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St. Dubb

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Posts posted by St. Dubb

  1. Ok let's see if I can remember all the movies I saw in the past week.

    Dodgeball: 8/10 - still love every minute of it.

    Lord of the Rings: Return of the King: 8.5/10 - Ok so I only caught some of it, but I've seen it a couple times before...the only thing I don't really like about this movie is how the ending drags on for a long time.

    Little Nicky: 5.5/10 - Good, but not one of my favorite Adam Sandler flicks.

    Ghostbusters: 9/10 - One of my all time favorite movies.

    Johnson Family Vacation: 2/10 - Ugh.

    My Girl 2: 4/10 - Too sappy for my tastes.

    Doc Hollywood: 6/10 - Being a Michael J. Fox fan, it is surprising that I hadn't seen this movie before.

    39 Steps: 7.5/10 - Gotta love Hitchcock.

    I think that covers everything.

  2. Call me crazy, but Super Mario Bros is actually a guilty pleasure of mine...I know it's not a great movie, but I enjoy it for some strange and deranged reason. I can't explain it really...

    Mortal Kombat: Annihilation definitely ranks up there of the worst although the original Mortal Kombat was decent enough. But Annihilation was just horrible...

    One game to film adaptation that really disappointed me was Final Fantasy: The Spirit Within or whatever it was called. When I heard Square was making a Final Fantasy movie I was pretty excited since I am a big fan of the games, but the movie just didn't meet my expectations. I wouldn't rank it as bad as Annihilation, but I never expected as much from Annihilation as I did Final Fantasy.

  3. The week nine show was promising to be the best of what we had to offer so far, atleast we had high hopes. It is of note to mention at this point that Jerry Jarrett was starting to be able to sign more and more of the core TNA talent to exlusive contracts. Of course, I stated earlier that Jerry Lynn and Ron "K-Krush" Killings were the first two to sign exclusive TNA deals; and both had been rewarded for their loyalty with their feud and upcoming number one contenders match. But TNA took a huge stuff when Jerry signed ten more wrestlers to exclusive contracts.

    Perhaps the most important was Scott Hall. Up to this point, the NWA World Heavyweight Champion had been working on a verbal committment, and could have been snatched up by the WWE at any moment. Luckily, I guess WWE wasn't interested with Hall's known behavior, but as of this point Hall had been on his best behavior, well for him anyway. With him now signed to a six month contract, we could only hope his good behavior continued, or we would be in quite the pickle. Also signing an exclusive contract was the man TNA had been putting a lot behind since the Gauntlet, and that was none other than Malice. To show how much stock they had in this big monster, they signed him to a two year exclusive contract.

    Speaking of the New Church, Reverend Mitchell, the mouthpiece of the New Church, was also signed to an exclusive contract. His managerial skills managed to score him a two year deal as well. Steve Corino, David Cash, Brian Lawler, and BG James each received exclusive contracts so that TNA could be sure that their feud could continue. Jarrett also saw two gems in the X-Division over those past few weeks as he got rising stars AJ Styles and Elix Skipper each to to sign exclusive contracts. Finally, in a bit of a more surprising signing, "Tennessee Cowboy" James Storm was also signed; which was more out of the blue since he had only wrestled one match thus far and it was a match against Konnan two weeks prior.

    So those ten, to go along with of course, Jeff Jarrett, Jerry Lynn, and K-Krush made up a core group of wrestlers TNA would most likely be going with in the future. Most noteable to not sign written contracts to this point? Ken Shamrock, Low-Ki (who continued to stay loyal to Japan), York & Matthews, and the other members of the New Church. At this point you could only speculate as to if this was a sign of what direction TNA was looking to go...

    NWA-TNA Week 9

    Card for NWA-Total Nonstop Action

    August 14th, 2002

    Four The Hard Way

    NWA World Heavyweight Title Match

    Scott Hall© vs. Jeff Jarrett vs. Ken Shamrock vs. Malice (w/Reverend Mitchell)

    Each man wants to end the night victorious and as the NWA Champion, but only one can. They have been at each others throats for several weeks now, and it all comes to ahead in this fatal fourway match. There must be a winner as there will be no disqualifications or countouts, and will be decided in one fall. The odds are against the defending champion, but with each of the challengers gunning for themselves, he still could walk away the champion. Malice will, of course, hold an advantage with Reverend Mitchell at ringside and possibly the prescense of the New Church being felt. Jeff Jarrett has his trump card in Mike Awesome; while Ken Shamrock is just crazy enough to go at all three men by himself. But in the end, it will be the one survivor who walks away from this match the NWA Heavyweight Champion.

    NWA Title Contendership Match

    Jerry Lynn vs. K-Krush

    For weeks, K-Krush has been arguing about not being treated fairly because of his race. He has voiced his opinion about being held down and not getting a fair shot at the NWA Title. Jerry Lynn has been the person who has disputed his claims, and asserted that Krush will got a shot once he earns it in the ring. That's where "The Franchise" came into play as Shane Douglas showed up last week to make this match official, Krush and Lynn will not only have a chance to settle their differences in the ring, but also decide who will get the first shot at whoever walks out of the main event the champion.

    X-Division Title Contendership Match

    AJ Styles vs. Elix Skipper

    What started as an uneasy tag team to get attention of the NWA Championship Committee did just that. The Committee took notice and have paired these two up in a number one contenders match. They each have their own philosphies about how to win a match, but in the end...which of their beliefs will be the victor and therefore get a shot at the X-Division Title, currently held by Low-Ki?

    Brian Lawler & BG James vs. Steve Corino & David Cash

    What began as Brian Lawler standing up for TNA and Tennessee has become much more of a bitter rivalry. First it was David Cash turning against the Tennessee fans to join Corino's cause against Lawler. But then it was Lawler who called up an old friend in BG James to even up the odds. And the odds indeed have been even, and this week there will be no backing down for Corino and Cash as they WILL be taking on Lawler & James!

    Konnan vs. Mike Awesome

    It all started when Konnan showed up back in TNA to answer Scott Hall's open challenge a few weeks back, a challenge that Jeff Jarrett wanted to answer. But since Konnan was quicker to the draw, Jeff Jarrett used Mike Awesome in order to show Konnan what happens when you cross the Chosen One. Awesome and Jarrett gave Konnan a beating that Konnan wasn't going to take lying down...and last week The Franchise announced that this match would take place this week!

    James Storm vs. Mike Sanders

    "Above Average" Mike Sanders will be making his Total Nonstop Action debut this week as he takes on "The Tennessee Cowboy" James Storm. Mike Sanders will be looking to look good in his debut, while James Storm, who did look good in a loss to Konnan, will be trying to get his first victory in TNA action. Which man will have the better showing in a match that could make or break either's future in TNA?

  4. SHANE DOUGLAS? Well, better than others, I suppose. Question - how do you keep up such a high pace of production? These shows are quality, but you really pump them out like crazy.

    Can't wait to see then next show. The summary results are good, especially if the angles almost take sight from the matches. Good plan. Can't wait to see where this goes.

  5. NWA-TNA Report 8.7.02

    Live from Nashville, TN

    Highlights from Last Week: Clips from Jeff Jarrett's promo following a post-match beatdown of Konnan, York & Matthes beating the Island Boys to get a shot at the Tag Team Titles, the confrontation and then brawl between K-Krush and Jerry Lynn, BG James making his TNA debut to save Brian Lawler from a beatdown by Steve Corino and David Cash, Malice defeating Ken Shamrock, the post-match brawl between Malice, Shamrock, Jarrett and NWA Champion Scott Hall, and finally the arrival of "The Franchise" Shane Douglas as the NWA Championship Committee representative to announce the four way match for the NWA Heavyweight Title.

    From the highlights, the usual TNA opening montage began before cutting to the Nashvillve crowd and panning around the crowd until we come in on the announce both with Mike Tenay and Don West sitting at ringside. The camera zooms in on our hosts.

    Mike Tenay: This is TOTAL NONSTOP ACTION! And welcome to another week of the best weekly wrestling you can see! Thanks for tuning in, and as a reward we have a great show for you tonight!

    Don West: You couldn't BE MORE RIGHT, Mike! "The Franchise" Shane Douglas came to TNA last week to lay down the law for the NWA Championship Committee! And BOY DID HE EVER!

    Mike Tenay: He sure did; he announced that next week we witness the biggest match we've seen so far in TNA...a fourway match for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship - Scott Hall defending against not just Jeff Jarrett, not just Ken Shamrock, and not just Malice...but ALL THREE!

    Don West: And how about TONIGHT! When ALL FOUR are FORCED to be in tag teams in tonight's main event!

    Mike Tenay: It's trouble just waiting to happen. Scott Hall and Malice on one team...and Jeff Jarrett and Ken Shamrock on the other...how can anyone expect either of these teams to get along long enough to win?

    Don West: But it should be EXCITING to watch!

    Mike Tenay: And speaking of exciting, Don, tonight Low-Ki returns to TNA action after a week off in Japan to defend the X-Division title against Prince Siaki! Prince Siaki will either finally win some gold, or he will once again have his foot in his mouth as a result of Low-Ki.

    Don West: But with the Island Boys at ringside with Prince Siaki, you HAVE to like his odds, Mike!

    Mike Tenay: Hopefully the referee will be able to keep order. The X-Division Title isn't the only one on the line tonight, as we start tonight off with The New Church defending the NWA Tag Team Titles against the young team of York & Matthews!

    NWA Tag Team Championship Match

    The New Church (w/Rev. Mitchell) vs. York & Matthews (w/Alicia)

    York & Matthews continue to work their magic in this one as they once again put on another good match. Can these guys do any wrong? Fans still have issues with getting into the show at the start, which has been a reoccuring problem for TNA...but the effort is there. The people getting the most reaction from the fans were their respective managers, Mitchell getting the heat and Alicia the male crowd reaction. Anyway, York started things off against the much larger Brian Lee. York used his speed to get the upperhand Lee and got him into their corner where York and Matthews took turns tagging in and out to light up Lee's chest with knife-edge chops. After doing the damage in the corner, York and Matthews pulled Lee from the corner, sent him into the ropes, and connected with a double dropkick to Lee. Lee hit the mat and looked back up at York & Matthews, shocked that they had been able to get such a strong start. Mitchell was outraged at ringside as he started pounding furiously on the mat. Slash got the tag in and went for a clothesline to Matthews, but Matthews ducked it and took Slash down with an reverse bulldog. A quick pin resulted in a two count.

    The tide began to turn after Matthews placed Slash on the top turnbuckle, going for a super rana. Mitchell snuck over and held onto Slash as Matthews went for it, causing Slash to stay in place as Matthews fell to the mat. Slash stood up on the second turnbuckle as Matthews stumbled back up to his feet. Slash came off the middle turnbuckle with a bulldog to Matthews. Slash went and tagged in Brian Lee. Lee came in and began the face-in-peril portion of the match. Lee used his generic big man offense to work over Matthews and keep him completely grounded. Lee placed Matthews across the middle rope and began choking him violently until referee Scott Armstrong broke it up. With Matthews still lying throat first across the middle rope, Slash came running across the apron and dropped a legdrop down across the back of Matthews' head. Matthews fell back into the ring as Lee drove his knee down into Matthews' throat with a choke/pin attempt - One, Two, Matthews lifted his shoulder up.

    Slash was back in and continued where Lee left off. Matthews tried to pull himself up, but Slash sent him into the ropes and took him right back down with a back elbow. Slash hit Matthes with an elbowdrop and made a cover - One, Two, kickout. However, Matthews would get the opportunity to try and make the tag after blocking a backdrop attempt by Slash and hitting him with a hangman's neckbreaker that left both men down. Slash, however, made it to his corner first to tag in Lee. Lee came in and bounced off the ropes, cutting Matthews off just as he was getting up to make the tag with a big boot. Lee went for the pin - One, Two, York broke it up. York left the ring before Lee could get back at him. Lee turned his attention back to the recovering Matthews, and slammed a right hand down into Matthews' head to send him back to the mat once again. Lee eventually lifted Matthews up across his right shoulder and walked to the New Church corner where Slash lifted his boot up onto the ropes as Lee dropped Matthews down across Slash's boot. Matthews stumbled backwards and fell to the mat as Lee tagged Slash in. Slash climbed to the top turnbuckle and came off the top with a splash onto Matthews. One, Two, Thre...York broke it up once again.

    Matthews pulled together what energy he could find and tried to crawl his way to the corner, but Slash stopped him with an elbowdrop to the back. Slash pulled Matthews back to the New Church corner where he tagged Lee back in. Slash held Matthews as Lee hit a vicious chop right to Matthews' throat. Matthews hit the mat as Lee continued to attack. After sidewalk slam, Lee hooked a leg for another two count. Mitchell told him to end it, so Lee pulled Matthews up and grabbed him by the throat for the Chokeslam. However, Matthews blocked it. Lee tried it again, but Matthews blocked it again - this time adding a kick right to Lee's groin. Referee Armstrong tried to interject, but Matthews grabbed Lee by the head, used the ropes to springboard and hit Lee with a Tornado DDT. Both men were down once again, and this time Matthews was able to make the crawl over and tag in York.

