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St. Dubb

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Posts posted by St. Dubb

  1. Yeah, I wasn't expecting much at all out of this episode...but once we got past the lovey-dovey Clark/Lana make-out session at the beginning, this was probably one of the better non-finale episodes in recent memory for me. Plus I've always enjoyed the chemistry between Clark and Chloe more-so than Lana anyway, so watching them together is always good. And the Lex/Clark moment was amazing. I stopped watching after that, for obvious reasons. :shifty:

    From the previews, next week could be even better. (Y)

  2. If I get either it'll most likely be ESPN...I've always found it better than Live, and it being cheap doesn't hurt. Dunno if I'll actually be getting it or not...most likely I'm just gonna put it down on my Christmas list or something and maybe pick it up later. I'll probably just save my money for College Hoops 2k6.

  3. yeah, I don't like this "glad to lose the powers" gig at all. I want development of the characters. I was expecting more from the Chloe/Clark bit too but not gonna complain too much about that but it was dumb the way they handled the Teagues. Did the Kents even mention what happened with Jason to Clark? I missed a few minutes while watching baseball so I'll watch it again tomorrow and might have some more to add to this.

  4. I agree with thug, I too have seen every episode and was pretty bored by this season opener. Everything was forgettable and meh besides the ending, which hopefully leaves hope that things will get better...but with a possible Clark/Lana lovefest episode coming up, I'm not going to expect great things. I don't even think Brainiac is suppose to be on next week...but hopefully things will kick into gear in a couple weeks.

  5. WCW Saturday Night

    February 8, 1997

    The WCW Saturday Night intro kicked things off for this week's episode. The camera panned around the crowd. We heard Mike Tenay and Larry Zbyszko welcome us to another episode of WCW Saturday Night and promised us a big main event as The Horsemen's Chris Benoit and Steve "Mongo" McMichael taking on Harlem Heat. But first up, we were going to see the king of Saturday Night, Glacier, in action.

    Glacier vs. Carl Ouelette

    Despite being undefeated, Glacier still managed to get little reaction on his spectacular entrance. The French-Canadian Carl Ouelette was already in the ring and had to sit through Glacier's entrance. As Glacier climbed down from the turnbuckles and began to remove the rest of his gear that he wears to the ring, Ouelette took advantage and attacked Glacier from behind to start the match. Ouelette carried Glacier to a reasonable match, atleast compared to the Glacier matches of recent memory. Ouelette was in control early using his power to keep Glacier at bay. In the corner, Ouelette worked over Glacier with stiff chops that echoed through the silent arena. Ouelette got a nearfall off of an Exploder Suplex on Glacier, but Glacier kicked out just in time. Ouelette went for a powerbomb on Glacier, but Glacier mustered up the strength to backdrop out of it. Once Ouelette pulled himself up, Glacier was there to meet him with some swift kicks to the midsection to send him staggering. A roundhouse kick to Ouelette finally took him down to the mat. Glacier had Ouelette reeling and connected with the Cyronic Kick to finish him off.

    Winner - Glacier

    Overall: 56

    Crowd: 50

    Match: 63

    The lights dimmed as Glacier's lasers and snow began to fall through the arena as he climbed the turnbuckles in celebration, getting met with more silence. As Saturday Night headed to commercials, Mike Tenay promised us an interview with WCW Television Champion, Lord Steven Regal, when we came back from commercials.


    Back from commercials, Tenay and Zbyszko in the studio discussed the Regal vs. Konnan match from Nitro and how Lord Steven Regal once again managed to sneak away another week with the Television Title. They sent us to the replay.

    Replay from Saturday Night 2-1-91

    Alex Wright vs. Squire David Taylor (w/Lord Steven Regal)

    Wright got to his feet and did his trademark dance once again, getting a small pop from the uninterested crowd. This brought Regal up onto the apron, but Wright hit him with a dropkick to send the TV Champ to the floor. Taylor began to get up, but Wright met him and executed the Hangman's Neckbreaker. Wright with the pin - One, Two, Three.

    Winner - Alex Wright

    Overall: 57

    Crowd: 55

    Match: 59

    Referee Mark Johnson lifted Alex Wright's hand up in victory. After he lowered his hand, Wright took the opportunity to do a celebratory dance - only to have it stopped by Steven Regal. Regal nailed Wright in the back with the Television Title, sending Wright falling through the middle ropes to the floor. Regal asked for a microphone as David Taylor began to pull himself to his feet.

    Steven Regal: What the bloody Hell was that? I refuse to believe that you just lost to that dancing queen down there! What is the matter with you?

    Taylor held the back of his neck in pain and looked down at the mat in shame of his loss.

    Steven Regal: You call yourself a Blueblood? What I just witnessed was nothing short of pathetic! Simply pathetic! What do you ahve to say for yourself?

    Regal extended the microphone over to Taylor so that he could speak.

    David Taylor: I-I..I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lost.

    Steven Regal: You're bloody right you shouldn't have lost! AND YOU!

    Regal turned to the recovering Alex Wright on the outside.

    Steven Regal: Don't think I'm through with you yet, sunshine. Who do you think you are turning this ring into some sort of danceshow? In this ring, we wrestle. Or atleast that's what we do where I come from. Maybe in America you have different ideas...but, oh wait a minute...you're not American are you? Tell me sunshine, where do you hail from?

    At ringside, Alex Wright yelled back to Regal in the ring, but since he didn't have a microphone it was barely audible. Through lip reading you could see that he said, "I'm from Germany."

    Steven Regal: What's that? You're German? GERMAN? You mean this little tart is a European? Forget what I said, it is YOU who truly is pathetic! I can't help but feel sorry for the boy, though. Listen carefully sunshine, because I will only give you this one piece of advice. If you want to be a champion like me one day, you can't go around prancing around the ring like some kind of fairy. You have a lot to learn, young man - A LOT to learn. Make your country proud!

    Alex Wright shook his head, turning to the aisle and heading back to the locker room..


    Replay from Monday Nitro 2-3-97

    Lord Steven Regal vs. Konnan

    onnan blocked a right hand from Regal and began to fire back with some quick rights and lefts of his own. Regal stumbled away from Konnan, allowing Konnan to run out of the corner and drop Regal to the mat with a bulldog. The fans were fired up for Konnan as he got up. Regal rolled out of the ring to try and grab a breather with David Taylor.

    Charles Robinson began to count Regal out, and Regal seemed willing to take the count out to retain his title; but Konnan wasn't going to let that happen. At eight, Konnan left the ring himself and grabbed Regal from behind. Konnan slammed Regal head first into the apron and then slid him back into the ring....

    Konnan played to the audience as he waited for Regal to pull himself up once again. Konnan ran to the ropes only to be nailed in the back by David Taylor's British flag without Robinson seeing it. Konnan dropped to his knees and turned around to go after Taylor. However, Regal had recovered and rolled Konnan up. Regal hooked the tights - One, Two, Three.

    Winner and Still Television Champion - Lord Steven Regal

    Overall: 79

    Crowd: 80

    Match: 80

    Squire David Taylor immediately entered the ring as he and Regal didn't let Konnan get up from the mat following the match. They both furiously stomped him repeatedly.

    Tony Shiavone: This is just uncalled for!

    David Taylor picked up Konnan and held him as Regal took stiff punches to Konnan's upperbody. The fans booed the Blue Bloods as the beatdown continued. However, it would be the unexpected arrival of Alex Wright to the ring armed with a chair that would send the Blue Bloods quickly packing.

  6. The Weekely Resthold

    by John Weekes

    Welcome once again to everyone's favorite wrestling column here at RopeBreak.Net. Well, atleast favorite WCW column. Ok...favorite WCW Column that recaps Nitro and gives WCW news. Alright, fine...favorite column by me. It's been a pretty hectic week for me, so let's cut to the chase.

    The Highs

    -Randy Savage-

    Randy Savage chose to resign to WCW at the right time because they really needed someone else to stand up to Hogan and the nWo in the main event scene, because he is getting some of the loudest reactions I've heard him get in his career. His holding Nitro hostage was a good way to get him back on television even when he's not really "working" for WCW on screen right now. So now Savage runs the gauntlet at Superbrawl, which should make room for more WCW-based matches since most of the nWo will be thrown into one match, which is definitely a good thing.

    -Jarrett & The Horsemen-

    Anything that doesn't involve the nWo these days can always be considered a high, just because it is a breath of fresh air. Jarrett has gone from trying to get into the Horsemen, to wanting to take over Flair's spot as the leader of the Horsemen. Flair still hasn't been cleared to wrestle, which means we get to see another Benoit/Jarrett match, this time it should be fun since its a Falls Count Anywhere match. I'm all for it, since the matches these two have put on have been pretty good, and I have no doubt they should make the FCA match work for them.

    -Ted DiBiase's mystery-

    DiBiase is probably one of my favorite parts of the New World Order right now. He hadn't been used very much since he joined the nWo, which I thought was a mistake on WCW's part. But now DiBiase is getting a bigger role as he looks to be entering a program with The Giant, most likely managing whoever he will be "bringing in" to WCW. I'd assume this is the guy I reported a couple weeks ago that the WCW has signed. Still no word on who it is though.

    The Lows

    -Dean Malenko vs. Ultimo Dragon-

    The match wasn't bad...but it was still a letdown. These two are both great workers, and it just seemed like they didn't really are out there. Malenko's character is going through a change apparantly...and Ultimo Dragon may or may not be joining the nWo Japan, which was basically the stories driving this match instead of the wrestling itself. They just didn't click in the ring, and it took what could have been an awesome match and just made it average. But I'll still take them over most of the WCW roster any day.

    -The Giant vs. Buff Bagwell-

    Ugh. This match was not pretty at all. The Giant is not really progressing in terms of skill and putting him in the ring with Buff Bagwell is not going to help. This one was basically an extended squash with Giant not selling much of what Bagwell had to offer. I don't know about anyone else, but I am NOT looking forward to another Hogan/Giant match with or without the nWo banned at ringside.

    -Still no Sting-

    Another show went by without a Sting sighting. I'm guessing WCW is saving his appearances to make them mean something, but let's hope this doesn't put him out of the fans' minds. Let's hope WCW has something big planned for Sting, for all we know they have no idea where they are going to take this gimmick and angle.

    Other News and Notes

    -There were 6,548 fans in attendance for Monday Nitro.

    -It was another win for Nitro in the ratings this week. However, the ratings slipped a bit this week to a 6.07. But Raw did not benefit much from Nitro's slip as it went down slightly with a 5.43.

    -I don't usually give WWF news, but since it is the direct competitor of WCW and they are doing everything in their power to try and catch WCW, this is pretty big news for both companys. WWF has gotten its Sunday show, Superstars, a primetime slot on Sundays. I'm not so sure how a primetime show will work on Sunday, but it is big news that now WWF has two primetime shows while WCW still just has Nitro. I wouldn't be surprised if WCW followed suit as to not get left behind and went after a second primetime show theirselves.

    -We all know the main event of Superbrawl VII is set to be the World Champion, whether it be The Giant or Hollywood Hogan, defending against Lex Luger. One interesting thing of note about that match is that Lex Luger's current contract is set to run out in three months. This could become a big factor in the outcome of that match and the match itself could determine whether or not Luger event wants to stay. I'll try to keep you updated on Luger's contract situation.

    And that's all she wrote for this week..

    -John Weekes


  7. WCW Monday Nitro

    February 3, 1997

    The usual Monday Nitro opening montage began to play without the usual highlights from the prior week, but just a few moments into the opening - it was cut off and immediately cut to the ring where the camera was on Randy Savage who was pacing along the outside of the ring. He grabbed a the chair that David Penzer usually sits in during the matches and tossed it into the ring. Savage then took Penzer's microphone and climbed into the ring.

    Tony Shiavone: Fans you are watching Monday Nitro, and what a wild start we are having to the show already. "The Macho Man" Randy Savage has abruptly made his way to the ring through the crowd here before the show even started! Last week we saw him arrested by Eric Bischoff!

    Bobby Heenan: That's one disgruntled man. I take it he didn't get his unemployment check, that's what has irritated him so much.

    Savage took the chair and sat it down in the center of the ring.

    Randy Savage: Eric Bischoff thinks he can tell The Macho Man what to do? Well let me tell you something Eric Bischoff, NOBODY tells me where I can or cannot be! And right now, I'm in your ring and I'm not leaving till I get another shot at Hollywood Hogan! I don't care what I have to do, I don't even want my job back. I just want one shot..one shot at beating Hogan for the WCW Title! And as far as I'm concerned, your little show won't be going on until you give me want I want!

    Savage then sat down in the chair facing the entrance and just dropped the microphone to the mat as he attempted to get comfortable. The fans were loudly supporting Savage.

    Tony Shiavone: What is Savage doing? Holding the show hostage?

    Bobby Heenan: He must have enjoyed his time in the tank last week, because he's about to get even more time there.

    Finally, the nWo music hit the PA system as ]bEric Bischoff appeared with five security gaurds surrounding him. He stopped at the top of the stage.

    Eric Bischoff: Savage, what the HELL are you doing? Didn't you learn your lesson last week? You want ONE chance? Well I'm giving you one chance to get out of my ring before my security takes you down town for the second week in a row.

    Savage reached down besides his chair and picked the microphone back up.

    Randy Savage: Bischoff...I don't think so. I said I wasn't moving, so I'm not gonna move.

    Eric Bischoff: Alright, if that's the choice you want to make...then fine. Boys, you know what to do.

    The security gaurds marched down the aisle, causing Savage to get up from his seat. Once the first gaurd climbed onto the apron, Savage immediately sent him off the apron with a forearm shot. The rest of the security slid into the ring as Savage picked up the chair and connected with chairshots to each security gaurd that came his way. As Savage finished off the security gaurds, Michael Wallstreet, Big Bubba, and Vincent ran down from the back and attacked Savage from behind. Wallstreet locked a full nelson onto Savage to hold him as Big Bubba bounced off the ropes. Bubba went to hit Savage, but Savage escaped and Bubba connected with a clothesline to his teammate. Bubba turned around right into a clothesline of his own from Savage. Vincent also fell victim to a clothesline from Savage. Wallstreet stumbled back up to his feet only to get scooped up and bodyslammed right out of the ring by Savage. Bubba was back up staggering as well and walked right into a chairshot right to the head from Savage. Vincent tried to run, but also got a chairshot. Bubba hit the mat and rolled out of the ring to the floor. Savage walked with the chair back to the center of the ring and set it back up. Savage took his seat once again.

    Randy Savage: Anyone else?


    Randy Savage: How convienant. Now, about my shot. Or do you not want your show to go on?

    Eric BIschoff: You're gonna regret this Savage! You're gonna regret this!

    Randy Savage: Just give me my shot Bischoff!

    Eric Bischoff: You want a shot...I'll give you one shot. But you'll have to earn you're shot. And you're still not going to be getting a paycheck from me. At Superbrawl, you'll run the nWo Gauntlet and if by some grace of God you are able to make it through the Gauntlet at Superbrawl...then and only then will you get your one shot at Hollywood Hogan at Uncensored! But that's IT! You lose, you're gone for good! That's the only offer you're gonna get Savage, what do you say?

    Randy Savage: What do I say? ...I say Bischoff....OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH YYYYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!

    Savage finally got up from his seat and tossed it out of the ring. He kept his eyes on Bischoff as he climbed out of the ring and exited through the crowd as Nitro headed to commercials.



    Tony Shiavone: Welcome back to Monday Nitro, and we've already had an exciting start to the night! Randy Savage held up the start of Nitro so he could get a shot not at getting back into WCW, but instead he wants a one more shot at Hollywood Hogan and the WCW World Heavyweight Title!

    Bobby Heenan: If anyone is crazy enough to take on the nWo gauntlet, it's Savage. The guy has snapped into one too many Slim Jims.

    Tony Shiavone: Superbrawl is shaping up...with the World Champion, the winner of next week's Hollywood Hogan vs. The Giant match, defending against Lex Luger, Ultimo Dragon defending the Cruiserweight Title against Chris Jericho, and now Randy Savage running the nWo Gauntlet. And this is only the early schedule. And tonight's show looks just as good. Tonight in our main event, Diamond Dallas Page makes his first title defense as ordered by Eric Bischoff...against Scott Hall.

    Bobby Heenan: Didn't Page just promise Eddie Guerrero his first title shot? I always knew he was a hypocrite.

    Tony Shiavone: Well he did, but Eric Bischoff didn't have the same plans as they did. And it is Bischoff who makes the matches, not DDP and Eddie Guerrero. But next week, Eddie Guerrero will get a title shot no matter who walks away tonight with the US Title. Speaking of last week, Bischoff wasn't too happy with the losers of nWo's Souled Out - Michael Wallstreet, Big Bubba, and Buff Bagwell. As a result, they all have matches this week to try and prove themselves. It won't be easy...Wallstreet and Bubba are up first in our first match of the night! Let's go to the ring!

    The Steiner Brothers vs. Big Bubba & Michael Wallstreet (w/Vincent)

    Bubba and Wallstreet had remained at ringside following the altercation with Randy Savage, and both still looked pretty shaken up from it. Once the Steiners were announced, they wasted no time as they ran right ot the ring and went head on at Bubba and Wallstreet. Rick went for Bubba while Scott went toe-to-toe with Wallstreet. The shaken nWo members were quickly disposed of as Rick and Scott hit simultaneous clotheslines to their respective man over the top rope to the floor. The Steiners played to the crowd, as Rick did his dog barking as he ran around the ring and then climbed between Scott's legs. Wallstreet rolled back into the ring as The Steiners got serious. Scott climbed out onto the apron, making Wallstreet and Rick the first legal men of the match. Wallstreet was left reeling as Rick Steiner held the upperhand against him, getting a nearfall following a belly-to-belly suplex which was only stopped by Bubba making the save. Rick tagged Scott in, who would get another nearfall following a belly-to-back suplex. Scott bounced off the ropes, but Vincent grabbed his leg to try and trip him. It didn't work, but it did get Scott's attention long enough for Wallstreet to recover and cheapshot Scott. After tagging Bubba in, Wallstreet and Bubba double teamed Scott, hitting him with a double suplex. Bubba made the cover, but only got a two count.

    Scott got back up to his feet, but Bubba staggered him with stiff right hands back into the corner. In the corner, Bubba unloaded more stiff rights before transitioning into stomps to Scott's midsection. He then turned Steiner around and began choking him across the top rope. An angered Rick Steiner tried to enter the ring to put a stop to it, but this just got referee Charles Robinson's attention - allowing Wallstreet to enter the ring. Wallstreet held Scott while Bubba took cheapshot right hands to Steiner. Bubba left the ring as Wallstreet continued to work over Scott. Wallstreet hit a backbreaker to Scott and went for the pin - One, Two, kickout. Scott showed signs off life when Wallstreet attempted a DDT only to have Scott Steiner counter with a Northern Lights Suplex. He didn't have enough in him to bridge for the pin, but it did leave both men down to try for the tag.

    Both men made the crawl to their corners, making the tags at the same time. Rick Steiner came in with the crowd solidly behind him. He met Bubba with three straight right hands to send him to the mat. Wallstreet went for Rick, but he ducked his punch and then hit him with rights and lefts until he dropped to the mat as well. Bubba was back up and walked right into a bodyslam from Rick Steiner. Wallstreet was back up as well, and also got a bodyslam. Once Bubba was back up, he got hit with a Steinerline from Rick. Wallstreet began to get to his feet, but Scott joined in to hit a double Steinerline to Wallstreet over the top rope to the floor. The Steiners wanted to end it, but Vincent jumped to the apron. Scott Steiner grabbed Vincent and brought him into the ring with a hiptoss. Vincent got back up to his feet and walked into a belly-to-belly suplex from Rick Steiner. Vincent hit the mat and rolled out of the ring to the floor. Scott Steiner lifted Bubba up into a shoulderlift as Scott Steiner took to the top turnbuckle and came off with the Steiner Bulldog. Rick Steiner made the cover - One, Two, Three.

