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Posts posted by RKOwnage

  1. Tuesday, March 2nd, 2001

    I was in my hotel room in Newark, drinking a bottle of water while watching "Good Morning America" on the television. I was looking for the weather so I could decide whether to wear a jacket to the gym today. As I was awaiting the weather forecast for New Jersey, my cell phone rang. It read John Corso.


    "Hello, Charlie. I was just calling to tell you next Monday is gonna be Break on Thru. You know how to get to the arena right?"

    "Yeah, I'm good, I looked it up last night."

    "Alright, well then I'll see you there. Good luck in your match."

    "Thanks John."

    We hung up and I continued to watch the television.

    30 Minutes Later...

    I arrived at the gym, ready to work out. It was still pretty chilly out, so I brought a light jacket with me. I entered the gym and I didn't see anyone I knew from CZW in sight, nor Mike Calabrese. I got everything set up and I walked over to the treadmill. After doing a bit of stretching for warmups, I set the treadmill for level 6 out of 10 and began to jog a bit. As I was exercising, I had on my headphones for my CD player, and "Livin' on a Prayer" by Bon Jovi was the track playing. I quickly zoned out to the music until I heard someone calling my name a few minutes later. I turned my head and saw that it was Claude "Ruckus" Marrow. I stopped the treadmill and turned to face him.

    "Yo man, I heard Dahmer was try'na get in your face."

    "Yeah, but it was kinda my fault it happened. Why?"

    "You shoulda knocked that fool out, he always be hatin' on the new guys. Same shit happened to me."


    "Yeah he think he the shit just because he been here since CZW started. But one day he gon' get in someone's grill and they gon' knock his ass out."

    "I didn't wanna hit him. He's close with Corso, it would've cost me my job. And that's the last thing I need right now."

    "Man, if he say any more shit to you, you let me know, I'll pop that bitch ass myself."

    "Nah, I deal with my own problems."

    "A'ight man, but you ain't comin' cryin' to me when he says shit to you and you ain't do nothin' about it."

    Ruckus walked away, seemingly annoyed, leaving me wondering...

    What did Dahmer do to him that he hates him so much?

    IPB Image

    More WWF/WCW Cuts

    by The Man

    Back in January, both the World Wrestling Federation and World Championship Wrestling had huge roster cuts that took the dead weight off of their roster. Well, they're at it again, many more faces gone from these two promotions, and here they are:



    Doug Basham

    Kevin Fertig (Seven)

    Maven Huffman

    Scott Vick

    Jesús Saldaña (Mr. Aguila)

    Mark Henry

    Dave Bautista (Leviathan)

    Steve Lombardi

    John Cena (The Prototype)

    Chris Chetti

    Danny Davis

    Harvey Wippleman

    Gerald Brisco

    Jack Doan

    Kevin Kelly

    Debra McMichael

    Jim Duggan

    Mike Sanders

    Bryan Clarke

    Shawn Stasiak

    Frank Paris (Air Paris)

    Kevin Sullivan


    Gene Okerlund

    Jimmy Hart

    Mike Tenay

    The "Thank God" award goes to WCW getting rid of that fat, lazy, untalented piece of garbage Jim Duggan. His act got stale 10 years ago, and yet they were continuing to shove him down our throats. Now that he's gone, maybe they'll use that time for more young up and coming wrestlers -- if they had any left.

    That leads me into the "WTF" award. This also goes to WCW for releasing Mike Sanders and Shawn Stasiak. After all this hype for them being the new blood of WCW, they just release them along with their running mates Mark Jindrak and Sean O'Haire a couple of months ago. Wow.

    Until next time, this is The Man, telling you to stay tuned for my next article.

  2. the FOTORC mod is good if you use some of the pics and data from the TEW mod. The only downside is all wrestlers in game have generic movesets, but I believe they are working on custom movesets, it's just a time consuming task.

    havent tried DOTT yet but I hear it rocks if you are an old school wrestling fan.

  3. IPB Image

    September 24th, 2006

    On Sunday, September 24th, 2006, TNA Wrestling will present to you No Surrender, live from the iMPACT Zone in Orlando, Florida!

    IPB Image

    The main event of No Surrender will be Ron Killings taking on Jeff Jarrett for the coveted NWA World Heavyweight Championship. A few weeks ago, "Slick" Johnson told Jeff Jarrett that he would be facing Killings at this Pay-Per-View by order of the face of TNA management, Jim Cornette. Killings was able to pick up a huge victory over Scott Steiner on the September 14th edition of iMPACT, but the champion and his bodyguard got the momentum heading into No Surrender by attacking Killings with a chair to end last week's show. Will Jeff Jarrett retain the belt, or will Killings overcome the odds and become the new NWA World Heavyweight Champion?

    IPB Image

    This is the fallout of a friendship gone sour. It all started on the first iMPACT of the new year on January 1st. Christian Cage announced that he and Sting would take on Monty Brown and Jeff Jarrett at Final Resolution. They would win that match, and at the next Pay-Per-View, Against All Odds, Christian Cage would capture the NWA World Heavyweight Championship from Jeff Jarrett. Fast forward to Slammiversary. King of the Mountain match. Sting attempted to help Christian retain, but they ended up miscommunicating and Jeff Jarrett ended up winning the title. At Hard Justice, it was Sting going up against Jeff Jarrett for the title, but Christian bashed Sting over the head with the champion's guitar! Christian then explained that he was not on Jarrett's side and wanted a shot at his title! Jim Cornette then announced that it would be Sting vs. Christian Cage and the winner would face the champion at Bound For Glory!

    IPB Image

    Back at Hard Justice, Samoa Joe stepped in the ring with both "The War Machine" Rhino and "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown. The undefeated "Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe was able to walk away with the victory after putting Monty Brown through a table. The next week on iMPACT, Monty Brown once again fell to Samoa Joe. The week after that, Samoa Joe offered a respecftul challenge to Rhino, since he did not pin him. Rhino accepted, and as Rhino was being unfairly beaten by Homicide of LAX, Joe came down to the ring and helped him rid of the menaces that are Konnan and Hernandez. Joe said that he did respect Rhino, but he wouldn't take it easy on him at the PPV. Will Samoa Joe keep his undefeated streak intact, or will "The War Machine" Rhino be the one to finally end it?

    IPB Image

    This is a hardcore matchup everyone in the wrestling world has been looking forward to for a long time. Raven had been scouting Abyss starting the night before Hard Justice. The 6'8 monster's manager, James Mitchell, noticed this and called him out on an episode of iMPACT! Raven accepted the challenge, and then the next week, Raven interfered in the match Abyss had against Samoa Joe! The following show, James Mitchell announced that the encounter at No Surrender would be in a 10,000 Thumbtack match! Will Raven be able to withstand the pain of stepping in the ring with the monster, or will Abyss beat him to a pulp?

    IPB Image

    This rivalry has been brewing for a little over a month now. Last month at Hard Justice, it was the Latin American eXchange taking on then champions, AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels, for the NWA World Tag Team Championships. Styles and Daniels got out of there victorious, but the champions accepted a challenge issued to them by the bitter Konnan and LAX. On that same night, Chase Stevens won a fourway #1 contender's match for the Naturals to participate in the title match. The following week, LAX defeated Styles and Daniels for the championships, but they used their rematch clause for No Surrender! Two weeks ago on iMPACT, the former champions evened the odds by adding a manager, X-Division pioneer Jerry Lynn, to combat Konnan and Shane Douglas! Who will come out on top this Sunday?

    IPB Image

    Kevin Nash has been parading against the X-Division for the last three months or so. His main phrase has been "Size Does Matter." But the team of Chris Sabin, Sonjay Dutt, and Jay Lethal took him on, along with his friends, Alex Shelley and Johnny Devine, collectively known as the Paparazzi. Nash defeated Sabin at Slammiversary, but Sabin defeated Nash's partner Alex Shelley (a sub for Nash) in an X-Division #1 contender's match. Sabin would go on to lose his title shot against Senshi thanks to Nash, and that set up this rematch. No one is allowed at ringside for either man, and this time, will Sabin be able to defeat the much bigger Kevin Nash, or will Nash prove that size does matter?

    IPB Image

    Like Christian Cage and Sting, this is a friendship gone wrong. After years of teaming together as America's Most Wanted, having won the NWA World Tag Team Championships six times together, they both snapped on each other after a recent losing streak. The straw that broke the camel's back was an AMW loss to the team of Shark Boy and Norman Smiley. After that match, each man blamed the defeat on the other and they came to blows before being pulled apart. The following week, Chris Harris came out along with Gail Kim to apologize to James Storm. They shook hands, but Gail landed a low blow onto Storm and Harris began to beat him down. On the next episode of iMPACT, James Storm attacked Harris from behind as he was explaining his actions. The following week, Harris said that if Storm attacked him from behind again he would press charges, but Storm told him that he couldn't sue if there was a contract signed, and that's exactly what happened! This Sunday, it will be James Storm vs. Chris Harris in their first match against each other in history!

    IPB Image

    Senshi has held the X-Division championship since the week following Slammiversary, and thus far, no one has been able to dethrone the martial artist. He has been running rampant through the X-Division roster, but at No Surrender, he has to defeat not one, but two people to retain his championship, Petey Williams and Shark Boy. If one of them pins the other, Senshi will lose the championship, and this puts the champion at a big disadvantage. Will Senshi be able to retain over two of the X-Division's finest?

    Buy No Surrender on Pay-Per-View to witness TNA history in the making!

  4. IPB Image

    Three Way: AJ Styles vs. Chase Stevens vs. Homicide

    The camera faded in and the fans in the iMPACT Zone in Orlando, Florida were going wild as Mike Tenay and Don West welcomed everyone to the show. Immediately, the theme of LAX hit and the first match was set to begin. Homicide came out along with his partner Hernandez and manager, Konnan. Konnan and Hernandez stopped at the ramp and Homicide raised his belt before giving to Konnan, who went backstage.

    David Penzer: The following three-way matchup is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing in at 220 pounds, he is one half of the NWA World Tag Team Champions, HOMICIIIIIIIIDE!

    Homicide stepped inside the ring, waiting for his opponents. The Naturals' theme hit and the member of the Naturals who won them the #1 contendership in the first place made his way out to the ring in Chase Stevens, along with Andy Douglas and Shane Douglas. The Douglas's patted Stevens on the back before letting him go and walking backstage.

    David Penzer: Making his way to the ring, accompanied by Andy Douglas and Shane Douglas, from Nashville, Tennessee, weighing in at 220 pounds, CHAAAASE STEEEEVENS!

    Stevens and Homicide were exchanging words in the ring as the referee tried to maintain order before the match even began. "I Am" hit and AJ Styles made his way out to the ring to complete this three-way matchup. Chris Daniels and Jerry Lynn stopped at the top of the ramp with him, as the other teams did.

    David Penzer: And their opponent, from Gainesville, Georgia, weighing in at 215 pounds, he is THE PHENOMINALLL AAAJJJ STYYYLES!

    AJ Styles got inside the ring, and once the bell rang, all hell broke loose. It started out as a three-way brawl, but then Stevens and Styles formed a bit of an alliance and began to use double team moves on the Latin-American. They whipped him into the ropes, and on the rebound, they hit a double dropkick. After Homicide crawled out of the ring, Stevens whipped Styles into the opposite ropes. On AJ's rebound, he flew over the ropes into a plancha onto Homicide! When they both got up, Stevens catapulted himself over the ropes onto them! They brawled on the outside a bit until they were all in the ring. Late in the match, Homicide and Stevens were alone in the ring and Homicide was able to hit the Gringo Killer! He made the cover, but Styles SOMEHOW broke it up! Stevens rolled out of the ring as Homicide and AJ were at their feet. Homicide went for a standing clothesline, but Styles ducked. Homicide turned around and Styles kicked him in the stomach and got him into a piledriver position, lifted him up and hit the Styles Clash! He rolled him over and the referee counted to three!

    After the match, Styles celebrated in the ring, having gotten the momentum heading into No Surrender! Chase Stevens was visually disappointed as he slammed his fist on the ground, extremely unhappy.