    York came in and immediately hit Lee as he was getting up with a sitdown jawbreaker. Slash entered the ring and ran for York, but York took him to the mat with a spinkick. Matthews was back up to his feet as Lee was getting back up as well. York & Matthews grabbed Lee and sent him into the ropes. Off the ropes, York & Matthews nailed Lee with a double superkick. Lee hit the mat as Slash recovered and took out York from behind. Slash grabbed York and sent him over the top rope to the floor. Matthews tried to fight Slash off, but Slash gave him a knee to the midsection to double Matthews over. At ringside, Alicia was helping York back to his feet while Slash hit the Slash & Burn to Matthews. Slash saw York recovering and quickly left the ring to keep him down. Slash moved in to York, but York grabbed him as he was coming in and sent him into the ringsteps. Meanwhile, Lee had recovered and lifted the illegal Matthews up to his feet. [He grabbed Matthews by the throat once again, but as he noticed York climbing to the top turnbuckle he shoved Matthews aside. Just as Lee shoved Matthews away, York came off the top rope with a flying crossbody onto Lee! They hit the mat with York on top! One, Two, Three! ***¼ - York & Matthews have definitely wrestled enough good matches to deserve a big win, but it may have been too early to put the belts on them. In any event, it was a good match which has been a standard thing when York & Matthews have been involved.

    Winners and NEW Tag Team Champions - York & Matthews

    Overall: 70

    Crowd: 55

    Match: 85

    York quickly rolled out of the ring, pulling Matthews out with them. At ringside Scott Armstrong brought them the tag titles and raised their arms up in victory as they celebrated with Alicia. Back in the ring, Reverend Mitchell had climbed in and was getting right in the faces of Slash and Lee about the loss.

    Mike Tenay: The New Church suffer a HUGE blow tonight! What a way to kick of this week's show! NEW TAG CHAMPS!

    Don West: I didn't see that one coming! I thought The New Church had this one in the bag! YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT TO EXPECT!!!

    Mike Tenay: I've never seen Reverend Mitchell that upset...that may prove trouble later on tonight in our main event with Malice involved. And speaking of the main event, let's send it back to Goldylocks who is with one of the competitors in tonight's main event.

    Teaming With a Mad Man

    The screen did indeed cut back to Goldylocks who was standing by with Jeff Jarrett and Mike Awesome, neither looked very happy.

    Goldylocks: Jeff Jarrett, next week you will have a chance to go for the NWA World Heavyweight Title, but tonight you are teaming up with one of your opponents from next week, Ken Shamrock...your thoughts?

    Jeff Jarrett: Well thank you blonde bimbo, as if I didn't already know all that. And what do you think my thoughts are? I am teaming up with a freakin' lunatic tonight! How would you feel if you were teaming up with someone who belongs in an asylum, not a wrestling ring. In case you have forgotten, I AM THE CHOSEN ONE, and this is NOT how I should be treated! And you know who brought this one? That damn Shane Douglas. Who does he think is coming in here like he owns the place!

    Goldylocks: Well, technically it's the Championship Committee who makes the decisions...

    Jeff Jarrett: Yeah...right! They were stupid enough to give Shane Douglas an ounce of power and he's going to take advantage of it every way he can. I've known Shane for a long time, and that's the way he is. He's power hungry and loves every minute he has it. Don't think for one minute that this freakshow of a main event wasn't HIS idea. He's almost as nuts as Ken Shamrock...I mean what kind of person would enjoy watching the mess that this match is going to be. Everybody knows I don't need a tag partner, so maybe we can just keep Shamrock in the back in a straight jacket and let me go out there alone...or let Mike Awesome here replace him.

    Goldylocks: Tonight's main event aside, what do you feel about your chances going into the four way match for the NWA Title?

    Jeff Jarrett: What are you deaf? I said I'm the CHOSEN ONE, it is 99.9% likely that I will be walking out next week the NEW NWA HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION! I don't see the point of even bringing the other two into the equation. After all, I am the one that beat the current champion, grease monkey Scott Hall one, two, three right in the center of the ring - no questions asked. I should be getting a one on one shot at the title, not having the other two maniacs screwing up my opportunity. This is just another example of Shane Douglas abusing his newfound power...

    Just as Jeff Jarrett finished that last sentence, none other than the man of the hour - "The Franchise" Shane Douglas walked into the shot with a big sadistic grin on his face as he laughed. He brought Goldylocks' microphone over to him.

    Shane Douglas: Ha! Ha! Ha! Power hungry am I, Jeff? What can I say...I'm just the messenger! Ha! Ha! And I for one am going to be sitting back in my suite provided by the NWA Championship Committee with a couple of ladies provided by them as well as I sip on some of the fine champagne..also provided by the powers that be...and watch you four completely destroy each other! Hahaha!

    Jeff Jarrett: What is this? Your way of dealing with your career being washed up and forced to sit back and watch us real wrestlers go at it?

    Shane Douglas: Jeff, consider yourself lucky that I got this arm in a sling, because I'm not past whoopin' your ass.

    Shane Douglas turned his attention from Jeff Jarrett to Mike Awesome who had been standing behind Jeff Jarrett, keeping rather quiet as usual.

    Shane Douglas: What's wrong Mike, cat got your tongue? Or does Jeff just not let you speak your mind? Well, I tell ya what Mike, I'm sure you two remember a little action you both took last week when you jumped Konnan after his match just because he answered Scott Hall's challenge the previous week...well Awesome, another challenge has been issued and this time YOU will get to be the lucky one to answer. Since I didn't want to leave you with nothing to do as Jeff goes for the title...I got a match approved with the Committee....Mike Awesome you will be taking on Konnan next week! Hahaha! Have fun you two!

    Shane Douglas walked off screen as Jarrett and Awesome looked even more peeved than they did before the interview started as they stared Douglas down. The screen cut back to the ring.


    Mike Tenay: How about that? We already have the title match, now we can add Konnan versus Mike Awesome to the card as well!

    Don West: I'm realling liking Shane Douglas here, Mike! It's good to see someone stand up to the likes of Jeff Jarrett.

    Mike Tenay: Can't argue with you there, Don. Next up we have ourselves some X-Division action as the rising superstar AJ Styles takes on former WCW Tag Team and Hardcore Champion - Devon Storm!

    AJ Styles vs. Devon Storm

    The crowd had gotten hotter since the opener as both men got decent reactions from the fans before settling to a bit of a lull during the match, popping for the high spots, which met the crowd's expectations. Styles eventually sent Storm to the outside with a head scissors over the top rope that left Styles on the apron. Styles leaped out with an Asai Moonsault out onto Storm, but Storm caught Styles and threw him into the gaurd rail. Storm rolled back into the ring as Styles was trying to pull himself up. Storm came out onto Styles with a Catapult Cross Body Suicida that left both men down at ringside and sent a pop through the crowd. Storm was up first and rolled Styles into the ring. Storm clibmed up onto the apron and came back into the ring with a catapult somersault legdrop onto Styles. Storm went for the pin - One, Two, Thre....kickout by Styles. Storm pulled Styles back up to his feet and lifted Styles up for a bodyslam, but Styles slid down Storm's back and locked him in a waistlock. A go-behind by Storm resulted in him hitting Styles with a release German Suplex. Storm crawled over and made a cover on Styles - One, Two, Thre....another kickout by Styles.

    Storm continued showing off his skills on the offensive until he went for a Northern Lights Suplex which Styles reversed with a DDT. Both men slowly began to pull themselves up to their feet. Styles hit a pele kick to Storm to take him to the mat. As Storm began to pull himself up, Styles leaped onto the ropes and hit a Quebrada into Inverted DDT on Storm. Styles went for the cover - One, Two, kickout by Storm. Storm rolled back to his feet and was met by Styles who sent him into the ropes. Off the ropes, Storm hit a 360º Spinning Calf Kick to Storm. Storm once again began to pull himself up, but Styles caught him as he was getting up and hit him with the Styles Facebuster. This left Storm in position on the mat as Styles made his way over to the corner to go for the Spiral Tap to put this one away. However, as he was climbing to the top rope, Elix Skipper appeared at the top of the aisle. Styles stopped on the top turnbuckle to question Skipper, but Skipper just continued to walk down to the ring as Styles argued. This allowed Storm to regroup and he hit the ropes to send Styles down across the top turnbuckle facing out of the ring. Meanwhile Skipper picked a chair up from ringside. Storm leaped up and hit a reverse super rana on Styles! Storm went for the pin - One, Two, Thr...Skipper placed Styles' foot on the ropes!

    Storm got up and leaned out of the ring towards Skipper as refere Rudy Charles checked on Styles. Storm was fussing Skipper out with his head between the ropes, but Skipper just swung and connected with the chair right to Storm's head. Rudy Charles missed it due to being out of position with Styles...Storm fell back into the ring to the recovered Styles who, unaware of Skipper's interferance, grabbed Storm and hit him with the Styles Clash. One, Two, Three. ***½ - The Skipper/Styles relationship continues after a very good match between Storm and Styles, despite the unclean finish. The match served its purpose, which was to put Styles over more by putting him over a kind of known name...if anyone even remembers Crowbar, anyway.

    Winner - AJ Styles

    Overall: 76

    Crowd: 64

    Match: 88

    Don West: What was THAT all about?! What is Skipper doing?!

    Mike Tenay: He must be doing it completely out of spite for Styles' cleancut methods...that's the only explination for it.

    Rudy Charles raised Styles' arm in victory, but Styles seemed a bit confused as Elix Skipper headed back up the ramp with a cocky smirk across his face.

    Mike Tenay: You have to believe AJ Styles will not be happy once he finds out how he won this match..

    Don West: Well a win is a win! Especially in the X-DIVISION!

    Mike Tenay: But Styles wants each of his matches to be fought cleanly...and for him to win like this...well, Skipper has some explaining to do.

    Don't Call Them Road Dogg or Grand Master

    The fans began to cheer as some country music began to play as Brian Lawler and BG James made their way down to ring where they would be taking part in the next match. However, first they would get some mic time. Once in the ring, BG James asked for the microphone from Jeremy Borash.

    BG James: Oooohhh you didn't know? Well then I guess you're ass BETTER CCCCCAAAALLLLL SSSOOOMMMEEEEBODY! Yes that's right, it's me, it's me, and I'm back up in TENNESSEE!

    The cheap popped worked pretty well for BG James, who the crowd always loves.

    BG James: Allow us to introduce yourselves, JUST IN CASE YOU FORGOT! ....Ladies and Gentlement, boys and girls, CHILDREN OF ALL AGES, Total Nonstop Action is proud to bring to you....BG JAMES......."TOO SEXY" BRIAN LAWLER........

    BG James' usual routine was stopped as he took a moment to pause and think...

    BG James: Well...we don't really have a name yet, BUT WE'RE WORKIN' ON IT!

    Lawler and James both laughed as Lawler patted James on the back.

    BG James: But ONE thing is for damn sure, and that's we're here to kick some serious ass all up in Total Nonstop Action. And those asses in question are none other than those belonging to Mr. Old School Steve Corino and his Old School Bitch - Kid Kash...

    Lawler immediately jumped in to correct James...

    Brian Lawler: Woah man, I know you've been out of it for a while...but Corino is the King of Old School, not Mr. Old School...and Kid Kash is going by David Cash now...

    BG James: You know, I was wonderin' when he'd stop callin' himself Kid, after all, he's in his 30's for cryin' out loud! Well, Corino and Cash - both of you just need to pull you up a chair and pop ya some popcorn and maybe take a few notes, because tonight we're gonna show you how to KICK THAT SHIZNIT.....OLD SCHOOL STYLE!

    Brian Lawler: Haha! Oh yeah Corino, I told ya I had a friend to call up to even the sides! Because two can play your game. You can bad mouth the us, the fans, and Tennessee all you want, but once the sides are even - you run. You can't put your money where your mouth is, which isn't surprising. Maybe you're just afraid that WE represent the Old School more than you two ever could. After all, we both come from big wrestling families and we know all about tradition. What you two are doing goes completely against wrestling tradition. So next time you two show up, we're gonna traditionally kick your asses! But for now we'll settle for taking on the ambigously gay duo, a team that almost measures up to you two!

    Lawler and James laugh again before throwing down the microphone and awaiting their opponents.


    Brian Lawler & BG James vs. The West Hollywood Blondes

    This was just your ordinary extended squash match, with Lenny and Lodi each taking turns tagging in and out and running into all of James and Lawler's trademark moves. The Blondes did manage to get in some of their usual fruity antics though to get a couple of laughs out of the crowd. After being on the receiving end of a thrust kick from Lawler, Lenny frantically crawled his way over to the corner to tag in Lodi. Lodi gave Lenny a reassuring hug and helped him back over to the apron, but when Lodi turned back around he was met with a thrust kick of his own from Lawler. Lawler danced his way over to BG James and gave him the tag. Lodi began to stumble to his feet and BG James met him with the Shake, Rattle, and Roll punches to send Lodi back to the mat. James then came off the ropes with the Crazy Legs kneedrop, which got a bit of a reaction from the crowd. James made the cover - One, Two, Thre....Lenny broke it up. James got up and Lenny slapped him right across the face. James' eyes grew wide and stared down Lenny who began to panic and went for another slap, but James caught his arm this time and pulled him into a short-arm clothesline. Lenny rolled out onto the apron as Lodi began to get back to his feet.