    Winners - The Steiner Brothers

    Overall: 73

    Crowd: 70

    Match: 77

    Tony Shiavone: Eric Bischoff will not like the results of this one.

    Bobby Heenan: Wow Tony, did you come to that conclusion all by yourself?

    Tony Shiavone: Well, I'll show you one clue...

    The view cut to show the entranceway as Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and Syxx made their way down to the ring as Scott Steiner and Rick Steiner were celebrating in the ring.

    Tony Shiavone: I guess the rest of the troops finally arrived at the arena!

    The Steiners realized the nWo prescense, but it was too late. The numbers were too much for the Steiners, especially when Bubba and Wallstreet joined in to help The Outsiders and Syxx. Scott Hall waved them all of as he singled out Rick Steiner. Hall picked Rick Steiner up, giving him a kick to the midsection before dropping him to the mat with the Outsider's Edge. Nash liked what he saw, but he wasn't going to be outdone by his partner. Nash picked Scott Steiner up and hit him with a kneelift to double him over. Nash lifted Scott up as Hall pointed at Nash...while he hit Scott with the Jackknife Powerbomb.

    Tony Shiavone: The nWo gets some measure of payback for what has happened tonight, with Savage and with the Steiners winning.

    The nWo left the ring leaving The Stiener Brothers lying in the ring as Nitro headed to commercials.


    We had a quick recap of what just went down before cutting back to the ring where Disco Inferno was making his way down to the ring.

    Bobby Heenan: Disco lives, Tony.

    Tony Shiavone: As Disco Inferno makes his way down to the ring, I can't help but wonder what else the nWo has in store for Nitro tonight.

    Bobby Heenan: Who cares, Tony? Let's just watch this match!

    Disco Inferno vs. Eddie Guerrero

    Disco wanted a handshake to start the match, which Eddie Guerrero cautiously accepted...but not cautiously enough as Disco immediately took advantage by sneaking in a kick to Guerrero's midsection to start the match. Disco used that quick start to try and open an early advantage on Guerrero. Disco backed Eddie into the corner and unloaded jabs to Eddie's upperbody. He lifted Eddie up to the top turnbuckle and was going to attempt a superplex, but Eddie fought Disco off and shoved him back from the ropes. Eddie then came off the top rope with a missle dropkick to Disco. It was only enough to get a two count, however, but Eddie was in control for the first time in the match. Guerrero got another nearfall off of a back suplex to Disco. Following a backbreaker drop, Eddie began to climb to the top turnbuckle to go for the Frog Splash, but Disco pulled referee Billy Silverman down ontop of him to stop Guerrero from hitting it. The upset Eddie climbed down off the top as Disco got up. Disco met Eddie with a poke to the eye and then hit him with an Inverted Atomic Drop. A swinging neckbreaker from Disco sent Guerrero to the mat. One, Two, kickout.

    Disco got up, and instead of going right back at Eddie, he decided to play to the crowd with some of his disco dancing moves. This gave Eddie some time to recover, but Disco met him with a kick to the midsection. Eddie was doubled over as Disco set him up for a piledriver. However, Eddie countered with a backdrop. Disco stumbled back up to his feet only to be met with a dropkick from Guerrero. Eddie was fired up as Disco was outmatched in the closing stretch of the match. Eddie lifted Disco up and dropped him to the mat with a Black Tiger Bomb. One, Two, Three.

    Winner - Eddie Guerrero

    Overall: 74

    Crowd: 64

    Match: 84

    Tony Shiavone: Eddie Guerrero gets an impressive victory in preperation for his United States Title shot next week on Nitro.

    Bobby Heenan: Yeah, but who is he going up against?

    Tony Shiavone: Whether it be Diamond Dallas Page or Scott Hall, I think Eddie Guerrero will be up for the challenge.

    Bobby Heenan: That's only because he's too stupid to know any better.


    Uncle Eric's Proposition

    Coming back from commercials, Eddie Guerrero was seen fresh from his win against Disco Inferno walking in the hallway backstage back towards the locker room. However, before he could get there, he was intercepted by the WCW President himself, Eric Bischoff.

    Eric Bischoff: Eddie Guerrero! I just wanted to congratulate you on a great match and a big win tonight.

    Eddie Guerrero: Whatever essa, I know you - you wouldn't be talkin' to me unless you wanted somethin'. So what do you want?

    Eric Bischoff: Oh Eddie! You're too much! You know me and you go way back. You know I only have your best interest in mind.

    Eddie Guerrero: Get to the point Bischoff.

    Eric Bischoff: I couldn't help but notice that Dallas Page promised you the first shot at his United States Title. And yet, looking at tonight's main event...he's facing Scott Hall in his first title defense? What is up with that?

    Eddie Guerrero: You and I both know, essa, that it was you who made that match.

    Eric Bischoff: Sure, I scheduled the match to happen. But Page didn't have to accept the match. He could have refused to take part in the match since he had the prior committment. He is only required to defend the belt once ever 30 days. He could have refused to take part in the match and there would have been NOTHING I could do about it.

    Eddie Guerrero: Whatever...I still get the title shot, it don't matter who the champion is.

    Eric Bischoff: Fair enough. But just keep in mind what Page did to you. He made you look like a loser, a fool, a chump at Souled Out. You were nothing a but a pawn in his little game to get the United States Title and put one over on the New World Order. You're not a CHUMP....are you, Eddie?

    Eddie Guerrero: No way, hommes, I'm no chump.

    Eric Bischoff: Then why don't you get Page back. There's a spot open in the New World Order with your name on it. What do you say Eddie?

    Eddie Guerrero: No way, I'm WCW all the way.

    Eric Bischoff: I'm prepared to offer you a large raise...

    Eddie Guerrero: No money is worth my dignity, and if I joined you...I'd lose it all.

    Eddie turned to walk away, but Eric Bischoff grabbed Eddie by the arm to stop him.

    Eric Bischoff: LISTEN to me! This is the only chance you're getting, you walk away from this deal and you WILL regret it, Eddie.

    Eddie looked Bischoff in the eyes, and then snatched his arm away from him.

    Eddie Guerrero: NO! YOU LISTEN TO ME, ESSA! Don't you EVER lay your hand on me again! Or YOU will regret it!

    Eddie turned and walked away from Bischoff, leaving Bischoff visably upset.

    Eric Bischoff: YOU WILL REGRET THIS!

    The camera zoomed in on Bischoff's sneering face before cutting back to the ring.


    Tony Shiavone: It's good to see Eddie Guerrero staying true to the WCW colors.

    Bobby Heenan: We'll see if it stays that way.

    Tony Shiavone: What do you mean?

    Bobby Heenan: Come on Tony, you know we can't trust anyone around here. Not even me.

    Tony Shiavone: You're joining the nWo?

    Bobby Heenan: No, why? What have you heard?

    "Lionheart" hit the PA system as the number one contender to the Cruiserweight Title, "Lionheart" Chris Jericho made his way from the back to a decent reaction from the fans. He interacted with the fans along the gaurd rail, and then leaned back against the railing to let the fans get some free touches. Jericho then took a left turn over to the Nitro announced booth, taking a seat with Shiavone and Heenan.

    Tony Shiavone: It looks like the number one contender to the Cruiserweight title is joining us!

    Chris Jericho: Hello ladies! And make that future Cruiserweight Champion, skippy.

    Bobby Heenan: Jeez Tony, can't you get anything right. What brings you out here to grace us with your prescense?

    Chris Jericho: I just wanted to get a better look at my competition for Superbrawl as he does battle with Stinko Machenko.

    Tony Shiavone: You mean, Dean Malenko?

    Chris Jericho: Who?

    Ultimo Dragon (w/Sony Oono) vs. Dean Malenko

    This, obviously, was a non-title match. The crowd was almost dead silent for the match, mainly since both of these guys are still considered heels and the crowd didn't really know who to root for. The match itself was a letdown, as they reverted to mainly rest holds as if they just used cruise control for this match since it was all leading up to the arrival of the New World Order at ringside. The match started out with some chain wrestling by the two, which was in Malenko's advantage. At the announce booth it was made mention of Malenko's recent loses and how they have been effecting his usual "ice man" reputation. Malenko appeared to be cool and collected as he worked over the Cruiserweight champion, but Ultimo fought back on Malenko, coming off the ropes with a handspring elbow smash. Dragon would get a nearfall with a standing hurricanrana. After Malenko kicked out, the nWo would indeed show up consisting of Masahiro Chono and nWo Sting.

    Chris Jericho: God, these guys just can't get enough of me can they? What do they want now?

    Tony Shiavone: Chono and nWo Sting both represent nWo Japan...I'd hate to jump to conclusions, but perhaps Ultimo Dragon could be an addition?

    Chono and nWo Sting pulled Sonoy Oono aside, discussing something with him...which caught the attention of Dragon just long enough for him to get rolled up by Malenko. One, Two, kickout by Dragon. Malenko would not let Dragon up, stomping away at the back of Dragon's head. The discussion continued at ringside as Malenko continued to work over Ultimo Dragon until he hit a Tiger Driver to Dragon, then turned him over into the Texas Cloverleaf. Referee Randy Anderson checked in on Dragon, until Sony Oono broke way from his discussion with the nWo Japan members. Oono hoped onto the apron to distract the ref just as Dragon began to tap out. Masahiro Chono entered the ring and caught Malenko right in the face with the Yakuza Kick. Chono left the ring as Oono jumped down off the apron. Chono and Oono shook hands as nWo Japan returned to the back, stopping to point at Jericho at the announce booth. Ultimo Dragon slowly got to his feet, finding Malenko laid out. The confused Dragon grabbed Malenko by the head and applied the Dragon Sleeper. Randy Anderson checked in and saw no response from Malenko, and called for the bell.

    Winner - Ultimo Dragon

    Overall: 64

    Crowd: 49

    Match: 80

    Chris Jericho: Unbelieavable!

    Tony Shiavone: Looks like the nWo isn't finished with you after all, Jericho. Looks like they are recruiting your opponent now.

    Chris Jericho: You think they have me worried? I'll take 'em all on! Bring 'em on!

    Jericho got up from the announce booth to return to the back...

    Bobby Heenan: And I thought Eddie Guerrero was too stupid to know any better...Jericho gives new meaning to dumb blondes.

    Back in the ring, Dean Malenko had recovered and paced around the ring looking very frustrated. He slammed the turnbuckle with his fist repeatedly before hitting the mat, rolling out of the ring and stomping up the aisle to return to the back.


    A True Leader

    Tony Shiavone: Welcome back to Nitro fans, over the past several weeks we have seen Jeff Jarrett do anything and everything within his power to join the Four Horsemen, and just when it looked like he was making some progress...he goes and does this...

    Replay from Nitro 1-27-97

    Benoit was the first to show signs of life as he actually began to make the crawl towards the corner to tag in Jarrett. Hall was much slower, and wasn't making any progress as Benoit made it to the corner. He made the dive to tag in Jarrett, but Jarrett brought his hand back in and leaped off the apron just as Benoit made it there. Benoit looked down at Jarrett with contempt and then spat right at him.

    Mongo questioned Jarrett angrily at ringside as Benoit turned and went back to Hall to keep him from tagging in Nash. Benoit slowly began to pull Hall up as Jarrett decided he wanted to use the Halliburton. He reached down and grabbed for it.."GIVE IT TO ME" he yelled at Mongo, but Mongo put up a fight and it was a tug of war over the briefcase at ringside. Meanwhile Benoit had lifted Hall back up and attempted to Irish Whip him into the ropes, but Hall reversed it...just as Benoit hit the ropes, Jarrett pulled the Halliburton from Mongo's hands; however, the force in which Jarrett pulled sent him backwards causing the briefcase to nail Benoit right in the back as he hit the ropes! Benoit stumbled right into the waiting Hall who doubled Benoit over. Hall lifted Benoit up and dropped him to the mat with the Outsider's Edge. Jarrett saw what he had done on accident, but showed no sign of helping. When Mongo went for the ring, Jarrett cut him off and then decked Mongo with a right hand. Debra looked confused as Jarrett slowly walked up the aisle, watching as Hall made the cover - One-Two-Three.

  8. Monday Night Nitro Preview

    February 3, 1997

    One Week Away

    Last week it was announced that The Giant would get his rematch at Hollywood Hogan's World Heavyweight Title and to make The Giant even happier is that the New World Order has been banned from the ring for that match. Also, we can rest assured that Nick Patrick will be nowhere near the ring for the match, because there will be a WCW Executive Committee appointed referee for the match. This week, The Giant, Hollywood Hogan, and the future opponent for the winner - Lex Luger, will all be on hand for Nitro. Also, last week we saw Randy Savage make an appearance on Nitro before being arrested - will we find out what happened to Savage? Or have we seen the last of him for a while?

    The First Defense

    Diamond Dallas Page won the United States Title at Souled Out after pulling a huge swerve on the New World Order. The nWo has had their eyes on the United States belt, and Eric Bischoff was not about to let Eddie Guerrero get the first title shot DDP promised him. Instead, Bischoff proved he still does have some power in WCW by making DDP's first title defense against one half of the WCW World Tag Team Champions, Scott Hall. Guerrero will still get the US title shot next week, but he has to be a bit upset that he didn't get a rematch against Page.

    Tension Over?

    Last week we saw the saga of Jarrett and the Horsemen answer one question - "Is Jarrett a Horseman?" When Jeff Jarrett walekd out on Chris Benoit during the Tag Titles match, all questions were answered. Jarrett certainly is not a Horseman. However, with no more talks of Jarrett joining the Horsemen, can the tension that existed between them be eased? One thing is for sure, they all will want to get their hands on Jarrett. And he will be on hand for Nitro.

    Television Championship

    It all comes down to this, weeks of ducking and dodging - Lord Steven Regal has no choice but to face Konnan one-on-one for the Television Champion after Konnan defeated Masahiro Chono last week for the title shot. Regal has pulled every trick in the book to get away week in and week out with that belt, but could his days as champion be up? Konnan has his eyes on the gold, and Regal will have a tough challenge ahead of him if he wants to retain the belt for another week.

    The Punishment

    Buff Bagwell, Michael Wallstreet, and Big Bubba - these three members of the New World Order let Eric Bischoff down at Souled Out by losing their matches. Bischoff doesn't like being disappointed, and as a result they will have to try and win him back this week. Bischoff has announced who they will be facing and it will NOT be an easy task for these nWo members. Buff Bagwell will be going up against the man Hogan must face next week, The Giant! While Wallstreet and Big Bubba will have to take on one of the top tag teams in WCW, The Steiner Brothers.


    Confirmed Matches

    Diamond Dallas Page © vs. Scott Hall - United States Title Match

    Lord Steven Regal © vs. Konnan - Television Title Match

    The Giant vs. Buff Bagwell

    The Steiner Brothers vs. Michael Wallstreet & Big Bubba


  9. (Thanks to everyone for the great feedback)

    WCW Saturday Night

    February 1, 1997

    The WCW Saturday Night intro kicked things off for this week's episode. The camera panned around the crowd as Harlem Heat's music began to play over the PA System. Mike Tenay and Larry Zbyszko welcomed everyone to Saturday Night. They said that tonight's main event would put "The Man of 1,000 Holds" Dean Malenko against Steve "Mongo" McMichael of the Four Horsemen. They also promised us plenty of highlights from Nitro!

    Harlem Heat (w/Sister Sherri) vs. Bunkhouse Buck & Dirty Dick Slater (w/Col. Parker)

    Not the best of ways to kick of Saturday Night, as it was a very sloppy match mostly thanks to Bunkhouse Buck and Slater. The crowd also showed their feelings about the match as loud "BORING" chants filled the arena. Buck and Slater were missing spots left and right, and Booker T was the main one feeling the brunt as he was the face-in-peril for the match. Whenever Booker started to fight his way back into the match, Colonel Parker would distract referee Billy Silverman and allow the heels to double team Booker. Sister Sherri put a stop to Parker's interference with a kick to the groin. With Parker down, Booker T was able to make the crawl to the corner to tag in Stevie Ray after hitting a desperation jawbreaker to Slater. Booker made the hot tag to Stevie Ray. Ray came in, decking both Buck and Slater with right hands. Buck got back to his feet and ran into a clothesline from Ray. He then hit a big boot to Slater, sending him over the top rope to the floor. Harlem Heat finished Bunkhouse Buck as Stevie Ray lifted him up allowing Booker to hit the Harlem Sidekick, which Buck sold horribly. Stevie Ray with the pin - One, Two, Three.

    Winners - Harlem Heat

    Overall: 59

    Crowd: 54

    Match: 90


    Mike Tenay and Larry Zbyszko discussed the appearance by Randy Savage on Nitro as a segway into the highlight package about that very event that went down on Monday night.

    Anderson tried to back away, but backed into Kevin Nash. Anderson turned around and Nash pulled him down to set him up for the Jackknife Powerbomb. Before he could hit the move, however, the crowd started to turn their attention to another part of the arena. This got the attention of Eric Bischoff and the nWo. The camera panned arond ringside to find what had the audience's attention...

    Tony Shiavone: Oh my God! Look who it is sitting at ringside! I can't believe it!!

    The camera revealed "The Macho Man" Randy Savage taking a seat at ringside. Eric Bischoff was livid in the ring as Nash released Anderson from his grip. Anderson quickly left the ring.

    Eric Bischoff: What-What-What is HE doing here? What are YOU doing here?! YOU HAVE NO PLACE IN MY ARENA!

    Bischoff and Hogan approached the ropes closest to where Savage was seated. Savage just simply lifted up his ticket stub to indicate he paid for a seat.

    Eric Bischoff: Oh, I see. So that's the game you're going to play? Well let me advise you of one thing Savage, if you even get up from your seat, I will have my security on you so fast you'll be spending the night in a cell faster than you can snap into a slim jim! We'll be watching Savage, so no funny stuff.

    The nWo music hit again as Savage stared a hole through Bischoff and Hogan in the ring before the nWo finally began to file out of the ring...


    Okerland made the trip around ringside to where Randy Savage was seated. He looked relaxed as he brought a cup of drink up and took a sip as Okerland approached him. He stayed seated as Okerland moved up to the gaurd rail. The crowd was very loud for Savage, making it hard for Gene Okerland to get a word in.

    Gene Okerland: Alright "Macho Man" what's the story here?

    Randy Savage: Well Mean Gene...I'll tell ya. I'm just here, as a fan, enjoying the show.

    Gene Okerland: Well what do you have to say about the threats that Eric Bischoff made in your direction in the opening?

    Randy Savage: Eric Bischoff talks a lot, but he doesn't have ANYTHING to worry about tonight. Like I said, The Macho man just wants to be entertained. I've had a lot of free time on my hand since October because apparantly Eric Bischoff thought he could just get rid of The Macho Man. But let me say this much, it ain't gonna be that easy to get rid of me Bischoff, OOOH YEAH.

    Gene Okerland: So are you saying you're going to try and get back in WCW?

    Randy Savage: Let's just say that I'll deal with that when the time comes. But for now, I'm enjoying the show, which you are kind of interrupting Gene. I don't see you interviewing any of the other fans here. So why don't you back off and let the fans enjoy the show.