    Winner: AJ Styles

    Next, Tenay said there was something going on backstage and that the cameras were about to switch back there. When the camera went backstage, Raven and Abyss were seen brawling all throughout the backstage area. James Mitchell was holding a small bag as Abyss threw Raven through the tunnel leading to the ring. They brawled all down the ramp, slamming each other into the guard rail and ring apron, before they ended up in the ring. Raven went for the Raven Effect, but Abyss had other ideas. He grabbed Raven's foot and hit a massive clothesline! Mitchell opened up the bag and emptied thousands of tiny thumbtacks all over the ground! He commanded Abyss to "destroy Raven." Abyss lifted Raven up, but Raven almost instinctively kicked him in the stomach and hit him with the Raven Effect, planting the 6'8 monster into the thumbtacks! Mitchell couldn't believe it as Raven yelled at Mitchell "That's what you're gonna see at No Surrender!" The fans went wild as Raven left the ring and headed backstage with Abyss on the ground in a pool of thumbtacks, in extreme pain.

    X-Division Championship: Senshi © vs. Elix Skipper

    After a commercial break, the music of the Diamonds in the Rough hit the PA system and Elix Skipper came out for his big chance to make an impact on the X-Division once more. He looked to capture the X-Division championship for the first time in his career against Senshi.

    David Penzer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the X-Division Championship! Introducing first, the challenger, accompanied to the ring by Simon Diamond and David Young, from Atlanta, Georgia, weighing in at 228 pounds, PRIIMETIIIIME ELIIIIX SKIPPERRR!

    Skipper got in the ring as Diamond and Young went to ringside. The theme music of Senshi played and the martial artist made his way out to the ring, X-Division championship on his shoulder. He looked as focused as ever as he stared in at his former Triple X teammate, Elix Skipper.

    David Penzer: And his opponent, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing in at 180 pounds, he is the current X-Division champion, SEEENSHIIIIIII!

    Senshi got in the ring and handed his belt to the referee. Tenay and West hyped the history between these two men as they stared at each other and circled the ring. Senshi went for a hard kick to Skipper's ribs, but Elix caught it and shook his finger, saying "no" and then gestured to his head, saying "I'm too smart for that." Out of nowhere, the champion whipped his other leg around and hit an enzuigiri kick onto Primetime, scrambling his brains! He made the cover, but only got two. A couple of minutes later, Senshi was going for the Warrior's Way, but Skipper quickly got up and hopped to the second rope. He quickly locked Senshi's head between his legs and hit a hurricanrana from the top rope! He hooked Senshi's leg as he made the cover, but the champion kicked out! Skipper couldn't believe it, and neither could David Young or Simon Diamond on the outside! Skipper picked up Senshi and he went for the Play of the Day, but Senshi rolled through before he could hit it. Senshi turned around and hit Skipper with a spinning heel kick. Elix got right back up and was kicked in the stomach. Senshi got him in a suplex position and hooked his leg. He hit a Fisherman's Suplex and went to the top rope. David Young got up on the apron, but Senshi kicked him off, and Young landed onto Simon Diamond! Senshi quickly jumped off the top rope onto Skipper, hitting the Warrior's Way! The referee counted as Senshi covered for the 1, 2, 3!

    Senshi was handed the X-Division championship and he celebrated with it as the Diamonds in the Rough looked steamed on the outside! They went backstage as Senshi celebrated his victory!

    Winner: Senshi ©

    The camera went backstage where Jeremy Borash was standing outside the office of Jim Cornette.

    Jeremy Borash: Hello, I'm Jeremy Borash, and I'm standing outside the office of the face of TNA management, Jim Cornette. I was told to come down here, but I'm not quite sure why yet--

    All of a sudden, none other than Kevin Nash walked out of the door! The fans booed as Borash began to question him.

    Jeremy Borash: Kevin Nash has just come out the door! Kevin, what went on in there?

    Kevin Nash: You wanna know what I was talking to Cornette about? Well, it's gonna be official. Come Sunday at No Surrender, we're gonna see the match that was supposed to happen at Hard Justice. But due to the timing of my knee injury, that was unable to happen. This Sunday, it's gonna be that no talent piece of trash Chris Sabin taking on none other than yours truly, the greatest wrestler ever to grace the X-Division, "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash! And this time, everyone will be banned from ringside, so Sabin can't have his little buddies Dutt and Lethal helping him out and trying to beat me so it's three on one.

    Jeremy Borash: But, you had Alex Shelley interfere for you so you could beat Chris Sabin at Slammiversary!

    Kevin Nash: What the hell are you talking about? I won that match fair and square! You know what, just for cutting me off, you deserve to get your ass kicked! But you know what, since I'm in a good mood, I'm just gonna do this.

    Nash knocked the microphone out of Borash's hand, and pushed him backwards into the wall behind him. He then tossed him off the screen and picked up the microphone once more.

    Kevin Nash: See ya Sunday, Chris!

    Nash walked off the screen as the show went to a commercial break.

    When iMPACT returned, the fiery redhead Christy Hemme was backstage (filling in for Jeremy Borash) and she was standing by with none other than Samoa Joe.

    Christy Hemme: Hello, my name is Christy Hemme, and I'm backstage along with the undefeated Samoan Submission Machine, Samoa Joe! People have been asking all week, what exactly is this statement you've been talking about concerning Rhino?

    Samoa Joe: Not only have people been asking me that, but they've also been asking me why I helped Rhino last week. I've already explained that. I have respect for the man. He's a former ECW Champion, two time ECW Television Champion, but most importantly, he's captured the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. And when he won 3 matches in one night at Bound For Glory 2005 to do it, he gained my respect. Last week, he was getting cheated out of a victory, and I have no respect for guys like that. Homicide, Hernandez, Konnan, they all use underhanded tactics, but me? I beat them to a bloody pulp. And that brings me back to Rhino. My statement tonight is that even though I helped you last week, it's not gonna be the same come Sunday. We can be friends outside the ring, but don't expect me not to go all out at No Surrender. I'm gonna do the same to you as I've done to all my opponents here in TNA. And that's physically dominate you until you have no choice but to give up. And I'll do that...with the utmost respect for you, Rhino. See you Sunday.

    TNA iMPACT Main Event: Ron Killings vs. Christian Cage

    The camera flashed away with Joe's face looking extremely serious and focused. Tenay and West hyped Joe vs. Rhino at No Surrender, but then switched to the main event here tonight, Christian Cage and Ron Killings. Christian's theme hit and he came out to a lot of heat.

    David Penzer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is your TNA iMPACT main event for tonight! Introducing first, from Toronto, Canada, weighing in at 227 pounds, CHRISTIAAN CAAAGE!

    Christian made his way down to the ring, looking very serious, even moreso than the Christian Cage we usually see. He got inside the ring and the music of Ron Killings played. The rapper/TNA wrestler made his way to the top of the ramp as he danced to his theme and encouraged the fans to sing it.

    David Penzer: And his opponent, from Charlotte, North Carolina, weighing 230 pounds, RON "THE TRUUUUTH" KILLINGS!

    Killings slid in the ring and he and Christian immediately began to brawl. The two fired punches back and forth at each other, and Killings was getting the advantage. He whipped Christian into the ropes and hit a clothesline. Christian got up and went for a clothesline himself, which was ducked, and Killings hit a spinebuster onto Cage! Then, out from the heel entrance ramp came Jeff Jarrett. He and Scott Steiner pulled up two steel chairs and sat down, discussing the matchup. Killings looked down at them and continued staring and yelling at them. Meanwhile, he had taken his eyes off of Christian, who rolled him up, and the referee counted, but Killings was able to kick out before three! They both got up and Christian went for the Unprettier, but Killings pushed him into the ropes and hit a forearm to his back! Later on in the match, Christian had the momentum for a good three minutes and Jarrett and Steiner looked on, looking content with the flow of the match. He hit a huge reverse DDT, before he went to the top rope. He posed a little bit at the top rope, before he pointed to Jeff Jarrett, motioning for the NWA World Title. He jumped off and went for a frog splash, but Killings moved out of the way! Jarrett got startled and saw that Killings was going to get the momentum back, so he ordered Steiner to come with him. They both picked up their chairs and re-folded them. Both men made their way down to the ring and Killings tried to fight them both off, but as he was going after Jarrett, Scott Steiner slammed the steel down hard onto his back! Killings writhed in pain as Jarrett landed another chairshot to his back as the referee called for the bell!

    After the match, Christian Cage started to get some shots in, but the lights went out! Don West once again sounded like he was about to wet his pants as the lights came on and Sting was in the ring! Steiner ran at him with the chair, but Sting punched him in the stomach and took the chair from him. Jarrett ran at him and he kicked him in the stomach, before smashing the chair over the back of the NWA World Champion! Christian had already run for the hills as Sting hit Steiner with the chair and pointed down to Christian Cage to get back in the ring! Christian kept walking backstage as Sting stood tall and the final iMPACT before No Surrender came to a close!

    Winner: No Contest due to Jeff Jarrett interference

    iMPACT! Results

    TNA iMPACT Main Event

    Ron Killings vs. Christian Cage went to a no contest

    X-Division Championship

    Senshi © def. Elix Skipper

    AJ Styles def. Homicide and Chase Stevens in a three-way

  5. IPB Image

    September 21, 2006

    On the final iMPACT before No Surrender, there will be a Pay-Per-View caliber main event! It will be Christian Cage taking on Ron "The Truth" Killings live in the iMPACT Zone this Thursday night! Both men want to get their hands on their respective No Surrender opponents, but Jim Cornette has stated that he isn't allowing that until No Surrender, so these two men will clash in the iMPACT Zone on Spike TV!

    In an excellent preview match for No Surrender, we'll see AJ Styles taking on Chase Stevens of the Naturals and Homicide of LAX in a three-way contest! LAX lost the encounter last week, having been run off by both of their opponents at No Surrender! Can Homicide get revenge for last week, or will Stevens or Styles get the momentum for their respective teams going into No Surrender?

    Last week, we saw Samoa Joe help his No Surrender opponent, Rhino, defeat Homicide of the Latin American eXchange, but at No Surrender, those two will be stepping in the ring with each other. This Thursday on iMPACT, Samoa Joe will have a statement to make going into No Surrender!

    Tune into iMPACT on Spike TV at 11 PM EST Thursday night to get your weekly 60-minute adrenaline rush!

    On The Horizon:

    TNA iMPACT! Main Event

    Ron Killings vs. Christian Cage

    AJ Styles vs. Homicide vs. Chase Stevens

    Samoa Joe's statement

  6. IPB Image

    X-Division Three Way: Chris Sabin vs. Alex Shelley vs. Kazarian

    After Mike Tenay and Don West finished their introductions, this edition of iMPACT began with quick X-Division action. The music of Chris Sabin hit and he made his way out from the face ramp. The fans cheered him as he made his way to the six-sided circle.

    David Penzer: The following three-way matchup is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Hell, Michigan, weighing in at 215 pounds, CHRIIIIIS SABIIIIN!

    Sabin got in the ring and waited for his two opponents. First out was the tag team partner of "Maverick" Matt Bentley. Kazarian made his way out to the ring to some cheers, but not as big of a pop as Sabin got.

    David Penzer: Making his way to the ring, from Palm Springs, California, weighing in at 217 pounds, KAAAZARIANN!

    Kazarian got in the ring as Alex Shelley's theme hit. The paparazzi came out to the ring and set up his camera so it was facing the ring to tape the action.

    David Penzer: And their opponent, from Detroit, Michigan, weighing 210 pounds, ALEEEEX SHELLEYYY!

    Shelley got in the ring and the bell was rung. This was your typical X-Division match, nothing too special. Shelley hit some quick moves on Sabin, before Kazarian pushed him off and got involved. He hit some spin kicks and dropkicks on Shelley, before Sabin bounced off the ropes and hit a running enzuigiri. About a minute later, Kazarian and Shelley ended up outside the ring and Sabin hit off the ropes. He rebounded and flew over the ropes, hitting a plancha onto his two opponents! Once everyone got back in the ring, Alex Shelley was dropkicked straight back out by Kazarian. He was looking for the upset and went for the Wave of the Future, his swinging reverse STO, but Sabin broke out of it and kicked him in the stomach hard. He then got him up on his shoulders and crossed his legs. Sabin hit the Cradle Shock and made the cover to win the contest!

    Sabin celebrated after the match as Shelley seemed annoyed on the outside. The fans went wild as the X-Division action came to a close.