    James grabbed Lodi and brought him over to the corner where he tagged in Lawler. Lawler and James hit a Lodi with a double atomic drop that sent Lodi stumbling around the ring holding himself...then he walked right back into them and got it with a double inverted atomic drop. Lodi was left staggering again and this time Lawler lifted him up and slammed him to the mat with a bodyslam. Lawler then lookd to the top turnbuckle and began his ascent. Once on top, he slid his goggles down over his eyes as Lenny got back into the ring, but James made sure to cut him off. James hit Lenny with the Pumphandle Slam as Lawler came off the top with the Tennessee Jam on Lodi. Both men made covers - One, Two, Three! **½ - Nothing but a glorified squash to put over Lawler and James as a team; nothing more, nothing less.

    Winners - Brian Lawler & BG James

    Overall: 72

    Crowd: 66

    Match: 79

    Post match, Steve Corino and David Cash appeared at the top of the aisle, and they just eyed the celebrating James and Lawler. Lawler and BG James finally noticed them and they called them on down, ready to fight some more.

    Mike Tenay: They just finished a match but they're ready to go now! Let's give the crowd what they want!

    Don West: Oh yeah! LET'S SEE IT!

    Corino and Cash looked to each other, nodded, and started down the aisle towards the ring. However, right when they were about to hit ringside, they stopped in their tracks. Corino just waved off Lawler and James laughing, before turning around and heading back up the aisle with Cash. Lawler and James looked disappointed in the ring.

    Don West: What was that all about?!?

    Mike Tenay: It's about Steve Corino and David Cash not having it in them to take on BG James and Brian Lawler, that's what!

    Don West: And I was looking forward to seeing them go at it!!

    Mike Tenay: So was the fans and so was Lawler and James...but they can't duck them forever...I understand that there is some kind of confrontation going on backstage...we've got a camera man on the case...

    Differing Opinions

    The screen cut to backstage where AJ Styles had caught up with Elix Skipper. They were going nose to nose when Goldylocks came over to try and get some answers.

    Goldylocks: Ok guys, calm down! Calm down!

    Elix Skipper shoved Styles away.

    Elix Skipper: Chill, baby! Don't be up in Primetime's personal space!

    AJ Styles: I'll get "up out" your personal space once you get out of MY business!

    Elix Skipper: Hey, Primetime was just out there to help! That's all I wanted to do...help ya out a bit. Come on baby!

    Goldylocks: What is this all about you two?

    AJ Styles: It's ABOUT him trying to cheat his way to the X-Division title. That's not me. I want to do things MY way, and that's EARN my shot...not cheat my way to the top.

    Elix Skipper: Come on now, a win is a win is a win. You should be thanking me.

    AJ Styles: Thanks for what? For tainting what would have been a clean victory for me?

    Elix Skipper: You were in trouble, I saved you from losing! I may have my own methods of winnin', but baby, I do win, don't I? And I won us those tag matches, didn't I? That X-Division is gonna be going PRIMETIME soon baby, and I'll be doin' it by any means neccissary.

    Skipper and Styles went back to being nose to nose again as "The Franchise" walked into the shot once again.

    Shane Douglas: Hey! Hey! Hey! Let's not get too hastey gentlemen...I think I have a solution that will make everyone happy.

    Elix & AJ: WHAT!

    Shane Douglas: Don't raise your voice to THE FRANCHISE! Especially when I'm callin' the shots! Hahaha! But you two both want to get an X-Division Title shot your OWN way...well here's an idea...why not settle things in a ONE-ON-ONE match. Next week you two can go at it and whoever wins will be the number one contender to the X-Division Title! It's already been approved!

    AJ Styles: Good, then after I beat you cleanly, maybe you'll keep out of my business as I win the X-Division Title.

    Elix Skipper: Baby, that X-Division Belt is ALL PRIMETIME'S!

    Styles and Skipper stared each other down again before they each finally turned and left, leaving Goldylocks standing with The Franchise.

    Shane Douglas: Leave it to The Franchise to restore order around here...

    Shane then glanced at Goldylocks, and then checked her out up and down...

    Shane Douglas: You know, I think I'm gonna like this job...Ha...Ha Ha!

    Shane Douglas walked off, leaving Goldylocks with a grin on her face as the screen cut back to the ring.


    Mike Tenay: Another huge match confirmed by The Franchise of TNA - Shane Douglas...Elix Skipper versus AJ Styles for a shot at the X-Division Title!

    Don West: It's gonna be off the charts, Mike! I CAN'T WAIT!

    Mike Tenay: But who will the winner of that match face...it will depend on who wins our next match which will be for the X-Division Title. Let's take a look back at the history between Prince Siaki and Low-Ki!

    Total Nonstop Action July 3, 2002

    X-Division Tournament

    Low-Ki versus Juventud Guerrera

    The Juice said it was time to end the match as he pulled Low-Ki up to his feet. He lifted Low-Ki up for the Juvi Driver, but Low-Ki countered it and rolled up Juvi! One, Two, Three! After the match, both men got up and shook hands in a sign of respect.

    Prince Siaki versus AJ Styles

    Awesome wasn't done yet as he grabbed Styles before he could hit the mat...and hit him with the Awesome Bomb! Mike Awesome left the ring and walked over behind Jarrett to signal to him that he was done. Jarrett acted like he was giving in to Referee Armstrong, and headed back up the aisle with Awesome. The referee turned around to see Siaki crawling over and making the cover on Styles. One, Two, Three!

    X-Division Championship Match

    Low-Ki versus Prince Siaki

    Meanwhile, Siaki grabbed his royal medallion that he wears around his neck and wrapped it around his fist so the chain of it was around his fist and the actual medallion in his palm. Low-Ki crawled back into the ring. The Island Boys reluctantly gave in to Johnson's orders, but not before Siaki decked Low-Ki in the ring with the medallion! He tucked it into his tights before making the cover on Low-Ki. Mark Johnson slid back into the ring to count. One, Two, Three...NO! Low-Ki got his shoulder up.....

    Both men got back to their feet and Siaki gave Low-Ki a boot to the midsection then snapped him down to the mat with a DDT. Siaki made the cover. One, Two, Thre...kickout. Siaki slammed the mat in frustration before taking his time to pull Low-Ki up. He went for the Siakilypse, but Low-Ki blocked it and countered with the Ki-Krusher '99! One, Two, Three!


    Total Nonstop Action July 17, 2002

    X-Division Championship Match

    Low-Ki© vs. Lash LeRoux

    eRoux got a bit more offense in before lifting Low-Ki up into a Fireman's Carry to set him up for the Whiplash, but when he went to hit it, Low-Ki came forward and landed on his feet. He then hit a handspring back kick to LeRoux. Low-Ki would eventually put this one away by locking on the Dragon Clutch to make LeRoux submit.

    Winner and STILL X-Division Champion - Low-Ki

    Mike Tenay: Low-Ki retains the X-Division Title against a former WCW Cruiserweight Champion!

    Don West: WAIT LOOK OUT!

    West screamed that out because the royal bodygaurds of Prince Siaki, Ekmo and Kimo had came from nowhere and attacked Low-Ki as he was celebrating his title defense.

    Mike Tenay: What are THEY doing out here?!

    Kimo Irish Whipped Low-Ki into the ropes and hit him with a Samoan Drop as he came off the ropes while Ekmo climbed up to the middle turnbuckle and came off with a big splash onto Low-Ki.

    Siaki appeared from the entrance way and began to saunter down the aisle and climb into the ring where his boys had taken care of Low-Ki.

    Prince Siaki: And to think, he SOMEHOW managed to leave the ring victorious last time we met? PROPOSTEROUS! I AM ROYALTY! I shouldn't even have to share the ring with him, much less lose to him! No...No...No...this will NOT do at all. For you see, I did make that promise to my homeland, to Samoa, to the Kilika Tribe that I would bring back gold to them. And this peasant is keeping me from living up to my word. And that will NOT do at all...either....I have never broken my word before, and I am not about to begin now.

    Prince Siaki noticed the X-Division Title belt lying on the mat near where Low-Ki had been laid out at. He bent down and picked it up, glancing it over.

    Prince Siaki: Yes...yes...now THIS would work just nicely. The people of Samoa would rejoice for weeks on end if I was to bring this back with me. There would be parades in the streets and they would be singing my name in praise, just the way it should be. Very well...it's not the NWA World Heavyweight Title...but it will do.

    Siaki threw the X-Division title down across Low-Ki before leaving the ring with The Island Boys.

  6. Wasn't Titus getting decent ratings on Fox before the network flip flopped their time slot? Maybe? Maybe not... I just remember loving the show.

    New season starts in a couple of weeks doesn't it?

    At least I know I saw a commercial of him promoting a new season of it the other day on Fox, but then again...they could have changed their minds in an instance...so I'm not sure.

  7. Off the top of my head my list would be:

    -Andy Richter Controls the Universe (FOX)

    -Fastlane (FOX)

    -Push, Nevada (ABC)

    -Boston Public (FOX)


    That's all I can think of right now. I really liked Fastlane especially and was very upset to see it go after only one season.

  8. NWA-TNA Week 8

    Card for NWA-Total Nonstop Action

    August 7th, 2002

    First Week on the Job

    Scott Hall & Malice vs. Jeff Jarrett & Ken Shamrock

    If you think there's something fishy going on with this match, you're not the only one. Last week "The Franchise" Shane Douglas showed up as the representative of the NWA Championship Committee who will be acting as their voice on Total Nonstop Action. And what an announcement he made as his first act, making the NWA Title match between the four men involved in this match. These four guys hate each other, and putting them on sides will most likely prove to be an explosive situation. Both of these teams are doomed before they even team up. Which should make the match that much more interesting.

    NWA X-Division Championship Match

    Low-Ki © vs. Prince Siaki (w/The Island Boys)

    After missing last week's show due to have commitments in Japan, Low-Ki returns to action to defend his X-Division title against the man who has been pestering the champion for a title shot the past several weeks, Prince Siaki. Low-Ki has proven to be a force in the X-Division, taking on all challengers, but with the Island Boys present at ringside, can Siaki be the one to take the title off of Low-Ki and bring the gold back to his home of Samoa?

    NWA Tag Team Championship Match

    The New Church (w/Rev. Mitchell) vs. York & Matthews (w/Alicia)

    York & Matthews have proven that they are very good tag team, but there has been one team that they just have been unable to get past, and that is the team of the NWA Tag Team Champions, Brian Lee and Slash of the New Church. But after defeating the Island Boys last week, they have put themselves in line for this title shot. Let us not forget the heinous act that was committed against York & Matthew's good friend Shannon Moore two weeks back. Can it be what goes around comes around for York & Matthews? Or will the New Church continue their dominance of the tag team division?

    AJ Styles vs. Devon Storm

    For the past two weeks, AJ Styles had been forced to team with Elix Skipper as they both tried to get the attention of the Championship Committee as each want an eventual shot at the X-Division title. They had success in both their matches, though the more honorable AJ Styles has had problems with Elix Skipper's methods of winning. Styles can take a breath of fresh air this week as he gets a one-on-one X-Division match against Devon Storm, who is making his first appearance since the Gauntlet for the Gold.

    Brian Lawler & BG James vs. The West Hollywood Blondes

    Last week Brian Lawler found himself on the bad side of a Steve Corino and David Cash double team, but thanks to the back up provided by BG James, Lawler was able to even up the sides. This week Lawler and James will want to try and send a message to Corino & Cash as they show their chemistry against the West Hollywood Blondes. Both James and Lawler are experienced tag wrestlers, but how familiar will they be with each other in the ring? Perhaps this will be the week that sees the West Hollywood Blondes pick up their first TNA victory.

  9. NWA-TNA Report 7.24.02

    Live from Nashville, TN

    This week's highlight package focused completely on Shamrock, Hall, Jarrett, and Malice by showing Hall's promo prior to the Last Call Invitational, Shamrock's sit-down interview with Goldylocks, Jarrett's promo, Malice's sacrifice of Shannon Moore, and finally the big brawl the occured at the end of the match as Hall tried to save Moore, before Shamrock and Jarrett got involved as well to send things sprawling out of control until NWA Officials finally got things under control. The scene of each man being held back in seperate corners of the ring was the last part of the montage that we saw before the NWA-TNA opening played leading us to ringside with our usual hosts.

    Mike Tenay: Welcome once again fans to TOTAL NONSTOP ACTION! I'm Mike Tenay and I'm here with Don West. And Don, tonight the NWA Championship Committee has made a statement that they WILL get things back under control here in TNA.

    Don West: And it's about time! What went down last week was just CRAZY! Somebody had to do something.