    Kevin Nash entered the ring and lifted the fallen Benoit up. He then set Benoit up and finished him off with the Jackknife Powerbomb. Arn Anderson and Ric Flair came running down to the ring to make the save for Benoit. Nash and Hall met them as they entered the ring. Anderson and Hall went at it as Flair and Nash went at it. They were exchanging blows until the New World Order in full flooded the ring. Mongo slowly pulled himself up and into the ring, but was no match for the New World Order.

    Tony Shiavone: This is something we're used to seeing around here!

    The crowd's loud boos turned to loud cheers as Randy Savage got up from his seat at ringside...and brought his chair with him as he slid into the ring...

    Tony Shiavone: IT'S SAVAGE!! SAVAGE IS IN THE RING!!

    Savage decked any member of the nWo within range - Vincent, Big Bubba, Buff Bagwell, Michael Wallstreet, Masahiro Chono, nWo Sting, and Scott Norton all ate chairshots from Savage. Hogan, Nash, Hall, and Syxx got out of the ring before Savage could get to them. Savage stood in the center of the ring holding the chair and dared them, Hogan especially, to come back in the ring. The fans wanted to see it, but there was one person who wasn't going to let that happen. Eric Bischoff appeared from backstage with a full security force with him.

    Eric BiSChoff: I WARNED YOU SAVAGE! I WARNED YOU! I told you not to even get up from your seat. ARREST HIM! ARREST HIS ASS!

    The security entered the ring and Savage didn't put up a fight as one of the officers pulled Savage's arms behind him and handcuffed him.

  10. The Weekely Resthold

    by John Weekes

    Howdy and welcome to this week's second edition of the Weekely Resthold, otherwise known as the fallout of Souled Out. Not much was settled at Souled Out, so this week begins the push towards Superbrawl VII. Superbrawl is usually viewed as one of the biggest Pay-Per-Views on the WCW Calander besides Starcade, so I have high hopes that it can deliver the goods. But first we got some Nitros to get out of the way first, so let's take a look at what went down this past Monday Night.

    The Highs

    -Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Chris Jericho-

    The Cruiserweights in WCW continue to be one of the high points of the show whenever they appear. It had slowed down a bit, but Chris Jericho seems ready to re-energize the division, as the he has become a solid crowd favorite during his battle with the nWo along with his matches being exciting. This match easily got the match of the night honors, as it was back and forth, fast paced action between two of the top Cruiserweights in WCW. Chris Jericho vs. Ultimo Dragon should be great as well, I know I can't wait.

    -Randy Savage-

    I haven't always been the biggest fan of The Macho Man, but I have to give him a spot on the Highs just because of how the crowd reacted to his appearance on Nitro this past week. The supposed "free agent" since the angle says Eric Bischoff did not renew his contract showed up with a front row seat to Nitro. We've seen this angle done before, but the crowd ate it up like it was something new and innovative. Something tells me Savage won't be a "free agent" for long, although I don't see how he can convince Eric Bischoff to give him a contract. Unless, of course, Mr. McLauren steps in. Despite his arrest at the end of the show, I'm sure this isn't the last we've seen of The Macho Man in the near future.

    -The Million Dollar Man takes charge-

    While it's not unusual to see some dissension in the ranks of the New World Order, it was interesting to see Ted DiBiase be the one to call Eric Bischoff out on his apparant loss of power in the recent weeks. With DiBiase being the main financial provider of the New World Order now, it looks like his role is going to be increased; and I for one am all for it. Could we be witnessing a downward spiral of the WCW President? Again, I guess we'll wait and see what the future holds.

    The Lows

    -Lex Luger vs. Scott Norton-

    Double and Triple Ughs for this match. It just wasn't pretty at all, and Scott Norton was did not seem to be interested in selling any of Luger's offense. Considering Luger is supposed to be a major player and receiving a title shot at Superbrawl, it hurts his image to have his offense blown off. Scott Norton has a good look to him as he is menacing, but in the fan's mind he doesn't stand a chance against Luger. Although I'm sure even if the selling was there, that the match would have still been horrible since neither men are known for their ability in the ring. Basic Lex Luger formula to the match..

    -Sting MIA?-

    It's not a major thing, but we've gone two major shows without a Sting sighting. I'm sure he won't missing much longer; I'm guessing WCW just doesn't want to overdo the Sting "dropping down from the rafters" routine too fast, which is probably a good idea. But if he goes unseen for too long, the audience might actually forget how important his role in this whole "war" over WCW truly is (or atleast made out to be).

    -The nWo Show?-

    The nWo's involvement with every thing WCW is starting to get a bit old. It seems like every angle in WCW involves the nWo in some way. Even the Cruiserweight Title scene with Syxx doing commentary during the Jericho/Mysterio match. However, things do look a bit positive now that maybe the Jarrett/Horsemen angle can stray away from the nWo. The TV title scene should go that way as well now that Konnan beat Masahiro Chono to get a title shot. And the opening match between Dean Malenko and Alex Wright seems to indicate some sort of angle involving Dean Malenko with no nWo in sight (yet).

    Other News and Notes

    -There were 6,532 fans in attendance for Monday Nitro.

    -It was another win for Nitro in the ratings this week. Nitro's rating went up, no doubt from it being a post-PPV show, to a

    Nitro: 6.10. Raw also went up slightly with a 5.47.

    -Two matches have been signed for Superbrawl VII already because of the events of Nitro. There's the World Title Match between the champion, whether it be Hollywood Hogan or The Giant depending on the winner of their match in two week's time, defending against "The Total Package" Lex Luger. And as a result of the number one contender match, Ultimo Dragon will defend his Cruiserweight Title against Chris Jericho. Konnan, who also won a number one contender match on Nitro but for the TV Title, will get his title shot next week on Nitro against Television champion Lord Steven Regal.

    -During the segment involving Ted DiBiase and Eric Bischoff, DiBiase mentioned that he would take care of The Giant. This may have something to do with a recent rumored signing WCW has made. The actual name has remained a mystery, but the signing is apparantly a former WWF wrestler.

    That's all for this week - Whew!

    -John Weekes


  11. Personally I don't think he's dead or going to die yet. It was never said he was dead...Lex said something about him almost being dead...but how many times has this show faked out on a death. I mean the Kent House got hit by the meteor, but it's pretty much a gaurantee they'll survive. Last season you had the apparant death of Chloe and Lex being poisoned...I'd bet Lionel will be back.

  12. WCW Monday Nitro

    January 27, 1997

    The show kicked things off with black and white clips highlighting nWo's Souled Out from the previous night. Noticeably absent from the highlight reel were clips of any match where nWo lost, including the Diamond Dallas Page swerve. The clips ended with the end of the Pay-Per-View celebration in the ring of the New World Order. The screen faded to a black screen with the nWo logo dissolving into the center of the screen. The logo dissolved out as the screen transitioned into the live arena. The Nitro music was absent, and was replaced by the music of the nWo. Eric Bischoff and Hollywood Hogan Hogan (playing belt as a guitar) led the group out. Two things of notice where that Nick Patrick was still noticeably limping while Ted Dibiase had a piece of cloth wrapped around his head covering his eyes due to the incidence. As they made their way down to the ring, black and white confetti fell from the rafters.

    Tony Shiavone: This, fans, IS Monday Nitro...and this is not the way we would like to start this week's show off, but here we have the New World Order starting things off. Last night did not start the way they would have liked it, but it certanily ended the way they wanted.

    Bobby Heenan: I'll tell ya one thing, Nick Patrick and Ted DiBiase NEVER looked better.

    Tony Shiavone: You couldn't tell from the highlight package to start the show, but that would be the result of some of the positive events that took place last night. Unfortunately it seems like since it was a nWo show, it was a nWo-editted video package as well.

    The nWo packed into the ring. Eric Bischoff and Hollywood Hogan stood in the center of the ring as Eric Bischoff pulled a microphone out from the inside of his leather jacket. Loud boos filled the arena, causing a big grin to come across Bischoff's face.

    Eric Bischoff: Thank you! Thank you all so very, very much! You are all TOO kind!

    The boos just grew louder, which only encouraged Bischoff more.

    Eric Bischoff: Oh I love you too! Can you guys feel the love in this arena tonight? And why wouldn't you feel the love? Last night was an event that will go down in history as one of the BIGGEST events this industry has EVER seen. And when they look back in the history books, what name will they see next to it? It won't be World Championship Wrestling, oh no - it will be the New World Order!

    Bischoff paused to allow the crowd to get onto him more.

    Eric Bischoff: And now, without further adue, I present to you all the man of the hour, the GREATEST WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF ALL TIME, HOLLYWOOD HOGAN!

    Bischoff passed the microphone over to Hogan, who threw his belt up across his shoulder before speaking.

    Hollywood Hogan: You know something brothers, I told everyone that the big bad Giant would fall to the hands of the Immortal One, but did you people listen to me? I guess the old saying rings true once again - the bigger they are, the harder they fall! And I tried, I really tried to warn The Giant that this would happen to him. Bischoff and myself, we tried everything to keep this match from happening - to keep The Giant from the embarassment that was coming to him. But he wasn't as smart as the Hulkster. He brought in some suit and seal his own fate, brothers. But it just goes to show you that you don't mess with the New World Order. And it just goes to show the rest of you guys in the nWo, that is what happens to you when you turn your back on the New World Order. So don't drop the ball like The Giant did. Once you're nWo, you're nWo 4-Life. So live by it...or you'll die by it. As for the rest of WCW, you keep setting up the pins and we'll keep knocking them down? SO whatcha gonna do, when The Immortal One and the Black and White continue to run wild on you?

    Hogan nodded his head in satisfaction as he handed the microphone back to Eric Bischoff.

    Eric Bischoff: I couldn't have said it better myself! Now tonight was a big night for the New World Order, but even the best nights come with flaws - with astericks on an otherwise successful night.

    Bischoff turned his attention to the side of the ring where Ted DiBiase, Buff Bagwell, Big Bubba, and Michael Wallstreet were standing.

    Eric Bischoff: Each of you let me down last night. Last night was supposed to be OUR NIGHT! And yet you four somehow managed to mess things up when I was counting on you! And if there is one thing that I hate the most is being let down! You don't go out and disappoint your boss, and I AM THE BOSS. We are suppose to be the ELITE! You call yourself the elite? The New World Order is NOT for losers! But you know what, I am a compassionate man. And I can see that iwas not completely your fault. And because it was not completely your fault, I will give each of you the chance to make it up to me. Next week, you will be put to the test to prove your worth to the New World Order. Take my advice - don't let me down again.

    Bischoff then turned and headed over to Nick Patrick, who held his midsection in pain as Bischoff approached him.

    Eric Bischoff: Like I said, it was not completely their fault. Last night, the official sanctioned referee for the matches was Nick Patrick. And yet, because of an incident involving Lex Luger, another referee decided to take the place of the OFFICIAL referee and that was referee Randy Anderson. So, Randy Anderson...get out here right now!

    Bischoff looked to the entrance, awaiting the arrival of Randy Anderson. After a brief wait, he didn't show up.

    Eric Bischoff: Now I KNOW that you're back there, so if you like your job, then I would seriously suggest that you get out here RIGHT NOW!

    Randy Anderson did indeed show himself this time as he slowly and reluctantly made his way down to the nWo filled ring. He cautiously climbed in as all the eyes were on him.

    Eric Bischoff: Let me ask you this, what made you go out there last night when you had no right even being in the building in the first place? You had the night off. Why not be like any other American and enjoy you're day off. You had NO BUSINESS going out there! What do you have to say for yourself.

    Randy Anderson: Well....I, uh, just was doing my job.

    Eric Bischoff: Your job? Last night it was NOT your job! Your job was to sit at home and keep your nose out of nWo business. You're lucky to still have a job right now. But don't think you're going to go unpunished. Guys...give Mr. Anderson his punishment.

    Anderson tried to back away, but backed into Kevin Nash. Anderson turned around and Nash pulled him down to set him up for the Jackknife Powerbomb. Before he could hit the move, however, the crowd started to turn their attention to another part of the arena. This got the attention of Eric Bischoff and the nWo. The camera panned arond ringside to find what had the audience's attention...

    Tony Shiavone: Oh my God! Look who it is sitting at ringside! I can't believe it!!

    The camera revealed "The Macho Man" Randy Savage taking a seat at ringside. Eric Bischoff was livid in the ring as Nash released Anderson from his grip. Anderson quickly left the ring.

    Eric Bischoff: What-What-What is HE doing here? What are YOU doing here?! YOU HAVE NO PLACE IN MY ARENA!

    Bischoff and Hogan approached the ropes closest to where Savage was seated. Savage just simply lifted up his ticket stub to indicate he paid for a seat.

    Eric Bischoff: Oh, I see. So that's the game you're going to play? Well let me advise you of one thing Savage, if you even get up from your seat, I will have my security on you so fast you'll be spending the night in a cell faster than you can snap into a slim jim! We'll be watching Savage, so no funny stuff.

    The nWo music hit again as Savage stared a hole through Bischoff and Hogan in the ring before the nWo finally began to file out of the ring as the screen faded to commercials.



    Coming back from commercials, we got a replay of what just occurred between the ringside Randy Savage and the New World Order in the ring.

    Tony Shiavone: How about that to kickoff Nitro! Randy Savage has made an appearance for the first time since Halloween Havoc. That was his last match since Eric Bischoff didn't re-sign him when his contract ran out.

    Bobby Heenan: How did Savage pay for that seat if he is unemployed?

    Tony Shiavone: We'll try to get a word with Savage a little bit later, and speaking of later tonight, in our main event we will see The Outsiders defend the World Tag Team Titles against Chris Benoit and Jeff Jarrett! We'll also hear from the new United States Champion Diamond Dallas Page later tonight.

    Dean Malenko vs. "Das Wunderkind" Alex Wright

    Looks like the crowd used this match as an early bathroom break, or as a chance to go get that souvenir or snack they couldn't get before the show started. "The Ice Man" Dean Malenko measured Alex Wright up from the start of the match, watching him dance for the crowd with a cold and expressionless face. Once the bell rang, it was all business for Malenko as he went straight to work on Wright. Malenko sent Wright into the corner and began stomping away at Wright's midsection. Referee Mark Johnson broke it up. When Wright came stumbling out of the corner, Malenko gave him a kick to the midsection and dropped him to the mat with a brainbuster. A cover resulted in a two count for Malenko. Malenko continued in control until going to pick Wright up and having Wright come back with a jawbreaker. Malenko was left stumbling until Wright decked him with a European Uppercut. Wright was taking control, but after hitting Malenko with a swinging neckbreaker - he made the mistake of dancing for the crowd once again. Wright did get a small pop for his dance, but Malenko had recovered and hit Wright with a chopblock while he was dancing.

    Malenko began working over Wright's now weakened legs. After slamming Wright's leg repeatedly into the mat, he applied a crucifix kneebar. Wright fought through the pain to reach the ropes. He finally did, but Malenko held on for the entire five count before letting go. Malenko looked to finish Wright off when he hit Wright with a powerbomb, holding onto Wright's legs and then turning him over into the Texas Cloverleaf. Wright once again fought through the pain and reached the bottom rope, which caused the Ice Man to actually start to lose his composure as he showed frustration. Malenko slammed the mat before grabbing Wright to pull him up, but Wright hooked Malenko in a small package. One, Two, Th...Malenko escaped. Wright suddenly found a wave of momentum and hit the Hangman's Neckbreaker on Malenko. Wright made the cover - One, Two, Three.

    Winner - Alex Wright

    Overall: 63

    Crowd: 58

    Match: 69

    A surprised Alex Wright got back to his feet after the match and did a celebration dance as Malenko rolled out of the ring, looking very upset about his loss.

    Tony Shiavone: What a big victory for Alex Wright. I'd call that an upset!

    Bobby Heenan: If anyone's upset, it's Dean Malenko. But who can blame him? He lost to someone who barely speaks English. What a disgrace.

    Tony Shiavone: I have to say I've never seen Dean Malenko like that, usually he's so methodical and calm...but here he was starting to loose his cool.

    Bobby Heenan: Well, losing will do that to ya.


    The Macho Fan?

    Coming back from commercials, Gene Okerland was standing at ringside with a microphone.

    Gene Okerland: Welcome back to Monday Nitro! At the start of the show tonight, we witnessed "Macho Man" Randy Savage return to WCW...kind of. We saw him at ringside as he took a seat in the audience. Well, right now let's try to get a word with him.

    Okerland made the trip around ringside to where Randy Savage was seated. He looked relaxed as he brought a cup of drink up and took a sip as Okerland approached him. He stayed seated as Okerland moved up to the gaurd rail. The crowd was very loud for Savage, making it hard for Gene Okerland to get a word in.

    Gene Okerland: Alright "Macho Man" what's the story here?

    Randy Savage: Well Mean Gene...I'll tell ya. I'm just here, as a fan, enjoying the show.

    Gene Okerland: Well what do you have to say about the threats that Eric Bischoff made in your direction in the opening?

    Randy Savage: Eric Bischoff talks a lot, but he doesn't have ANYTHING to worry about tonight. Like I said, The Macho man just wants to be entertained. I've had a lot of free time on my hand since October because apparantly Eric Bischoff thought he could just get rid of The Macho Man. But let me say this much, it ain't gonna be that easy to get rid of me Bischoff, OOOH YEAH.

    Gene Okerland: So are you saying you're going to try and get back in WCW?

    Randy Savage: Let's just say that I'll deal with that when the time comes. But for now, I'm enjoying the show, which you are kind of interrupting Gene. I don't see you interviewing any of the other fans here. So why don't you back off and let the fans enjoy the show.

    Gene Okerland: Well, there you have it! Randy Savage, just your common fan! Back to you guys.

    Tony Shiavone: How many common fans are former champions?

    Bobby Heenan: Oh I don't know, I could buy Randy Savage as being the common fan. They have about the same IQ.


    The music of the New World Order began to play once again in the arena as Syxx made his way from the back by himself. He made the right turn from the entrance way and headed over to the announce booth.

    Tony Shiavone: I think we're about to be joined.

    Syxx: What's up fellas. Thought I'd grace you with my prescense.

    Bobby Heenan: Those are some big words there, don't strain yourself.

    Syxx: Hey watch it Heenan, I'll smack you all the way back to the Heenan Family days.

    Tony Shiavone: What are you doing out here?

    Syxx: Just wanted to get a closer look at the action. Nothing wrong with that, right?

    Cruiserweight Title #1 Contendership Match

    Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. "Lionheart" Chris Jericho

    This was the kind of match that you would expect from these two, as they put on the match of the night easily. The crowd was slow getting into it, but they were more into it by the end. It was fast paced, back and forth action the entire way while Syxx, who was victorious over Chris Jericho at Souled Out, ran down Jericho at every opportunity on commentary. Syxx said that he should be getting the title shot since he beat Jericho, but he is BETTER than the Cruiserweight title anyway. The match started with a lock up between the two as they traded moves back and forth until Rey Mysterio one-upped Jericho, coming off the ropes and taking Jericho down with a tilt-a-whirl head scissors. Rey wasn't in control for long before Jericho rolled out of the way of a springboard legdrop attempt by Rey. Jericho went for the pin after hitting Rey with a double underhook back breaker drop. One, Two, kickout. As Jericho was in control, Ultimo Dragon and Sony Oono emerged from the back, standing at the top of the aisle watching the match. It caught Jericho's attention long enough for Rey to recover. When Jericho turned his attention back to the match he was caught with a spinkick from Rey.

