have sang its praises before I believe.

  6. Metroid. I've always thought, even after Metroid Prime Trilogy and Other M, that if we ever get to see a 1080p high definition Metroid game, it would be one of the most graphically beautiful games ever made. Their style has always been ahead of the curb in my opinion, and they even pushed the limits with Other M, but... I'll always want more when it comes to that franchise, and I'd love to see a real HD Metroid more than anything.

    Aside from that? Starfox, Legend of Zelda, F-Zero, FFVII, MGS... and hell, you know what? I agree with Lint, I want HD Battletoads, because that game was the shit as a kid. Double Dragon wouldn't be so bad either. Mother/Earthbound, Star Tropics... shit, really, a lot of Nintendo classics would be amazing. But, again, this is me wanting full high res, not Wii "high res"... I would absolutely love seeing them in their full 1080p glory.

    • Like 1
  7. So guess who just bought Mass Effect 1 & 2 today? Norro's finally going to get to play the series!

    ... eventually, anyway. I'll probably get to it after I play through my other games I've had on my little mini-queu. Picked up Borderlands GOTY for the PS3 with them today, too, so yeah... lots of games to play. Only thing is with the two Mass Effects I still need to swap them at one of our stores. I'm really OCD about my game cases and CDs, if they're not in pristine condition I rarely buy them, and ME1 didn't even have its book, I only bought it because I had a deal on it. Going to switch it soon, then add it to my library :D

  8. I remember in Elementary school how fucking vivid those Pokemon rumors got sometimes. Something about how in R/B there's a way to unlock Togepi and get its evolutions, because it was reserved for a special event but you could use a glitch to obtain it. Then when you had that you taught its last form fly and you'd be taken to some sky world when you used it ala Mario, and you'd encounter a few "preview Pokemon" from the next gen just chilling out there in cloud patches. Snubbull, Pikablu, etc.

    Doubtful that that was a particularly popular urban legend, but it's one that I'll always remember because like two kids in my class insisted that they'd done it but never brought the games in to prove it, for obvious reasons.

  9. You know, I was looking at the trophies for this thing after I finished unlocking all the fatalities and alternate costumes and... holy fuck. Beating Story Mode got me a silver trophy, but if I were to somehow get the trophy for conquering the ladder mode on expert without using any continues, it's only a fucking bronze?! How the fuck does that make sense?


    I just booted up Minecraft to mess around in my world and it said there were updates to download. I thought it was just some minor patch or something, but the first thing that happens when I open my world is I get a prompt to open my inventory, and immediately get an achievement for doing so. Time to fiddle around and see what else I can find... this should be fun.

  11. I've just read through a bunch of pages in this thread and not understood a damn thing anyone has said. I'm just gonna stick to Yellow, all this new shit seems complicated.

    ... you realize, at its core, nothing has really changed drastically, right?

    I played R/B/Y and G/S/C and then stopped playing Pokemon ever since until B/W. I tried the ones in-between but couldn't get into them for some reason (hated Gen III, was okay with Gen IV). Fact is, these new games are fantastic-- easily the best I've played since the first two generations-- and they're really easy to jump into.

    All the complicated "new shit" are optional things anyway. You could train your Pokemon the old fashioned way, or you could breed the best and do all kinds of shit to make the ultimate Pokemon killing machine. It's optional. It's not like you're going to care about taking it to tournaments or online or anything anyway, so what does it matter how you play? And the musical things in B/W are optional... I completely skipped over it myself. If you can't get into these new games because they're too complicated then I really don't understand how you could say that Yellow is even playable :shifty:

  12. It's the danger of centering an entire television show around one character. Nathan deserved it yes, he was easily the funniest one of the crew; however, Sheehan backing out of a third season means the popularity of the show is more than likely going to tank, and to be honest I just don't see anyone filling the shoes Sheehan's leaving behind. I won't be going into the third season expecting not to like it-- by all means, I'm giving it its chance because I want to see where they run with Simon and Alicia-- but damn it all, it needed Nathan!

  13. ... Sheehan has been confirmed as not returning for the third series. Word is they're replacing him with a character called Rudi or something. I don't know. I just know that Nathan is no longer going to be on Misfits and that sucks so fucking hard it hurts.

  14. Futurama seems to be a constant for me in terms of shows on there. I also just got done watching Mystery Team-- as I mentioned on my last status update-- which was the weirdest movie I've ever seen an absolutely brilliant all the same. They could really stand to get more of their DVD-only queu set to instant though... there's a lot of things on there I'd love to watch if they were available for instant streaming. Instead I have to wait for them to get the damn DVDs out which, right now, is taking forever because Lorina and I found The Secret World of Alex Mack DVD but it's currently checked out by someone already. That drives me nuts too, if they run out of the DVDs on harder to find shows then you're basically stuck waiting for the people to return it.

    But yeah. Other than that, Mythbusters is great to have available, I've watched some Last Airbender again to get myself hyped for Korra when it comes out... the anime selection on Netflix is decent but honestly nothing compared to what most other websites have already, which isn't too surprising.

  15. Using your Story Arc analogy applies more to what I suggested than a reboot, Tristy.

    Story Arcs happen within the same continuity. Art is different and writers change... characters change with the different people working on them, but they happen within the same continuity. Which is exactly what I said they should do. Keep going from here. They don't have to make movies that are the same as what Nolan's done, but what's the point in scrapping it all and starting over?

    Same continuity, different style films... I don't see why that would be such a bad thing. It's just like Tristy said... just like comic books.

    But that's just it: that's not "just like comic books". There are at times damn near close to a hundred different continuity chains for a single character. Take Spider-Man for example: you have Sensational Spider-Man, Ultimate Spider-Man, and many, many other different tellings of the same character, same universe, but with different outcomes to situations and different events happening that change the perspective and direction of the character's life. Story Arcs may happen within the same continuity, but one character can have multiple continuities, none of which relating to the original. Characters change with the people working on them, yes, but they do not always happen within the same continuity.

    As for me, I say if they want to keep making Batman movies, don't continue Nolan's. The point of scrapping it all and starting over is to give a fresh, different, untold perspective on a character we've (or rather, will hopefully have seen) a successful trilogy of within the last decade. We don't need another telling of Batman's origins-- we got that already, the movie-going public will already know where he came from. Make a movie that's outside of the Nolanverse for Batman, but make it continue Batman's story as if we've known him all along (because we have). Doesn't have to reintroduce him, just tells his story from a different direction, different world entirely.

    Nolan's works don't need to be potentially cheapened by milking a franchise off of what he's done that's been successful. Let future Batman movies stand on their own rather than banking off of his work, I say. And again, that would follow more into the comic book industry's footsteps: a change of direction, a change of artist/writer... a new universe to explore in. This isn't a different "Story Arc", it's a whole new story entirely, a different universe for the Batman we've always known. That's what would work the best, I think.

  16. I spotted one off the coast of one of the neighboring landmasses to my island home. Was pretty unexciting since I only got to watch it walk around for a few moments before it disappeared into the darkness.

    Found a bitchin' cave today off on a nearby part of one of the neighboring landmasses, too... enough diamond for me to make two picks and still have some left over. Enough gold to make a block for my entrance and still have some left over. Tons of iron, coal, lapis lazuli and redstone. All-around an awesome cave system that I'm still not done exploring yet because of how freaking massive and easy-to-get-lost-in it is. Seriously, this thing's tunnels won't stop coming. I've seen lava pools big enough to make me think I fell through the world and into the Nether or something, and waterfalls flowing onto these things from underground springs to form natural obsidian. I can't wait to see how many other resources this place has.

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