    Mike Tenay: Thankfully, the Championship Committee had a meeting and have found apparantly a "peer" of the wrestlers to act as their representative. I'm not exactly sure what that means, but we WILL find out by the end of the night!

    Don West: Let's hope it's not too late!

    Mike Tenay: This is true because the explosive elements will be combined tonight as Ken Shamrock and the New Church's monster Malice go one-on-one in the main event!

    Don West: Both men are COMPLETELY NUTS! I don't think ANYONE IS SAFE IN THAT MATCH!!

    Mike Tenay: Hopefully NWA Officials will be able to keep things under control for that match, but that's not all we have to look forward to tonight. We'll see Brian Lawler going up against David Cash as well as a match to determine who will get a Tag Team Titles shot NEXT WEEK here on Total Nonstop Action. But first, we start out with a little bit of X-Division tag action!

    AJ Styles & Elix Skipper vs. Michael Shane & Paul London

    Mike Tenay reminded us of last week's match of Styles & Skipper versus the West Hollywood Blondes and how they overcame obviously not wanting to tag with each other to win, although Styles had not looked pleased with Skipper's method of victory, which was a roll-up with help from tights AND ropes. Surprisingly enough, this match wasn't as good as Skipper & Styles' match from last week, perhaps it can be attributed that the Blondes were a more experienced team than Shane and London, also the fact that the fans were more into that one. However, this one was still a fast paced affair with London and Shane showing signs of brilliance as they still managed to work together rather fluidly. Skipper and Styles were in the same attitude from last week in that they obviously were not happy about being paired together for a second time. However the match went on with both teams pulling out all the stops in trying to awe the crowd, but coming up short. They did have one moment that did get some "Oohs" from the audience was when Styles and Skipper both found themselves on the outside as Shane and London climbed out onto the apron and hit a nicely timed synchronized Asai Moonsaults down onto both Skipper and Styles.

    Styles and Skipper, not to be outdone by their opponents, wanted to impress the crowd as well as Skipper placed Paul London on the top turnbuckle. Skipper climbed up, but London began to fight back and they had a brief exchange on the turnbuckles that ended with Skipper falling off the turnbuckles and left London sitting on the top. However, Styles came into the ring and ran into the corner as Skipper was on all four. He used Skipper as a springboard to leap up and nail a beautiful rana off the top on London! London did a full flip and landed on his chest instead of back. When Styles became the legal man in against Michael Shane, Elix Skipper began to show his dirty tricks as Styles whipped Shane into the ropes where Skipped lifted his knee up into Shane's back. Skipper immediately jumped down off the apron when Shane turned around to confront him, and London entered the ring to try and get some retribution, but Mike Posey cut London off.

    London argued with the ref about Skipper's cheating as Skipper walked around ringside and grabbed a chair. Shane ducked a spinkick from Styles and then took him to the mat with a rana as Skipper came into the ring with the chair as Posey was still caught up with London. With Styles down, Shane had went to try and get Posey back in on the action as well, but Skipper measured him up with the chair. He was about to crack the chair across Shane's back when Styles came from behind Skipper and pulled the chair away from Skipper! Styles threw the chair out of the ring as Skipper got in Styles' face. Shane turned around and went to hit a superkick to Skipper, but Skipper moved and Styles got nailed with the superkick! Skipper gave Shane a low blow just as London finally left back to the apron. Posey turned around as Skipper hit the Play of the Day on Shane. Skipper went for the pin - One, Two, Thre...London broke it up. Both men got up and London sent himself and Skipper over the top rope to the floor as Styles was recovering and slowly climbed to the top turnbuckle as Shane was still down. Styles came off the top turnbuckle with the Spiral Tap onto Shane! One, Two, Three! *** - Good opener, but it didn't succeed in getting the crowd into the show like last week's opener did. But the angle between Skipper and Styles is progressing, let's hope they aren't becoming Odd Couple Tag Team #66b.

    Winners - AJ Styles & Elix Skipper

    Overall: 68

    Crowd: 51

    Match: 86

    Mike Tenay: Despite their differences, Skipper and Styles win again, and you have to think they are impressing the NWA Championship Committee. Perhaps enough to put either one in line for an X-Division Title shot at whoever wins next week between Prince Siaki and Low-Ki.

    Don West: The X-Division is just ONE of the reasons why you should tune in to Total Nonstop Action every week! Every week these guys are going ALL OUT! IT'S UNBELIEVABLE what these guys can do!

    Mike Tenay: Another reason is because you never know who is going to show up and surprise us each and every week. Last week, it was K-Dawg, Konnan showing up to answer Scott Hall's Last Call Invitational.

    Don West: You got that right, Mike! Here I was expecting someone like Jarrett or Shamrock to answer the challenge, but then out came Konnan!

    Mike Tenay: The NWA Champ proved too much for Hall, but Konnan has come back this week to try and put a mark in the win column here in TNA.

    Konnan vs. "The Tennessee Cowboy" James Storm

    Konnan did his usual speil before the match, but since he didn't say anything worth copying since we all know how his usual prematch attempt of getting the crowd hype goes. Didn't really work, as the crowd was actually even more dead for this match than they were for the opener. And the fact that Konnan looked sloppy in the ring didn't help the fact either. This one got the one chant every wrestler fears the most - the BORRRRIIINNNGGGG chant. Both men were apparantly playing face as well, meaning that if the crowd WAS interested, they wouldn't know who to cheer for. James Storm tried to make a decent showing in his debut match, but the only thing he showed was that he can't carry someone like Konnan to a decent match. It was a lot of punch and kick early from both men, but Konnan soon took control and was in control for the most of the match. He got a couple nearfalls of of a double arm DDT and a modified backbreaker.

    James Storm didn't go down without a fight, however. Konnan set him up for a powerbomb, but Storm backdropped him to counter it. Both men were back up to their feet at the same time and began to exchange punches until Storm blocked a right hand from Konnan and fired back with some rapid fire punches. Konnan stumbled backwards, but ran back into Storm - only to receive a back elbow to the mat. Konnan rolled back to his feet, but met him with a buzzsaw kick to the midsection, then sent Konnan into the ropes and hit him with a big spinebuster. Storm went for the pin - One, Two, kickout by Konnan. Storm began to pull Konnan up, but he drove a pair of forearms into Storm's midsection to send Storm stumbling backwards. Konnan pulled himself up, but Storm regrouped and nailed Konnan in the chest with a thrust kick. Konnan fell back into the ropes before hitting the mat. Storm pulled Konnan out of the ropes and made the cover again - One, Two, Thre....Konnan kicked out again.

    Storm lifted Konnan up and sent him into the ropes with an Irish Whip. Konnan ducked a clothesline attempt from Storm and bounced off the opposite ropes and hit him with the Rolling Thunder Clothesline. Stormy slowly stumbled back up to his feet, where Konnan met him and sent him into the ropes once again. Off the ropes, Konnan gave him a boot to the midsection and then drove him face first to the mat with the K-Factor. Storm hit the mat and rolled over onto his back as Konnan made the cover - One, Two, Three. *¾ - Konnan looked very sloppy and didn't do a very good job at making the new debut James Storm look good. If TNA wants to keep Konnan around, he better get more motivated in the ring.

    Winner - Konnan

    Overall: 58

    Crowd: 49

    Match: 68

    Lesson #1: Don't Accept Open Challenges

    Mike Tenay: James Storm put up a good fight, but in the end it was Konnan picking up the victory...but...

    We experienced a bit of deja vu as Mike Awesome and Jeff Jarrett appeared from the back and jumped Konnan while he was celebrating his victory in the ring.

    Don West: What in the world?!

    Mike Tenay: What is it with these two?!

    Mike Awesome and Jeff Jarrett stomped away at Konnan before Awesome pulled him up and then hit him with a Running Awesome Bomb to lay him out. Jeff Jarrett demanded a microphone.

    Jeff Jarrett: This is what happens when someone steps in the way of the Chosen One's path to the NWA Heavyweight Title. Last week, Konnan thought he could come out here and try to win my belt from Scott Hall...I would have went out there and won the belt myself, if he hadn't gone out and stole my chance. No one is standing in my way! Ken Shamrock...Malice...if you stand in my way, this will happen to you, too! Now I don't know and I don't really care what the NWA Championship Committee is planning for tonight, but just know this...I rightfully deserve that shot at the NWA Championship. I beat that greaser Scott Hall FAIR AND SQUARE, right in the MIDDLE OF THE RING. If anyone deserves a shot at the title, it's me. Ken Shamrock? Malice? Those slapnuts deserve absolutely nothing! So Scott Hall, why don't you prove you deserve to be the champ...it's like you always say - don't sing it, bring it...slapnuts!

    Scott Hall wasted no time as he appeared from backstage, but as he made his way down the aisle, NWA Officials and security immediately cut him off.

    Mike Tenay: They're making sure to settle things down before they can get started.

    Don West: Very smart!

    Jeff Jarrett: What is it Hall? Afraid? Come on, I'm right here! Come and get me!

    Hall struggled and broke free, but more security came in and held him back. Jarrett laughed as he looked over to Awesome and motioned to him. Awesome lifted Konnan back up off the mat.

    Jeff Jarrett: It's ok Hall, you can be afraid of me. I am the Chosen One after all, and no one is going to blame you for being afraid to put your belt up against me. But just know, that I will get my shot because I have ALL the stroke around here and that belt rightfully belongs to me. So Hall...don't sing it, CHOKE ON IT!

    Awesome shoved Konnan into Jarrett, who grappled him from the side and hit him with the Stroke. Jarrett lifted his arms up and showed the double V symbols as Hall continued to be restrained by security.


    More Gold For Samoa?

    The screen cut backstage to Goldylocks, standing by with Prince Siaki and the Island Boys. Siaki was dressed in some very fancy gold and silver garments with his gold medallion around his neck and various rings on his fingers.

    Goldylocks: I'm here with Prince Siaki and his Island Boys who will be going up against York and Matthews, OMEGA, next...and I must say Siaki, you are definitely flashy tonight...

    Prince Siaki: Flashy? Flashy? I don't think I understand your simple American language. These are the royal garments of Samoa, and I wear them with pride. I do not wear them to display my immense wealth that I possess...no, I wear it to display the history and glory that is Samoa. These garments represent everything I am fighting for here in NWA-TNA. So I would appreciate some respect, you pathetic American blonde bimbo.

    Glodylocks: Excuse me?

    Prince Siaki: You are excused. Now, on to more important things, such as my X-Division Title match next week...

    Goldylocks: What about the Island Boys' match tonight?

    Prince Siaki: Yes, yes...that is important to. And I would have gotten to that, but you poor peasants are just so impatient! But as I was saying before being so rudely interrupted, I was saying that next week my TNA quest will be fulfilled as I acquire the gold that I promised my Kilika Tribe back home in Samoa. Long they have been awaiting my return with the gold I promised them, and finally they shall be graced with my return, and their wait will not have been in vain. And Low-Ki, the poor peasant could not even bring himself to coming to the arena after what my royal gaurds did to him last week. I would not be surprised if he decided to not show his disgraced face next week, either.

    Goldylocks: Actually, Low-Ki is already back in action, he's just over in Japan this week in action.

    Prince Siaki: Japan? Whatever! It's just an excuse to get him away from Samoa's true prince. But he cannot hide forever...next week I will win because I SHALL NOT BE DENIED. Oh yes, let us not forget that next week I could be returning to Samoa with not just the X-Division gold, but Samoa could be in for a double treat of gold...as The Island Boys will come with me, with gold of their own - tag team gold. Next week, mark my words, will be Samoa's proudest night! Come along boys, we have a prophecy to fulfill.

    Siaki lifted his head high as he walked off screen with Kimo and Ekmo following.

    Goldylocks: Alright! Let's go back to the ring for the match!


    Tag Team Title #1 Contenders Match

    The Island Boys (w/Prince Siaki) vs. York & Matthews (w/Alicia)

    I don't know what it is about York & Matthews, but they never seem to put on a bad match (well the six man from several weeks back wasn't the best, but they weren't to blame for that one) and this one was no exception as they manage to pull the match of the night out of the two superheavyweight Samoans, Ekmo and Kimo. Now if only the crowd would get behind this team and they could have the makings of THE team of TNA. Unfortunately, the crowd does continue to be dead like they have been for most of the night (baring the Jarrett promo which got good heat). The crowd just sat on their hands as they watched York and Matthews sell and work their asses off, carrying The Island Boys for the majority of the match. Ekmo and Kimo had the obvious size and power advantage over York and Matthews, but they also had the advantage of Prince Siaki at ringside, who was always there to trip up one of the OMEGA members or distract referee Rudy Charles while The Island Boys took advantage.