    Rey got a couple more nearfalls before rolling out onto the apron as he waited for Jericho to recover. Once Jericho was up, Rey came back into the ring using the top rope as a springboard. He attempted to catch Jericho with a springboard tornado DDT, but Jericho blocked it, lifted Rey up, and placed him on the top turnbuckle. Jericho drove several forearms to Rey to keep him stunned on the top turnbuckle before he climbed up to join him. Jericho hooked Rey and threw him off the turnbuckle with a Super German Suplex, but Rey flipped through and landed on his feet! When Jericho rolled back to his feet he was caught with a standing hurricanrana by Rey! Rey with the legs cradled - One, Two, Thre....Jericho just barely escaped. Before Jericho could recover, Rey tied up Jericho into a La Magastral - One, Two, Thre....Jericho escaped once again. Both men got back to their feet at about the same time. Rey grabbed Jericho and went to Irish Whip him. Jericho reversed it, but Rey re-reversed it and sent Jericho into the corner. Rey ran in with a dropkick to Jericho in the corner. He then lifted Jericho up onto the top turnbuckle.

    Mysterio climbed to the top with Jericho and nailed him with repeated punches to the head to set him up for the Hurricanrana, but Jericho blocked it and shoved Rey off the top rope. Rey landed on his feet and immediately ran back to the corner. He leaped up to the top turnbuckle for another try, but Jericho shoved him off once again. This time Rey landed hard on his back on the mat. This gave Jericho enough time to pull himself up on the top turnbuckle as Rey stumbled to his feet. Rey was up and Jericho came off the top with a missle dropkick to Rey. Jericho was slow to make the cover. One, Two, Thre....shoulder up! As Jericho got up to his feet, Nitro headed to commercial break.


    Back from commercials and Jericho was still in control and attempting to turn Rey over into the Liontamer. Rey was fighting valiantly to block it. Rey managed to fight his way to the ropes and grab onto the bottom rope to keep Jericho from executing the submission. Jericho let go of Rey's legs and waited as Rey pulled himself up using the ropes. Jericho ran and clotheslined Rey over the top rope to the floor. Jericho paced around the ring, trying to get the fans to rally behind him. Rey began to get up at ringside as Jericho climbed the near turnbuckle. Jericho came leaping off the top turnbuckle, but Rey met him with a dropkick to the chest as he came flying down on him. Both men hit the ringside floor. One - Two - Three - Four - Five - Six - Seven - Rey was first to his feet. He rolled in and out to break the count. He then rolled back int othe ring and waited for Jericho to get back to his feet. Rey bounced off the opposite ropes and dove through the middle ropes with a suicide dive to Jericho, sending Jericho back first into the gaurd rail. Rey got up, pulled Jericho up, and rolled him into the ring. Rey climbed to the apron and then came into the ring with a springboard senton onto Jericho. Rey rolled over for the cover. One, Two, Thre....shoulder up.

    Jericho began to try and fight back, but Rey put a stop to that as he hit Jericho with a gutwrench sitdown powerbomb. One, Two, Thre....another close call for Jericho. Rey called out to the fans that it was time to put Jericho away as he stepped out onto the apron. Jericho slowly pulled himself up in the center of the ring as Rey measured him up. Rey came into the ring with the springboard rana, but Jericho held onto Rey's legs and reversed it in mid-move to the Liontamer! Jericho sat down on the hold right in the center of the ring. Rey tried to fight through the pain, but he was stuck right in the center of the ring - Rey had no choice but to submit.

    Winner - Chris Jericho

    Overall: 79

    Crowd: 66

    Match: 92

    Chris Jericho released the hold, and got to his feet. As referee Billy Silverman raised his arm in victory, Jericho looked directly at Ultimo Dragon and signaled that the belt would be coming to him. Dragon and Sony Oono simply turned and returned to the back.

    Syxx: Jericho is in over his head. He couldn't beat me, and could barely beat the midget Rey Mysterio. He isn't championship material, not even Cruiserweight title material.

    Tony Shiavone: Oh come on! The Cruiserweight division is one of the most competitive divisions in the world!

    Syxx: Ahahahahahaha - Get a load of Shiavone - he's a regular Jerry Seinfeld.

    Bobby Heenan: Oh I'm with you, I've never understood everyone's obsession with cruiserweights. The bigger the better, I always say.

    Syxx: Haha, you're alright Heenan. It's been fun boys.

    As Syxx got up from the announce booth, Tony Shiavone shot a dirty look at The Brain.

    Bobby Heenan: Hey, I don't know about you but I don't want to be on the nWo's bad side. You gotta do what you gotta do, Tony. You should know that by now.

    A New Horseman?

    The screen cut to the Horsemen locker room, where Chris Benoit was taping up his wrists as he prepared for his tag match later on against The Outsiders for the World Tag Team Titles. Woman was behind Benoit giving him a massage to losen him up. Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Steve McMichael and Debra were also all present.

    Ric Flair: I'm tellin' ya, I just still don't like him! I've seen the way he mocks me in the ring with that strut, and using my Figure Four. I'm sick of it! And if it wasn't for me still recovering from surgery, I'd get in the ring and teach him a lesson myself!

    Chris Benoit: Listen Ric, you know I don't like Jarrett just as much as you don't - but we're being forced to team together once again, and it's for the Tag Titles. I think we should just be glad that after tonight, there will be gold in the Horsemen once again in one way or another.

    Ric Flair: I'd rather have NO gold than have to share the glory with him!

    Steve McMichael: I don't care about the gold and I don't care about Jarrett. All I want to know is why you guys have been avoiding me the past couple of weeks! First you sent me home for the night and then you told me not to worry about coming to Souled Out? I'm a Horsemen just as much as anyone else! I deserve the same rights.

    Arn Anderson: It was just a precaution. EVERYBODY knows that there's something going on between your wife and him...

    Steve McMichael: Woooooah now Arn, there is NOTHING going on between them. My wife is a one man woman; I gaurantee there ain't nothing going on.

    Arn Anderson: Like I said...it was just a precaution.

    Chris Benoit: Yeah, and not just from her.

    Steve McMichael: And what the Hell does that mean?

    As tensions continued to rise in the locker room, the door opened up and in walked Jeff Jarrett, who was looking as cocky and confident as ever.

    Jeff Jarrett: Hello boys! I just wanted to see if MY PARTNER, Chris, was ready for our big match tonight.

    Ric Flair: What the Hell are you doing here? Can't you read? It says that this is the HORSEMEN locker room, and YOU ARE NOT A HORSEMEN!

    Jeff Jarrett: Ric, Ric - after tonight, I'll be a Horsemen because I'll be one half of the Tag Team Champions. That is, after I carry our team to victory like I did last night.

    Chris Benoit glanced up from where he was sitting to stare right at Jarrett.

    Jeff Jarrett: Oh don't look so surprised Chris, we both know who the better half of the team is. So just sit back and watch the master work tonight and then you can share in my glory when I win the Tag Titles. After tonight, all of you - including you Flair - will be BEGGING Jeff Jarrett to be a Horseman. And you can count...on that.

    Jarrett gave Flair a pat on the shoulder before turning and leaving the room, shutting the door behind him. The show headed to commercials as Flair was obviously steaming.



    "The Total Package" Lex Luger vs. Scott Norton (w/Vincent)

    Lex Luger had the crowd behind him, but Norton and Vincent didn't have much heat at all to match Luger's. The match was about as horrible as can be. Norton didn't seem to want to sell anything Luger through at him, as he barely budged on Luger's forearm shivers to start the match. Norton fired back with stiff punches to Luger, eventually taking him to the mat with a powerslam. One, Two, kickout by Luger. Norton stomped on Luger to keep him from getting to his feet. Norton finally pulled Luger up himself and continued to pummel Luger. He had Luger in the corner and was unleashing rights before transitioning into stomps in the corner. Norton backed off as Luger tried to pull himself up. Once Luger was up, Norton took him right back down with a clothesline. Norton scored a couple nearfalls on Luger, but couldn't put him away. Norton hooked Luger to set him up for the Powerbomb, but Luger caught his second wind and backdropped the large Norton over his head to the mat. Luger began calling on the fans help to get to his feet. Norton got back to his feet, once again not selling anything Luger was dishing out. Luger bounced off the ropes, hitting several lariats that barely staggered Norton. Luger finally bounced off the ropes and hit the flying forearm to Norton to finally take the big man down. Luger got up and signaled for the Torture Rack. Norton got back up to his feet only to have Luger show his strength by picking Norton up across his shoulders in the Torture Rack. Referee Charles Robinson immediately called for the bell.

    Winner - Lex Luger

    Overall: 62

    Crowd: 69

    Match: 47

    Tony Shiavone: An impressive victory for The Total Package!

    Lex Luger dropped Norton and rolled him out of the ring. As David Penzer announced Luger as the winner, he asked for the microphone. Luger took the microphone and stood in the center of the ring.

    Lex Luger: HOGAN....You can't...keep running for much longer. You can keep...sending out...all your cronies. Whether it be Buff Bagwell at Souled Out...or it be Scott Norton. For all I care...you can throw anyone...from Vincent to Kevin Nash..at me and I'll take them all out. So why don't you go ahead...and give me the title shot I deserve! That's right Hogan...no more running from me.

    Lex Luger brought the microphone down and looked towards the entrance, expecting some sort of answer from Hogan. Someone did answer, but it wasn't Hogan. Out came the seven foot monster, The Giant with a microphone of his own. He stood at the top of the aisle as he addressed Luger.

    The Giant: Luger, with all due respect, I think if anyone should be getting a title shot, it's me.

    Lex Luger: You've had your shot! WCW needs someone who can get the job done against Hogan...not some turncoat who is out for himself.

    The Giant: I think it's pretty clear to everyone, including you, that I HAD the job done last night. I had the job done, but I got SCREWED by the New World Order. I need another shot and once I win the belt, how about I give you the first shot at the belt? Sounds fair?

    Lex Luger: No - if anyone is going to take the belt from Hogan...it's going to be...me! How can we trust you? You turned your back on WCW before...who is to say you won't do it again?

    The Giant: I figured you might not see things my way. And I see we won't be able to settle things ourselves. But I know someone who can settle things...

    The Giant turned to the back as Mr. James McLauren, complete with busienss suit while carrying a clipboard. He stood next to the Giant, who handed him a microphone.

    Mr. McLauren: Good evening. Now I realize both of you have good reasons to want a title shot. Mr. Luger here has been on a tear lately, with wins over any New World Order member Eric Bischoff can throw at him to keep Luger from getting a title shot. But The Giant here probably had the title won if it wasn't for the shenanigans of the New World Order and Nick Patrick. The Executive Committee had a meeting earlier today, and we came to an agreement in this very matter. In two weeks time, February 10th, Hollywood Hogan will defend the WCW World Heavyweight Title against THE GIANT. And in this match, all members of the New World Order will be BANNED from the ring! There will also be a special Committee appointed referee for this match.

    The Giant nodded his head in satisfaction at McLauren's announcement, while in the ring Luger looked less than thrilled.

    Mr. McLauren: Don't get too bent out of shape just yet Luger. Because the Committee also decided that whoever is the champion leaving that show will go on to Superbrawl VII and will be defending it against none other than "The Total Package" Lex Luger!

    Tony Shiavone: What a big announcement from Mr. McLauren of the Executive Committee! In two weeks, Hollywood Hogan defends against The Giant and then the winner defends against Lex Luger at Superbrawl! Hogan and Bischoff are NOT going to like this!

    The show headed to commercials as Lex Luger still didn't seem satisfied in the ring.



    The Power Struggle

    We came back from commercials in the nWo suite, and to no one's surprise, no one was happy about what just took place in the ring. Hollywood Hogan was pacing back and forth as Eric Bischoff walked into the suite. Hogan went right up to Bischoff.

    Hollywood Hogan: What's going on here, Eric? Why am I facing The Giant again?

    Eric Bischoff: Um yes, about that...there's nothing I can do.

    Hollywood Hogan: Nothing you can do?? You're the President of WCW! Veto him or something! I beat The Giant! I should not have to defend my belt against him or Lex Luger! Can't you use your power, Bischoff? USE YOUR POWER!

    Bischoff looked very distressed about the entire situation, when Ted DiBiase got up from where he was seated and felt his way over to the two (he was still blindfolded because of his eye injuries at Souled Out.

    Ted DiBiase: Powers? Hogan, I think you're not realizing that Eric here just doesn't have the same kind of power that he used to.

    Eric Bischoff: And just what the Hell do you mean by that, DiBiase?

    Ted DiBiase: Face it Eric, you're losing your grip on WCW. And without the power, what good are you to the New World Order?

    Eric Bischoff: What...what...?

    Ted DiBiase: Without your power, what use are you? You certainly don't have the funds anymore now that Ted Turner doesn't approve of your involvement with us. Which brings me to another point, earlier tonight you included me in your little verbal tirade towards those of us who supposedly "disappointed" you. Well, you know what Eric, I didn't appreciate that very much. If anyone should be disappointed, it is me. YOU were the one who handled the Page situation. YOU were the one who told me everything was in the bag. YOU were the one who had all those meetings with him. YOU were the one who supposedly had the money to make him an offer he couldn't refuse. But, well it looks to me like he refused it. I wish I could see the look on you're face right now, but unfortunately that too comes because he did refuse the offer. The only reason I was out there was because you were too busy with The Giant, and oh...it looks like that situation isn't working out either.

    Eric Bischoff: Alright DiBiase, you made your point. Things haven't worked out to the way I planned. Are you offering some kind of suggestion to what we can do about it?

    Ted DiBiase: Actually, I am. Look at it this way Eric, I'm the Million Dollar Man...and I have the funds that you currently are lacking. I'm going to show you what I am capable of...let ME handle The Giant. Let me show the New World Order and the world what the Million Dollar Man can still do.

    Eric Bischoff: Haha...wait you want to fight The Giant? Hahaha - no offense Ted, but you're a bit past your prime when it comes to being in the ring.

    Ted DiBiase: Do I look stupid to you? Of course I'm not going to fight the Giant. But I will still HANDLE the situation...and much better than you did.

    Eric Bischoff: Alright fine, you can have him! But I assure you, and I assure Hogan and the rest of the nWo, that I still have as just as much power around here as I ever did. AND I WILL PROVE IT!

    Hollywood Hogan: Oh you better prove it Eric, or you're future in the nWo will be similar to The Giant's was...brother.

    The camera zoomed in on Bischoff's face before fading back to the ring.


    Bobby Heenan: I love watching familys argue - reminds me of my childhood.

    Tony Shiavone: Unbelievable developments in the past several moments here on Nitro! First the announcements from Mr. McLauren and now the tension in the nWo camp. You'd think they'd be in a better mood after Souled Out.

    Bobby Heenan: Some people just can't be pleased.

    Television Title #1 Contendership Match

    Konnan vs. Masahiro Chono (w/Vincent)

    The match quality certainly improved since the last one, but the crowd took a hit in this one as the silence was overwhelming. The early portion of the match was controlled by the motivated Konnan, who felt he should have won the Television Title at Souled Out. Konnan laid in the chops to Chono's chest, then sent him to the ropes, taking Chono to the mat with a Samoan Drop. It was only a two count for Konnan, who continued on the offensive until Chono hit Konnan with a low blow as Konnan was pulling him up. Konnan was doubled over, and Chono decked Konnan with a closed fist to the head. Chono took over control over Konnan, with Vincent interjecting himself at any moment as Chono distracted Billy Silverman. Konnan was lying throat first across the top rope as Chono pulled Silverman aside as Vincent came over and began choking Konnan violently across the middle rope. Vincent let go just as Silverman came over. Silverman warned Vincent, as Chono came over and sat down across Konnan's back - choking him even more across the rope. One, Two, Three, Four, Chono broke it up.

    Chono went for the pin after a Yakuza Kick to Konnan. One, Two, Thre....kickout at the last second by Konnan. Konnan slowly pulled himself up, but Chono measured him up and hit him with a snap belly to back suplex. Konnan was down so Chono locked on the STF. Silverman checked in on Konnan, but he wasn't giving up yet. Konnan managed to find some strength deep down even without the fans inspiration. Konnan reached the bottom rope. Chono held on for the entire count before letting go. Chono pulled Konnan to his feet, hit him with a pair of elbows and sent him to the ropes. Off the ropes, Konnan ducked a clothesline attempt by Chono. Konnan bounced back off the ropes and hit a rolling clothesline to Chono. Konnan was fired up once again and would soon hit a back kick to Chono before slamming Chono head first to the canvas with a mat slam. Konnan measured up Chono as he stumbled to his feet. A kick to the midsection double Chono over so that Konnan could hit him with a crucifix powerbomb to plant Chono in the center of the ring. With Chono down, Konnan locked on the Tequila Sunrise. Chono couldn't fight through the pain and submitted in no time.

    Winner - Konnan

    Overall: 64

    Crowd: 59

    Match: 69

    Tony Shiavone: This just has not been nWo's night as Konnan gives them another loss and wins a Television Title shot next week here on Nitro against champion Lord Steven Regal! When we come back, fans, an interview with the new United States Champion, Diamond Dallas Page!


    Another Rematch

    Back from commercials, Mean Gene Okerland was standing in the middle of the ring.

    Gene Okerland: Welcome back to WCW Monday Nitro! Last night at Souled Out, the New World Order though they had stolen away another one of WCW's superstars and stolen away another one of their champions...but the joke was on them! Because this man is WCW through and through! Ladies and gentlemen, the NEW WCW United States Champion - DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE!

    "Self High Five"

    Diamond Dallas Page emerged from the entrance way wearing the United States belt around his waist. He threw his hands up into the Diamond Cutter sign and brought them down with the pyro shooting off behind him on cue. The crowd popped loudly for Page as he walked down the aisle, giving fans high fives along the way. Page rolled into the ring and walked over to Okerland.

    Diamond Dallas Page: WOOOOO! Gotta love these fans! GOOD GAWD!

    Gene Okerland: These ARE some great fans. But Page, how about last night. That was quite the fast one you pulled over the nWo's eyes.

    Diamond Dallas Page: It was a pretty good one, wasn't it. Haha! I always knew Eric Bischoff was blinded by his own greed...well and now I guess Ted DiBiase is too! I knew that by giving Bischoff a simple answer wasn't going to do much to Bischoff and the nWo. But to hit them where it hurts...

    Page taps the United States belt...

    Diamond Dallas Page: ..That was what would really leave a mark on them. Not only did I keep them from this belt like they wanted so badly, but I also left a dent on their pride. Now THAT is where it really hurt. This is a war, an ongoing battle between World Championship Wrestling and the New World Order...and after last night, I think the war is starting to swing in our favor. Just looking in the back earlier tonight, you could see just how weak the nWo is becoming.

    Gene Okerland: Now DDP, last week, you were about to give your answer when Sting dropped down and left you lying on the mat. Now that you've been over in enemy lines briefly, where does Sting's allegiance lie?

    Diamond Dallas Page: Sting...THE STINGER...I don't think anyone knows what he's thinking but him. Bischoff sure as hell doesn't know. I sure as Hell don't know. But I'll say one thing, nobody...and I mean NOBODY...drops down from the sky and attacks DDP from behind. So Stinger, if you want a piece of Diamond Dallas Page, you come down and face me to my face. Because after last week, I have to say he left me feeling pretty JACKED UP, Gene-o. But you know what, I'm not gonna hold it against Sting because I know that in this battle against the nWo, he's going to be very important. And even I can see how important it is that Sting comes back to the good side, and not join the darkside. Now...before we end this interview, there is one other issue we need to address.

