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The Mask of Norro

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Posts posted by The Mask of Norro

  1. Thinking about it, it makes sense. Up until the Milk Boy thing she'd been acting weird with him and all. Was bound to happen that he'd follow her back like he did over the power thing, and when you break that down, it pretty much would have followed the same pattern. I've just got a feeling that with the Simon/Alisha thing, Simon was going to find out regardless of how that happened. Oh, speaking of Milk Boy-- easily one of my favorite villains of the series so far.

    There's a lot of options for the third season too. Jesus might not be dead-- could have gotten Nathan's immortality-- and for all we know the powers might have went back to their owners when the person they've been transferred to dies. And I mean hell, future Simon told Alisha to never let the current him find out about him, and yet there he is, finding out about himself. In any event, the point is there's a crazy number of options coming out of it. As always, when you're dealing with time-traveling, continuity always gets fussed up.

    So yeah, I finished Season 2 last night. So damn good. SO DAMN GOOD. I hate that now I have to wait until the end of this year to get more Misfits because damn it, I want the third season right now :(

  2. Nathan and Simon are my favorites as well. Right now I'm waiting to watch Episode 5 of Season 2, going out to a friends for the day but when we get back Lorina and I are probably going to watch it. She's already finished Season 2-- like I said she's the one that got me into it-- but through her second viewing of them she's picking up things I guess she didn't the first time through.

    Nathan's power is so damn appropriate. I've also noticed though that the intro spells out everyone's powers except for his. When we see Nathan walk past, the shadow of a wolf follows after him. With Simon, his shadow disappears as he passes a pillar. Curtis is running and when he looks back, his shadow starts going backwards. Kelly's got these wavelengths that flow into her head, Alisha's got wavelengths that flow from her body. They all connect except for Nathan's, and I'm trying to figure out what that's about. Like, after I found out his power I thought it just represented death chasing after him but never catching him, but then it could also mean he's just a lone wolf (which would be weird, considering the significance of everyone else's shadows), but I really don't know.

    Oh and one last thing: time-traveling Simon is fucking phenomenal. I don't know how the hell he got there but damn was he great while he lasted.

  3. MisfitsIntertitle.png

    Anyone else following this series? Lorina got me into it and I've pretty much been hooked since the first episode. It's funny as hell, it's an excellent mix of different television genres all-around, and I was surprised to note that it wasn't being talked about all that much around here. Definitely my favorite live-action series at the moment though, I'm only partway through Season Two at the moment but I've loved every episode thus far. Speaking of, the episodes are roughly 40 some minutes long, and damn do they pack a lot of content into one.

    If you haven't gotten into the series, I'd strongly recommend giving it a try. I'd explain what it's about, but I was pretty much brought into the first episode blind and not knowing what to expect, and pretty much enjoyed it more because of it. It's a UK Television series though so you may need to do some digging to try and watch it, but it's well worth it (Y)

  4. I like the little things you need to do like kill a guy a certain way to get full marks on a mission but I fucking despise it everytime it gives you a "recieve no damage" one. When there's fifteen fucking guys and they only attack me whilst I'm in the middle of an execution animation how the fuck am I supposed to stop myself from taking any fucking damage?

    Time your counter-kills in the middle of a kill. I know it sounds odd, but if you time it right Ezio speeds up a bit to push away the guy he just shanked and he turns to answer the attack of the guy behind him. You just have to be fast, because if you mess up the timing on it you'll get hit and the whole thing gets fucked up.

    They're not that difficult really, it's the fucking tank mission being "take no damage" that's outright bullshit. Despise whoever thought that'd be a good idea.

  5. The tank isn't disappointing, it's just that getting 100% sync with it is next to fucking impossible.

    Still, I absolutely adore this game. Got the Collector's Edition, worth every penny. Haven't touched the multiplayer yet but will when I beat the game and 100% it like I usually do with Assassin's Creed. Very easily my personal game of the year right now.

  6. Talia al Ghul would be a great female villian for the final film, but in order to really do the character justice you would need to build her up over the duration of all three of the films to do her justice.

    Right. To do her justice. We got that.

    For her justice.

  7. I'm cool with a request popping up in a thread like this, but just letting you guys know there's always the Request Subforum to conduct them in. Plus, if you're up for the additional practice and workload it'd give you, Kirkland, we're always more than happy to see threads started up in there by designers looking to fulfill people's requests.

    That being said: I like your work! It needs a lot of improvement, granted, to stand out on their own as designs, as right now they definitely do show their "learning the ropes" colors. That said, they remind me a lot of some of my old work when I was starting to come into my own as a designer on EWB a long time ago. You're showing a lot of potential, just never be afraid to push your boundaries and work outside your comfort zone. Try some tutorials to get some more abstract design experience in, that's what got me moving in the right direction. Whether or not you'd consider design as an eventual profession or just a small-time hobby, the fact is that it's definitely fun to create and I could see you going further with this in time and with lots of practice. Keep it up!

    • Like 1
  8. So without going into too much dialogue on it because it's late and I'm tired, I'll just go ahead and make my anime recommendation for... well, whatever week or month we're on now since my last one.

    Angel Beats. It's 13 episodes long, but it's easily the most fulfilling anime I've ever watched with such a small number of episodes. This anime had everything you'd want somehow neatly packed into 13 episodes without feeling too rushed, without leaving out anything overly important, yet still somehow mixing such a wonderful blend of comedy, action, drama, character development, and so much more. Seriously, just... it was so damn good. I absolutely cannot recommend it enough.