    Winner: Chris Sabin

    Backstage, Jeremy Borash was standing by along with "Wildcat" Chris Harris and his manager, Gail Kim.

    Jeremy Borash: Hello, I'm backstage along with "Wildcat" Chris Harris and Gail Kim. Chris, what do you think of James Storm attacking you from behind last week?

    Chris Harris: We were best friends for so long, I think he's a little heartbroken that I've moved on and left him in the dust. But assaulting me from behind isn't the way to handle things, James. If you hit me from behind one more time, I'm gonna press charges and sue your ass! So--

    All of a sudden, James Storm walks on the screen, beer in hand and his cowboy hat on his head. Borash steps back in order to get the mic in front of Storm.

    James Storm: Chris, you don't want me attacking you from behind anymore? Well guess what, old buddy, I just came from Cornette's office, and it's all gonna be legal at No Surrender! Because on September 24th, ME and YOU are gonna be in the ring together. And Chris, there's no way in hell security's gonna be able to stop me from beating the hell out of you at No Surrender.

    Storm walked off as Harris had a mix of shock and anger on his face. Gail Kim was in shock as well, and Tenay and West hyped the meeting of the former best friends at No Surrender!

    Rhino vs. Homicide w/LAX

    After a commercial break, the music of the Latin American eXchange hit and the Hispanics made their way down to the ring. Homicide was getting ready for singles action against Rhino. Konnan went down to ringside and pushed Don West and Mike Tenay out of the way. He sat down at the announce table and put on a headset.

    David Penzer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by fellow LAX member Hernandez, he is from Brooklyn, New York, weighing in at 220 pounds, he is one half of the NWA World Tag Team Champions, HOMICIIIIIDE!

    He got in the ring and the music of "The War Machine" Rhino began to play. The fans went wild as he came out of the face ramp. He pointed down at Hernandez, telling him not to get involved.

    David Penzer: And his opponent, from Detroit, Michigan, weighing in at 270 pounds, he is The War Machine, RHIIINOO!

    Rhino slid in the ring and Homicide didn't back down. Konnan put LAX over on commentary and said Rhino didn't stand a chance against Homicide. Homicide gained the upper hand early and showed some nice brawling skill. Konnan said Homicide learned how to fend for himself in the streets of Brooklyn and Rhino's finding that out tonight. Inside the ring, Rhino was getting a bit of momentum with punches, but since he was near the ropes, Hernandez grabbed his foot, and Rhino kicked him off. He threw Homicide to the ground and yelled at Hernandez, while Konnan was praising the efforts of LAX. Rhino turned around and Homicide dropkicked him to the ground. He made the cover for a two, and picked Rhino up. Rhino started to fight back again and reversed an Irish whip. Homicide came back and was hit with a back body drop. As Rhino began to build some momentum, Samoa Joe was spotted at the top of the face ramp, seemingly scouting his opponent for No Surrender. Late in the match, Rhino was setting up for the Gore when Konnan got up from the announce table and tried to get near the ring, slapjack in hand. He was stopped by none other than Samoa Joe, who tossed him into the security gate. Hernandez had gotten in the ring to try and stop Rhino from hitting the Gore, but Samoa Joe slid in and jumped on his back. Hernandez fell back and Joe locked in the Coquina Clutch as Rhino hit the Gore on Homicide for the win!

    After the match, Samoa Joe and Rhino met in the middle of the ring, but LAX attacked! Hernandez and Homicide beat down Samoa Joe, while Konnan took out Rhino with his slapjack! Hernandez then switched over to Rhino, and Konnan got his shots in whenever he could. Tenay and West, headsets back on, said how unfair this 3 on 2 assault was, when all of a sudden, AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels made their way down to the ring along with Jerry Lynn! Styles took out Homicide, while Daniels went after Hernandez, and Lynn sent Konnan away with a chair! At the sight of the chair, Konnan fled the ring along with LAX, and as they backed up the ramp, they turned around and were faced by the Naturals along with Shane Douglas! Konnan and LAX quickly jumped over the guard rail and started running backstage through the crowd! iMPACT faded to a commercial with the Naturals, Styles, and Daniels chasing after them!

    Winner: Rhino

    After the show came back, Jeremy Borash was standing by with Abyss and James Mitchell. He was obviously intimidated by Abyss, as he kept looking at him nervously.

    Jeremy Borash: Hello, once again I'm Jeremy Borash, and I'm here with James Mitchell, along with Abyss.

    James Mitchell: Raven thought it was smart to interfere in Abyss's match last week, and he's gonna pay for it in two weeks at No Surrender. Because Raven, I just talked to Jim Cornette, and you and Abyss are going to be fighting in a match with absolutely no rules. You want to experience the excruciating pain that occurs when you step in the ring with my 6'8 Weapon of Mass Destruction? Well, you're gonna find out, because at No Surrender, it's going to be Abyss vs. Raven, and there's gonna be a small stipulation. There will be 10,000 little thumbtacks inside a sack at ringside. The match only ends by pinfall, but I'm sure with you two it won't end before one of you has suffered ampoule pain. *evil laugh* Raven, this match spells nothing but trouble for you, because if you make one wrong move, *click* DOOMSDAY!

    James Mitchell let out an evil cackle and walked away, Abyss behind him. Borash looked shocked, and the camera went back to Tenay and West. West was screaming, as usual, and hyping the 10,000 thumbtack match at No Surrender!

    Bobby Roode vs. Jerrelle Clark

    After West was done having a seizure over Abyss vs. Raven, the theme music of Bobby Roode hit and the fans booed as Roode came out from the heel entryway, along with Traci Brooks. He walked down the aisle and did the same entrance as last week, complete with Traci taking his robe and bringing it to ringside.

    David Penzer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Standing in the ring to my left, from Orlando, Florida, weighing in at 180 pounds, JERRELLLLE CLARK! *crowd pops for Orlando being mentioned* And his opponent, from Toronto, Canada, weighing 230 pounds, accompanied to the ring by Traci Brooks, BOBBYYY ROOOODE!

    The match got underway with Clark trying to go right at Roode, but after a reversed Irish whip, it was basically over right from the start. Clark bounced off the ropes and was hit with a spinebuster from the former Canadian Enforcer. Roode picked apart the master of the 630 and finished him off in about four minutes with the Northern Lariat.

    After the match, Roode stood in the ring and was announced the winner as Traci put his robe back on him and the two walked out, victorious for the second week in a row. After that, the show went to a commercial.

    Winner: Bobby Roode

    After the show came back, the music of Christian Cage hit and he made his way out to the ring to a chorus of boos. He got inside, but not before getting into a bit of an argument with a fan on the way down. Christian took a mic once he was inside the ring and started talking.

    Christian Cage: Wow...I don't understand this. You people are booing me. I came out here to talk about my match with Sting and you people immediately boo me. I'm doing you people a FAVOR by getting rid of Sting. The Sting you people know and love, is nothing but a fake! I'm gonna prove that at No Surrender when I finally drive him away from this business once and for all! It's not even about getting the NWA World Title back anymore, this is personal! Sting, I want you to get out here right now and we won't wait til No Surrender!

    There was a pause, before the music of Sting hit and Don West once again sounded like he was about to wet his pants. The lights went out and Sting appeared in the ring as they came back on! He and Christian Cage immediately began to brawl, with Christian getting the upper hand. Sting would block a punch and he had Christian reeling after a few shots to the face. As Christian was near the ropes, Sting hit a clothesline and knocked Christian Cage over the top rope as the fans went wild! Cage had a tantrum on the outside as Sting pointed at him from the inside and the show went to a commercial break!

    Scott Steiner w/Jeff Jarrett vs. Ron "The Truth" Killings

    As the show came back, "What's Up" played and Ron "The Truth" Killings made his way out to the ring. As he was encouraging the fans to sing along to his theme music, Scott Steiner jumped him from behind along with Jeff Jarrett! The two stomped him down and finally picked him up after about twenty seconds. They both threw him into the guard rail and then picked him up and rolled him in the ring. Without introductions, the bell rang and Steiner continued his beatdown. Killings was like a rag doll inside the ring as Steiner was directed by Jarrett to "kill him." Steiner used all types of illegal chokes, accompanied by power moves. But Killings would not give in. Steiner got frustrated and backed the referee into a corner after about the fourth near fall. As he turned around, however, he was hit with a kick to the face by The Truth! Killings then began to build momentum and Jarrett got up on the ropes! Killings knocked him off and then turned around to hit a clothesline on Steiner. Late in the match, Jarrett slipped a chair in to Steiner. He went to hit the Truth with it, but Killings kicked it straight back in his face and made the cover. Before Jarrett could break it up, the referee counted to three and Killings was announced the winner!

    After the match, Killings rolled out of the ring as Jarrett was irate and Steiner was out cold. The show faded to black with Killings motioning for the title belt.

    iMPACT! Results

    TNA iMPACT Main Event

    Ron Killings def. Scott Steiner w/Jeff Jarrett

    Bobby Roode def. Jerrelle Clark

    Rhino def. Homicide w/LAX

    Chris Sabin def. Alex Shelley and Kazarian in a three-way

  7. IPB Image

    September 14, 2006

    This TNA iMPACT will be a memorable show. In the main event tonight, we'll see the number one contender to Jeff Jarrett's NWA World Championship, Ron "The Truth" Killings, go one-on-one with Jarrett's bodyguard, Scott Steiner! Jarrett always has something up his sleeve, will that come into play here, or will the #1 contender send a message to the champ?

    Both Sting and Christian Cage will be live in the iMPACT Zone this week, and both will probably have some more comments about the #1 contender's match at No Surrender. Christian has spoken about himself being the savior of TNA, and Sting doesn't really care. What will go down inside the iMPACT Zone in Orlando, Florida this week?

    Last week, Abyss was close to planting Samoa Joe onto thumbtacks, but Raven came out and ended up causing Abyss's plan to backfire, hitting him with a Raven Effect onto the tacks! Abyss was on the ground with Raven standing over him as iMPACT came to a close. What will James Mitchell have to say about Raven leaving Abyss down and out?

    This week, Rhino will be going face to face with one half of the NWA Tag Team Champions, Homicide! The Latin American eXchange will no doubt be at ringside, and will be looking to get involved at any chance possible. Will Rhino be able to overcome the odds, or will LAX pick up another huge win?

    Tune into iMPACT on Spike TV at 11 PM EST Thursday night to get your weekly 60-minute adrenaline rush!

    On The Horizon:

    TNA iMPACT! Main Event

    Scott Steiner vs. Ron Killings

    Rhino vs. Homicide w/LAX

  8. IPB Image

    The atmosphere was electric as another episode of TNA iMPACT was set to begin. Mike Tenay and Don West welcomed the television audience to the show, and Jeff Jarrett's theme hit, drawing heat from the crowd. He made his way down to the ring in street clothes with his NWA World Title over his shoulder and Scott Steiner at his side. He got in the ring and got a microphone.

    Jeff Jarrett: Cornette! Jim Cornette! Get out here, I want an explanation! What makes you think Ron Killings is good enough to challenge for MY NWA World Heavyweight Title? The last time he was spotted he was getting his ass kicked by LAX at Victory Road! So why is he all of a sudden a challenge to my title?

    "What's Up" hit and Ron "The Truth" Killings made his way out to the ring with the fans singing to his music. Killings got the crowd going before he began to talk into the mic.

    Ron Killings: Jeff Jarrett, you wanna know what Cornette sees in me? He sees a TWO-TIME NWA World Heavyweight Champion, and he sees a competitor with the heart and determination to make that a THREE-TIME NWA World Champion!

    Jeff Jarrett: Well you know what, Killings? I'm willing to give you a shot to prove that to me, and so next week here on iMPACT, how about you, Ron Killings, get in the ring with Big Poppa Pump!

    Tenay and West explained how big of a match that would be on iMPACT as the fans cheered. Killings waited a moment before speaking again.

    Ron Killings: I've just got two words to say to that. YOU'RE ON!

    "What's Up" played and Killings stared down at his opponent at No Surrender, Jeff Jarrett, and his opponent for next week's iMPACT, Scott Steiner, standing in the ring, as TNA faded to a commercial break.