    Gene Okerland: And what's that, Page?

    Diamond Dallas Page: Eddie Guerrero. I can imagine he may not be too happy about what went down last night at Souled Out, because I did kinda use him, just a little. So I want to be a man and I want to apologize to Eddie Guerrero's face. So Eddie, if you're back there, come on down!

    Gene Okerland: Wow! DDP taking responsibility for his actions. So, Eddie Guerrero you heard the call out!

    The latino beat of Eddie Guerrero's music hit the PA system. Eddie Guerrero walked from the back slowly, getting a mixed reaction from the crowd. Guerrero got to the ring, climbed up the stairs and stepped into the ring. He cautiously approached Page, not taking his eyes off of him.

    Diamond Dallas Page: Listen Eddie, what happened last night was nothing personal against you. It was just my way of getting back the the nWo. I know you've seen the tape by now...you know the only reason you won the belt in the first place was because of the nWo. And I can honestly say, I'm sorry. So why don't we call it even?

    Eddie Guerrero: ...Ya know, essa, I don't like the nWo just as much as you don't. You coulda atleast told me about it before the match or somethin'.

    Diamond Dallas Page: And I woulda loved to man, but I had to keep up the illusion for Ted DiBiase and the other nWo members. If they saw me talking to you at any time, the jig woulda been up. But I know you're POed, but I think I can offer a solution that will make us both happy. How about I give my first title shot to you. In two weeks, we already heard that Hollywood Hogan is going to have to give The Giant a rematch...so why don't we make the night even bigger...you and me, one-on-one for the United States Title in a Souled Out rematch.

    Eddie Guerrero: Yeah...Yeah, that sounds good essa.

    DDP smiled and extended his arm out to Eddie. Eddie slowly and cautiously extended his arm to meet Page's. They shook hands, but as Guerrero turned to leave, Page held on and gave Eddie's arm a tug.

    Diamond Dallas Page: But make no mistake Eddie, the finish of that match will be no different than last night's...you will still FEEL....THE.....BAAAAAAANG!!!!!

    Page's music hit once again as he let go of Guerrero and headed for the turnbuckles as he climbed and posed with the Diamond Cutter sign for the fans as the show faded to commercials.



    WCW World Tag Team Championship

    The Outsiders © vs. Chris Benoit & Jeff Jarrett (w/Woman)

    At the start of the match, the camera gave us another shot of Randy Savage sitting and enjoying the show at ringside. Benoit and Hall started the match with a lockup. Benoit looked good early against Hall, as he went for an early pinfall following a gutwrench suplex to Hall. Hall kicked out, and soon managed to make the tag to Kevin Nash, which allowed Nash and Hall do double team Benoit briefly. Jarrett watched on from the apron as Kevin Nash overpowered Benoit in the ring. Nash sent Benoit off the ropes and hit him with a sideslam. Nash hooked a leg - One, Two, kickout by Benoit. Nash and Hall made quick tags and kept Benoit in their corner. The fans were behind Benoit and were cheering him on as Hall unloaded rights and lefts to Benoit in the corner as Nash held him in. Referee Nick Patrick showed no signs of breaking it up. Benoit began to fight back as he back elbowed Nash on the apron and then fought back against Hall. Benoit kicked Hall in the midsection and took him to the mat with a snap suplex. Benoit bounced off the ropes where Jarrett slapped him on the back for the blind tag. Benoit immediately turned around instead of continuing the offense on Hall. Benoit questioned Jarrett, but Jarrett walked right past Benoit and started putting the boots to Hall before he could recover.

    Benoit reluctantly went to the apron as Jarrett sent Hall to the ropes and caught him with a dropkick off the ropes. Jarrett went for the pin. One, Two, kickout. It wasn't long before Hall reversed an Irish Whip attempt, sending Jarrett into the ropes. Benoit got revenge by tagging himself back in then. Hall caught Jarrett in a sleeper as he came off the ropes, but the legal Benoit broke it up by attacking Hall from behind and then hitting him with a release German Suplex. Benoit got up and was confronted by Jarrett. Jarrett shoved Benoit. Benoit shoved Jarrett right back. Jarrett then gave Benoit another shove, which sent Benoit right into a roll up from Hall. One-Two-Thr-kickout. Jarrett left the ring as Hall clawed Benoit's eyes as he tried to get up. Hall brought Benoit over to the corner and tagged in Nash. Hall held Benoit as Nash took a cheapshot at Benoit.

    Nash and Hall once again continud their double team on Benoit. Nash got Benoit in the adjacent corner to Hall and gave him the boot choke. Patrick went over to Jarrett even though Jarrett had not entered the ring to try and break things up. Nash finally released the choke. Benoit stumbled out of the corner. Nash scooped Benoit up across his shoulder and then dropped Benoit head first across the top turnbuckle with snake eyes. Benoit was left staggering once again as Nash bounced off the ropes and then hit the Big Boot to Benoit. Instead of going for the Jackknife, Nash went over and tagged Hall back in. Hall came in and they lifted Benoit up together and sent him chest first into the turnbuckle. Nash left the ring as Hall picked up where he left off. Steve McMichael made his way down to the ring with Debra and in his right hand was the Halliburton briefcase as Nitro headed to it's last commercial break.


    As Nitro came back from commercials, Hall had Benoit in the corner. He lifted Benoit up to the top turnbuckle and then climbed up with him. He went for a right hand to Benoit, but Benoit blocked it and then shoved Hall off the top turnbuckle. Hall hit the mat hard, giving Benoit time to recover. Benoit got down off the top turnbuckle as Hall got up. Hall went right back at Benoit, but Benoit met him with a boot to the midsection and then whipped Hall into the turnbuckle hard. It was Hall's turn to be placed on the top turnbuckle as Benoit lifted him up. Benoit then climbed up with Hall, hooked him, and came off the top turnbuckle with a superplex! Both men were left lying in the center of the ring as a result. Benoit was the first to show signs of life as he actually began to make the crawl towards the corner to tag in Jarrett. Hall was much slower, and wasn't making any progress as Benoit made it to the corner. He made the dive to tag in Jarrett, but Jarrett brought his hand back in and leaped off the apron just as Benoit made it there. Benoit looked down at Jarrett with contempt and then spat right at him.

    Mongo questioned Jarrett angrily at ringside as Benoit turned and went back to Hall to keep him from tagging in Nash. Benoit slowly began to pull Hall up as Jarrett decided he wanted to use the Halliburton. He reached down and grabbed for it.."GIVE IT TO ME" he yelled at Mongo, but Mongo put up a fight and it was a tug of war over the briefcase at ringside. Meanwhile Benoit had lifted Hall back up and attempted to Irish Whip him into the ropes, but Hall reversed it...just as Benoit hit the ropes, Jarrett pulled the Halliburton from Mongo's hands; however, the force in which Jarrett pulled sent him backwards causing the briefcase to nail Benoit right in the back as he hit the ropes! Benoit stumbled right into the waiting Hall who doubled Benoit over. Hall lifted Benoit up and dropped him to the mat with the Outsider's Edge. Jarrett saw what he had done on accident, but showed no sign of helping. When Mongo went for the ring, Jarrett cut him off and then decked Mongo with a right hand. Debra looked confused as Jarrett slowly walked up the aisle, watching as Hall made the cover - One-Two-Three.

    Winners and STILL Tag Team Champions - The Outsiders

    Overall: 85

    Crowd: 88

    Match: 81

    Tony Shiavone: What was THAT all about?!

    Bobby Heenan: I guess Jarrett was tired of carrying the team!

    Tony Shiavone: That was uncalled for! He should have atleast made the save! What is going through his mind!? I can't believe The Outsiders just retained again! And I don't think they're done yet!

    Kevin Nash entered the ring and lifted the fallen Benoit up. He then set Benoit up and finished him off with the Jackknife Powerbomb. Arn Anderson and Ric Flair came running down to the ring to make the save for Benoit. Nash and Hall met them as they entered the ring. Anderson and Hall went at it as Flair and Nash went at it. They were exchanging blows until the New World Order in full flooded the ring. Mongo slowly pulled himself up and into the ring, but was no match for the New World Order.

    Tony Shiavone: This is something we're used to seeing around here!

    The crowd's loud boos turned to loud cheers as Randy Savage got up from his seat at ringside...and brought his chair with him as he slid into the ring...

    Tony Shiavone: IT'S SAVAGE!! SAVAGE IS IN THE RING!!

    Savage decked any member of the nWo within range - Vincent, Big Bubba, Buff Bagwell, Michael Wallstreet, Masahiro Chono, nWo Sting, and Scott Norton all ate chairshots from Savage. Hogan, Nash, Hall, and Syxx got out of the ring before Savage could get to them. Savage stood in the center of the ring holding the chair and dared them, Hogan especially, to come back in the ring. The fans wanted to see it, but there was one person who wasn't going to let that happen. Eric Bischoff appeared from backstage with a full security force with him.

    Eric BiSChoff: I WARNED YOU SAVAGE! I WARNED YOU! I told you not to even get up from your seat. ARREST HIM! ARREST HIS ASS!

    The security entered the ring and Savage didn't put up a fight as one of the officers pulled Savage's arms behind him and handcuffed him.

    Tony Shiavone: What's going to happen to Savage?! But we're out of time! We can't be out of time now!

    The show faded to black on the scene of Randy Savage being cuffed in the ring.

    End Show.

    OVERALL - 80%


    Alex Wright def. Dean Malenko

    Chris Jericho def. Rey Mysterio Jr.

    Lex Luger def. Scott Norton

    Konnan def. Masahiro Chono

    The Outsiders def. Chris Benoit & Jeff Jarrett

  13. Monday Night Nitro

    January 27, 1997

    Souled Out was on Saturday, and just when it looked like WCW might make it through the night with the upperhand on the New World Order, the final two matches of the night swung things back in the nWo's favor. However, with Nitro comes another week and another chance for WCW to take back control. As the war continues, several huge matches have already been signed for this week's Monday Night Nitro.

    Unlikely Tag Partners

    The Outsiders defended their belts successfully against The Steiner Brothers at Souled Out, but can they keep up their success? Another team that walked away from Souled Out with a victory was the unlikely team of Chris Benoit and Jeff Jarrett. Can they make it two nWo teams in a row and become tag team champions? Or will the past between Jarrett and Benoit cost them the match? One thing is for certain - keep an eye out for both the New World Order and the Four Horsemen.

    A Victory For WCW

    Where did he stand? It certainly wasn't with the black and white. The New World Order thought for sure that their newest member Diamond Dallas Page had won them the United States Title. But just when another title was in their grasp, DDP revealed his true colors as he Diamond Cutted Ted DiBiase with his answer. Gene Okerland will have an exclusive interview with the new United States Champion on Nitro!

    Giant Repricutions?

    Hollywood Hogan once again snuck away with the World Heavyweight Title. This time it was The Giant who had victory snatched away from him thanks to the tactics of the New World Order. We know that Hogan won't be able to keep avoiding opponents, so who will be next in line for a title shot? No doubt that The Giant will want another shot after coming up just a little short at Souled Out. But there are others in line.

    Number One Contendership

    Two other titles will have their number one contenders decided. At Souled Out, Lord Steven Regal retained his title once again thanks to disqualification. However, he will have to face one of the two men from Souled Out. This week on Nitro, Konnan and Masahiro Chono will go one-on-one to determine the number one contender to Regal's Television Title. Also on Nitro, Chris Jericho does battle with Rey Mysterio Jr. for a shot at Ultimo Dragon's Cruiserweight Title.


    Confirmed Matches

    The Outsiders © vs. Chris Benoit & Jeff Jarrett - Tag Titles Match

    Konnan vs. Masahiro Chono

    Chris Jericho vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. - Cruiserweight Title Match


  14. The Weekely Resthold

    by John Weekes

    This is a special Pay-Per-View edition of the Resthold, since Souled Out just wrapped up - that means I'm working doubletime this week since I still have to do a Resthold for Nitro as well! The first ever nWo sanctioned event meant lots of interference, overbooking galore, and clean finishes were hard to come by. But what did you expect? Let's get right to it:

    The Highs

    -Syxx vs. Chris Jericho-

    Granted I wish that Chris Jericho would have went over in this one, it was still a very good match - easily the match of the night. Jericho still got over a bit from the match since he never actually tapped out and he was going to put Syxx in the Liontamer before Vincent interfered. Jericho has a bright future in the WCW, so this one loss won't hurt him too much in the long run.

    -Diamond Dallas Page vs. Eddie Guerrero-

    Also a good match and a nice little swerve as well. DDP tricked the nWo into not only getting him a US Title shot, but they basically helped him win it. Then to rub it in their faces, he turned on them right after the match - showing his true colors. While it will leave Ted DiBiase and the nWo furious at Page and wanting revenge - you have to wonder what Eddie Guerrero thinks of all this. DDP basically used Guerrero in order to get back at the nWo and to get the US Title. Should be interesting to see if anything comes of it.

    -Tag Titles Match-

    This was a pleasant surprise as I was not expecting much in the form of quality from this match, but with the experience these two teams have and the chemistry that they have in the ring - it was easily the second best match of the night. Also the fact that it was one of the few clean finishes of the night and oddly enough it was in the favor of The Outsiders. Since The Steiner Brothers have been beaten, is it time for a new tag team to step up to try and take the gold from The Outsiders? Perhaps Harlem Heat?

    The Lows

    -The Giant vs. Hollywood Hogan-

    The crowd was into it...but the match itself was horrible to watch. I guess it was to be expected, since neither exactly have the greatest workrate in the world. Then there's the typical face has match won only to have nWo interfere and have Nick Patrick count the three for Hogan. The Giant will most likely want a rematch because of the way the match went - but hopefully he won't get one just so we won't have to sit through this match again.

    -Lex Luger vs. Buff Bagwell-

    The good thing about this one is that it was kept pretty short. But overall it was pretty ugly, not as ugly as the Main Event by any means - but it was still not pretty. Not much else to say about this one since it did not mean too much in the first place, but it did make Luger look strong.


    Like I said earlier, most of the matches did involve way too much...but it was to be expected. Everything from evil refs to outside interference galore. But they better be careful because the fans could get sick of seeing so much overbooking in nWo matches.

    Other News and Notes

    -There were 14,543 fans in attendance for Souled Out.

    -Souled Out garnered a buyrate of 1.24

    -The man known as James McLauren that has been on Nitro and was on Souled Out last night is Jim Mitchell. Mitchell was originally suppose to be brought in as part of the "Blood Runs Cold" gimmick to manage an enemy of Glacier's known as Mortis, but it appears as though that plan has been scrapped.

    -No Sting or Randy Savage at Souled Out, though both were in attendance. Sting was originally planned to come down from the rafters at the end of the show and do a stand off with the nWo, but not actually attack anyone - to keep his alignment a mystery. However, these plans were dropped and made just to have nWo celebrating at the end since it was their PPV. Savage is still set to return soon.

    -Ric Flair has been inactive in the ring due to the surgery that he had in late '96. He seems ready to make his return to the ring soon. Arn Anderson, on the other hand, has been needing neck surgery for a while now and hasn't been very active in the ring lately because WCW wants to protect him. He has been trying to hold of surgery for as long as he could, but it looks like he might be going in soon.

    -Next Pay-Per-View is Superbrawl and will be on February 23rd.

    -John Weekes


  15. Main Event

    WCW World Heavyweight Title Match

    The Giant vs. Hollywood Hogan (w/Eric Bischoff)

    The crowd was hot as The Giant and Hogan met in the center of the ring as the bell rung to start the match. They stared at each other as tension mounted. The stalling finally ended as Hogan took a shot at The Giant, but The Giant no-sold the attack. The Giant shook his head at Hogan as the fear in Hogan caused him to start repeatedly hitting The Giant, but The Giant wasn't being moved. Hogan took a step back to try and think about what to do next. The Giant just laughed and then lifted his right hand into the air, challenging Hogan to a test of strength. Hogan moved in and looked to the crowd, who wanted Hogan to do it, but Bischoff at ringside was very much against it. Hogan began to lift his arm up to meet Giant's, but pulled away at the last second and lifted his other arm. The Giant's smile disappeared as he then lifted his arm to meet Hogan's, but Hogan once again pulled away at the last second and once again lifted his other arm. This time The Giant acted quick and grabbed Hogan's hand and applied a lot of pressure with his huge hand. Hogan was in agony as he dropped to his knees as The Giant crushed his hand in his palm.

    The Giant released his grip on Hogan as Hogan got up and stumbled back holding his hand in pain. Hogan moved in and kicked The Giant in the midsection, but The Giant only staggered a bit. Giant grabbed Hogan and whipped him into the ropes. Hogan came off the ropes into a kick to the midsection from The Giant. The Giant then drove his elbow down into Hogan's back, sending him to the mat. The Giant bounced off the ropes and went to drop a big elbow to Hogan, but Hogan rolled out of the way. The Giant hit nothing but mat and Hogan took advantage as he began stomping away at The Giant on the mat. The Giant seemingly absorbed the stomps as he got back to his feet. Hogan chopped The Giant's chest repeatedly, but Giant finally blocked it and then gave Hogan a big headbutt that sent Hogan to the mat again. Hogan crawled backwards into the corner and used the ropes to pull himself up. Giant ran in with a big splash to Hogan in the corner. Hogan stumbled out of the corner and fell to the mat face first.

    Bischoff was livid at ringside as The Giant was completely controlling Hogan in the ring. As Hogan was back to his feet, The Giant hit him with a clothesline that sent him over the top rope to the floor. The Giant stepped over the top rope and followed the action to the outside. Hogan was trying to get to his feet, but Giant lifted him up and dropped him down across the safety rail. Hogan dropped to his knees and started to get up as The Giant hit pulled him up and hit him with a right hand before attempting to whip Hogan into the ringsteps. However, Hogan reversed it and sent Giant crashing into the steps hard! Hogan grabbed some of the camera wires around ringside and grabbed the fallen Giant, choking him with the cords. Randy Anderson threatened DQ, but Hogan could care less as he continued to choke The Giant. He finally released it and threw the cords aside. The Giant pulled up on the apron and rolled into the ring as Hogan followed him back into the ring.

    Back in the ring, Hogan took off his weightlifting belt and whipped it across The Giant's back. Hogan whipped The Giant again and again, despite warnings from Randy Anderson. It was very obvious that Hogan wouldn't care if he got disqualified since he would retain. Hogan dropped down with the belt and wrapped it around The Giant's neck, once again choking the monster. One, Two, Three, Four, Anderson got down and tried to pry Hogan off of Giant. Hogan shoved Anderson aside and finally released the choke. Hogan got back up with the belt and went to whip The Giant again, but Anderson grabbed the belt from behind and pulled it from Hogan's hand. Anderson threw the belt to ringside as Hogan got in his face about it. This allowed The Giant to start to get back to his feet.

    Hogan turned around to see The Giant getting up, so he went to try and put him back down. Hogan attempted to lift The Giant up into a bodyslam, but Giant proved to be too much for Hogan. All the Giant's weight came crashing down onto Hogan. One, Two, Thr...kickout. The Giant got off of Hogan and began to pull him up. Giant showed Hogan how it was done as he lifted Hogan up and bodyslammed him to the mat. Giant mocked Hogan as he did the Hogan taunts before bouncing off the rope and hitting a Big Legdrop of his own to Hogan. The Giant made the cover. One, Two, Thre....Hogan just barely got his shoulder up in time. The Giant got up and pulled Hogan up with him once again. He whipped Hogan into the corner. Giant came into the corner and brought his palm down across Hogan's chest with a hard slap. Hogan held his chest in pain and stumbled out of the corner. The Giant lifted Hogan high above his head in a Gorilla Press and then dropped Hogan to the mat. The Giant made another cover. One, Two, Thre...kickout.