    Joey Matthews found himself in trouble as he was being double teamed by the Island Boys. Kimo worked him over in their corner before tagging Ekmo in. They sent him into the opposite corner, then Ekmo Irish Whipped Kimo into Matthews for a big splash. Kimo moved out of the way as Ekmo came running in with a splash of his own. Matthews stumbled out of the corner right into a Samoan Drop from Kimo. Kimo rolled out of the ring as Ekmo hit a spinning legdrop on Matthews and went for the pin - One, Two, Thr...York broke the count up. York left the ring before Ekmo could get to him, so instead Ekmo bounced off the ropes and hit a running knee drop onto Matthews before making another pinfall attempt. One, Two, kickout. Alicia began slapping the apron trying to get her man to make the fresh tag. After planting Matthews back to the mat with a full nelson toss into a reverse Russian legsweep, Ekmo began to climb the turnbuckle. Off the second turnbuckle, he came off with a moonsault. Luckily for Matthews - he rolled out of the way just in time and Ekmo ate canvas as a result.

    Matthews made the crawl over and made the hot tag to York. As Ekmo got back up to his feet, York springboarded into the ring with a dropkick to Ekmo. Ekmo fell backwards into the corner where Kimo tagged himself in. Kimo came in looking for a lariat to York, but York ducked and then took Kimo to the mat with a spinning heel kick. Matthews had recovered, and together they hit a double dropkick to Ekmo to send him out of the ring. They then grabbed Kimo and hooked him by the head, going for an apparant double vertical suplex, but Kimo proved to be too much for them and he over powered them, then dropped them both with a double DDT! Kimo rolled over and covered York - One, Two, kickout by York. Ekmo had climbed back up onto the apron in the Island Boys corner as Matthews rolled out onto the apron as well. Kimo began to pull Matthews up, but Matthews fought him off with a jawbreaker. Kimo was left stumbling as York pulled himself up and then gave Kimo a boot to the midsection. Kimo was doubled over as York bounced off the ropes and hit a swinging neckbreaker to Kimo. York, not going for the cover, immediately climbed to the top turnbuckle and then came off the top hitting Kimo with the Rebel Yelp. York made the cover. One, Two, Thre....Siaki put Kimo's foot on the bottom rope!

    York got up, bounced off the ropes, and hit a baseball slide kick to Siaki, sending Siaki crashing into the gaurd rail. York rolled to the corner and tagged in Matthews. Matthews came in and hit a thrust kick to the recovering Kimo. He went for the pin immediately - One, Two, Ekmo broke it up. As Ekmo returned to the apron, Matthews ran to the corner and gave him a dropkick, sending Ekmo falling off the apron to the floor. Matthews turned around only to receive a kick from Kimo. Kimo sent Matthews into the ropes and then caught him off the ropes in position for a Samoan Drop. However, Matthews began trying to reverse it into a crucifix rollup. York came into the ring to give the assist as he dropkicked Kimo, sending him right into that crucifix roll up! One, Two, Three! ***¾ - Surprisingly good match as apparantly York & Matthews can do no wrong in the ring. That sets them up to face The New Church for the tag team titles next week.

    Winners - York & Matthews

    Overall: 72

    Crowd: 51

    Match: 91

    Mike Tenay: York & Matthews will get another shot at the tag titles next week AND will try to get a little measure of revenge for what The New Church did to Shannon Moore last week!

    Don West: IF they can...the New Church has been DOMINATE!

    Mike Tenay: We'll see next week, York & Matthews - The New Church - NWA Tag Team Titles on the line! Let's send it back to Goldylocks!

    Something To Prove

    The camera switched to backstage where Goldylocks was with K-Krush, who was fresh off his big victory last week against Jerry Lynn.

    Goldylocks: K-Krush, we all saw you beat Jerry Lynn last week, but what do you have to say about the people saying it wasn't a clean victory.

    K-Krush: Say what now? People are saying it wasn't clean? Let me ask you sumthin', what did these people happen to look like?

    Goldylocks: Huh?

    K-Krush: They looked different than me I bet. Because you people just can't handle the truth! The fact that I went out there and beat little white boy fan favorite Jerry Lynn one, two, three in the middle of that ring fair and square makes you people even more jealous of my abilities. But do I get any attention from the NWA Championship Committee? Hell naw! But who is? Ken Shamrock? Jeff Jarrett? Malice? I can't HELP but notice that those three share a common trait, GOLDY. So what do you think of that??

    Goldylocks: Well, I mean they've earned their...

    K-Krush: AND I HAVEN'T?! I think it's pretty obvious what's goin' on 'round here, and I'm NOT gonna stand for it!

    As K-Krush finished his last sentence, Jerry Lynn walked into the frame with a cold look on his face as he walked right up to K-Krush's face.

    Jerry Lynn: Neither am I.

    K-Krush: Fool? What you talkin' bout? Didn't I done beat you enough last week?

    Jerry Lynn: I said I'm not gonna stand for it either.

    K-Krush: What's that?

    Jerry Lynn: I'm not gonna stand around and let you get away with beating me like you did last week. You wanna know something everybody saw...yeah, they saw you beat me.....but it took a handful of my tights to do it.

    K-Krush: Awww naw, that's some bullshit right there! And I'll prove it...I beat you and I'll beat you again...whiteboy!

    K-Krush then slapped Lynn right across the face, which Lynn was not about to stand for. Goldylocks got out of the way as fast as possible as Lynn struck Krush with a right hand and this sent the two brawling. The camera followed them as they moved towards the hallway, where Lynn sent Krush head first into the wall. Lynn picked up a chair that just happended to be sitting nearby and drove it into Krush's midsection, doubling him over. He then brought the chair down across Krush's back, sending him to the floor. As Krush began to try and pull himself up, security finally broke things up. As security held Lynn back, the screen cut back to the ring.


    Mike Tenay: Just another situation getting out of hand...everyone's losing it lately!

    Don West: And I'm lovin' every minute of it! WHAT EXCITEMENT!

    Mike Tenay: And there's more excitement to come as next up we have Steve Corino's new partner in crime, David Cash takes on Brian Lawler...let's take a look.

    Total Nonstop Action June 26th, 2002

    Steve Corino: What am I doing here? David, what are you doing here? NASHVILLE? What is this dump? You know we are BOTH better than this!

    Mike Tenay: What is he talking about? How dare he put down these fans like that!

    The fans let Corino have it with boos as Kid Kash just stared Corino down.

    Steve Corino: You think these fans even know who you are? We're not in Philly anymore; this isn't the ECW Arena. This is NASHVILLE F'N Tennessee. Home of inbred yokels and rednecks. You think these people deserve to see two AMAZING talents like ourselves wrestler? I don't think so.

    Steve Corino slowly walked up to Kash until they were standing face-to-face.

    Steve Corino: I'm better than this place, and yes, even you are better than this place. We can do so much better than this, so really there's no point in us even having a match infront of these hicks. What have they done to deserve to see a classic match-up between us? So why don't we pack our stuff up and head somewhere where we will be appreciate us and especially deserve to see us.

    Kash didn't respond as the fans continued to boo Corino. Kash seemed to be thinking about Corino's offer...

    Steve Corino: What the hell? You even have to THINK about this offer!

    Corino then gave Kash an open handed slap right across Kash's face. Kash rubbed his face as Corino began to berate him.

    Steve Corino: I thought you would be able to understand where I was coming from David, after all we both come from a place where the fans really appreciated us. But now that I think about it, I see you're just like THEM. You're one of THEM. You know, I think I've changed my mind...these fans may not deserve it, but it will be my pleasure to kick your ass!

    Corino swung the microphone at Kid Kash, but Kash blocked it with his left arm and then nailed Corino with a right hand as referee Billy Silverman called for the bell to start the match.


    Total Nonstop Action July 17th, 2002

    The fans were giving Lawler a good ovation as he perched on the top turnbuckle and slid his goggles down across his eyes, showing that he was going for the Tennessee Jam. However, from the back came the man Corino beat three weeks prior, Kid Kash. He leaped onto the apron and shoved Lawler to the mat. Referee Billy Silverman immediately called for the bell, disqualifying  Corino. **½ - Match and the finish especially left a lot to be desired, but it looks like this feud will be continuing with the apparant addition of Kid Kash for whatever reason.

    Winner - Brian Lawler via DQ

    Overall: 74

    Crowd: 71

    Match: 77

    Don West: Isn't that...KID KASH? Didn't Steve Corino just beat him?

    Mike Tenay: Yeah, that's definitely Kid Kash, but what is he doing out here!?!

    Kash helped Corino up, and Corino looked very happy to see Kash in the ring. They both turned their attention to Brian Lawler as they began to lay the boots to him. After dealing the damage to Lawler, Kash finally pulled Lawler to his feet and pushed him into Corino, who laid Lawler out with the Old School Expulsion. Kid Kash grabbed Corino's arm and lifted it up as the fans booed them both.


    Total Nonstop Action July 24th, 2002

    Goldylocks: I'm with Steve Corino and Kid Kash, and my first question has to be...what is the relationship between you two?

    Steve Corino: Allow me to field that one. You all probably remember several weeks ago when I beat "Kid Kash." Before the match, I told him about how the fans didn't really appreciate him, but at the time he was too niave to believe me. But not only am I the King of Old School, but I am also a teacher. Because after the match, after losing cleanly to me, he was not met with appreciation for his efforts. Instead, the fans showed they could care less about him and just wanted to see the next match.

    Kid Kash: And that's when I knew that Steve was right; I ain't gonna get no respect from them. So I called Steve up, and I immediately apologized for how blind I had been. I wanted to set things right, which is why I did what I did last week.


    Brian Lawler: I shoulda known you'd have some flunky hiding out in the back last week, but I guess I won't prepared. But two can play at this game! I have a friend who I can call up who disagrees with your views just as much as I do.

    Steve Corino: Oooh, we're SO scared. I don't care how many hicks you call up, we'll take them all out.

    Brian Lawler: Whatever, man. Just know that I will have backup...next week...when I get something back for what happened last week. Next week I want you, Kid...David...Cash, whatever it is you're going by.

  10. The big brawl between Scott Hall, Ken Shamrock, Jeff Jarrett and Malice during the sixth week show turned out to be a pretty important part of early NWA-TNA History. Jerry Jarrett would use this brawl as a reason to bring in an authority figure to TNA. In wrestling these days, you almost have to have some kind of figurehead to make matches and give people a reason to fight, otherwise you just have the wrestlers calling the shots, which is unrealistic in itself.

    But Jerry didn't want to go the route of having the evil heel authority figure, but he also didn't want to have the suck-up to the crowd people's boss either. Instead, he wanted someone who could play both roles at the sametime while acting as the on-screen authority figure. Being in the wrestling business for so long, I had seen my fair share of authority figures played out on TV; whether it be J.J. Dillon, Eric Bischoff, Vince Russo, "The Powers That Be," or even Ernest "The "Cat Miller and Mike Sanders playing the "commissioner" roles in WCW. Perhaps that is why Jerry came to me...

    "Hey Mike!" Jerry Jarrett came up to me after the sixth week show.

    "Oh, hey Mr. Jarrett, another good show tonight."

    "Thanks Mike, and like I always say - call me Jerry! Anyway, I got a favor to ask of ya."

    "Ok boss."

    "I want to bring in an on-air figure head role to play commissioner or whatever them types are being called these days."

    "Um...alright, what does that have to do with me."

    "It has a lot to do with you, Mike! Because there is someone I have in mind for the spot...now I know it's short notice since I want him in by next week's show..."

    "Next week? Not much time for negotiations."

    "I know, but it's the best we can do."

    "Alright, I'll see what I can do. Who do you have in mind?

    "Ok...I want to bring in your former boss, Eric Bischoff!"

    I was a bit startled to hear Jarrett even consider bringing Bischoff in to TNA. I'm not exactly sure why he thought I would be the man to do the job, since I hadn't talked to Bischoff since before WCW closed its doors. However, I agreed to get right to work on it.

    Eric Bischoff is a man who is much harder to get ahold of than one might think. It took me three days just to get on the phone with him, and that conversation didn't last too long. He honestly didn't seem too interested in working out a deal. After a few more attempts, I got a variety of excuses, from being busy to prior engagements. It wasn't until Monday of that week that I saw the reason why Bischoff wasn't interested.

    It's not every week that I get a chance to watch WWE's Raw, but it just so happened that this week I was able to catch it. And much to my chagrin should I watch on helplessly as Vince McMahon announced that Raw would have a General Manager to run things for him...and that man was none other than Eric Bischoff himself. My own disbelief of watching Bischoff and Vince McMahon shake hands was interrupted by a phone call from Jerry Jarrett.

    "Hey Mike," he said, "are you watching what I'm watching."

    "Uh huh...I...I can't believe this! Bischoff and McMahon? Who would've thought we'd EVER see that!"

    "It is hard to comprehend, but that leaves us up a creek without a paddle. What are we going to do about the authority figure now? I'd hate to have to rewrite plans."

    "Well...why not give the position to someone already on the roster. It wouldn't be the first time a wrestler has been used in that position."

    "Maybe, any suggestions?"

    "How about someone who isn't currently being used? That way you don't ruin any of the current storylines, feuds, or angles."

    "Hmm...you know what...I think I know just the person. He recently agreed to work for us, but an injury has kept him sidelined, but that's not going to prevent him from talking on a microphone. I think he'd be perfect for the spot."

    "Oh! Him! Great idea, boss."

    "Technically, it was you're idea, Tenay! Thanks! I'll see ya Wednesday."