    Chris Sabin, Jay Lethal, & Eric Young (w/Sonjay Dutt) vs. The Paparazzi & Petey Williams (w/Kevin Nash)

    When the show came back, it was time for some fast paced X-Division action. "Hail Sabin" hit and Chris Sabin, Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt, and Eric Young (wearing his Don't Fire Eric shirt) made their way down the face entrance ramp. Eric Young looked as paranoid as ever as Sonjay tried to calm him down and help him focus on the match.

    David Penzer: The following six-man tag team contest is scheduled for one fall! On their way to the ring, they are CHRIIIS SABIN, JAAY LEEETHAL, AND ERIC YOUUNG!

    Sonjay Dutt walked around to the outside of the ring as Sabin, Lethal, and Young got inside it and waited for their opponents. The Paparazzi's music hit and out came Alex Shelley, Johnny Devine, Kevin Nash, and Petey Williams. The Paparazzi posed at the top of the ramp, while Williams kept walking, shouting insults into the crowd.

    David Penzer: And their opponents, they are "The Canadian Destroyer" PETEEY WILLLLIAMS, along with Alex Shelley and Johnny Devine, THE PAPAAARAZZI!

    Nash told Shelley and Devine his plan for the match and The Paparazzi slid into the ring along with Petey Williams. Nash walked around to shout at Sonjay Dutt, who was ready to attack him, but Lethal and Sabin slid out of the ring to prevent it from happening. Sabin got back up on the apron as Lethal got in the ring and he would be the one to start against Petey Williams. They went at it for a little while, with Williams taking control, locking in an arm wringer, and tagging in Alex Shelley. Shelley went to the top rope and jumped off, landing an elbow onto the outstretched arm of Jay Lethal. Shelley kept the beating coming and Irish whipped Lethal into one of the six corners of the ring. Lethal quickly jumped up the turnbuckle and did a backflip off of it, landing into a moonsault press onto Shelley! Lethal tagged in Sabin and he unleashed a quick attack on Shelley. Sabin hit kicks to his thighs, before attempting a kick to his stomach, which Shelley caught. Chris Sabin then jumped and swung his free leg around, hitting an enzuigiri! Shelley crawled over and tagged in Johnny Devine, as Sabin tagged in Eric Young! Young went at it with his former Team Canada teammate and as Petey Williams and Alex Shelley tried to get involved, Sabin and Lethal ran them out of the ring. As Williams and Shelley looked at them, Sabin and Lethal simultaneously hit off the ropes and hit planchas onto their opponents! Johnny Devine was shocked inside the ring, and Eric Young rolled him up to get the win!

    The team of Sabin, Lethal, and Eric Young were announced the winners and Sonjay Dutt got in the ring to shake Young's hand. Dutt outstretched his arm and Young reluctantly reached his arm out and shook his hand. Sabin and Lethal got in the ring and shook Eric's hand as well as the camera flashed away.

    Winner: Chris Sabin, Jay Lethal, & Eric Young

    A video package played recapping the events that took place between the former partners in America's Most Wanted, Chris Harris and James Storm. After it was done playing, AMW's music played and Chris Harris made his way out to the ring, wearing street clothes, along with Gail Kim. They were booed as they approached the ring and they yelled insults into the audience. Harris got in the ring and got a microphone.

    Chris Harris: Last week, you guys saw our master plan take effect when we beat the HELL out of James Storm. He was my best friend for a long time, but I knew it was all over when we lost those Tag Team Titles. Let me take you back to Slammiversary. Roll the footage.

    Up on the screen, James Storm was seen hitting Chris Harris over the back of the head with his beer bottle, followed by Styles hitting a frog splash and Daniels hitting the Best Moonsault Ever and making the cover to win the belts. It then went back to Harris, looking very unsatisfied.

    Chris Harris: As you can see, the loss was far from my fault. And that's why Gail and I decided to final--

    All of a sudden, the fans began to cheer as James Storm had hopped over the security rail and slid into the ring. He attacked Harris from behind and began to pummel him with lefts and rights. The fans went wild as Gail Kim tried to pull him off, but he shoved her away. He kept pounding on his former partner until referees and security pulled him away for the second week in a row! Gail Kim knelt down beside Chris Harris to see if he was alright as Storm was swinging his limbs wildly, trying to break free, but was unsuccessful. The camera faded to black with the fans going wild.

    AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels vs. The Naturals w/Shane Douglas

    After the show came back from a commercial break, the theme of The Naturals hit. Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas made their way down to the ring, accompanied by their manager, "The Franchise" Shane Douglas.

    David Penzer: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall. Making their way to the ring, accompanied by the Franchise, Shane Douglas, weighing in at 440 pounds, they are THEEE NATURALLLLLLS!

    After the Naturals got in the ring, "I Am" hit and the former NWA World Tag Team Champions, AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels, made their way out to the ring. They walked down to cheers from the crowd.

    David Penzer: And their opponents, at a combined weight of 425 pounds, they are the team of AAAAJ STYYYLES AND THE FALLEN ANGEL, CHRISTOPHERRRRRR DAAANIELS!

    Styles & Daniels stopped at the top of the ramp and Daniels got a microphone from someone standing by.

    Christopher Daniels: Now, before this match starts, I'd like to introduce the man who will be managing us to victory at No Surrender. You might know him, Franchise. He is a former 2-time X-Division Champion here in TNA. And he is also a former ECW Heavyweight Champion. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, JERRY LYNN!

    Jerry Lynn came out and shook hands with both men, before the trio walked down to the ring. Lynn got on the outside as Styles and Daniels both went inside the ring. The bell was rung and AJ Styles clashed with Andy Douglas in the ring. Douglas started off with some quick moves and tried to be quicker than Styles, which didn't work after Styles was hit with a clothesline and kipped up into a hurricanrana on Douglas! Styles hit some springboard moves over the course of the next few minutes, before he went for the Pele kick, which Andy Douglas moved out of the way of! He then locked in a Boston crab on The Phenominal One. Christopher Daniels broke it up by running in and hitting a snap reverse STO onto Andy Douglas! Chase Stevens tried to get in the ring, but the referee stopped him and Daniels slid out. Both legal men crawled towards their corners, and both made the tag! Stevens and Daniels went at it in the middle of the ring, but The Fallen Angel took Chase down with an STO. He tried to lock on a Figure Four, but out came the Latin American eXchange! Hernandez pulled Styles off the apron and began to beat him down, while Homicide went around to the other side and started to strike Andy Douglas! The bell was rung while Daniels and Stevens looked confused until they saw their partners being beaten down!

    Meanwhile, Konnan nailed Shane Douglas over the head with his slapjack! As Daniels tried to get Hernandez off of Styles, he jumped onto him and Hernandez caught him. Hernandez ran forward and rammed his back straight into the ring apron! Jerry Lynn tried to get in Konnan's face and Hernandez took him out as well, throwing him into the steel security gate! On the other side of things Homicide was demolishing Chase Stevens by throwing him into the ring post! Inside the ring, Konnan had grabbed a microphone.

    Konnan: We just showed all of you gringos WHY LAX are the NWA Tag Team Champions. We took out the top teams in TNA in a matter of moments. These guys just don't cut it when it comes to the cojones that you need when you're in this business. And at No Surrender, it don't matter if you get Bobby Heenan as your manager, it don't matter if you get Slick, all that matters is when it gets down to it, LAX is simply the best team here in TNA. Orale, ARRIBA LA RAZA!

    The music of LAX hit as they left the ring, having made a statement here tonight.

    Winners: No Contest (due to LAX interference)

    Mike Tenay and Don West hyped the history between Christian Cage and Sting, and said that coming up next would be a sit-down interview with none other than Christian Cage! The camera then showed Christian Cage sitting down in a chair, looking into the camera.

    Christian Cage: I've got nothing to explain here tonight. It's already proven that I'm the savior of TNA, and that Sting has nothing to do with it. I was the highest-drawing champion in TNA history! And that speaks for itself. Come No Surrender, when I beat Sting, it will be proven that Sting should be in my shadow, not the other way around. And then I will go on to Bound For Glory and win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship for the second time, and for the second time, I will prove that I am the best wrestler this business has ever seen!

    Bobby Roode vs. Norman Smiley

    The camera went back to the iMPACT Zone, where unfamiliar music hit the speakers and out from the heel entrance tunnel came Bobby Roode, along with his manager, Traci Brooks. He came out with a long robe and he walked down to the ring.

    David Penzer: Making his way to the ring, from Toronto, Canada, weighing in at pounds, accompanied to the ring by Traci Brooks, he is BOBBYYYYY ROOOOOOODE!

    He got inside the ring and Traci followed. Roode stood in the middle of the ring and held out his arms. Traci Brooks stood behind him and removed his robe. As he got in his own corner, Norman Smiley attacked, and the bell was rung. Smiley tried to get an early advantage, but Roode was just too strong and overpowered Smiley. This was your basic squash match, with Roode getting the victory after a Northern Lariat.

    Roode celebrated after the match with Traci putting the robe back on him as they walked to the back.

    Winner: Bobby Roode

    Next, the camera went to a previously taped segment with Sting. Sting was sitting in a chair, looking at the camera.

    Sting: At No Surrender, it's gonna be me taking on Christian Cage. He can talk all he wants about being the savior of TNA, it really doesn't matter to me. The whole reason I came to TNA was because I was sick and tired of Jeff Jarrett running the show. Christian can think I screwed him out of the title, but the only one who screwed Christian Cage...was Christian Cage. He just couldn't get the job done in the King of the Mountain match, and then again at Victory Road in the four-way. He thinks he was in my shadow? You know, at one time I had respect for Christian Cage, but now he's proven that he's just a jealous piece of trash! So come No Surrender Christian Cage, it's showtime, baby!

    TNA iMPACT Main Event: Abyss w/James Mitchell vs. Samoa Joe

    The show went back to the ring and Samoa Joe's music hit, signaling the TNA iMPACT main event. The fans cheered as the undefeated Samoan Submission Machine made his way down to the ring.

    David Penzer: The following contest is your TNA iMPACT main event! Introducing first, from the isle of Samoa, weighing in at 290 pounds, he is the undefeated Samoan Submission Machine, SAMOAA JOOOE!

    Joe stepped in the ring and awaited his opponent. Then, Abyss's music played and he walked out along with James Mitchell. He did his pose at the top of the ramp and fireworks exploded.

    David Penzer: And his opponent, weighing in at 350 pounds, he is the 6'8 Weapon of Mass Destruction, ABYYYSSS!

    Abyss walked down and got in the ring as Joe got in his face without flinching or backing down. The bell was rung and the two began to brawl. This match was nothing more than a brawl, with Abyss actually getting a lot of the shots in. Joe began the match with his stiff punches and kicks, wearing Abyss down but the monster wouldn't be stopped. He hit some power moves on the 290 pound Joe, and wouldn't let up. This was about a ten minute match, and close to the end, Abyss went outside the ring to get a sack near ringside. He brought it in the ring as James Mitchell was directing traffic from the outside, shouting at Abyss to end Samoa Joe. Abyss opened the bag and poured out thousands of thumbtacks all over the canvas! As he was lifting Samoa Joe up, Raven came running down to the ring. He got in and started trading blows with Abyss! The referee called for the bell as the two rivals went at it. Raven was knocking the monster back, and he Irish whipped Abyss into the nearest corner. He followed that up with a clothesline, and then kicked him in the gut and hit a Raven Effect onto the thumbtacks! The fans went wild as Raven stood over Abyss to end the show!

    Winner: No Contest (due to Raven interference)

    iMPACT! Results

    TNA iMPACT Main Event

    Abyss vs. Samoa Joe ended in a no contest

    Bobby Roode def. Norman Smiley

    AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels w/Jerry Lynn vs. The Naturals ended in a no contest

    siX-Man Tag Match

    Chris Sabin, Jay Lethal, & Eric Young def. The Paparazzi & Petey Williams

  9. IPB Image

    September 7, 2006

    This Thursday on TNA iMPACT on Spike TV, the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett will speak on having to face Ron "The Truth" Killings at No Surrender for his NWA World Heavyweight Championship! Killings is a former two-time NWA World Heavyweight Champion, will he get that third title reign, or will Jarrett go onto Bound for Glory as the champion to face either Christian or Sting?