    The Giant grabbed Hogan and began to pull him up when Hogan nailed a low blow to The Giant. The Giant fell over to the mat as Hogan slowly got to his feet to be warned once again by Randy Anderson. Hogan climbed over The Giant and began repeatedly driving right hands down onto The Giant's head. Hogan caught up and taunted the crowd, receiving loud boos. The Giant began to get to his feet, but Hogan grabbed him and whipped him into the corner. Hogan came in and grabbed Hogan's head and drove it down repeatedly across the top turnbuckle. The Giant stumbled out of the corner and Hogan locked on a sleeperhold to the big man. The Giant slowly dropped to his knees and finally appeared to be out cold. Randy Anderson checked in on him. Anderson lifted Giant's arm once...and it fell. He lifted it a second time....and it fell. The fans were getting The Giant a lot of support as Anderson lifted up Giant's arm one last time...and as it fell...it stopped just before hitting the mat. The Giant fought back to his feet and then ran backwards with Hogan, sandwiching him in the corner causing the hold to be broken.

    Hogan dropped to his knees behind the recovering Giant and caught him with another low blow. The Giant was doubled over as Hogan pulled himself back up and tried the bodyslam once again. This time Hogan managed to pull it off as he slammed the big man to the mat. Hogan, impressed with bodyslamming The Giant, began to showboat. While he is posing, The Giant got to his feet and stood up right behind Hogan. The crowd began cheering, which confused Hogan. Hogan backed up and found himself against The Giant. Hogan turned around and The Giant grabbed Hogan and sent him into the ropes. Off the ropes, Hogan ran right into The Giant's Big Boot! The Giant reached down and grabbed Hogan by the throat, pulling him to his feet. Giant lifted Hogan high into the air and nailed him with The Chokeslam! The Giant made the cover. ONE, TWO, THREE - NO! Eric Bischoff pulled Randy Anderson out of the ring just before his hand hit the mat. Bischoff gave Anderson a hard kick to the groin, sending Anderson to the floor.

    The Giant got up and climbed out of the ring. He grabbed Bischoff and tossed him into the ring. Giant climbed back into the ring as Bischoff got to his feet. Bischoff turned around and The Giant grabbed him by the throat. Before The Giant could Chokeslam Bischoff, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall hit the ring armed with chairs. Hall slammed his chair across The Giant's back. Giant released Bischoff and turned around into a chairshot to the head from Nash. They dropped the chairs as Nash pulled Giant up to his feet. Hall assisted Nash in lifting The Giant up for the Jackknife Powerbomb! Hogan slowly pulled himself to his feet. He realized what was going on and bounced off the ropes, dropping the Big Legdrop down onto The Giant! Hogan made the pin as Nash and Hall looked to the back. Nick Patrick limped down to the ring, holding his side in pain as he had a painful grimace on his face. He slid into the ring and made the count - One....Two....Three!

    Winner and STILL World Champion - Hollywood Hogan

    Overall: 81

    Crowd: 91

    Match: 58

    Tony Shiavone: The Giant had the match won! This is typical New World Order!

    Mike Tenay: As if you expected a clean and fair match from the nWo?

    Tony Shiavone: In what has been an up and down night for WCW, the nWo stands strong at the end! But tomorrow night at Nitro will be a new day and a new battle! We'll see you there!

    Trash was littering the ring as the rest of the New World Order came out to join in on the attack of The Giant. Hogan did the honors of spray painting the nWo signature on the back of The Giant. The show ended as the New World Order celebrated as the ring filled with trash.

    End Show.


    Masahiro Chono def. Lord Steven Regal, Konnan (DQ)

    Syxx def. Chris Jericho

    Chris Benoit & Jeff Jarrett def. Big Bubba & Michael Wallstreet

    Lex Luger def. Buff Bagwell

    Diamond Dallas Page def. Eddie Guerrero

    The Outsiders def. The Steiner Brothers

    Hollywood Hogan def. The Giant

  16. The New World Order Presents...


    January 25, 1997

    The show started with a completely black screen. The black and white of the nWo logo slowly dissolved in to the center of the screen before dissolving back out. The screen then dissolved in to outside the arena. The picture was completely black and white. Two long stretch limos pulled up outside the arena. From the first emerged Hollywood Hogan, Eric Bischoff, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Syxx, Buff Bagwell and Ted DiBiase. From the second was Scott Norton, Big Bubba, Michael Wallstreet, Masahiro Chono, Nick Patrick, Vincent, and Elizabeth. They all met up outside the limos, all very jubilant and estatic about the night at hand. They headed down a black carpet that led them to the entrance of the arena. As they entered the arena, the screen faded to a video montage of New World Order highlights dating back all the way to the debut of The Outsiders to present. During the footage, images past enemies of the nWo - Randy Savage and Roddy Pipper - appeared on the screen while two black "Xs" went over their image as if it was being spraypainted on.

    The video ended and faded in to live inside the arena where the fans were on their feet awaiting the start of the first Pay-Per-View of 1997. The set was pretty simplistic, with a large screen at the top of the aisle, sitting on the ground not on a stand, with the nWo logo centered in the middle of it. The ring mat and apron were solid black with a white nWo logo centered in the middle of the ring as well. The turnbuckle pads were all white while the ring ropes alternated black, white, black.

    Black and white pyro shot from the ring posts as the New World Order music began to play over the PA System to signal the start of the show. Eric Bischoff led out Scott Hall and Kevin Nash out from backstage and headed directly to the left of the aisle where the "nWo" booth was set up. The WCW booth was set up on the other side of the aisle where Tony Shiavone, Bobby Heenan, and Mike Tenay were seated to call the matches. The way it was set up was to allow the nWo to add color commentary whenever they so desired. Eric Bischoff and The Outsiders took a seat at their announce booth.

    Eric Bischoff: It's been a while, let's see if I still remember how this goes...FANS WELCOME TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER PRESENTS - SOULED OUT! I'm Eric "The Boss" Bischoff, alongside "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash and "The Bad Guy" Scott Hall.

    Scott Hall: ....Hey yo.

    Kevin Nash: Wassssup.

    Eric Bischoff: Now I want you to forget EVERYTHING Tony Shiavone has EVER told you...

    Kevin Nash: Not like anyone ever cares enough about what he says to remember it anyway.

    Scott Hall: ...Wait, Tony who?

    Eric Bischoff: Haha - you guys are too much! But forget everything he has said, because TONIGHT is TRULY going to be the greatest NIGHT in all of professional wrestling. Because tonight the show is sanctioned by....US!

    Kevin Nash: Man if we weren't us, I'd be shaking in my boots tonight.

    Eric Bischoff: Tonight will be the night that we remember as the night that the New World Order crushed what little hope World Championship Wrestling had left. So let's get this night that will go down in emphamy kicked off...let's send it over to Dubbya Cee Dubbya's good ole boys, Tony Shiavone, Bobby Heenan, and Mike Tenay.

    The screen cut from the nWo booth over to the WCW booth.

    Tony Shiavone: We apologize for that fans, but welcome to Souled Out...

    Eric Bischoff: AHEM.

    Tony Shiavone: ...nWo presents Souled Out. Tonight it's all about WCW vs. the nWo, which is the theme of every match tonight.

    Mike Tenay: There's still hope that by winning out here tonight that the WCW can swing momentum back in our favor, and TAKE BACK our company.

    Bobby Heenan: Easy for you to say; nobody can trust anybody anymore!

    Tony Shiavone: We can only hope...we get things started tonight with a Television Title match which should be between two WCW wrestlers, Lord Steven Regal and Konnan, but the only way Bischoff would allow the match was to add Masahiro Chono to the mix. But in any event, it will be taking place and it WILL be for the WCW Television Title!

    It should be noted at this point, that when WCW wrestlers made their entrances they came out to absolutely no theme music at all. The nWo members, of course, came out with the nWo music but also the screen went black and white for their entrance.

    WCW Television Title Match

    Lord Steven Regal© vs. Masahiro Chono (w/Vincent) vs. Konnan

    The referee for this match, like all the matches that were to follow this match, was Nick Patrick. The match started off with Chono and Regal teaming up to take out Konnan. However, Konnan had too much fight in him and began firing back on the two. He hit each man with alternating right hands until Regal was the first to fall. He then hit Chono with repeated right before whipping him into the ropes and cloteslining him to the mat. Regal was already back up and came up behind Konnan giving him a backrake. Regal lifted Konnan up and dropped him to the mat with a back suplex. Chono was back up and he joined Regal in pulling Konnan up to his feet. Together they whipped Konnan into the ropes and took him down with a double shoulderblock. They both stomped on Konnan before pulling him up once again, this time taking him to the mat with a double suplex. Regal went for the pin - One......Chono was not about to have that as he broke the count.

    Regal got up, questioning Chono decked Regal with a right hand and then made a cover of his one. One-Two-Thr...kickout by Konnan. Regal rolled out of the ring to the floor as Chono pulled Konnan up to his feet. Chono sent Konnan into the ropes with an Irish Whip. Off the ropes, Chono lifted Konnan up and drove him back first into his knee with a backbreaker. Chono extended Konnan's right arm out on the mat and then stomped on it repeatedly. Konnan rolled over on the mat, grasping his arm in pain, but Chono continued methodically on the attack. Chono grabbed Konnan's arm and then applied a cross-armbar submission. Nick Patrick began checking in on Konnan to see if he wanted to give in.

    Regal climbed back into the ring, taking his time. He bounced off the ropes and then dropped a kneedrop down onto the restrained Konnan, driving his knee into the extended arm of Konnan. Regal got up, bounced off the ropes, and dropped another knee down onto Konnan. Regal then walked over to Chono and dropped down to the mat. He grabbed Chono by the head, driving his knee into Chono's back while pulling back on Chono's head - digging his fingers into Chono's eyes blatantly. Patrick did not even count, and instead immediately forced Regal off of Chono. Chono got back up off the mat and was met with an European Uppercut from Regal that sent Chono staggering. Regal continued on the attack, hitting Chono with a pair of stiff rights and then whipping him into the ropes. However, Chono reversed it and sent Regal and himself over the top rope to the floor with a clothesline.

    Both men were slow to their feet on the outside, but Nick Patrick was barely counting so it wasn't like they had to worry about a count out. Konnan was starting to recover in the ring, so he rolled out to join the two brawling at ringside. Chono dropped Regal across the gaurd rail throat first. Konnan attacked Chono from behind with a double axe-handle smash. This dropped Chono to one knee allowing Konnan to get in some right hands to Chono's forehead. Konnan grabbed Chono in a front face lock and looked to be going for a DDT onto the floor when Regal recovered and broke that up. Regal and Chono worked together once again, this time to throw Konnan shoulder first into the ringsteps. Regal immediately caught Chono with a thumb to the eye and then rolled him back into the ring.

    Back in the ring, Regal hit a fistdrop onto Chono before he could get up and went for a quick cover. One....kickout by Chono. Chono began to pull himself up, but Regal met him with a boot to the midsection and then executed a butterfly suplex to Chono. Another pinfall attempt by Regal. One......kickout. Konnan began to get up on the outside, but Vincent was there to try and put a stop to that. It did not work out for Vincent, however, as Konnan fought back and sent Vincent into the gaurd rail. Regal had Chono hooked for a brainbuster attempt as Konnan entered the ring. Regal hit the brainbuster to Chono, but as he was getting up he was caught with a pair of forearm shivers. Regal was sent into the ropes by Konnan, who then lifted him high into the air with a back body drop.

    Chono pulled himself back up to his feet as Konnan was pulling Regal up. Chono attacked Konnan from behind before he and Regal sent Konnan into the ropes with a double Irish Whip. Konnan ducked their double clothesline attempt and then nailed them both with a double Rollign Clothesline. Konnan didn't sell the damage done to his arm from earlier in the night and was instead a house of fire as he took out both men. Regal was the first to get to his feet and was met with a kick to the midsection from Konnan and then hit him with a faceslam. Chono was next to pull himself up and was met with a back kick to the midsection. Chono was doubled over as Konnan took advantage and dropped Chono with a DDT. Konnan wrapped Chono up in the Tequila Sunrise submission. Instead of checking in on Chono, Nick Patrick went over to check on the fallen Regal. After a brief struggle, Chono began to tap.

    Regal finally got back to his feet and broke up the submission. Konnan swung a right hand at Regal, but Regal ducked and hit Konnan with a half nelson suplex. Regal slowly pulled himself up, but before he could make a cover, Chono caught Regal from out of nowhere with a superkick. Chono made the cover on Konnan first - One-Two-Thre...shoulder up. Chono then moved over to Regal - One-Two-Thre....kickout. Chono moved back over to Konnan for another cover, this time hooking the tights. One-Two-Thre....kickout. Chono got up and was handed the Television Title by Vincent. As Regal was getting up, Chono decked him with a beltshot. Regal hit the mat, out cold. Nick Patrick didn't even budge. Konnan got back to his feet as Chono measured him up with the belt. Chono took a swung, but Konnan ducked and then hit another back kick to Chono's midsection. Chono dropped the belt, and Konnan picked up. Konnan nailed Chono right across the face with the Television Title. Nick Patrick immediately disqualified Konnan.

    Winner - Masahiro Chono (DQ)

    Overall: 70

    Crowd: 62

    Match: 78

    Tony Shiavone: So NOW Nick Patrick decides to act like a referee!

    Mike Tenay: I have a feeling this is only a sign of things to come for tonight, I'm afraid.

    Bobby Heenan: I've always hated refs, and Nick Patrick is like the alpharef.

    Tony Shiavone: Well the good news is that the Television Title will stay in WCW hands since the title cannot change hands on DQ.

    Kevin Nash: What a stupid rule.

    Eric Bischoff: Someone should really do something about that rule.

    Scott Hall: Yo Eric, you're the boss.

    Eric Bischoff: That's right! I am! Don't worry, I'll deal with the cheating Konnan later.

    Kevin Nash: That just like WCW to try and get such a cheap victory. Cheaters never win...well we win, but that's because we're just better at it than they are.

    Scott Hall: Just another thing WCW fails in comparison to us. Where was Regal at during all that?

    Kevin Nash: Must've been tea time.

    Eric Bischoff: Hahaha - you guys are TOO MUCH! For those of you keeping score at home...that's New World Order:1 - WCW: ZERO! Back to you - losers.

    Chris Jericho vs. Syxx (w/Vincent)

    Jericho and Syxx went nose to nose in the center of the ring as the match started. Syxx acted first, giving Jericho a hard open handed slap across the right side of Jericho's face. Jericho's neck whipped back but he responded with a smirk and returned the slap to Syxx, getting a pop from the crowd. The embarrassed Syxx immediately fired a wild right at Jericho, but Jericho blocked it and hit a pair of rights of his own to Syxx before booting him in the midsection and whipping him into the ropes. Off the ropes, Jericho hit the mat forcing Syxx to jump over him and continue into the opposite ropes. Syxx came off those ropes and slid between Jericho's legs. Syxx jumped to his feet and locked Jericho in a waistlock from behind. Jericho fought it off with a pair of back elbows and then did a standing reverse to lock Syxx in a waistlock. Syxx pulled himself to the ropes and hooked onto the top rope to get Nick Patrick to pull Jericho off. The fans booed as Patrick restrained Jericho.

    Syxx moved away from the ropes with a cocky swagger and reached over Patrick, nailing Jericho with a cheap punch. Jericho was shaken up, but not knocked down. Once back up, they locked up in the center of the ring. Jericho came out of the lockup with a headlock applied to Syxx. Syxx pushed Jericho off of him and into the ropes. Jericho came back off the ropes, taking Syxx down with a shoulderblock. Jericho then ran to the adjacent ropes as Syxx quickly rolled back to his feet. Jericho came off the ropes only to have Syxx leapfrog over him. Jericho stopped immediately in his tracks as Syxx's feet touched back down on the mat. Syxx pointed to his head, thinking that he had outsmarted Jericho. Unfortunately for Syxx, Jericho stood right behind him, measuring him up. Syxx turned around right into dropkick from Jericho.

    Syxx rolled back to his feet but was met with a kick to the midsection from Jericho. Syxx was doubled over, allowing Jericho to take advantage and hit Syxx with a double underhook backbreaker drop. Jericho immediately went for the pin. One......Syxx kicked out. Jericho grabbed Nick Patrick and shoved him away before going back to Syxx. He grabbed Syxx by the legs and then catapulted him into the turnbuckles. Syxx staggered backwards into a Release German Suplex from Jericho. The crowd was loving watching Jericho wipe the matt with Syxx. Jericho went for Syxx's legs again and this time tried to turn him over into the Lion Tamer, but Syxx grabbed the bottom rope to block Jericho from turning him over. Nick Patrick immediately stepped in again to pull Jericho off of Syxx. Vincent jumped onto the apron, getting Jericho's attention. Jericho went for Vincent, but Vincent grabbed Jericho and dropped him throat first across the top rope. Jericho stumbled backwards as Syxx got up. Syxx bounced off the ropes and caught Jericho with a spinning roundhouse kick.

    Before Jericho could get back to his feet, Syxx grabbed him and rolled him up with a La Magistral cradle. One-Two-Thre....Jericho just barely escaped in time. Syxx got up, grabbing a hand full of Jericho's hair to pull him up to his feet as well. Syxx gave Jericho a couple of stiff kicks to the midsection before whipping him into the corner. Syxx came running in with a splash to Jericho in the corner. Jericho started to stumble out, but Syxx shoved him back in. He then nailed Jericho with repeated martial arts kicks to the midsection. He then wrapped his palms around Jericho's throat and began choking him as Nick Patrick just stood idly by. Jericho eventually slumped over in the corner as a result. Syxx backed up to the opposite corner and came running in with a bronco buster to Jericho. Syxx pulled Jericho out of the corner and made the cover. One-Two-Thre...another close one for Jericho, but he kicked out.

    Syxx left Jericho lying on the mat as he climbed to the top turnbuckle. Syxx looked back to see Jericho starting to pull himself back up to his feet. Syxx then leaped off the top turnbuckle looking for a moonsault body press, but Jericho saw it coming. Jericho leaped into the air and met Syxx off the top turnbuckle with a dropkick. Both men hit the mat. Jericho crawled over and made the cover - One....Two.....kickout. Jericho got up and stomped furiously at Syxx's midsection. Jericho backed off and allowed Syxx to began to get back to his feet. Once he was up, Jericho bounced off the ropes and hit a running bulldog to Syxx. Syxx hit the mat then rolled over onto his back. Jericho hit the ropes and executed the Lionsault onto Syxx! Jericho hooked Syxx's far leg - One.....Two......Thhhhrrr....shoulder up.

    Jericho was understandably upset as he got back to his feet and started to climb up to the top turnbuckle. He waited perched on the top turnbuckle as Syxx began to stir. However, Vincent jumped onto the apron and shook the top rope. Jericho lost his balance, and as a result was left straddling the top turnbuckle. Syxx pulled himself up and went to join Jericho in the corner. He climbed up and hooked Jericho for a superplex, but Jericho blocked the attempt and began to fight back. Jericho hit a couple jabs to Syxx. Syxx began to lose his balance, but Jericho caught him. Jericho lifted Syxx up and came off the top turnbuckle with a gutbuster! Jericho was very slow to his feet, but once up he again grabbed Syxx's legs and attempted to turn him over into the Liontamer. However, Vincent once again climbed to the apron. Jericho released Syxx and went at Vincent, springboarding off the turnbuckle and dropkicking Vincent down off the apron. Once Jericho was back up, Syxx was as well. Jericho ran at Syxx with a clothesline, but Syxx ducked and then locked on the Buzzkiller to Jericho! Syxx dropped to the mat with Jericho, wrapping his legs around Jericho's waist. Nick Patrick didn't even check in on Jericho before calling for the bell.

