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Posts posted by RKOwnage

  1. I may be completely looking past something, but, who(and this is under the assumption he died) killed Tony Soprano?

    I loved the second half of S6, the penultimate episode was just such a great setup, definatly one of my favorite epis. I was pissed to see Bobby get such a big sendoff, I loved the character, but it just felt kinda disappointing that Bobby died that way while Chris just...died.

  2. Benny was my favorite minor character on the show. His mini-feud with Artie was great. I wish he would've been the one to do it. Although I knew how Phil was going to die. I hate living in New Jersey, my brother's friend saw it happen and he told me. They saw it from far away, so they thought it was Benny who killed him, too.

  3. I don't see exactly what you mean with the New York war. The capos were getting annoyed with Phil because he was isolated completely and was telling them hardly anything. They eventually just decided 'forget it' and sanctioned a hit on him to end the war. Not to mention, business was bad for the Soprano crew, so it couldn't have been great for theirs either.

  4. I thought it was so stupid what they did with him in the finale. After weeks of buildup with terrorism, the website, and then he wants to join the Army. After seeming so determined, Tony just goes 'I'll get you a job with movies' (or something like that), AJ just goes 'Alright, thanks!' and that's the end of that. Pointless.

  5. I think my favorite episode of the series as a whole was The Blue Comet, the second to last episode. With the death of Bobby and the incapacitation of Silvio, it set the stage for the last episode perfectly. The last scene of that episode, with Tony lying down in bed with the gun Bobby gave him was one of the most chilling moments of the series for me. When I think of the Sopranos, that's one of the images that comes to mind.

    I also thought the ending was brilliantly done. David Chase's idea was perfect. Of course we all wanted closure, but not everything in life gets closed up. I think Tony lived, personally, but no one really knows. Chase did his job perfectly. His job wasn't to make the viewers happy, he shocked everyone. He got people talking about his show. He did it perfectly IMO.

    Oh, and I still think they should've recreated Cleaver, with Christopher coming back to kill Tony with his cleaver for a hand, if it was confined to a dream sequence.

  6. Actually, I'm sorry, Season Six part 1 was the low point of the series. How could I forget about that fat bastard Vito. Couldn't they have just killed him right at the start instead of dragging out his gay storyline for so long?

    Pine Barrens was the only highlight of the 3rd season, episode-wise. Everything else had its bits and pieces, like pretty much every Ralphie scene, but other than that there was nothing.

    DISCLAIMER: I am not homophobic, nor do I discriminate against gays, I just hated that storyline <_<

  7. Until the Sopranos, I never really thought Steve Buscemi could play a serious role. (I hadn't seen him in Reservoir Dogs, still haven't actually, but I'd only seen him in Adam Sandler movies and the like) This show proved me wrong. I thought it was cool how they tried to keep him straight for a while until his inevitable return to the family. He might have been the biggest loose cannon on the show, besides of course Ralphie and maybe Richie.

    Oh, and the biggest low point of the series was clearly the season with Jackie Jr.

  8. As mentioned in another thread, EWB clearly needs a Sopranos thread. Despite the fact that the series has run its course, it's still fun to talk about, so let's go <_<

    I can't believe they killed Christopher the way they did. I always thought he would go down like the maniac he was perceived to be, like Scarface or something like that. It would've been so awesome, although I always love a good surprise like it was that night.

    I put spoilers in the topic title because some people may have not seen the entire series.

  9. Also, I've been listening to a few new bands, what do you guys think of them?

    Sigh - 7/10

    You need to listen to more Sigh, seriously. "Gallows Gallery" is one of the most innovative metal albums of the 21st century, and their other stuff isn't much further behind. How you can arrive at 7/10 for such an excellent band is beyond my comprehension - they are the most accessible "black metal" act out there.

  10. Rocket Queen woulda been awesome.

    I'm not sure what to do, the 80s one comes out for PS2, and the true 3rd one comes out for the 360. I only have mone for one of them (since I'd have to get two different controllers)

    If it wasn't for Dio, it'd be an easy decision.

  11. Best album this year has been Symphony X - Paradise Lost. Closely followed by 3 Inches of Blood - Fire Up the Blades

    Also, I've been listening to a few new bands, what do you guys think of them?

    Pain of Salvation - haven't heard enough/10

    Sigh - 7/10

    Amon Amarth - 8.5/10

    Angra - 9/10

    Chimaira - 6/10

    Dark Tranquility - 8/10

    Russell Allen/Jorn Lande - 8/10

    Savage Circus - 8/10

    Side note, Dio owns your soul.

  12. I beat this game last week...I agree, excellent game.

    In regards to your question...

    In order to get past that part, take the path around the hill where Pestilence (the statue) sits. There should be a huge bunker with a front door that doesn't open. Kill any guys you can through the space in the bunker, then use Creeping Dark to get inside the bunker. Kill anyone inside, then open the door so you can walk through.
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