    So yeah. Watch it. I'm telling you people, if you skip out on seeing it you're missing out on a very, very good anime. I'd leave a general run-down of the story and all but truth be told, episode one breaks things down almost immediately. I'd just dive right in to be honest.

  9. So Lorina introduced me to a new slice-of-life style anime that's been coming out as of late called Kuragehime. Reminds me of the Wallflower meets Ouran meets, well, I don't really know. It's just awesome. The cast so far has been charming and well-developed, albeit very... well, very different. So far there's only two episodes out, but it's amusing enough that I think we'll be following it as it comes out each week.

  10. What... the... fuck?

    I would've been so pissed off had I have got to end game for that to happen.

    Yeah, I had no idea I was a gatekeeper. I had a gameplan prepared to try and drive as far into the finale as I possibly could, and I'd been targeting people I was certain were in the mob the whole time in the event a tracker followed me. Really went through a lot of effort to cover my steps and play a strong Serial Killer game, and then endgame hits and I find out I didn't need to, all I had to do was coast.

    To be fair, since I believe it was burny who was running it, I think it was his first game. Served as a good lesson for him not to make a role like that and he won't in the future hopefully. Me, I'm not gonna complain about winning, but I have to say that it's not exactly the most glorified of wins for me to be honest. If there was a way to, I'd honestly recommend docking points off a Gatekeeper style win, because I in no way feel deserving of the number of points that indy win got me, and I'm sure MEG-- I think it was MEG, anyway-- didn't either when he won as the first Gatekeeper. I can't complain about the points, but I definitely think I deserved less than that :P

  11. http://moviesblog.mtv.com/2010/09/23/most-excellent-exclusive-alex-winter-confirms-bill-ted-3-is-on-the-way/

    Don't know how official the planning is but when you have Bill and Ted themselves saying that it's happening, you know it's likely happening. I don't know why, but honestly, if this is all true and really going to go down... I am so fucking happy. Everything about it screams that it could go terribly, terribly wrong, but the idea of a third movie after all these years is most excellent and I cannot say I wouldn't go see it.

    Though how the hell a third Bill and Ted movie would go, considering it would be them in their adult years, is beyond me. I'd assume it'd chronicle the success of the Wild Stallions, but... yeah, I really don't know. Still, would totally go see this.

  12. 1. We Love Katamari

    2. Tetris

    3. Pac-Man

    4. Alex Kidd In Miracle World

    5. Streets Of Rage 2

    6. Space Invaders: Infinity Gene

    7. The Secret Of Monkey Island

    8. Dungeon Keeper

    9. Killer7

    10. Earthbound

    ....so, yeah. Games made in the past decade can suck a dick, for the most part :shifty:

    ... but your number one game was made in 2005 :huh:

    Unless of course this is why you said "for the most part", in which case confusion withdrawn.

    Also, burny, quite a few of us have played on all those consoles and more. It's hard for all of us. Nut up and make your damn top ten anyway, I'm still not even sure my top ten is a proper top ten for me, but I bit the bullet and ran with it :shifty:

  13. ... this is fucking tough.

    1. Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)

    2. Assassin's Creed II (PS3)

    3. Final Fantasy X (PS2)

    4. Assassin's Creed (PS3)

    5. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)

    6. Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3)

    7. Final Fantasy VII (PSX)

    8. Super Paper Mario (Wii)

    9. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney -- Justice for All (NDS)

    10. Okami (PS2)

    Still not sure about this list, but whatever, it was tough enough to come up with as is. I have a hard time discerning what my favorite games are in numerical order, for the most part I just group them together under "favorite games" with no real hierarchy. This all being said, I'll leave a special note for Soldat, a PC game that I spent many a year of my life playing in dedication. It was free, but donating gave you cool bonuses, and I have to admit, it was incredibly fun. Kind-of miss it actually. Civ IV was another game that almost made the cut, too. Well, to be honest, quite a lot of games nearly made the cut. Like I said, just making this list down to ten was hard enough <_<

  14. I preferred Phantom Hourglass. Spirit Tracks felt so... restricting, I guess is the word I'm looking for. Unlike Super Mario Galaxy 2, which took up where Super Mario Galaxy left off and made it feel like a legitimate new game using similar mechanics but building on them, Spirit Tracks just... it felt like a clone of Phantom Hourglass. Like, most Zelda games offer something different from each other, which is why I love the franchise, but Spirit Tracks was a complete rehashing of Phantom Hourglass in the worst kind-of way.

    Also, Zero, you'll be happy to know I just beat Metroid: Other M today. I'll let the honeymoon period fade before I write a proper review, because right now I'm still caught up in how fucking spectacular I feel the effort on this game was. Took me a long time to beat it, but then that was because I took my time with the game and looked for as much as I could, and I was spreading my play time out over the span of a few weeks. Total playtime counted by the game at the end of it was just shy of 10 hours total, so if you marathon'd this game it could be beaten in a day, just like God of War III. That being said though, the story, the ending, and even despite what I've read other critics saying, the gameplay... everything about the game I honestly loved. Again though, I'm waiting for awhile before truly writing anything on it because it could just be me getting swept up in the post-game finale bliss and all that.

  15. I watched a couple of first season episodes, it's alright but I can't stand laughtracks. Do they ever do away with it?

    ... they don't use a laughtrack, pizza. They do the show live. Obviously they use a lot of takes and whatnot, but there's no actual laughtrack. They've even got pictures up of their live audiences :P

    I realize that it doesn't change the fact that you're listening to people laugh during the show and all, but still. Much better than your standard laughtrack, which can get repetitive and annoying as all shit when used.

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