    Winner - Syxx

    Overall: 81

    Crowd: 74

    Match: 89

    Eric Bischoff: What a win!

    Scott Hall: Flawless victory.

    Kevin Nash: I feel kinda sorry for Jericho.

    Scott Hall: Why's that?

    Kevin Nash: His hair is ALMOST as great as mine.

    Eric Bischoff: ....What? Big Kev, Scott...business calls, I've got something to take care of in the back. Good luck later on tonight in your match. Not that you need it or anything!

    Bischoff got up from his position at the nWo booth as the camera switched over to the WCW booth.

    Tony Shiavone: Business calls? What is going on?

    Bobby Heenan: Hogan probably needed some help combing his hair over or something.

    Tony Shiavone: If anyone is going to turn things around in the WCW's favor tonight, it could be the Four Horsemen.

    Mike Tenay: There is no denying the tension in the Horsemen camp over the past few weeks, but after what we saw on Nitro, could Jarrett and The Horsemen finally be getting along enough for him and Benoit to work against the nWo?

    Jeff Jarrett & Chris Benoit (w/Ric Flair & Arn Anderson) vs. Big Bubba & Michael Wallstreet (w/Scott Norton)

    Chris Benoit and Michael Wallstreet started things for their respective teams. They locked up at the ring of the bell. Benoit used his leverage to push Wallstreet into his corner, still in the lock up. Once in the corner, Nick Patrick stepped in to break things up, but as he warned Benoit, Jarrett actually took advantage of Nick Patrick and began choking Wallstreet in the corner. After a moment of Jarrett choking Wallstreet, Bubba entered the ring to get Patrick's attention. Patrick turned to Jarrett, who let go and acted innocent. Patrick then went over to warn Jarrett, allowing Big Bubba to blindside Benoit to the mat. Wallstreet left corner and joined in on a mudhole stomping of Benoit. Bubba left and Patrick finally left Jarrett as Wallstreet pulled Benoit to his feet. Wallstreet connected with a couple of right hands to Benoit and then whipped him into the nWo corner. Bubba held Benoit as Wallstreet ran into the corner with a clothesline. Benoit stumbled out of the corner into a bodyslam to the mat from Wallstreet. Wallstreet tagged Bubba in.

    Bubba entered as Wallstreet pulled Benoit back to his feet. They each grabbed one of Benoit's arms and sent him into the ropes. Benoit bounced off the ropes and ran into a double clothesline from Bubba and Wallstreet. Wallstreet left the ring as Bubba made a quick cover. One-Two-kickout by Benoit. Bubba bounced off the ropes and dropped a fistdrop down onto Benoit's throat before he could get back to his feet. Bubba climbed over Benoit and started to drive repeated right hands to Benoit's forehead with Nick Patrick showing no signs of breaking it up. Jarrett had enough as he came in and sent a kick right to Bubba's back to get him off Benoit. Nick Patrick got in Jarrett's face as Wallstreet came into the ring and began choking Benoit on the mat. Bubba climbed back out onto the apron as Patrick got Jarrett to leave the ring.

    Wallstreet pulled Benoit up to his feet and locked him in a front facelock. He then lifted Benoit into the air and held him in the air before dropping him to the mat with a delayed vertical suplex. Wallstreet rolled over into a pin on Benoit. One-Two-Thr....kickout. Benoit slowly began to pull himself up. Wallstreet met him once he was up and lifted him onto his shoulders. Wallstreet spun with Benoit in an Airplane spin. Wallstreet set Benoit back down on the mat. The dizzy Benoit stumbled around the ring before falling through the ropes to the outside where Scott Norton began to move in. As Benoit was getting on his hands and knees, Norton moved in and gave a hard kick to Benoit's chest. However, Ric Flair immediately came in and spun Norton around. Flair lit up Norton's chest with stiff knife edge chops which sent "WHOOs" through the crowd. Nick Patrick turned his attention to Flair and Norton at ringside, trying to break it up as Benoit rolled back into the ring. Big Bubba came back into the ring and lifted Benoit up with Wallstreet.

    Jeff Jarrett came into the ring and went straight for Big Bubba to try and even things up..but Jarrett ended up on the wrong of a double team since Benoit was down and out. With Patrick distracted with Flair and Norton at ringside, Arn Anderson slid into the ring to even the odds. Anderson and Jarrett fought off Bubba and Wallstreet. Jarrett clotheslined Big Bubba over the top rope to the floor as Arn Anderson gave Wallstreet a kick to the midsection and then dropped him with the DDT. Anderson left the ring as Jarrett got back onto the apron. Meanwhile, Flair had sent Norton crashing into the ring steps so Nick Patrick finally turned his attention back to the ring to see Wallstreet and Benoit both down. Benoit made the slow crawl over to Jarrett and made the fresh tag. Wallstreet also made it to his corner and tagged the recovering Bubba in as well. Bubba entered the ring and was met with rights and lefts from Jarrett. Jarrett gave Bubba kick to the midsection and sent Bubba into the ropes with an Irish Whip. Jarrett ran to the opposite ropes and hit a cross body block onto Bubba. One....Tw-kickout.

    Both men began to get back to their feet. Bubba took a swing at Jarrett, but Jarrett ducked and then hit a back suplex onto Bubba. Jarrett bounced off the ropes and hit a kneedrop onto Bubba. Jarrett then took his time climbing to the middle turnbuckle, allowing Bubba to pull himself up. Jarrett came off the middle turnbuckle with a double axehandle smash to Bubba, sending him back to the mat. With Bubba down, Jarrett decided to get cocky as he bounced off the ropes a couple times and then did the strut, which did not seem to sit well with Ric Flair at ringside. Jarrett ran to the ropes only to have Benoit slap him on the back for the blind tag. Benoit entered the ring as Jarrett turned around and confronted him about it. As Benoit and Jarrett argued, Bubba rolled over to the corner and tagged Wallstreet in. Wallstreet shoved Benoit into Jarrett. Their heads collided and Wallstreet rolled up Benoit! One-Two-Thre....kickout.

    Jarrett rolled back out onto the apron holding his head as Wallstreet pulled Benoit up to his feet. However, Benoit blocked a right hand from Wallstreet and unleashed stiff chops to Wallstreet's chest. Wallsteet tried to fire back with another right, but Benoit ducked and then locked Wallstreet in waistlock before hitting him with a German Suplex. Benoit bridged for the pin - One......Two......kickout. Benoit got up right away and stomped on Wallstreet's back before lifting him up off the mat. Benoit sent Wallstreet right back down with a side backbreaker. Benoit didn't bother with a pin and instead let Wallstreet use his own energy to pull himself up. Once up, Benoit met him and took him right back down with a snap suplex. Benoit signaled the end was near with the cut throat motion. Bubba tried to enter the ring to stop Benoit, but Jarrett climbed in and took Bubba out with a clothesline. Jarrett then grabbed Wallstreet by the leg as Benoit began climbing to the top turnbuckle. Jarrett applied the Figure Four Leglock to Wallstreet. With Wallstreet held in place by the Figure Four, Benoit came off the top with the Swandive Headbutt to Wallstreet! Benoit made the cover as Jarrett held the hold. Nick Patrick seemed histant, but with Arn Anderson keeping Scott Norton at bay, Ric Flair entered the ring and threatened Nick Patrick, forcing him to make the count: One......Two.........Three!

    Winners - Chris Benoit & Jeff Jarrett

    Overall: 72

    Crowd: 64

    Match: 80

    Tony Shiavone: How about that! Jarrett & Benoit give WCW the fist victory of the night!

    Mike Tenay: There was some communication issues, but they managed to overcome them and still win! Maybe this can give us some momentum!

    Kevin Nash: What the Hell was that?! Wha...Huh...

    Scott Hall: They've got some serious 'splainin' to do. I don't think Bischoff will be too happy about that.

    Scott Hall and Kevin Nash were now joined at their booth by "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase.

    Ted DiBiase: Have no fear, The Million Dollar Man is here. And to answer your question, Mr. Bischoff is NOT happy at all about what just took place. But rest assured that that will be the ONLY downside of tonight's show.

    Kevin Nash: So Teddy, why don't you give us a little hint to who that Mystery Man is tonight.

    Ted DiBiase: Hahaha! Sorry Kevin, you're going to have to wait just like EVERYBODY else.

    Scott Hall: Aw come on, it us. You can tell us.

    Ted DiBiase: Let's just say Bischoff has some great motivation skills to get us this guy. But that's later on tonight...what's up next.

    Scott Hall: Buff the Stuff versus Flexxy Lexxy.

    Ted DiBiase: Bagwell should win by default. There is no way Lex Luger passed the nWo random drug test prior to the show.

    Kevin Nash: I bet he had one of his fellows Dubbya Cee Dubbya-ers to pee in the cup for him.

    Scott Hall: Yeah...I bet he got Eddie Guerrero to do it.

    Ted DiBiase: That wouldn't solve anything...he'd probably get busted for stuff much worse!

    Kevin Nash: Wait for it...wait for it....now - LET'S GO TO THE RING!!!

    "The Total Package" Lex Luger vs. Buff Bagwell (w/Miss Elizabeth)

    They lock up to start the match. Bagwell lifts his knee into Luger's midsection and then whips him into the ropes. Luger bounces off the ropes and comes back at Bagwell. Luger ducks a clothesline from Bagwell and bounces off the opposite ropes. Luger then comes off the ropes and hits Bagwell with a clothesline of his own. Bagwell stumbled up to his feet and walked right into a backdrop from Luger to send him right back to the mat. Bagwell rolled up to his feet once again. Luger met him once he was up to his feet and picked Bagwell up into a Gorilla Press. Luger showed off his strength as he held Bagwell high in the air for several moments as Bagwell tried to plea to Luger from up in the air. Luger responded to the begging Bagwell by tossing him of the ring. Nick Patrick repremands Luger for sending Bagwell out of the ring, but Luger ignored him and climbed out of the ring after Bagwell.

    Bagwell was back up and quickly scurried away from Luger as Luger gave chase around the ring. Bagwell got to Miss Elizabeth and held her infront of himself as a shield, causing Luger to stop, not wanting to hit a lady. Bagwell shoved Elizabeth into Luger and then rolled into the ring. Luger put Elizabeth aside safely and slid into the ring after Bagwell, but Bagwell took advantage of the situation and stomped on Luger's back as he slid into the ring. Luger tried to get up as Bagwell was on the attack, but Bagwell transitioned from stomps to pumbling Luger with axehandle attacks to the back. Bagwell grabbed Luger and sent him into the corner with an Irish Whip. Bagwell followed Luger in, hitting him with a clothesline. Bagwell then began to stomp a mudhole into Luger in the corner. Bagwell backed off of Luger in the corner to showboat to the crowd, that responded with loud boos to Buff Daddy.

    Luger pulled himself up out of the corner and walked into a kick to the midsection from Bagwell. Bagwell then lifted Luger up and hit him with a Manhattan Drop. Luger was left stumbling as a result. Bagwell gave Luger another boot to the midsection to double him over. Bagwell then executed a swinging neckbreaker to Luger. Bagwell did some pushups next to Luger, then popped up to his feet where he posed for the crowd. Bagwell finally made the cover. One-kickout by Luger. Bagwell got up and started stomping away at Luger's back out of anger. Luger rolled over onto his back, allowing Bagwell to step over him and apply a chinlock. Nick Patrick checked in on Luger to see if he was giving up, but he wasn't. Bagwell was screaming for Patrick to call for the bell anyway, but as it looked like Patrick might finish the match prematurely, Luger began to power his way back to his feet. Luger fought his way to his feet and broke the hold with a pair of back elbows. Luger then grabbed Bagwell and sent him to the ropes. Off the ropes, Luger took Bagwell down with a lariat. Bagwell got back to his feet, but Luger hit him with a pair of forearms and whipped Bagwell into the corner.

    Luger ran into the corner with a clothesline to Bagwell. He then climbed up onto the ropes and began to repeatedly hit Bagwell with right hands to the head as the crowd counted along. One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten! Luger jumped down off of Bagwell as he stumbled out of the corner right into a the arms of Luger who lifted him up and slammed him to the mat with a bodyslam. Luger signaled for the Torture Rack as he grabbed Bagwell by the head and pulled him to his feet. He lifted Bagwell up in the Torture Rack. It was obvious Bagwell wanted to give up, but Nick Patrick wasn't calling for the bell. Luger dropped Bagwell to the mat and then picked up Nick Patrick in the Torture Rack! He held Patrick in it until Bagwell recovered and attacked Luger from behind to break it up. However, Patrick was down on the mat and in pain.

    Bagwell dropped Luger to the mat with a back suplex. Bagwell picked Luger up and gave him a kick to the midsection. He then hooked Luger by the head and leg, executing a fisherman suplex. Bagwell broke the bridge since there was no ref. Bagwell tried to revive Patrick, but he was in too much pain. Bagwell climbed the turnbuckles calling for the Blockbuster. However, Luger got to his feet and tossed Bagwell of the turbuckles to the mat. Bagwell stumbled to his feet right into an atomic drop from Luger. Bagwell was left staggering as Luger decked him with a lariat. Bagwell slowly rolled back to his feet once again as Luger came right at him with a flying forearm shot. Luger called for the Torture Rack once again as Bagwell was getting back to his feet. Luger lifted Bagwell up into the Rack as referee Randy Anderson came down to the ring. Anderson checked in on Bagwell, who was submitting. Anderson called for the bell!

    Winner - Lex Luger

    Overall: 72

    Crowd: 76

    Match: 66

    Ted DiBiase: Someone tell Randy Anderson he's fired.

    Scott Hall: Shouldn't Luger have been disqualified for touching the official?

    Kevin Nash: That match shall be striken from the records! STRIKEN!

    Ted DiBiase: Alright...that's two strikes. Luckily for us, I'm up next. Time to show these boys what the New World Order is all about.

    Kevin Nash: Give 'em Hell, Teddy! GIVE 'EM HELL!

    As Ted DiBiase got up from the nWo announce booth to head to the ring, the screen cut to backstage where Hollywood Hogan was sitting at a table with his World Heavyweight Title in front of him. Bischoff was standing over the table, flipping through a pile of papers frantically.

    Eric Bischoff: There's go to be some proof in here somewhere.

    Hollywood Hogan: I dunno brother...and to make things worse...Bagwell just lost.

    Eric Bischoff: WHAT?! Oh God...what is going on here tonight. This is suppose to be our night! We can't let them beat us on OUR night. I don't like the way things are going.

    Hollywood Hogan: How do you think I feel? I got to go up against that 7 foot tall freakshow later on tonight! What I want to know, brother, is how the Hell did you not know this McLauren guy wasn't on the Executive Committee?

    Eric Bischoff: That's what I'm looking for...proof.

    Hollywood Hogan: Proof of what?

    Eric Bischoff: Proof that this MR. MCLAUREN isn't who he says he is. I refuse to believe that The Giant is going to pull one over on me. And if they are...there is still time to get you out of this match!

    The camera panned over from the table to show a man standing in at about 5'9" and slightly balding with a thin beard wearing a business suit, the man was, of course, the same man introduced to us on Nitro - Mr. McLauren.

    Mr. McLauren: Unfortunately for you, Mr. Bischoff, this is no scam. This is no ploy. As the attorney for Ted Turner, he appointed me a position on the Executive Committee in order to help with all the legal issues facing the company. Such as the so-called champion here not defending his title within the specified time frame that the rulebook clearly states he must defend the belt. And to answer the question of why Mr. Bischoff did not realize I was a member of the Executive Committee...well, it's quite simple. You see, Mr. Bischoff here has failed to attend any meetings since aligning himself with the New World Order. So then it is pretty easy to understand the confusion of Mr. Bischoff.

    Eric Bischoff: Listen here...I don't know who you think are you, but I run things around here. Not you, not the Executive Committee, not Turn-I mean, not...not...ANYONE! I'm the President! I make the rules! NOT YOU!

    Mr. McLauren: Funny that you should mention Ted Turner, because as of late, Mr. Bischoff, Ted Turner has become less and less supportive of you and your intentions here in WCW. Don't be surprised if you find yourself lacking the financial backing of Ted Turner to support the New World Order. After all, he owns WCW...and your goal of destroying WCW might not sit too well with him.

    Hollywood Hogan: Just who the Hell do you think you are, brother?! You can't just come in here and make threats to him or me. He's the boss! And I'm the man. We run the show. WHATCHA GONNA DO ABOUT IT?

    Mr. McLauren: The name is James McLauren, but you can call me Mr. McLauren. And what am I going to do about it? Let's just say you haven't heard the last of me...and Mr. Hogan, Mr. Bischoff, no matter what you might want - the match against The Giant for the World Championship Wrestling Heavyweight Title is STILL ON. So, good luck and have a pleasant evening.

    Mr. McLauren left both Bischoff and Hogan angered in the nWo suite as the screen cut back to the ring.

    Tony Shiavone: How about that?!

    Bobby Heenan: Boy it's good to see those two weasils get put in their place.

    Tony Shiavone: No one knows a weasil more than another weasil, isn't that right Brain?

    Bobby Heenan: Don't make me call Nash over here. He's right over there...I'm sure he wouldn't take too kindly to you calling his mother fat.

    Tony Shiavone: But I didn't call his mother fat.

    Bobby Heenan: But he doesn't know that, now does he?

    Mike Tenay: While all of this was going down, nWo's referee Nick Patrick had to be helped from the ring! It looks like the nWo will be without their own referee for the rest of the night!

    Tony Shiavone: Things are finally starting to go our way. But now Ted DiBiase is in the ring for the next match.

    In the ring, Ted DiBiase was standing in the middle where the ring announcer would usually stand. In his hand was the microphone and over his shoulder was the WCW United States Title.

    Ted DiBiase: Ahem...this next match is for ONE fall and is for the nWo United States Championship! Introducing first, the "champion," he just came in from across the border and boy are his legs tired - SENIOR EDDIE GUERRERO!

    The crowd popped Eddie Guerrero as he slowly walked down the aisle with no music what-so-ever. He circled the ring, not wanting to enter the ring just yet. He finally rolled into the ring and stayed on the opposite side, staring down Ted DiBiase and his United States Title.

    Ted DiBiase: And now, the moment you have ALL been waiting for...Eddie Guerrero's opponent and the future nWo United States Heavyweight Champion...he's been from the penthouse to the outhouse and now with the nWo it's back to the penthouse...he's the nWo's DIAMOND in the RUFF...DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE!

    The opening notes to DDP's normal theme music hits, but after "Self High Five" is said it cuts to the usual nWo music. DDP emerged from the nWo side wearing a black and white nWo T-Shirt and long black tights. He slowly walked down the aisle with a confident and arrogant smirk on his face. The fans at ringside booed Page, which he responded to by lifting his arms up in the air for the Diamond Cutter sign. He then slowly bright the sign down, turned his hands upside down...and then flipped his hands from the Diamond Cuttter sign into a pair of middle fingers for the crowd. Page entered the ring and shook hands with DiBiase as the bell sounded for the match to begin.