    Both Christian Cage and Sting will also be in the building tonight for interviews about the #1 Contender's match at No Surrender. What used to be a close friendship has turned ugly since Hard Justice, when Christian cost Sting the NWA World Title by bashing his head in with Jeff Jarrett's guitar in a move that shocked the wrestling world! What will their comments be?

    Samoa Joe will look to continue his undefeated streak this week on iMPACT, when he goes up against none other than "The 6'8 Weapon of Mass Destruction" Abyss in our TNA iMPACT main event! Abyss is no doubt a monster, and he will not go down without a hell of a fight. Will Samoa Joe be able to defeat the monster, or will Abyss be the one to end Joe's winning streak?

    Last week it was announced that Bobby Roode would be in action this Thursday! After weeks of vignettes, he will finally make his long-awaited re-debut in TNA! Roode has victories over the likes of Rhino and Ron Killings, who will he get in the ring with this Thursday?

    Tune into iMPACT on Spike TV at 11 PM EST Thursday night to get your weekly 60-minute adrenaline rush!

    On The Horizon:

    TNA iMPACT! Main Event

    Samoa Joe vs. Abyss w/James Mitchell

    Bobby Roode in action

  10. IPB Image

    TNA iMPACT started up with the commentators, Mike Tenay and Don West, welcoming the audience to the show. After the introduction was over, the music of the Latin American eXchange played as the crowd booed wildly at the Hispanics, Konnan, Homicide, and Hernandez. The latter two walked out with their new NWA World Tag Team Championships, and stopped in front of the announce table to boast. West and Tenay yelled at them to get away as Konnan showed off the two title belts his boys were holding. LAX went in the ring and Konnan grabbed a mic, as Homicide and Hernandez showed the belts off to the crowd.

    Konnan: Orale, arriba la raza! Last week, all you gringos saw MY boys, mi familia, Homicide and Hernandez, do exactly what we said we were gonna do. We TOOK what we wanted. We wanted the titles, and we wouldn't be denied. You bitches can say what you want, but--

    All of a sudden, The Naturals' theme hit and Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas made their way out to the ring, accompanied by "The Franchise" Shane Douglas, who walked in the ring and got straight in Konnan's face, but Homicide and Hernandez stepped up and Konnan smirked. Shane Douglas got a microphone and began to talk.

    Shane Douglas: Konnan, you can talk about beating Styles and Daniels all you want, but there's one thing you HAVEN'T done. And that's beat the Naturals. This team is revitalized and refocused. And guess what, Konnan? WE are the number one contenders! You're gonna hav--

    Christopher Daniels: Hold on right there, Mr. Franchise.

    Both LAX and the Naturals directed their attention to the screen, where Christopher Daniels and AJ Styles were standing in front of a door marked "Jim Cornette."

    Christopher Daniels: We just got done talking to Jim Cornette, and we just cashed in on our rematch clause in our contracts! So guess what Konnan? It ain't over! At No Surrender, it's gonna be me and AJ here *Styles nods*, going up against The Naturals AND Homicide and Hernandez! And Cornette told us that was gonna be for the NWA World Tag Team Championships! And just so we don't feel left out, we've already got an agreement with a man who will have our backs in this match so Douglas or Konnan can't get involved. And let's just say he's one of the greatest lightweights of all-time AND a former X-Division Champion! So we'll see you at No Surrender guys!

    Mike Tenay and Don West went wild (this was normal for West) and TNA went to a commercial break.

    Rhino vs. A-1

    The show came back and new, unfamiliar theme music hit the airwaves and none other than A-1 walked out from behind the curtain, sporting black tights with "A-1" in red letters on the back. He came out, getting booed, and he taunted the crowd as he got in the ring.

    David Penzer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Toronto, Canada, weighing in at 257 pounds, AAA-1!

    Rhino's music hit and he ran down to the ring and slid straight in.

    David Penzer: And his opponent, from Detroit, Michigan, weighing in at 270 pounds, RRRRHIIIINOOO!

    A-1 tried to get the advantage, but Rhino fought back. A-1 overpowered him for the first few minutes with slams, and it look like he'd pull off an upset, but Rhino began to fight back. He hit a spinebuster, and lined up in the corner. He waited for A-1 to get up and turn around, before he ran forward and planted him with the GORE!! GORE!! GORE!! Rhino covered for the academic pin and was announced the winner.

    After the match, Rhino grabbed a microphone and ordered for his music to be cut.


    The fans went wild as Tenay and West hyped Rhino vs. Samoa Joe at No Surrender.

    Winner: Rhino

    After that, a vignette was shown. Bobby Roode's highlights played once more and he was sitting down in a chair, wearing an expensive suit. He smirks and begins to talk.

    Bobby Roode: My name is Bobby Roode. You better get real familiar with my face, because you'll be seeing it around a long time. It is my destiny to be the biggest money maker in the history of the business.

    The scene cuts to Bobby Roode rubbing his fingers together to symbolize money.

    Bobby Roode: Not only am I going to be the biggest draw in sports entertainment history, I am going to be the most dominant figure in pro wrestling history!

    The scene cuts to Bobby Roode hitting his vicious Northern Lariat finisher on many of TNA's wrestlers, including Ron Killings and Rhino.

    Bobby Roode: And just like all the greats, like Randy Savage, Andre the Giant, and even The Undertaker, behind every good wrestler, there's a great manager. Savage had Elizabeth and Sensational Sherri later on, Andre had Bobby Heenan, and Undertaker had Paul Bearer. Bobby Roode has someone as well. She's the best wrestler of all the TNA knockouts and will be taking me straight to the top of TNA Wrestling.

    Roode beckons for someone to come to him and onto the camera steps Traci Brooks! Roode smirks again and starts speaking once more.

    Bobby Roode: I reviewed my options, and I saw that James Mitchell, Shane Douglas, Simon Diamond, and all the others just weren't GOOD enough. The only one who will help me realize my potential. Traci Brooks. In due time, you'll see ME, Bobby Roode, DOMINATING TNA Wrestling, and that all starts next week when I'm in action. It's the beginning of an era. The Bobby Roode era.

    Roode and Traci smiled as the camera faded to black.

    Sonjay Dutt & Jay Lethal vs. The Paparazzi (Alex Shelley & Johnny Devine)

    The show came back and Sonjay Dutt's theme music played, as he and his friend and partner Jay Lethal came out to the ring, set for tag team action. Chris Sabin was nowhere to be seen as he was backstage preparing for his X-Division title shot tonight against Senshi, which the announcers hyped for later tonight.

    David Penzer: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, at a combined weight of 410 pounds, they are the team of JAAY LETHAL AND SONJAYY DUTT!

    After that theme stopped, The Paparazzi theme hit and Shelley and Devine made their way out to the ring. Shelley set his camera up in its normal spot, near ringside, and he and his Paparazzi partner got in the ring.

    David Penzer: And their opponents, at a combined weight of 437 pounds, Alex Shelley, Johnny Devine, they are the PAPARAZZI!

    Devine and Lethal started it off quick, hitting dropkicks and all types of flying moves. Lethal connected with a crossbody for a one count, and he got up and hit a jumping hurricanrana on Devine, who immediately tagged out to Alex Shelley as Lethal tagged to Dutt. Shelley came in and Dutt springboarded off the top rope and he hit a spinning heel kick onto Shelley! Later on in the match, with the momentum going back and forth, Lethal went to the top rope and attempted a Diving Headbutt on Alex Shelley, but Johnny Devine ran over and crotched him on the top rope! Dutt tried to get in the ring to get back at Devine, but the referee held him back. Shelley took Lethal off the top rope and kicked him straight in the crotch while the referee was busy dealing with Dutt! Shelley then used a small package and the referee counted Jay Lethal's shoulders down to the mat for three while Devine had ran over to the other corner and tripped Dutt. The Paparazzi celebrated after the match and they left Lethal and Dutt down and out!

    Winners: The Paparazzi (Alex Shelley & Johnny Devine)

    After a few quick commercials, it was time for another segment. America's Most Wanted's theme hit and Chris Harris came out sans James Storm, but alongside Gail Kim. The crowd wasn't sure what to think, as shown by his reaction, but there were mostly boos. He and Gail Kim got inside the ring and Harris grabbed a microphone.

    Chris Harris: James, get out here! I got something I wanna say to you!

    The fans started to cheer a bit as AMW's theme hit again and James Storm made his way out to the ring. He walked with a purpose down to the ring, with no beer, and got inside of it. He got straight in Harris's face, and kept mouthing "What the hell do you want?"

    Chris Harris: I've only got TWO words to say to you. *pause* I'm sorry.

    James Storm, along with the crowd, became confused.

    Chris Harris: Yeah, James. I'm sorry. It wasn't your fault why we've been losing the last few weeks. It was all mine. I'm taking the blame so we can get on with this and go back after the NWA Tag Team Titles. What do you say?

    Harris extened his hand as Gail Kim had a huge smile on her face and the crowd didn't know what to think. Storm thought about it for a little bit and eventually grabbed Harris's hand and the two shook. Harris then raised Storm's hand, but Gail Kim creeped in from behind and delivered a huge low blow to James Storm! The crowd instantly booed as Storm dropped to his knees with Harris smirking, looking very arrogant, standing over his fallen former partner. The crowd booed at Harris and Gail as Harris began to pound down on his partner. He pounded his head in with rights and left Storm bloodied as the crowd was booing and Gail Kim laughed. Harris and Gail were about to leave, but Harris stopped. He walked back to the middle of the ring and lifted Storm up. He picked him up horizontally across his chest and hit the Catatonic! The bloodied Storm was unconscious in the middle of the ring as TNA officials ran down to the ring and Harris and Gail Kim left, surveying the damage they had done. Mike Tenay and Don West were once again going wild as TNA faded to a commercial.

    When the show came back, there was a recap of last week, where James Mitchell told Raven he could either stop watching Abyss's matches or CLICK! DOOMSDAY! After that, Raven was seen with Jeremy Borash, who was standing by with a microphone.

    Jeremy Borash: Hello, I'm Jeremy Borash, standing by in the iMPACT Zone with none other than Raven! Raven, the whole world wants to know what your answer to Abyss's challenge will be!

    Raven: You know, I've been watching Abyss for longer than Mitchell thinks. I've been sitting backstage and scouting him. For about a year now, I've been watching the flawless execution with which Abyss causes pain onto his opponents, like Brother Runt, who doesn't go down without a fight, and even the "Suicidal, Homicidal, Genocidal, Death Defying" Sabu, who he put down in the past. I DO wanna get in the ring with this guy and see if he's got what it takes to beat the master of hardcore. So James Mitchell? I ACCEPT your challenge for No Surrender. Quoth the Raven...Nevermore.

    As usual, Tenay and West hyped the match that had just been made as the music of Chris Sabin hit the arena and he looked ready for his X-Division championship match against the undefeated Senshi!

    David Penzer: The following match is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the X-Division Championship! Introducing first the challenger, from Hell, Michigan, weighing in at 215 pounds, CHRIIIIIIIIIS SABIIIIIIIIIN!!

    Next, Senshi's music hit and he walked out to the ring with the X-Division Championship over his shoulder and an intense look on his face. He got in the ring and handed the belt to the referee. The fans cheered both men as they stood in opposite corners.

    David Penzer: Making his way to the ring, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing in at 180 pounds, he is the X-Division champion...SENNNNSHIIII!!

    The bell was rung and the two X-Division superstars went straight at each other with nice kicks and other strikes. Senshi won the battle, though, and went right at Sabin with more kicks. He hit an enzuigiri, sending Sabin to the mat for a two count. When Sabin began to get the advantage with high-flying moves, Kevin Nash made his way down to the ring. Sabin stared at him and told him not to get involved, and when he turned around, Sabin stayed on the attack. Later on in the match, Sabin was getting ready for the Cradle Shock, but Nash got up on the apron! Sabin ran at him and tried to knock him off, but Nash went back down to the floor. Sabin turned around and was hit with a huge kick to his head from the martial artist Senshi, who went to the top rope and hit the Warrior's Way and made the cover for the win!

    Nash got in the ring after the match and picked up Chris Sabin. He lifted him up and hit the Jacknife powerbomb! The fans booed as Nash stood over the fallen Chris Sabin and the camera faded to a commercial.