    With the click of the phone, I went back to watching the surreal site of Bischoff and McMahon in the same ring...but it now we had come up with a backup plan, one that could be better than bringing in Bischoff in the first place. The person in question might be a bit risky to rely on, but it was all we had...and we weren't going to make it anywhere without taking a couple risks.

    NWA-TNA Week 7

    Card for NWA-Total Nonstop Action

    July 31, 2002

    The Championship Committee Responds!

    The Voice of the Committee?

    After the big brawl between Scott Hall, Malice, Ken Shamrock, and Jeff Jarrett, the NWA Championship Committee has had enough and are ready to retake control over TNA. And to do it, they are bringing in someone to act as their representative and their voice at every NWA-TNA event. Who has the Championship Committee found? And can that person actually be able to control the likes of Shamrock, Malice, Hall, and Jarrett? And will he address the championship scene?

    Ken Shamrock vs. Malice (w/Rev. Mitchell)

    Speaking of the brawl during last week's show, two of the men have been signed to go at each other this week! In what could be a huge match in determining who gets the next shot at Scott Hall's belt, both men are wanting a win here. But perhaps more important than the title significations is the fact that neither of these men are exactly stable. Shamrock has comepletely snapped since losing to Scott Hall, while Malice is a monster who is only controlled by the enigmatic Mitchell and the New Church. This one could get brutal, and neither man may be able to walk after this one is over! But the question remains as to whether or not Jeff Jarrett or even the NWA Champion, Scott Hall, himself will make an appearance for this one.

    Brian Lawler vs. David Cash (w/Steve Corino)

    David Cash, formerly Kid Kash, has turned his back on the fans that supported him against Steve Corino and joined the man that beat him in his battle against the man who continues to fight for the good name of Tennessee and TNA, Brian Lawler. Lawler has one victory, granted it's by DQ, over them, but now he will have to once again face the 2-on-1 odds. Except this time, Lawler said that he had friends too and that he would have someone watching his back for this match. Can Lawler overcome the odds, and who will he bring in to watch his back?

    Tag Team Title #1 Contendership Match

    York & Matthews vs. The Island Boys

    Prince Siaki may not get his shot at X-Division gold till next week, but this week his royal guard will have the chance to prove that they to deserve some gold of their own when they face York & Matthews. York & Matthews have a lot riding on this match, because a win here would not only give them the title shot, but they will be one step closer to getting some retribution for what The New Church did to their OMEGA Triad teammate and friend - Shannon Moore.

    AJ Styles & Elix Skipper vs. Michael Shane & Paul London

    Styles & Skipper are once again forced to team up this week, this time in an X-Division tag match against two other X-Division wrestlers in Michael Shane and Paul London. London and Shane are returning to TNA for the first time since they wrestled at the Gauntlet for the Gold in the six-man X-Division match. Each team would love to show the NWA Championship Committee what they are made of so that they can move up the ranks and hopefully get a shot at that X-Division gold.

    Konnan vs. "The Tennessee Cowboy" James Storm

    Konnan returned to TNA last week, answering Scott Hall's challenge in the Last Call Invitational. He didn't quite have the luck he had hoped for in that match, but this week is a new week. However, Konnan should not look past his young opponent, James Storm. Storm is making his TNA debut, but he is more than ready to meet the challenge of "K-Dawg." It will be an uphill battle, but can Storm pull of an upset and try to make a name from himself in TNA?

  11. The Haunting - 0/10

    This "horror" movie doesn't even come close to any scares...in fact fear is most likely the only emotion you will not feel while watching it. Boredom? Yes. Your intelligence drop? Yes. And a feeling of wasting two hours of your day? Yes. I've seen it before, and I'm not quite sure why I even bothered to watch it again.

  12. Coach Carter - 5.5/10

    Two things I like about this movie: Samuel L. Jackson's delivers another good performance and that the actors are the ones actually playing basketball (although I'm not sure if it reigns true the entire movie).

    Two Things I don't like: It's long and feels longer than it is...I felt like it could have delivered the message it was going for without making it as long as it was. And the other thing is that besides Jackson, the rest of the performces were meh at best, and in my opinion: Ashanti should stick to singing.

  13. NWA-TNA Report 7.24.02

    Live from Nashville, TN

    The TNA logo showed on screen before it dissolved out into clips highlighting last week's show. The highlights included: Hall challenging Jarrett, The New Church beatdown of the OMEGA Triad and the announcing of the sacrificial ceremony, Prince Siaki announcing a surprise for Low-Ki following the Island Boys attack, K-Krush and Jerry Lynn's confrontation, Steve Corino beating Brian Lawler because of an interfering Kid Kash, and finally Jeff Jarrett beating Scott Hall in a non-title match because of Ken Shamrock only to have Shamrock attack Jarrett post-match as well.

    The TNA opening sequence played following the highlights package before fading in to the Nashville, Tennessee audience before panning over to the announce booth where Mike Tenay and Don West were, as always, to call the action.

    Mike Tenay: Welcome again to Total Nonstop Action! I'm Mike Tenay alongside Don West, and tonight we have a big match between Jerry Lynn and K-Krush that has been in the makings for weeks now!

    Don West: It sure has, Mike! I hope that Jerry Lynn shuts K-Krush up once and for all!

    Mike Tenay: And tonight we hope to find out from the source exactly what Ken Shamrock was thinking last week when he cost Scott Hall a nontitle match against Jeff Jarrett!

    Don West: I'm tellin' ya, he's LOST it! Losing to Hall because of Jarrett two weeks ago sent him off the deep end! He was never really all there to begin with. THE GUY IS NUTS!

    Mike Tenay: Speaking of the NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Scott Hall wanted to have the belt on the line last week, so he went to the NWA Championship Committee himself and got them to sanction a title match, RIGHT HERE TONIGHT!

    Don West: BUT AGAINT WHO!?!?

    Mike Tenay: That remains to be seen, but Hall is calling it the Last Call Invitational, meaning that ANYONE could come out and challenge for his belt!

    Don West: Even Shamrock, Hall, Malice, or even Mike Awesome?!

    Mike Tenay: That's right, or it could be someone else...maybe someone we haven't seen in TNA competition!

    Don West: The SUSPENSE is killing me!

    Mike Tenay: You won't have to wait much longer, Don...but for now the X-Division scene meets the Tag Division in our opening match!

    AJ Styles & Elix Skipper vs. The West Hollywood Blondes

    The night got off to a good start with this match, as it was a very good match that also did a better job of getting the crowd into the match than the openers have been doing. Skipper and AJ Styles came out seperately, with Styles getting a decent pop from the crowd who have been getting behind him following his hard fought loss to Mike Awesome last week. Skipper, on the other hand, got more of a mixed reaction as he didn't pay any attention to the fans on his entrance, and did not look too happy about being in the match. The Blondes were they're usual flamboyan selves, getting a couple "FAGS" chants. Styles and Skipper had a good start as AJ Styles was in control against Lenny. Styles hit a 360º Spinning Calf Kick to Lenny and then a Delayed brainbuster before tagging in Skipper.

    As Lenny stumbled to his feet, Skipper clawed his eyes and then gave him a knee lift. On the apron, Styles did not look pleased with Skipper's dirty move, but Skipper ignored Styles and continued on the offensive. Lodi got the tag in and came in at Skipper, but Skipper met him with a spinkick. A double underhook suplex only got a two count on Lodi. Lodi soon rolled out to ringside to be with Lenny at ringside as they hugged. Skipper wasn't about to let Lodi get a breather as he came from the ring to the outside with a corkscrew bodypress suicida onto both men. All three men were getting back up to their feet as AJ Styles was in the ring and came out onto all three men with somersault senton! All four men went to the floor. Skipper rolled Styles out of the way, before getting up with Lodi and rolling Lodi back into the ring. Skipper climbed onto the apron, then to the top turnbuckle as Lodi began to stumble to his feet. Skipper came off the top turnbuckle with a missle dropkick to Lodi. Skipper went for the pin: One, Two, kickout by Lodi.

    A few nearfalls later, Skipper bounced off the ropes where AJ Styles got the blind tag. Lodi leapfrogged over Skipper, but as he did, Styles came into the ring with a springboard forearm to Lodi! Skipper was hesistant to leave the ring. After some brief high flying offense from Styles, Lodi blocked a thrust kick attempt from Styles and took him to the mat with a dragon screw. Lodi rolled over and tagged in Lenny. Styles got to his feet and was caught with a double dropkick from the Blondes. Styles found himself as the face in peril as the Blondes kept him in their corner with double teams and quick tags. Styles did see one window of opportunity as the Blondes attempted to double team him with a double clothesline, but Styles found a second wind and ducked. He hit the legal man, Lenny, with a dropkick to send him to them at. He then hit the illegal man, Lodi, with a rana. Styles kipped up to his feet and went for Skipper to make the tag, but unfortunately he was cut off by Lenny, thus ending that comeback attempt.

    Lenny planted a nasty kiss right on Styles, which sent the disgusted Styles stumbling around spitting right into a stiff superkick from Lodi. Lodi left the ring as Lenny went for the pin. One, Two, Thre...kickout by Styles. After working over Styles some more, Lenny made the tag to Lodi. They each grabbed Styles and hit him with a double front suplex. Lodi went for the pin: One, Two, Th....Styles kicked out again. The crowd was getting behind Styles to try and get him back into the match as Lodi tried to shut the crowd up. Lodi took Styles back to the mat with a swinging neckbreaker and went for the pin. One, Two, kickout. Lodi pulled Styles to his feet and tagged Lenny back in. They turned Styles around and lifted him up for a double back suplex, but Styles flipped over and landed on his feet! Styles leaped up and hit them with a double dropkick to their backs! Lodi was sent through the middle ropes to the floor as a result, while Lenny just hit the mat. Styles quickly got to his corner and tagged in Skipper.

    Referee Mike Posey was looking to ringside at Lodi to make sure he was okay as Skipper came into the ring. Lenny was stumbling to his feet as Skipper came up behind him, gave him a low blow, and rolled him up. Posey turned around to see the roll up. Skipper hooked the tights and got his feet on the ropes - One, Two, Three! ***½ - Good way to start the show off. The Blondes remain winless while AJ Styles and Skipper may have successfully impressed the NWA Championship Committee as they both try to work their way up the X-Division ladder.

    Winners - AJ Styles & Elix Skipper

    Overall: 75

    Crowd: 61

    Match: 89

    After the match, Mike Posey lifted Skipper's arm in victory as AJ Styles simply shook his head as he climbed down off the apron and headed up the aisle.

    Mike Tenay: I don't think AJ Styles agrees with how Skipper won the match.

    Don West: A win is a win, Mike! They earned it, he should be in there celebrating with Skipper!

    Skipper didn't even look for AJ as he continued to soak up his first victory in TNA, climbing each turnbuckle in celebration, but getting nothing more than a mixed reaction from the fans.

    Mike Tenay: While we wait for Skipper to get done celebrating, we're going to send it to the back where Goldylocks is standing by!

    The screen cut to backstage where Goldylocks was with "The King of Old School" Steve Corino and the man that helped him win last week, Kid Kash.

    Goldylocks: I'm with Steve Corino and Kid Kash, and my first question has to be...what is the relationship between you two?

    Steve Corino: Allow me to field that one. You all probably remember several weeks ago when I beat "Kid Kash." Before the match, I told him about how the fans didn't really appreciate him, but at the time he was too niave to believe me. But not only am I the King of Old School, but I am also a teacher. Because after the match, after losing cleanly to me, he was not met with appreciation for his efforts. Instead, the fans showed they could care less about him and just wanted to see the next match.

    Kid Kash: And that's when I knew that Steve was right; I ain't gonna get no respect from them. So I called Steve up, and I immediately apologized for how blind I had been. I wanted to set things right, which is why I did what I did last week.

    Steve Corino: You see, there is hope for anyone to realize just how classless these redneck Tennessee fans are. You'd think after they saw their little "hometown hero" Brian Lawler get destroyed last week, they'd learn to appreciate real wrestlers. Unfortunately, they're just too stupid for their own good. And speaking of rednecks, there is one problem I have with you...

    Kid Kash: Huh?

    Steve Corino: Your name...Kid Kash...that name represents everything we hate. If you're going to be representing Old School, you're going to have to get rid of that name that the fans will associate with themselves. I won't have some Kid Rock knockoff on my side...you're David Cash, so from now on that's the name you're going by. It's simple...it's Old School.

    They were interrupted as Brian Lawler walked into the shot. Cash had to hold Corino back from attacking right away...

    Brian Lawler: Woah, cool you're jets man! I'm just here to talk.

    Corino was hesistant, but calmed down.

    Steve Corino: Alright Jerry's Kid, what do you want?

    Brian Lawler: I shoulda known you'd have some flunky hiding out in the back last week, but I guess I won't prepared. But two can play at this game! I have a friend who I can call up who disagrees with your views just as much as I do.

    Steve Corino: Oooh, we're SO scared. I don't care how many hicks you call up, we'll take them all out.

    Brian Lawler: Whatever, man. Just know that I will have backup...next week...when I get something back for what happened last week. Next week I want you, Kid...David...Cash, whatever it is you're going by.

    Steve Corino: Ha! You want him? You got him! Come on David...

    David Cash did not seem to thrilled to be booked into that match for next week, but Corino headed off screen and he followed.

    Goldylocks: Before you go, Brian, can we get any hints as to who your friend is?

    Brian Lawler: Well, allow me to put it this way...if you don't know who it is...your ass better call somebody.

    Lawler laughed before walking off screen as the screen cut back to ringside.


    Don West: Woooah! You don't think....

    Mike Tenay: I don't know! But if it is, it would be quite the acquisition for TNA! Maybe we'll find out next week. And speaking of finding out, we're about to find out exactly what Prince Siaki's surprise for Low-Ki is, but first let's take a look back to last week...

    Mike Tenay: Low-Ki retains the X-Division Title against a former WCW Cruiserweight Champion!

    Don West: WAIT LOOK OUT!

    West screamed that out because the royal bodygaurds of Prince Siaki, Ekmo and Kimo had came from nowhere and attacked Low-Ki as he was celebrating his title defense.

    Mike Tenay: What are THEY doing out here?!

    Kimo Irish Whipped Low-Ki into the ropes and hit him with a Samoan Drop as he came off the ropes while Ekmo climbed up to the middle turnbuckle and came off with a big splash onto Low-Ki.

    Don West: That's GOTTA be ATLEAST 300 pounds coming down onto Low-Ki!

    Prince Siaki: That's enough...

    Siaki appeared from the entrance way and began to saunter down the aisle and climb into the ring where his boys had taken care of Low-Ki.

    Prince Siaki: I must say that is a job well done. You have made your prince proud. Look at this lowly peasant here...

    Prince Siaki took a cheapshot kick to Low-Ki's midsection as he lied on the mat...


    Prince Siaki noticed the X-Division Title belt lying on the mat near where Low-Ki had been laid out at. He bent down and picked it up, glancing it over.

    Prince Siaki: Yes...yes...now THIS would work just nicely. The people of Samoa would rejoice for weeks on end if I was to bring this back with me. There would be parades in the streets and they would be singing my name in praise, just the way it should be. Very well...it's not the NWA World Heavyweight Title...but it will do. Peasant Low-Ki...next week, come prepared to fight, for I will have a pleasant little surprise awaiting you. After all, I have a DESTINY to full fill and with the power of Samoa backing me, the royal blood flowing through my veins, and the favor of the gods granted to me - I SHALL NOT BE DENIED!

    Siaki threw the X-Division title down across Low-Ki before leaving the ring with The Island Boys.

  14. NWA-TNA Week 6

    Card for NWA-Total Nonstop Action

    July 24, 2002

    Equal Opportunity

    K-Krush vs. Jerry Lynn

    In a rivalry that started back at The Gauntlet for the Gold, Jerry Lynn finally gets a chance to shut the mouthy K-Krush up in a one-on-one match. Krush has been complaining week in and week out about there not being equality in NWA-TNA, and accusing the fans of only cheering for Jerry Lynn because he "looked the same as them." Lynn says that the fans cheer for him because he gives it 110% every night and does it all for the fans...now he looks to do another favor for the fans and hopefully put a lid on K-Krush's mouth.

    Last Call Invitational

    Last week Scott Hall challenged Jeff Jarrett, but it was the NWA Championship Committee who ultimately decided that the NWA World Heavyweight Title would NOT be on the line in that match. Hall wanted the belt to be on the line because he has said that he wants to be a fighting champion. That's why this week, he has already approached the NWA Championship Committee and approved an NWA Heavyweight Title match for this week on Total Nonstop Action! But who will Hall's opponent be? Apparantly Hall has said that he will put the title on the line in an open challenge to anyone who wants a shot. Could this mean Jeff Jarrett or even Ken Shamrock could answer the challenge?

    Shannon Moore vs. Malice

    The OMEGA Triad just won't stay down when it comes to the New Church. But Reverend Mitchell and his Disciples are going to try and put an end to the OMEGA Triad and just make it the OMEGA Duo as this has been dubbed by Mitchell as a sacrificial ceremony in order to make the NWA Championship Committee notice Malice and give him a title shot. Shannon Moore looks ludicrously overmatched in this match and it will take a true hero's effort for him to walk away victorious...if he walks away at all...

    The Samoan Surprise

    We all know about Prince Siaki's promise to his people back home at the Kilika tribe in Samoa to bring home gold...after all, Siaki has only mentioned it every time he's been near a microphone. Low-Ki's X-Division Title has become his gold of choice, as he had his royal gaurd - The Island Boys - attack Low-Ki after he had successfully defended his title against Lash LeRoux last week on Total Nonstop Action. He promised a surprise for Low-Ki this week. What does the arrogant Samoan "prince" have ups his sleeve?

    AJ Styles & Elix Skipper vs. The West Hollywood Blondes

    There's two differt agendas going on in this match. First, Lenny and Lodi of the West Hollywood Blondes are still looking for the first victory in TNA action. On the other hand, Elix Skipper and AJ Styles are both X-Division wrestlers looking to get into the thick of the X-Division title scene, and a win here could impress the NWA Championship Committee. The X-Factor, so to speak, will be whether or not Styles and Skipper can gel as a tag team as they have no experience with each other while the Blondes have been "together" for quite some time now.

    PLUS - An Exclusive Interview with Ken Shamrock

    What is going through Ken Shamrock's mind? What was the thought behind his actions last week's main event? Was there any thought at all? Perhaps Shamrock has finally snapped for good. If that be the case, Goldylocks better be careful as she will be the unfortunate one assigned to getting the interview with Shamrock as she tries to get him to explain himself. Good luck Goldy!

  15. I saw the previews and thought it looked mildly interesting, but it wasn't enough to take me away from the Duke game...but if it's as crappy as I am now hearing it is, I probably won't even bother with reruns or future episodes. I'll just stick with Lost, Smallville, and Joey as my TV shows.

  16. NWA-TNA Report 7.17.02

    Live from Nashville, TN

    Highlights from last week kicked things off, which included clips of Lash LeRoux beating Kaz Hayashi to get an X-Title shot, the confrontation between Steve Corino and Brian Lawler, Juventud Guerrera and Psychosis - Mexico's Most Wanted - won a shot at the tag titles, Mike Awesome and Jeff Jarrett's beatdown on AJ Styles following his loss to Low-Ki in an X-Division Title match, and finally Scott Hall getting a tainted victory over Ken Shamrock after Jarrett inserted himself into the outcome.

    The TNA intro played before going live to the crowd and then down to ringside with Mike Tenay and Don West.

    Mike Tenay: Welcome TNA fans, it's Mike Tenay and Don West here with you again, as always, to call all the action of Total Nonstop Action!

    Don West: And there's going to be A LOT of action to call this week!

    Mike Tenay: Right you are, Don. Tonight we have already received word that NWA Heavyweight Champion Scott Hall IS in the building; as well as the man who caused the controversy last week - Jeff Jarrett! Hall wasn't too happy when he found out that his win over Ken Shamrock was not clean.

    Don West: But what about Shamrock?!

    Mike Tenay: So far, Ken Shamrock IS NOT here tonight, and we don't know if he will be here or not. If he does show up, I would HATE to be in the shoes of the so-called "Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett.

    Don West: Shamrock is already unstable enough as it is, I'd hate to see him now!

    Mike Tenay: But tonight what we DO KNOW is that you are going to see "The King of Old School" Steve Corino taking on Tennessee's own Brian Lawler. We'll also see both the NWA Tag Team Titles and the X-Division titles on the line as well! And last week AJ Styles came out and called out either Jarrett or Mike Awesome to a match, and it will be Mike Awesome accepting the challenge tonight! So let's go right to the action as...

    Before Mike Tenay can finish his sentence and send it to the ring for the ring for the first match of the night, the cheap Razor Ramon ripoff music began to blare across the PA System as Scott Hall appeared in the entranceway with the NWA World Heavyweight Title strapped around his waist. He was wearing street clothes, but still had his trademark toothpick in his mouth as he walked down to the ring getting a good reaction from the fans.

    Don West: THE CHAMP IS HERE!

    Mike Tenay: Well, I said he was here tonight, but I didn't think we'd see him this early! He's certainly not scheduled to be out here...

    Don West: Looks like he has something on his mind, Mike!

    Hall entered the ring and threw his arms out in a crucifix to get a pop from the crowd before taking the microphone from ring announcer Jeremy Borash. Hall looked into the camera and hesitated before finally speaking.

    Scott Hall: ....Hey...YO!

    Hall's catchphrase got the usual loud pop from the crowd, which brought a smirk to the champ's face.

    Scott Hall: Last week...everybody saw that me and ol' Shammy were having the match of the night. That we were both giving it 110% as we both tried to walk out of the arena the NWA World Heavyweight Champion. That is...until a certain goofball decided to stick his nose where it didn't belong, again. Now luckily for you Jarrett, Shamrock ain't here yet...but if and when he does, I'm sure he'll be gunnin' straight for ya. But I have a bone to pick with you, too. The only reason you came down here last week was because ever since I won this belt, you've been lookin' to get a shot at this belt. Well I'm here, and monkey - I know you're here. Now I don't know if the NWA Championship Committee or whoever will let it happen, but the way I see it Jarrett is this way...DON'T SING IT......BRING IT!

    Hall stood back as Jarrett's music was on cue as he walked out with Awesome backing him up. Jarrett had a microphone in one hand and the guitar in the other. They stopped at about the midpoint of the aisle.

    Jeff Jarrett: Hall, you're DAMN right I want a shot at that belt. And I know that I deserve one. EEEVVERYBODY knows that I deserve a shot. And last week I just wanted to remind both of you who the REAL Chosen One around here is, and it's not you Hall...and it's certainly not Ken Shamrock. It's ME, JEFF JARRETT. So if you're saying you want a match with me here TONIGHT as some kind of retribution for last week, then I have NO problem with that Scott. NO Problem at all! But in reality Hall, you should be THANKING me for last week. After all, I did help you win.

    Scott Hall: Hey yo, chico, I didn't need your help.

    Jeff Jarrett: Really? Because it looked to me like Ken Shamrock had that Ankle Lock on pretty tight. You were about to tap like the little bitch that you are.

    Scott Hall: Maybe I would've, maybe I wouldn't have. We'll never know, will we? Thanks to you.

    Jeff Jarrett: What's that? Was that my thanks for helping you win? Well if so, you are QUITE welcome tonight. But Hall, the only thanks I need is a shot at that belt...so I'll see you tonight slapnuts, when I show you exactly why I am THE CHOSEN ONE!

    Jarrett's music hit again as he lifted the guitar up in the air to boos from the crowd. He and Awesome returned to the back as Hall left the ring satisfied as well...


    Mike Tenay: Scott Hall versus Jeff Jarrett is going down TONIGHT!

    Don West: But will the title be on the line or not???

    Mike Tenay: I know Jarrett wants it to be, and it doesn't matter to Hall...we'll have to await word from the NWA Championship Committee!

    Don West: I hope they make the right call! This match could be HUGE!

    Mike Tenay: One match that I KNOW is for the title is kicking things off tonight and it's for the NWA Tag Team Championship!

    NWA Tag Titles Match

    The New Church (w/Reverend Mitchell) vs. Mexico's Most Wanted

    As has been the case with every NWA-TNA show thus far, the crowd was slow to get into the start of the show; as shown by this match once again. The match itself was OK at best as it mostly consisted of New Church setting a slow pace and the occassional burst of energy from Juventud and Psychosis for a quick flurry of offense where they attempted to make a comeback, but would end up getting getting taken down by Brian Lee. At about the halfway point of the match, the OMEGA Triad along with Alicia walked out onto the stage and just started watching the match, and taunting Lee and Slash whenever they got a chance. Slash would eventually get caught up in mouthing off in the direction of OMEGA, which allowed Psychosis to recover and hit Slash from behind with a dropkick to the back and then rolled him up. One, Two, Thre....Slash kicked out as Reverend Mitchell was livid at ringside.

    Slash rolled back up to his feet and was caught with a spinkick from Psychosis who then rolled to the corner and tagged in Juventud. Slash was back up and sent into the ropes. Off the ropes, Psychosis sent Slash to the mat with a drop-toe hold as Juvi springboarded into the ring with a corkscrew senton onto Slash. Juvi went for the pin: One, Two, kickout. Matthews, York, and Moore were cheering Mexico's Most Wanted on from the stage as Juvi got some more offense in on Slash before taking him to the mat with a reverse bulldog. He then ran off the ropes, used the ropes as a springboard before catching Brian Lee with a dropkick to send him off the apron. Juvi went back to Slash and tagged Psychosis back in. Psychosis climbed to the top turnbuckle as Juvi lifted Slash up and hit him with the Juvi Driver. Juvi rolled out of the way as Psychosis came in with the Guillotine Legdrop to Slash. Psychosis made the pin, but Reverend Mitchell was on the apron to keep Referee Mike Posey busy. Psychosis had Slash pinned for a good three count before getting up to see what the deal was. But when he did, Brian Lee had entered the ring and decked him with a big boot. Juvi came into the ring, but received a big boot as well. Lee lifted Psychosis up and slammed him to the mat with the Chokeslam. Slash rolled over to cover Psychosis as Mitchell got down off the apron - One, Two, Three. *** - Decent match when Brian Lee wasn't involved, dead crowd though.