    Winner: Senshi ©

    When the show came back, a video package recapping the Sting/Christian Cage rivalry showed. Then, backstage, Jeff Jarrett was seen sitting in his locker room along with his bodyguard, Scott Steiner.

    Jeff Jarrett: You know, Scott, this is great. We're living the high life out here while those two bastards are at each other's throats trying to get a shot at my title, which they won't win anyway.

    Jarrett and Steiner laugh, as there is a knock on the door. Jarrett tells the person to come in, and it turns out to be referee "Slick" Johnson.

    "Slick" Johnson: Sorry to break in like this, Jeff, but Jim Cornette just told me you're not gonna sit and watch Christian Cage and Sting go at it, because at No Surrender, you're gonna be facing Ron "The Truth" Killings for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship!

    "Slick" steps out of the room and Jarrett is seen looking infuriated. He and Steiner began to throw furniture around the room.

    Jeff Jarrett: Scott, let's go, we gotta get to Cornette's office.

    As he says that, the camera fades to black and iMPACT comes to a close!

    iMPACT! Results

    X-Division Championship

    Senshi © def. Chris Sabin

    The Paparazzi (Alex Shelley & Johnny Devine) def. Sonjay Dutt & Jay Lethal

    Rhino def. A-1

  11. IPB Image

    August 31, 2006

    This Thursday on TNA iMPACT on Spike TV, we will see Jeff Jarrett in the building, along with his bodyguard, "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner. Will Jarrett and Steiner have any comments on the #1 Contender's match at No Surrender between Christian Cage and Sting? We think so.

    We will see another X-Division championship defense by Senshi this week on iMPACT, and he'll face the man who won the #1 Contendership at Hard Justice, Chris Sabin. Can the former captain of Team USA in the World X Cup capture gold? Or will the warrior Senshi gain another notch under his belt?

    Rhino will also be in action this Thursday night! He hasn't fought since Hard Justice almost three weeks ago, when he came up on the short end of the stick against Samoa Joe and "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown. Will The War Machine show any ring rust in his first match in a few weeks? Also, Jim Cornette gave Rhino one week to make his decision on Samoa Joe's challenge for No Surrender. Will he accept? Tune into iMPACT to find out!

    Last week on iMPACT, James Mitchell said that Raven standing by and watching Abyss's matches could end in two ways. One: Raven could quit now and not get hurt or two: CLICK! DOOMSDAY! That's as effective as a challenge, so what will Raven say? Will he step into the ring with "The 6'8" Weapon of Mass Destruction"?

    And finally, what will AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels have to say about losing the NWA World Tag Team Championships last week on iMPACT to the Latin American eXchange? What will come of this bitter rivalry? Will Styles and Daniels give up on regaining the belts, or will they get another shot from Konnan and his street thugs?

    Tune into iMPACT on Spike TV at 11 PM EST on Thursday to find out!

    On The Horizon:

    Raven's answer to James Mitchell's challenge

    X-Division Championship

    Senshi © vs. Chris Sabin

    Rhino will be in action; his answer to Samoa Joe's challenge

    AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels speak on losing the NWA Tag Team Titles

  12. IPB Image

    X-Division Championship: Senshi © vs. Alex Shelley (w/Johnny Devine & Kevin Nash)

    The 60-minute adrenaline rush began with the theme song of the Paparazzi, Alex Shelley and Johnny Devine. Shelley and Devine walked out along with a man who wasn't expected to be back yet, Kevin Nash! Nash rolled out in his wheel chair, which Johnny Devine eventually took over rolling. Shelley slid in the ring and took off his Paparazzi t-shirt and waited.

    David Penzer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the X-Division Championship of the world! Introducing first, the challenger, from Detroit, Michigan, he weighs in at 215 pounds, ALEEEEEX SHELLLLEY!

    Senshi's theme music hit and he came out, looking as intense and focused as ever, X-Division title belt over his shoulder. He walked inside the ring and handed the belt to the referee.

    David Penzer: Making his way to the ring, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing in at 180 pounds, he is the reigning X-Division champion...SENNSHIII!

    The bell was rung and these two superstars began to go at it. Shelley started it off under control, hitting the champion with dropkicks and quick elbow drops. Shelley bounced off the ropes while Senshi was down and attempted a splash, but the champion dodged! Senshi began to go to work with stiff kicks and hard punches. The martial artist went on the attack and he would soon lock in a Texas Cloverleaf on the challenger. Shelley began to crawl to the ropes, and Johnny Devine got in the ring! Senshi went after him and dropkicked him out of the ring! Kevin Nash stood up from the wheelchair and pulled Shelley out of the ring and immediately sat back down. Don West and Mike Tenay were screaming at Kevin Nash, calling him a fake and a liar! Later on, as Senshi was going for the Warrior's Way from the top rope, Johnny Devine went in the ring and the referee distracted him so Nash could walk over and pull Shelley out of the ring and out of harm's way! The champion hopped down from the turnbuckle and taunted Shelley. Close to the end, Nash brought out a chair and was getting ready to throw it in the ring as Johnny Devine got up on the apron. But out of nowhere, the trio of Sonjay Dutt, Jay Lethal, and Chris Sabin ran out from the back! Sabin and Lethal hit Nash and they kept pounding on him so they were close to the top of the heel ramp. Sonjay Dutt ran off Johnny Devine, while inside the ring, Senshi hit a Superkick to Shelley and went to the top rope, nailing the Warrior's Way for the 1, 2, 3 and a successful title defense!

    He was awarded his title as the brawl between Sabin, Dutt, Lethal, Nash, and Devine still raged, leading iMPACT to a commercial break.

    Winner: Senshi ©

    Jeremy Borash was backstage with a microphone in hand, standing by with Samoa Joe.

    Jeremy Borash: Hello everyone in the iMPACT Zone, I'm Jeremy Borash, and I'm backstage with the undefeated Samoan Submission Machine, Samoa Joe. Joe, have you and Rhino finally settled your differences? Because he was nowhere in sight for your match with Monty Brown last week.

    Samoa Joe: Hell no our differences aren't settled! Nothing will be settled until one of us is the clear winner. At Hard Justice, I defeated Monty Brown and Rhino in a three-way, but I don't feel it's settled. I beat Brown last week, but Rhino's different. I respect Rhino. And so at No Surrender, I RESPECTFULLY challenge Rhino to a match. Just me versus you, Rhino, and I already talked to Jim Cornette about it. He told me you've got a week to respond, so next Thursday, I want my answer.

    Jeremy Borash: Samoa Joe with some strong words here, issuing a challenge to Rhino for No Surrender! What will Rhino say? Back to you in the iMPACT Zone, Mike and Don!

    Tag Team Match: America's Most Wanted vs. Shark Boy & Norman Smiley

    Don West and Mike Tenay commented on Samoa Joe vs. Rhino at No Surrender, and America's Most Wanted's theme music hit. The two were apparently on the same page unlike last week. Harris and Storm discussed their strategy on the way to the ring, Gail Kim overhearing it all and adding what she thought. AMW got in the ring, Storm with his beer bottle, and Gail Kim walked along the outside.

    David Penzer: Making their way to the ring, they are former NWA Tag Team Champions, Chrrris Harris, James Storm, they are AMERRRICA'S MOST WANTEEED! And their opponents, standing in the ring, Norm--

    The bell rang as AMW cut off the announcer and began to beat down on Shark Boy and Norman Smiley. Storm threw Shark Boy out of the ring and went to the outside as Harris worked on Smiley. America's Most Wanted worked very well as a team in this match, showing signs of their former glory. They dominated the entire match, for about five minutes, and close to the end, they went for the Death Sentence, but Norman Smiley pushed Storm off the top rope and sent him crashing to the floor! Harris dropped Shark Boy and knocked Smiley off the apron, but Shark Boy rolled up Harris and the referee counted to three! Shark Boy and Norman Smiley pulled off a huge upset over the former Tag Team Champions! James Storm rolled back in the ring and he and Harris got in each other's faces, complaining that it was the other's fault for the loss, and Gail Kim tried to break it up. Storm pushed Harris, and Harris shoved him back. Gail Kim was pleading with the former friends to stop it, but they paid no attention. Storm slapped Harris right across the face, and Harris punched him in the jaw, before he began to swing his arms and the two partners began to brawl. Storm eventually rolled them over and got on top to strike Harris. Gail Kim pulled on Storm's arm to attempt to get him off, unsuccessfully, as TNA security began to pour out from the locker room. They held the two apart as Gail Kim looked on, screaming at the two to stop. Don West and Mike Tenay went crazy as iMPACT faded to a commercial break.

    Winners: Shark Boy & Norman Smiley

    As TNA came back, Abyss was backstage with his manager, James Mitchell, and Jeremy Borash, the man with the mic.

    Jeremy Borash: Hello, once again, I'm Jeremy Borash backstage with another man who's quickly rising up the ranks of the TNA roster, Abyss, with James Mitchell. There's one question that's on everyone's mind, what do you think about Raven watching Abyss's matches from ringside?

    James Mitchell: Raven's been watching my 6'8 Weapon of Mass Destruction from ringside every week, but will he step inside the ring with him? I don't think so. Raven's thinking it over in his mind whether he wants to get in the ring with Abyss, and it can go one of two ways. The first way is Raven can stop now and quit watching Abyss's matches, and the second way, well let's just say this. DOOMSDAY!!

    Mitchell cackles loudly as he walks off the screen and Abyss grunts into Borash's face and follows his manager.

    NWA Tag Team Championships (No DQ): AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels © vs. Latin American eXchange (Homicide & Hernandez)

    After that, it was time for the iMPACT main event. Gunshots were heard over the PA system and the music of the Latin American eXchange played. Konnan accompanied his men, Hernandez and Homicide to the ring. Konnan walked over to the announce table and pulled up a chair, yelling at Don West and Mike Tenay to move down, while Homicide and Hernandez got into the ring.

    David Penzer: And now it is time for your TNA iMPACT maiiin event! Introducing first, the challengers, Homicide, Hernandez, they are the LATINNN AMERICANNN EXCHAAAANGE!

    The music of AJ Styles hit and the champions walked down to the ring with their belts. They stopped near the announce table and began to trade insults with Konnan, and as they let their guard down, Homicide and Hernandez ran out to the ramp to attack them! Homicide ripped off Styles's jacket as Hernandez did the same to Daniels's entrance attire. Homicide lifted Styles up and grabbed his hair before running with him and sending him face first into the iMPACT Zone set! LAX continued their dominance into the ring, where Hernandez was beating down on Daniels. AJ Styles was busted open from going face first into the set, and he was still down near ringside. The Fallen Angel got back into the matchup by ducking a clothesline and hitting an STO! He went on a frenzy after that, knocking Homicide off the ropes before turning around and hitting a clothesline on Hernandez. Styles, still on the outside, crawled up onto the apron and he was now eligible for a tag. Daniels continued his rampage with strikes, and he kicked Hernandez in the gut and went for the Angel's Wings, but Homicide ran in and jumped up onto Hernandez's back, before hitting a Shining Wizard on the Fallen Angel! The match continued with LAX getting most of the advantage, but Styles was now itching for a tag on the outside. Daniels eventually hit a dropkick on Homicide and ran to tag out Styles successfully! The Phenominal One ran in the ring and attacked both members of LAX, taking them both out! He clotheslined them both out of the ring, before running and hitting off the opposite ropes. He ran back and jumped clear over the ropes, landing a plancha onto the Latin Americans! Once the legal men (Homicide and Styles) got back in the ring, Daniels went after Hernandez on the outside and the two brawled. Konnan crept away from the announce table and grabbed a chair! He slid it in to Homicide and got up on the ropes, drawing Styles's attention. When AJ turned around, Homicide drilled him with the chair! He lifted up the limp body of the two-time Triple Crown champion and delivered a vicious Gringo Killa onto the chair, and the referee had no choice but to count the three to make the Latin American eXchange the new NWA Tag Team Champions!

    After the match, Daniels ran in the ring and helped his fallen friend, but Hernandez and Homicide continued the beatdown. But, as Hernandez was about to hit the Border Toss, The Naturals ran down to the ring and ran them off! LAX escaped with their belts, but the Naturals will get a shot at them at No Surrender!

    Winners: Latin American eXchange (new champions)

    After a commercial break, Sting's music hit and the fans went wild with cheers. The Stinger made his way down to the ring and grabbed a microphone.

    Sting: At Hard Justice, you all saw a man who I thought was my closest ally, Christian Cage, bash my head in with a guitar and cost me the NWA World Championship against Jeff Jarrett. *crowd boos* But I'm glad I was done justice by Jim Cornette last week, announcing Christian Cage vs. myself at No Surrender. But I say what the hell, it's showtime, why not get Christian Cage out here right now and not wait 'till No Surrender!

    The crowd went nuts as Christian Cage's theme music hit and he walked out to the ring and grabbed another microphone.

    Christian Cage: Sting, you talk about wanting to get YOUR hands on ME? Well Stinger, you came to TNA in January, and there was no man that had your back more than Christian Cage. I backed you all the way, and while I was champion, where were YOU helping me? Let me take you back to Slammiversary, where you were the one who COST me the NWA World Heavyweight Championship! Well after all I did for you, I felt betrayed. Once again, it was you being selfish and hogging the spotlight. Well guess what Sting? There's gonna be no spotlight left for you after I beat you at No Surrender and then recapture MY NWA World Heavyweight Championship! But like you said, let's not WAIT until September 24th!

    Christian dropped the mic and began to trade punches with Sting. The two brawled all around the ring with Sting getting the upperhand. Christian would hit a kick to Sting's stomach, and he began to work on him before going for the Unprettier, but Sting pushed him forward, sending him through the ropes to the floor! Christian backed away as he and Sting shared a staredown with Sting's music playing in the background to end the show!

    iMPACT! Results

    NWA World Tag Team Championships (No DQ)

    Latin American eXchange (Homicide & Hernandez) def. AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels ©

    Shark Boy & Norman Smiley def. America's Most Wanted

    X-Division Championship

    Senshi © def. Alex Shelley (w/Johnny Devine & Kevin Nash)

  13. Good show man, you seem to be doing a good job with matches and even a better job with writing promos, I could actually picture Konnan saying what you wrote, it was that good. Just a few comments:

    - You wrote that next week on Impact it's Shelly vs. Senshi for the title, but Sabin won the number on contenders match.

    - Like what you are doing with Cage and Sting, maybe all this will lead to a three way at Bound for Glory, or if you use Rhino or Joe correctly a four way.

    - Something which is bugging me is that Cornette came out to make the match, this isn't big deal, but... He usually 'announces' it backstage during the break, or does it during the 'emergency' meetings. He said he's not going to be out much taking up TV time. This isn't big, but if you want to keep it realistic, I would have Cage go into an office saying 'Jim Cornette' on it and come out to tell Borash (who is standing outside) the match.

    And keep up the good work!

  14. IPB Image

    More News on Monty Brown Quitting TNA

    by The Man

    As reported on August 14th, Monty Brown has indeed quit TNA. He handed in his papers Wednesday, and the Tuesday Impact tapings was his last match, a loss to Samoa Joe. Brown was reportedly unhappy with his push in TNA, having done nothing of note since losing to Christian Cage in a NWA World Title match back at Destination X in March. His latest credentials include losing to Samoa Joe, losing to Samoa Joe and Rhino, and losing to Ron Killings in a King of the Mountain Qualifier. Brown has seen his last match in TNA, and did not leave on a good note with TNA management.

    Until next time, this is The Man, telling you to stay tuned for my next article.

  15. IPB Image

    This edition of iMPACT opened up with balloons tied to the ring posts, the ring covered in a red carpet, and assorted party items in the ring. Jeff Jarrett's theme music hit and the fans immediately began to give him extreme heat. Out walked the NWA World Champion, along with his bodyguard, Scott Steiner. Jarrett and Steiner walked down, looking very cocky as they walked down the ramp. Both men stopped for a moment by the announce table as Mike Tenay and Don West yelled at them while Jarrett and Steiner were showing off the NWA World Heavyweight Championship and taunting the announce team. The two men continued down the ramp and walked into the ring. Jarrett picked up a microphone from the table in the middle of the ring and began to speak.

    Jeff Jarrett: Last Sunday at Hard Justice, I PROVED how great of a champion I am. You can talk about Christian Cage, you can talk about Sting, you can talk about Rhino. NONE of them have beaten the guys I've beaten. I've won this title SIX times, and those guys ain't even beaten six PEOPLE. But you know, I guess I shouldn't be talkin' too bad about one of those guys. The man who bashed Sting's head in with my guitar, Christian Cage! *crowd boos* So Christian, what do you say you get out here and we can start celebrating!

    Christian Cage's music hit and he came out with a microphone in hand to some jeers from the audience. He stopped at the top of the heel ramp and raised the microphone to his mouth.

    Christian Cage: Let me get one thing straight, Jarrett. What I did at Hard Justice wasn't for you. What I did at Hard Justice wasn't for that musclebound piece of trash standing next to you. What I did at Hard Justice...was for ME! I took it upon myself to prove that I am the savior of TNA Wrestling. Ever since back in January when Sting came to TNA, I've been in his shadow. Well guess what? Christian Cage stands in NO ONE's shadow. I am the sole reason TNA's on Spike TV and in this Thursday timeslot. Not Sting. And not YOU, Jeff Jarrett! Without me, you wouldn't even be standing in that ring as champion. And as payment, I DEMAND an NWA World Heavyweight Title shot at No Surrender on September 24th!

    Jeff Jarrett: You want a shot at my title, Christian? Well if you think you can come out here and rant about how you're the savior of TNA and whine and complain, and then just demand a title shot and have everything go your way, you're WRONG!

    Then, more music hit and out came the face of TNA Management, Jim Cornette! He walked out onto the face ramp, and he had a microphone in his hand.

    Jim Cornette: Christian Cage! You interfere in one of MY matches at Hard Justice, and you think you run the show now and demand a title shot? Well guess what Christian, you're gonna have to EARN that title shot. On September 24th at No Surrender, it's gonna be YOU, Christian Cage, taking on STING in a #1 contender's match for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship!

    The crowd goes wild at Cornette's announcement and his music hits as TNA goes to a commercial break.

    siX Man Tag: The Paparazzi & Petey Williams vs. Chris Sabin, Sonjay Dutt, and Jay Lethal

    When the show returned, there was some hype for No Surrender, showing that Christian Cage would be taking on Sting in a #1 contender's match. After that was over, "Hail Sabin" hit and three of the members of Team USA 2006 made their way out to the ring. Sonjay Dutt, Jay Lethal, and Chris Sabin came out to nice pops and they all ran down and slid in the ring simultaneously. Next, The Paparazzi theme hit and their opponents, Alex Shelley, Johnny Devine, and the independent Petey Williams walked down to the ring, shouting insults at the men in the ring.

    The match was fast paced, just like usual X-Division matches. Alex Shelley started it off against Sonjay Dutt. Dutt scored with hard kicks, keeping Shelley on his knees. After a nice headscissors, Shelley ran over to his corner and tagged out to Petey Williams. Williams wore down Sonjay with choking and other illegal tactics. Petey dragged Sonjay over to his corner and tagged in Johnny Devine, who immediately went to the top rope. Devine hit a missile dropkick and made the cover for two. Sonjay managed to tag in Jay Lethal and he began to go wild on Johnny Devine, with kicks, punches, and European uppercuts. Lethal dropkicked Devine through the ropes, and then ran to the heel corner and knocked off both Shelley and Williams. He called for Sabin and Dutt to come in the ring and all three of them dove through the ropes on their opponents! Johnny Devine was rolled into the ring and Jay Lethal went to the top, hitting a Diving Headbutt. He picked up Devine and hit a Dragon Suplex and made the cover for the 1, 2, 3!

    Winners: Chris Sabin, Sonjay Dutt, & Jay Lethal

    Backstage, Jeremy Borash was standing by with Homicide, Hernandez, and Konnan, the Latin American eXchange.

    Jeremy Borash: I'm standing by with Konnan and the Latin American eXchange, and Konnan, last Sunday at Hard Justice, you lost to AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels. Your thoughts?

    Konnan: You want MY thoughts? JB, MY thoughts are that we want those Tag Team titles, and if Styles and Daniels don't wanna give us a rematch, then we're just gonna TAKE what we want. Styles and Daniels got LUCKY at Hard Justice. You know what their problem is? They lack the HEART, DETERMINATION, and the PANTALONES that LAX has. These guys came from the streets, and to make it in this world they NEEDED heart. They needed determination, and they nee--

    At that moment, AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels walked on the screen and got in an intense staredown with Konnan and LAX.

    Christopher Daniels: You know what, gringo? I'm sick and tired of hearing you go on and on about how your guys are better than us when we BEAT them. You guys want a fight? You GOT a fight! Next week here on iMPACT, it's gonna be the Latin American eXchange, against AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels! And you guys want it your way? Let's make it a NO-DISQUALIFICATION match!

    Styles and Daniels stormed off with their belts as Konnan, Homicide, and Hernandez looked very pleased with what they had just heard.

    #1 Contender's Four-Way Match: Kazarian vs. Chase Stevens vs. James Storm vs. BG James

    After iMPACT went to commercial, it was time for the four-way match to decide the number one contender to the NWA World Tag Team Titles. First, America's Most Wanted's theme music hit as both members came down to the top of the heel ramp. Chris Harris and Gail Kim wished James Storm luck as he went down to the ring, beer bottle in hand. Next out was Bentley and Kazarian, and Kazarian walked down to the ring. After that was the Naturals, and Andy Douglas and "The Franchise" Shane Douglas patted Chase Stevens on the back and he went down to the ring. Then, the James Gang's music played and Kip James and BG James came to the top of the ramp. They played a game of "Rock, Paper, Scissors" and BG won, so he went down to the ring.

    The bell rang with BG James and Chase Stevens in the ring. Stevens tried to use his quickness to his advantage, but BG dodged a dropkick and dropped an elbow on his chest. BG had the advantage for a lot of the time, until Stevens began to fight back with quick strikes and he tagged out to Kazarian. Kazarian did a lot of the same, adding in a few suplexes, before he bounced off the ropes and was hit with a nice clothesline from BG James, who tagged in James Storm. Storm and Kazarian went at it for a bit, until Kazarian made his way over to Chase Stevens and tagged him in. Stevens and Storm went at it for a good three minutes and Stevens was getting the advantage. Chris Harris came running down to the ring and grabbed Storm's beer bottle from ringside. Gail Kim distracted the referee as Harris tripped up BG James on the outside and went inside the ring with the beer bottle. Storm was standing back to back with Stevens, both men recovering from a suplex. Chris Harris ran at Stevens with the beer bottle, but Chase ducked, and Harris shattered the beer bottle over the back of James Storm's head! Chase Stevens dropkicked Harris into Kazarian standing on the outside, knocking him to the floor, and made the cover on James Storm for the 3 count!

    Shane Douglas and Andy Douglas made their way down to the ring to congratulate Chase Stevens and the trio walked backstage victorious as Gail Kim and Chris Harris tried to get James Storm back up again, but Storm pushed Harris away! Harris kept screaming that it was an accident, but Storm would hear none of it as Gail Kim helped Storm to the back, Harris following close behind.

    Winner: Chase Stevens (The Naturals receive a Tag Team Title shot)

    Next, a vignette played, showing Bobby Roode's highlights in TNA. It then cuts to Bobby Roode sitting in a chair.

    Bobby Roode: I am the hottest free agent on the market right now. And people have been coming to ME to try and get me to be one of their clients. But there's one question I have. What can YOU offer ME? I'm gonna be choosing someone who can take me STRAIGHT to the top. And once I have that person, I'm TAKING the NWA World Heavyweight Championship.

    The screen fades with Bobby Roode smirking as iMPACT faded to commercial.