    Winners and STILL NWA Tag Team Champions - The New Church

    Overall: 70

    Crowd: 58

    Match: 82

    The New Church Method to Getting Noticed

    Mike Tenay: The New Church ran into a little difficulty there at the end with the prescense of The OMEGA Triad, but in the end they retain their titles.

    After the match, Reverend Mitchell climbed into the ring to celebrate with his team. He also came into the ring with microphone in hand.

    Reverend Mitchell: You are all witness to the genesis of what will be an Era of Destruction brought to you by the New Church. The darkness is spreading, and soon all of NWA-TNA will be living by the rules set forth by The New Church. And it will all begin when the Savior of TNA, MALICE, becomes the NWA World Heavyweight Champion! But unfortunately, the overseeing powers have not taken notice to what The New Church is capable of, but that is about to change.

    Reverend Mitchell turned his attention to the OMEGA Triad who were still watching from the top of the aisle.

    Reverend Mitchell: YOU THREE! You have taken some sort of stand against the ways of the New Church? Thus far there has been just on blemish on the record of The New Church, and it came last week in the six-man tag team match. This will NOT stand! We seek our own redemption for the sins you have committed against The New Church. Your punishment for your sins? Next week, one of you will be sacrificed to MALICE. For you see, if the overseeing powers here in TNA won't take notice of our demands, then we will FORCE them to take notice by a sacrificial ceremony! Which leaves us to decide just which one of you three will be so unlucky to have to go up against MALICE.

    Christian York, Joey Matthews, and Shannon Moore each looked at each other, and they turned back to Mitchell and showed that they didn't care who it would be.

    Mike Tenay: They may have more guts than brains in this case...

    Reverend Mitchell: However, I will offer each of you ONE chance...one opportunity to be forgiven for your sins. And that is to cross over and become a Disciple of the New Church. Do and I can promise you a life where all the world's questions are answered. A world of pleasure and enlightment awaits you in the world of the New Church.

    Mitchell then looked in the direction of where Alicia was standing...

    Reverend Mitchell: And we may even have a place for you in the New Church, should you learn the woman's real role in the New Church.

    An outraged look came across Alicia's face as she got a microphone of her own.

    Alicia: You want US to join The New Church? You want an answer....boys, show him our answer!

    With that, all three members of the OMEGA Triad stormed the ring and went right at Brian Lee and Slash. Moore and York double teamed Lee as Matthews clotheslined himself and Slash over the top rope and began to brawl at ringside. However, when York went to whip Slash into the ring steps, Slash reversed it and sent Matthews crashing into them instead. Slash grabbed Matthews by the head and drove him face first into the ring steps again. Meanwhile, Lee began to fight back against York and Moore. A back elbow sent Moore stumbling backwards and then Lee charged and took York down with a clothesline. Moore ran back at Lee, but ran right into a big boot.

    Don West: The New Church is just too much!

    York stumbled back to his feet and came right into the large hand of Brian Lee for the Chokeslam. The ever-determined Moore was back up again and jumped onto Lee's back with a sleeper. But as he did, Slash climbed back into the ring with chair in hand. Slash smacked Moore across the back with the chair, sending him to the mat. Moore tried to pull himself back up, but Lee grabbed a handful of his hair and held him at bay...

    Reverend Mitchell: Not a smart move...your fate has been sealed. And it looks like we have a winner...Shannon Moore, next week you will meet your damnation as you are sacrificed to MALICE. And that's the Word According to the New Church!

    The lights in the arena dimmed after Slash gave Moore another chairshot while he was being held by Lee. The New Church stood victorious over the fallen OMEGA Triad before they left the ring.


    Mike Tenay: I'm afraid to know what they have in store for Shannon Moore next week, but I guess we'll see a one-on-one match, Malice vs. Shannon Moore.

    Don West: I don't wanna know what they mean by a sacrificial ceremony!

    Mike Tenay: Whatever it is, I'm sure it will get the attention of the NWA Championship Committee...and maybe the local law enforcers as well.

    Alicia and NWA-TNA officials helped Moore, York, and Matthews from the ring as the next match was about ready to begin...

    Mike Tenay: In any event, we just saw The New Church retain their tag titles, now we're going to see if Low-Ki can do the same against Lash LeRoux.

    NWA X-Division Title Match

    Low-Ki © vs. Lash LeRoux

    The crowd was a bit more into this one, but it was mostly the work of Low-Ki, who has been winning the fans over with his ring work each week. Lash LeRoux, however, left much to be desired in this match. After witnessing AJ Styles and Low-Ki last week, this match was a bit of a letdown quality wise, as Lash LeRoux is certainly no AJ Styles or even much of an X-Division worker. Most of the match was Low-Ki showing off his moves, while Lash LeRoux tried his best not to be too sloppy and botch anything...which he was able to do for the most part. After a mostly Low-Ki dominated match, LeRoux started to make a comeback as he ducked the roundhouse portion of his combo. LeRoux got back to his feet and hit Low-Ki with a belly-to-back suplex. Low-Ki rolled back to his feet but was met with a pair of right hands followed by the split punch by LeRoux, which failed to impress the crowd. LeRoux went for the pin, but only got a two count. LeRoux got a bit more offense in before lifting Low-Ki up into a Fireman's Carry to set him up for the Whiplash, but when he went to hit it, Low-Ki came forward and landed on his feet. He then hit a handspring back kick to LeRoux. Low-Ki would eventually put this one away by locking on the Dragon Clutch to make LeRoux submit. *** - Just decent at best, not the kind of match TNA wants to use to get over the X-Division, but don't blame it on Low-Ki, he did his best.

    Winner and STILL X-Division Champion - Low-Ki

    Overall: 70

    Crowd: 59

    Match: 81

    A Samoan Surprise

    Mike Tenay: Low-Ki retains the X-Division Title against a former WCW Cruiserweight Champion!

    Don West: WAIT LOOK OUT!

    West screamed that out because the royal bodygaurds of Prince Siaki, Ekmo and Kimo had came from nowhere and attacked Low-Ki as he was celebrating his title defense.

    Mike Tenay: What are THEY doing out here?!

    Kimo Irish Whipped Low-Ki into the ropes and hit him with a Samoan Drop as he came off the ropes while Ekmo climbed up to the middle turnbuckle and came off with a big splash onto Low-Ki.

    Don West: That's GOTTA be ATLEAST 300 pounds coming down onto Low-Ki!

    Prince Siaki: That's enough...

    Siaki appeared from the entrance way and began to saunter down the aisle and climb into the ring where his boys had taken care of Low-Ki.

    Prince Siaki: I must say that is a job well done. You have made your prince proud. Look at this lowly peasant here...

    Prince Siaki took a cheapshot kick to Low-Ki's midsection as he lied on the mat...

    Prince Siaki: And to think, he SOMEHOW managed to leave the ring victorious last time we met? PROPOSTEROUS! I AM ROYALTY! I shouldn't even have to share the ring with him, much less lose to him! No...No...No...this will NOT do at all. For you see, I did make that promise to my homeland, to Samoa, to the Kilika Tribe that I would bring back gold to them. And this peasant is keeping me from living up to my word. And that will NOT do at all...either. All you lowlifes in the audience would not understand this, but back in my homeland I have a certain reputation to live up to. I have never broken my word before, and I am not about to begin now.

    Prince Siaki noticed the X-Division Title belt lying on the mat near where Low-Ki had been laid out at. He bent down and picked it up, glancing it over.

    Prince Siaki: Yes...yes...now THIS would work just nicely. The people of Samoa would rejoice for weeks on end if I was to bring this back with me. There would be parades in the streets and they would be singing my name in praise, just the way it should be. Very well...it's not the NWA World Heavyweight Title...but it will do. Peasant Low-Ki...next week, come prepared to fight, for I will have a pleasant little surprise awaiting you. After all, I have a DESTINY to full fill and with the power of Samoa backing me, the royal blood flowing through my veins, and the favor of the gods granted to me - I SHALL NOT BE DENIED!

    Siaki threw the X-Division title down across Low-Ki before leaving the ring with The Island Boys. Low-Ki finally started to recover. He got up to his knees and grabbed his belt as he watched The Island Boys and Prince Siaki disappear to the back.


    Don West: A surprise?! What could that be?!

    Mike Tenay: We can only imagine at this point, but it's just one more reason why you can't miss next week or ANY show! But for the next match, let's take a look back at a little bit of history...

    The Gauntlet for the Gold

    Another one of the smaller men in the Gauntlet, AJ Styles came running down to the ring. He slid into the ring as Hall dropped down onto all four. AJ Styles bounced off the ropes, used Hall's body as a springboard, and caught Mike Awesome with a springboard clothesline that sent both men over the top! Styles landed on the apron and Awesome hit the floor!

    Elimination #8 - Mike Awesome (by AJ Styles)


    Jarrett turned around as Styles leaped up and tried to hit a rana onto Jarrett, but Jarrett held on to block and lifted Styles back up in powerbomb position. Jarrett attempted to run and powerbomb Styles out of the ring, but Styles reversed it into a rana that sent Jarrett out of the ring to the floor and Styles on the apron! Styles eliminated Jarrett!

    Elimination #16 - Jeff Jarrett (by AJ Styles)


    Total Non-Stop Action - July 3, 2002

    Jeff Jarrett: It just so happens that THAT is the other reason why you see this big smile on my face, Goldy. Me and Awesome need something to keep ourselves busy while Shamrock and Hall do my dirty work for me, so we've decided we're going to take care of a some old business before we move on to the new business.

    Goldylocks: Old business? What do you mean by old business?

    Jeff Jarrett: Just sit back and enjoy the show, Goldy. I'm sure even you will be able to figure it out once you see it happening. But let's just say it involves some payback for an injustice that has happened to us lately.

    Jarrett showed his guitar to the camera and then looked over at Awesome.

    Jeff Jarrett: Come on big man, we've got some tuning up to do.

    Jarrett laughed as he walked off screen, with Mike Awesome following him.


    Siaki rolled over onto his back as Styles climbed up to the top turnbuckle looking to go for the Spiral Tap, which brought a pop from the crowd.

    However, the fans cheers turned to boos as Jeff Jarrett and Mike Awesome appeared from backstage. Jarrett came down to the ring armed with his guitar, and immediately jumped onto the apron with the guitar. However, Armstrong came over and cut him off on the apron. With Armstrong distracted, Awesome went around the ring and shoved Styles off the top turnbuckle to the mat. Awesome climbed into the ring as Jarrett tossed the guitar to him behind the ref's back. Styles stumbled up to his feet and Awesome sent the guitar crashing around Styles' head. Awesome wasn't done yet as he grabbed Styles before he could hit the mat...and hit him with the Awesome Bomb! Mike Awesome left the ring and walked over behind Jarrett to signal to him that he was done. Jarrett acted like he was giving in to Referee Armstrong, and headed back up the aisle with Awesome. The referee turned around to see Siaki crawling over and making the cover on Styles. One, Two, Three!


    Total Non-Stop Action - July 10, 2002

    Low-Ki stumbled over to the corner and hit Styles with a pair of chops before hooking him off the top turnbuckle and walked with him to the center of the ring....Ki Krusher '99! Low-Ki hooked Style's legs - One, Two, Three. ****¼ - Match of the Night for sure, as they put on a great show and had a clean finish to boot. It's good to see the fans starting to get into these X-Division matches more and more.

    Winner and STILL X-Division Champion - Low-Ki

    Overall: 83

    Crowd: 66

    Match: 100

    Mike Tenay: Low-Ki really earned that victory!

    Don West: Unbeleivable! Those two took each other two their limits! I LOVE THE X-DIVISION!

    Low-Ki left the ring with his belt, getting a good deal of respect from the fans. He was shoved out of the way in the aisle as Jeff Jarrett and Mike Awesome came out from the back.

    Mike Tenay: What are they doing here? AJ Styles just had a tough match with Low-Ki. Didn't they do enough last week?

    Don West: I guess not!

    Mike Posey was helping Styles back to his feet when Awesome and Jarrett entered the ring. Awesome shoved Mike Posey out of the way as Jarrett grabbed Styles and sent him back to the mat with the Stroke. Awesome and Jarrett stomped away at Styles before Jarrett finally asked for a microphone.


    Don West and Mike Tenay's promoting of next week was interrupted as AJ Styles came up to the announce booth and grabbed one of their microphones.

    AJ Styles: I'm not gonna put up with this! NEXT WEEK, I want a chance for some revenge of my own! I don't care which of them two they put me against, but I want either Jeff Jarrett or Mike Awesome - NEXT WEEK! MAKE IT HAPPEN!

    Styles threw the microphone back to West as the crowd cheered Styles on.

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