    TNA iMPACT Main Event: Samoa Joe vs. Monty Brown

    When the screen came back, it was time for the main event. Monty Brown's theme hit and he walked down to the ring to a lot of boos. He did his usual entrance and got inside the ring. Then, Samoa Joe's music played and he came out to some cheers. Joe looked intense as he got in the ring to face off with his rival. The two brawled to start the match, with Monty Brown getting the advantage. Brown attempted to wear down the undefeated Samoan Submission Machine, but Samoa Joe was too fast for The Alpha Male. Joe struck with hard kicks and other strikes. Samoa Joe locked in a cross armbreaker on Monty Brown, who struggled to get to the ropes. Once he did, he was right back up on his feet, but ran right into an Enzuigiri by Samoa Joe! Later, Monty Brown got the advantage by reversing an Irish whip and hitting a running knee into the corner. Monty Brown would take control from here, until he went for the Alpha Bomb, which Samoa Joe slid out of. Joe then ducked a clothesline and jumped on Monty Brown's back, locking in the Coquina Clutch! Monty Brown had no choice but to tap out and Samoa Joe remained undefeated! The referee raised his hand and iMPACT went off the air with Samoa Joe victorious!

    Winner: Samoa Joe (still undefeated)

    iMPACT! Quick Results

    TNA iMPACT Main Event

    Samoa Joe def. Monty Brown

    #1 Contender's Four-Way Match

    Chase Stevens def. BG James, Kazarian, & James Storm

    siX Man Tag

    Chris Sabin, Sonjay Dutt, & Jay Lethal def. The Paparazzi & Petey Williams

  16. Total Nonstop Action Wrestling Roster




    Main Eventers


    Jeff Jarrett

    Christian Cage

    Upper Midcarders

    AJ Styles

    Brother Ray*

    Brother Devon*

    Christopher Daniels



    Ron Killings

    Samoa Joe


    Kevin Nash

    Monty Brown

    Scott Steiner


    Andy Douglas

    BG James

    Kip James

    Chase Stevens

    Chris Sabin

    Eric Young


    Alex Shelley

    Bobby Roode

    Chris Harris



    James Storm

    Petey Williams

    Lower Midcarders

    Brother Runt

    Frankie Kazarian

    Jay Lethal

    Maverick Matt

    Sonjay Dutt


    Austin Aries*

    David Young

    Elix Skipper

    Johnny Devine

    Roderick Strong*


    Cassidy Riley

    Lance Hoyt

    Norman Smiley

    Shark Boy

    Enhancement Talent

    Jerrelle Clark



    Christy Hemme

    Gail Kim (manages America's Most Wanted)

    Jackie Gayda*

    James Mitchell (manages Abyss)

    Jeremy Borash (backstage interviewer)

    Jerry Lynn

    Jim Cornette (Face of TNA Management)

    Konnan (manages Latin American eXchange)

    Larry Zbyszko

    Scott D'Amore

    Shane Douglas (manages The Naturals)

    Simon Diamond (manages The Diamonds in the Rough)

    So Cal Val

    Traci Brooks

    Tag Teams

    Team 3D (Brother Ray & Brother Devon)

    The James Gang (BG James & Kip James)

    The Naturals (Chase Stevens & Andy Douglas)

    X-Division Dream Team (AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels)

    America's Most Wanted (Chris Harris & James Storm)

    Diamonds in the Rough (Elix Skipper & David Young)

    Roderick Strong & Austin Aries

  17. IPB Image

    Total Nonstop Action: The Future is Now!

    Ever since the promotion began in 2002, there has been but one centerpiece of the promotion. One man who remained constant in the main event scene over the course of the last four years. That man's name is Jeff Jarrett. He has held the belt six times in the promotion's short history, and this has been a turn-off to a lot of fans, and they have grown to genuinely hate him. He had stayed away from the NWA World Heavyweight Championship for an astounding 6 months from February 2006 to June 2006, during Christian Cage's reign.

    But then came Slammiversary. It led off with a pretty nice Bingo Hall Brawl between the James Gang and Team 3D, who had been at each other's throats for a good month. 3D got the win, and the next match was up. The card included Rhino defeating Scott D'Amore and Bobby Roode, Senshi winning an X-Division ranking match over the likes of Sonjay Dutt, Petey Williams, Jay Lethal, Alex Shelley, and Shark Boy. Then, after repeated interference, Kevin Nash beat Chris Sabin, followed by the X-Division Dream Team, AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels defeating America's Most Wanted to win the NWA Tag Team Championships. After Samoa Joe beat Scott Steiner, it was time for the main event.

    The bell rang for the third King of the Mountain match in TNA history. It included Sting, Ron Killings, Abyss, the champion Christian Cage, and our man, Jeff Jarrett. With Christian and Sting having communication problems at the top of the ladder, Jeff Jarrett and Earl Hebner pushed the ladder down, sending both men crashing to the floor! Backed by plenty of interference from the likes of Larry Zbyszko and Earl Hebner, Jeff Jarrett hung the NWA World Championship up top and became a six-time NWA World Champion! But after the match, the new face of TNA management, Jim Cornette, stripped him of the title, and announced that he would make a decision on the next iMPACT!

    On the road leading up to Hard Justice, Jeff Jarrett was named NWA World Heavyweight Champion by Jim Cornette. Then, Victory Road came and went. Sting defeated Christian Cage, Scott Steiner, and Samoa Joe to become the number one contender to the NWA World Championship. In the events before Hard Justice, it was announced that Christian Cage would be in Sting's corner for the NWA World Title match, and Scott Steiner would be in Jeff Jarrett's corner. Then, Hard Justice came along.

    IPB Image

    Hard Justice 2006 Results

    Eric Young def. Johnny Devine

    X-Division #1 Contender Match

    Chris Sabin def. Alex Shelley (sub for Kevin Nash)

    Abyss def. Brother Runt

    Falls Count Anywhere

    Samoa Joe def. Rhino and Monty Brown

    Gail Kim def. Sirelda

    X-Division Championship

    Senshi © def. Petey Williams and Jay Lethal

    NWA World Tag Team Championships

    AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels © def. Latin American eXchange (Homicide & Hernandez)

    NWA World Heavyweight Championship

    Jeff Jarrett w/ Scott Steiner © def. Sting w/Christian Cage when Christian hit Sting with Jarrett's guitar!

  18. Thursday, February 16, 2001

    I stood on the elevator in the hotel and I pressed the button that said "1" to go to the first floor. I was on my way down to the restaurant inside this hotel to get some breakfast. The elevator door opened and I stepped out. I began to walk towards my destination, when I heard a familiar voice.

    "Are you Charlie Haas?"

    I heard the voice, and this time, I stopped and turned around. I saw a guy walking up to me. He looked about 18, short brown hair, and he was about 6 feet tall, not much more than 170 pounds, and he had a bit of toned muscle on his arms.

    "Hey, my name is Mike Calabrese. I was at that gym the other day and I was the one who caused you to bump into Jon Dahmer, but once that argument broke out I decided to hide for a little bit. I was hoping I'd see you again."

    "Oh, it's alright, don't worry about it man. It was my fault, I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking. I should've been watching where I was going."

    "No, it was all me. But anyway, I was hoping I could get your autograph?"

    He handed me a piece of paper and a pen, and I wrote my signature on the paper. I handed him the pen and paper and I thought about something."

    "Hey, are you free?"

    "I was just about to go get some breakfast from over there." He said as he pointed to the restaurant inside the hotel.

    "Oh, I was headed there too. You wanna come?"


    We walked over to the restaurant and a waiter seated us. He sat us in a booth in the corner and asked us what we'd like to drink. We chose our drinks and began to look at the menu.

    "So, where are you from?"

    "I live in Newark, New Jersey. I'm here visiting family."

    "That's cool."

    "Yeah, I had tickets to the CZW show where you beat Trent Acid. I was in the back, though. Couldn't really see."

    "Oh, that sucks. So I see you're a wrestling fan."

    "Yeah. I've watched wrestling since I was a little kid and I always wanted to be one. I only just got into the indies about a year ago, I had always been a WWF and WCW guy, but then I started to get into CZW and the other independents. And lately I've started to work out to become a wrestler."

    "Oh, that's really cool."

    The waiter came back over with our drinks and we placed our orders. The waiter walked away and we waited for the food.

    "So what was it like to work for the WWF?"

    "I never really got my chance, but having wrestled in 2 or 3 matches, it was really electrifying to wrestle in front of huge crowds. But I don't know what's better, wrestling in front of 2,000 and being appreciated more or wrestling in front of 20,000 but being taken for granted."

    "I understand. So did you ever get to meet any of the big stars?"

    "Well yeah, we talked a little, but I never really got to know any of them. I was in OVW most of the time, and I was in town for WWF only a few times."

    Our food came, and we began to eat. We talked less and less, and we finished our food quickly. Then, the waiter came by and I asked him for the check. He went to get it so we could pay for the meal.

    "Hey, how'd you like to come to a CZW show, backstage and meet the wrestlers?"

    "Wow, you can do that? When is it?"

    "Sometime in March, and it's in Newark."

    "That's great. Thanks a lot man."

    "No problem."

    We split the check and I went back to my hotel room. He's a nice kid. I hope he makes it in this business, but it'll be hard...

  19. Friday, February 10, 2001

    I drove to the gym again, excited about the CZW Tag Team Title rematch next month.

    Gold would be a nice birthday present. I thought as I grinned.

    I pulled into the parking lot of the gym and parked my rental car, a 2000 Toyota Camry. I locked it with the keys and I put them in my pocket. I walked in, but there was no one I knew inside. I began to walk towards a treadmill, but someone called my name.

    "Are you Charlie Haas?"

    I turned around to look who it was, but I kept walking, and I bumped shoulders with a man, who I looked at and identified as Jon Dahmer, one of the originals of CZW. I noticed I'd knocked a water bottle out of his hand and it poured all over his shirt and the floor.

    "What the hell? Look what you did asshole!"

    "Man, I'm sorry, somebody called me and I wasn't looking, that was my fault."

    "You're damn right it's your fault, now go get somebody to clean this up."

    "I'm not your slave, yeah I made you drop it, but I'm not your damn servant, go get the help yourself."

    "Don't disrespect me you piece of crap, I'll break your damn neck."

    "Go ahead and try." I said, looking him dead in the eye.

    We got in each other's faces and had a heated staredown. He pushed me, but as I went to push him back, people from the gym intervened and broke us up.

    "I'll get you fired, you cocky bastard!" Dahmer said as we were pulled apart and a janitor walked over to clean up the floor.

    We were both escorted from the gym, and I got back into my Camry.

    God...now I can't even work out today. Well at least I can go back to the hotel and do push ups or something. Just no machinery for today.

    When I got back to the hotel, I began to do a bit of a workout, starting with crunches. I did 100 crunches, and then I moved on to doing 150 pushups.


    At that moment, my cellphone rang. John Corso's number. Uh-oh. I almost didn't want to pick it up. Dahmer is one of Corso's closest friends, and I hope I'm not getting fired or suspended because of what happened today. I reached out, grabbed the phone, and picked it up.

    "H-Hello?" I stuttered a bit.

    "Charlie! It's John Corso. I just wanted to tell you that as you know, you've got a match for the CZW Tag Team Titles next month. I wanted to let you know I still don't have a solid date for you, but I'll have one soon. Probably by the beginning of March."

    "Oh, alright, that sounds good." I gave a sigh of relief.

    "And Charlie?"

    "Yeah?" I held my breath once more.

    "Jon Dahmer told me what happened today. He sounded really pissed off about it, but he gets riled up sometimes, so I wanna tell you that you aren't gonna get a punishment for what happened and neither is he. I have complete faith in you that it was a complete and utter accident."

    "Yeah, you see, someone called my name and I was turning around to see who it was, but I ended up walking into Dahmer and knocking his water bottle on his shirt. We got into a little war of words, and just a little bit of a scuffle, but that's it."

    "Yeah, I figured nothing big happened. He was just mad because he said you disrespected him. But anyway, I'll see you when I see you. Goodbye."


    IPB Image

    Heat on Haas/Dahmer?

    by The Man

    Some news from the CZW locker room, it has been reported that CZW veteran Jon Dahmer and Charlie Haas got into a fight at a local Delaware gym. It was said that Haas bumped into Dahmer and Dahmer got offended. The two were broken up before anything big broke out. This could be disastrous for Haas's career if John Zandig decides to fire him or suspend him because of actions against one of his original members. It wouldn't really hurt Dahmer much, as he hasn't been a big part of CZW lately anyhow. From the looks of it, it doesn't look like anyone is gonna get pink slipped or suspended. More news as this story develops.

    Until next time, this is The Man, telling you to stay tuned for my next article.

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