    United States Championship Match

    Eddie Guerrero © vs. Diamond Dallas Page (w/Ted DiBiase)

    The crowd was giving DDP lots of heat as the two circled the ring to start the match. Randy Anderson was in the ring to be the referee for this match since Nick Patrick was out from being Torture Racked earlier. Eddie Guerrero and DDP met in the center of the ring as DDP gave a cocky smirk while staring Guerrero down. DDP then spit in Guerrero's face, causing Guerrero to unleash chops to DDP's chest. Page blocked Guerrero and fired back with right hands. Page then shoved Guerrero straight to the mat. Page backed off and leaned nonchalantly against the turnbuckles as Guerrero looked up at him. Guerrero got up as Page moved in. They locked up. Page turned it into a headlock to Guerrero where he applied pressure. Guerrero shoved DDP off into the ropes, but Page came off the ropes and hit a shoulderblock to Guerrero to send him to the mat. Page ran to the ropes as Guerrero got to his feet. Guerrero leapfrogged over DDP as he came off the ropes. DDP came back off the ropes again right into a dropkick from Guerrero.

    Page looked surprise as he got back up to his feet. Guerrero did not give Page time to act as he went at him right away with an European Uppercut to stagger Page. Page fired back by swinging a right hand, but Guerrero ducked and locked Page in a waistlock. Page hooked the top rope to block a German Suplex attempt from Guerrero. Page broke the waistlock with a back kick to Guerrero's groin. Guerrero was doubled over as Randy Anderson warned Page about the low blow. DiBiase climbed onto the apron to take away Anderson's focus. Page then spun around and hit a discus right hand to knock Guerrero to the mat. Page dropped down and began choking away at Guerrero with the ref distracted. After Page had held the choke for several moments, DiBiase finally climbed down off the apron as Page released the choke. Page made the cover. One, Two, kickout. Page stomped on Guerrero as he began to pull himself up to his feet. Page sent Guerrero into the ropes with an Irish Whip. Off the ropes, Page caught Guerrero and sent him to the mat with a tilt-a-whirl slam.

    Page went for another cover. One, Two, kickout. Page grabbed a handful of Guerrero's mullet and pulled him to his feet. Page kneed Guerrero in the midsection to double him over. He then lifted Guerrero into the air and back to the mat with a vertical suplex. Page rolled over onto Guerrero with yet another pin attempt. One, Two, another kickout by Eddie. Page got up and grabbed Anderson by the collar, causing Anderson to immediately threaten DQ. Page released Anderson and gave a smile as he brushed him off. Guerrero was starting to get back to his feet, but Page came up behind him and lifted him up for a back suplex. However, Guerrero flipped over and landed on his feet. He then hooked Page from behind and hit a release German Suplex to Page. This took a lot out of Guerrero as well, leaving both men down. One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Guerrero was back up. Page was also starting to pull himself up. Guerrero grabbed Page's arm and did an arm wrench. He then jumped to the ropes and used them as a springboard to take Page down with an armdrag. Page got back to his feet quickly only to have Guerrero leap onto him and take him back down with a monkeyflip.

    Guerrero measured Page up as he got back to his feet, surprised by Guerrero's offensive flury. The frustrated Page swung a wild right hand at Guerrero, but Guerrero hooked his arms and turned himself and Page around so their arms were hooked back to back. Both men attempted to take the other one into a backslide, but they're efforts were canceling each other out. Page overpowered Guerrero and flipped him over his back. Guerrero landed on his feet infront of Page, but Page decked him with a clothesline. Page made the cover. One, Two, Thr...kickout. Both men began to pull themselves up. Guerrero took a swung, but Page ducked with a go-behind and applied a full nelson to Guerrero. Page turned it into a spinning full nelson. Page then released Guerrero and sent him flying to the mat as Page took a moment to shake off his own dizziness. This gave Guerrero time to begin to get to his feet.

    Page approached the recovering Guerrero. He spun Guerrero around and gave him a kick to the midsection. Page lifted Guerrero up to attempt a spinning sitdown powerbomb, but Guerrero reversed it midmove turning it into a hurricanrana. Guerrero hooked Page's legs! One, Two, Thre....Page escaped the cradle at the last second. Both men got to their feet at the same time. Eddie lit up Page's chest with stiff chops before whipping him into the ropes. Guerrero met Page off the ropes with a boot to the midsection. Page was doubled over, allowing Guerrero to hook Page in a front face lock before hitting him with a gutbuster drop. Guerrero crawled over and made a cover to Page. One, Two, Thre...kickout by Page. With Page down, Guerrero applied a STF to him. Randy Anderson checked in on Page, whose face was showing the pain of the hold. Ted DiBiase came around and began slamming the mat, trying to get Page to the ropes. DiBiase reached into the ring to try and grab Page's arm to pull him to the ropes, but Randy Anderson kicked DiBiase's arm away. Guerrero got so upset by DiBiase's attempt of intereference that he released the hold and approached the ropes. Guerrero reached across the ropes and grabbed DiBiase, pulling him up onto the apron...

    Meanwhile, Page was recovering as Guerrero threatened DiBiase. Page came up behind Guerrero and turned him around. DDP hooked Guerrero for the Diamond Cutter...but Guerrero blocked it by shoving Page off right into DiBiase. Heads collide sending DiBiase off the apron and Page stumbling backwards into a rollup from Guerrero! One, Two, Thre.....KICKOUT! Guerrero was up first as Page was slowly recovering. Guerrero hooked Page and planted him in the middle of the ring with a brainbuster. Guerrero got up and motioned to the top turnbuckle as he made his way over. The tired Guerrero slowly ascended to the top turnbuckle. Guerrero came off with the Frog Splash, but Page rolled out of the way! Both men were down!


    Both men were very slowly recovering at the same time. They were both getting up to their knees...Guerrero was pulling himself up to his feet when suddenly Page leaped up and caught him with the Diamond Cutter out of desperation! Guerrero was chest down while Page was slowly making the crawl over. Page rolled Guerrero over and made the cover. One, Two, Three!

    Winner and NEW United States Champion - Diamond Dallas Page

    Overall: 78

    Crowd: 75

    Match: 82

    Kevin Nash: That's what I'm talkin' bout! Gotta give it up for Bischoff's recruiting skills.

    Scott Hall: That's one more for the good guys.

    Ted DiBiase climbed into the ring with the United States Title, a can of spray paint, and a microphone. He approached Page who was still having a hard time getting to his feet. DiBiase shoved Anderson out of the way and did the honors of lifting Page's arm in victory.

    Ted DiBiase: There you have it! The NEW United States Heavyweight Champion. Now...DDP...would you like to do the honors?

    DiBiase handed DDP the belt and a can of spray paint. Page looked at both and gave a confident smirk.

    Diamond Dallas Page: It would be MY pleasure, Teddy.

    DDP took the cap off the spray paint and held it over the belt, but then turned and sprayed DiBiase in the face with the spray paint! DiBiase's hands immediately went to his face as he cried out in pain. Page then grabbed DiBiase and nailed him with the Diamond Cutter. Page stood up with the microphone.

    Diamond Dallas Page: WCW's knight takes nWo's pawn. You're move.

    Page threw the microphone down on DiBiase and rolled out of the ring with the United States belt. Page exited through the fans as Scott Hall and Kevin Nash were on their feet at the nWo announce booth.

    Kevin Nash: DAMMIT! I knew we shouldn't trust Page!

    Scott Hall: Yo come on Kev, SOMEONE'S got to redeem this night for us. And if no one else is gonna do it, it might as well be us.

    Kevin Nash was staring down Page in the crowd with Hall holding him back before they finally left the announce booth to go to the ring.

    Tony Shiavone: How do you like that? Page just outsmarted the nWo!

    Bobby Heenan: It's a pretty sad day when Dallas starts outsmarting people. Isn't that one of the signs of the apocolypse?

    Mike Tenay: In any event, WCW has turned the nWo's dream event into a nightmare! With the Tag Titles and World Title matches to come, let's hope this trend can continue!

    WCW World Tag Team Titles Match

    The Steiner Brothers © vs. The Outsiders

    The Steiners had the crowd firmly behind them on their silent entrance. They climbed into the ring where The Outsiders were waiting on them. Right upon entrance, the upset Hall and Nash wasted no time going straight for the Steiners. Hall and Rick were going at it while Nash and Scott were on the other side of the ring. The signs of anger at the nights events were in Hall and Nash as they took out all their frustration on their opponents. Nash got Scott in the corner and lifted his boot up to his throat, choking the life out of him. Randy Anderson was busy with Rick and Hall to notice the choking. Anderson finally turned around and ran over to put a stop to it. Anderson got between Nash and Scott, but Nash just threw Anderson aside. Meanwhile, Rick Steiner was fighting back on Scott Hall and backdropped him over the top rope to the floor. Rick came over to help his brother out. Rick Steiner hit a double axehandle to Nash's back to stop his attack on Scott. Rick and Scott took turns hitting right hands to Nash and then took him down to the mat with a double Steinerline. With Nash down, Scott Steiner climbed out onto the apron.

    Rick Steiner tried to keep Nash down by hitting him with a kneedrop. However, Nash did not stay down long as he got up to his feet despite Steiner's continuing attack. Steiner grabbed Nash by the head and hit him with a headbutt, that actually sent both men staggering a little bit. Rick grabbed Nash's arm and took it behind him with a hammerlock. Steiner was unable to keep Nash restrained long, as Nash hit a back elbow to Steiner to break it. Steiner stumbled backwards but then went right back at Nash, but ran into a knee lift. Rick was doubled over, allowing Nash to drive his knee right into Steiner's face - sending him to the mat. Nash went over and gave the tag to Hall. Nash stepped out of the ring as Hall came in to pick up where Nash left off on Rick. Steiner was getting back up to his knees, but Hall nailed him right between the eyes with a right hand. Rick Steiner still kept trying to get up, but Hall continued to hit him with right hands.

    Rick Steiner was showing his determination as he got to his feet despite the continuing punishment from Scott Hall. Once he was back up to his feet, Hall gave him a kick to the midsection and then already set him up for the Outsider's Edge. However, Rick Steiner backdropped out of it. Steiner dropped to his knees as Hall began to get back up. Steiner was up as well and took Hall down with a Steinerline. Rick Steiner tagged hin Scott Steiner. The Steiners got behind the recovering Hall and hit him with a double back suplex. Rick Steiner left the ring as Scott Steiner went for the pin. One, Two, kickout. Steiner pulled Hall to his feet and whipped him into the corner. Steiner followed him in with a clothesline. Steiner backed off as Hall stumbled out of the corner right into a side belly-to-belly suplex. Scott Steiner went for the pin. One, Two, Nash broke it up. Nash left the ring before Steiner could get him back.

    Hall began to pull himself to his feet as Scott Steiner moved in. Steiner gave Hall a knee to the midsection and then took him to the mat with a gutwrench suplex. Steiner with the cover - One, Two, kickout by Hall. Steiner pulled Hall up and gave him another Irish whip into the corner. Steiner moved in and gave Hall a couple kicks to the midsection in the corner before lifting him up onto the top turnbuckle. Steiner climbed to the top rope with Hall. Scott gave him a couple right hands before going for a Frakensteiner, but Hall began to fight back. Hall shoved Steiner off the turnbuckle all the way to the mat. Hall climbed down off the top turnbuckle and made the tag to Nash. Nash came into the ring as Scott Steiner was starting to get to his feet. Steiner swung a right hand at Nash, but Nash blocked it and hit a right hand of his own to Steiner to rock him backwards. Nash whipped Steiner into the ropes and caught him off the ropes with a sideslam. Nash hooked a leg - One, Two, kickout.

    Nash got to his feet and brushed his hair back as he waited for Scott Steiner to pull himself up. Once Steiner was up, he grabbed him by the arm and whipped him into the corner. Nash moved in and measured Steiner up in the corner before nailing him with repeated corner back elbow smashes. Nash once again lifted his boot into a bootchoke on Steiner. One, Two, Three, Four, Anderson breaks it up. Steiner stumbled out of the corner. Nash grabbed him by the head and pulled him to the corner where he tagged Hall back in. Nash held Steiner as Hall took a closed fist to Steiner's head. Steiner dropped to the mat as Nash climbed out of the ring. Hall hooked Scott Steiner in an Abdominal Stretch very close to the Outsiders' corner. Randy Anderson checked in on Steiner, but he wasn't giving up. Hall reached backwards where Nash grabbed his arm to add more leverage. This brought Rick Steiner into the ring, which only caused Randy Anderson to cut Rick off - allowing for more cheating from the Outsiders.

    Anderson forced Rick Steiner out and turned around just as Nash and Hall released their arms. Anderson looked at them suspicously, but went back to checking on Steiner. Hall once again reached out to Nash as the fans were yelling for Randy Anderson's attention. Anderson moved around and caught them in the act. He lifted his boot up and kicked their arms away from each other. With the fans behind him, Steiner broke the hold with a hiptoss, using up a lot of energy to do so. Scott Steiner began crawling towards the corner, but Hall grabbed his leg and pulled him back to the corner and tagged Nash back in. Nash and Hall each grabbed one of Scott's legs and performed a "wishbone" to Steiner. Steiner rolled on the mat, holding his groin in pain. Nash moved in and made the nonchalant cover. One, Two, shoulder up. Nash got up, giving a dirty stare to Randy Anderson before pulling Steiner up and sending him to the ropes. Off the ropes, Steiner got hit with the Big Boot from Nash. Things were looking bad for Scott Steiner as Nash lowered the straps. He pulled Steiner up and set him up for the Jackknife Powerbomb.

    Rick Steiner quickly entered the ring, bounced off the ropes, and hit Nash with a clothesline to save his brother from a powerbomb. Nash was not knocked to his feet, but Rick Steiner bounced off the ropes and hit Nash with a second clothesline. Nash was staggered, but Hall came in and attacked Rick Steiner from behind and then threw him to ringside. As Nash recovered, Scott Steiner did too. The staggering Nash staggered right into a belly-to-belly suplex from Steiner! Scott Steiner used this opportunity to try and get to the corner, but once he did - Rick Steiner had not made it back to the corner. Scott Steiner turned around and went for the pin on Nash instead. One, Two, kickout. Scott Steiner tried to pull Nash to his feet, but Nash clawed Steiner's eyes. Nash went to his corner and tagged Hall back in. Steiner was still blinded as Hall moved in and hit Scott with a chokeslam. Hall made the cover. One, Two, Thr...shoulder up. Hall wasted no time pulling Scott back to his feet and taking him right back to the mat with the Fallaway Slam. Hall signaled that it was time to end it as he pulled Scott back up and set him up for the Outsider's Edge. This time, Hall hit the Edge and went for the pin. One, Two, Thre....Rick Steiner had recovered and entered the ring just in time to break up the count!

    Hall got up and Rick Steiner immediately took him to the mat with a belly-to-belly suplex! Nash came into the ring and went for the Big Boot to Rick, but Rick ducked and then lifted Nash up with a back suplex. Hall was back to his feet, but a Steinerline from Rick Steiner took him right back down. Scott Steiner was getting back to his feet at the sametime as Nash. Rick and Scott hooked arms and took Nash down with a double Steinerline. The crowd was alive and hot as Scott and Rick moved in on Hall. Scott Steiner lifted Hall up as Rick Steiner began to climb to the top turnbuckle. As Scott put Hall in a shoulderlift, Nash recovered and knocked Rick Steiner off the top turnbuckle and caused him to straddle the top rope. Nash then came behind Scott Steiner and clipped his legs, allowing Scott Hall to put a Victory Roll on Scott! One, Two, Three!

    Winners and STILL Tag Champions - The Outsiders

    Overall: 91

    Crowd: 94

    Match: 85

    Tony Shiavone: The Outsiders were just too much for The Steiners.

    Mike Tenay: Looks like Hall and Nash were just too inspired after all that's happened to the nWo tonight. It looks like they might be able to redeem themselves.

    Tony Shiavone: The World Title match is the only one left, and Hogan has tried everything to get out of it - but he IS going to have to defend against The Giant.

    Bobby Heenan: Not even a snake like Hogan could worm his way out of this one. I hope The Giant squashes Hogan, leaving him just as a smeer on the mat.

    Tony Shiavone: If The Giant can beat Hogan, it will be a HUGE victory for WCW...let's see how things play out as we go to the ring!

    (continued in next post)

  17. The Weekely Resthold

    by John Weekes

    It is the week of nWo presents Souled Out, and that means this was the one last Nitro to send everything into mega-hype for the show. There was still room for a couple matches, so they took advantage and threw on an extra two matches to help strengthen the card a bit. I'll have a Souled Out analysis below...but first we must flashback to Nitro:

    The Highs

    -Diamond Dallas Page-

    The show started out on a high note this week with the interview with Diamond Dallas Page. They have done a pretty good job in building up his decision to this week. My only complaint is the bait-and-switch that they pulled by not actually revealing if he is WCW or nWo. But I guess they did that so that they could have the payoff on Pay-Per-View instead, which makes sense. You have to believe we'll find out DDP's answer at Souled Out. But it was still a heartfelt interview by DDP and made a case for both sides to keep the questions alive.

    -The Horsemen-

    Once again the Horsemen angle was one of the highlights of the show, continuing its streak of goodness. And this week they were even rewarded with the Main Event slot. Granted it still was high in nWo involvement, but that is to be expected with Souled Out being a nWo event. Interesting developments at the end of the match which saw Jeff Jarrett and the remaining Horsemen (Mongo being sent home earlier) work together to fend of the nWo. Intruiging... - and I have to comment on Benoit and Jarrett putting on a great match that only was rivaled by the cruiserweight match...and speaking of which...

    -The Cruiserweight Title Match-

    Rey Mysterio Jr. and Ultimo Dragon really showed what they were made of in their opening match on Nitro. I've seen some good matches and that will have to rank up there with one of the better TV matches I've seen in quite a while. It's a real pity that the there could not be room made for the Cruiserweight Title being defended on PPV, but that would require either Heel vs. Heel or another Triple Threat, and two triple threats on one PPV might be a bit much. But hopefully WCW will realize the goods the Cruiserweight Title offers and give it more of a prominent role in dates to come.

    The Lows

    -Luger as a Motivational Speaker?-

    As much as I like the idea of finally getting some of these WCW guys to come together, was Lex Luger really the best choice to have rallying the troops? He has about as much charisma as a wet towel. I didn't buy his speech, but I guess The Steiner Brothers and others did. On the other hand, I am glad Chris Jericho got some mic time there as well...this little WCW alliance could really prove to help Jericho break out.

    -The Bluebloods vs. Konnan & Hugh Morrus-

    As much as I enjoy watching Lord Steven Regal, I really do not like Squire David Taylor or either member of the other team. The match was too long and too boring...you could almost hear the televisions around the world switching over to Raw. Kind of sad to see Regal get pinned cleanly as well, but I guess they had to set up the Souled Out match somehow. And then throw in Masahiro Chono while we're at it...yeah, that came out of nowhere.

    Other News and Notes

    -There were 6533 fans in attendance for this week's Nitro.

    -Nitro won the ratings war this again week, defeating Raw's 5.49 with a 6.01. That is up up .19 from last week, so that's some pretty good news going into Souled Out.

    -In an update on the Piper and Savage situation, we can confirm that Piper will indeed be sitting out the rest of his contract with WCW. So it looks like we have seen the last of the Rowdy one in World Championship Wrestling. Save on the other hand will indeed be back now that his new contract has been signed. Could he possibly return at Souled Out?

    -No tapings for WCW Saturday Night this week since it will be acting as a preshow for Souled Out. Look for one pre-show match Pay-Per-View to take place.

    And speaking of Souled Out...here's what is on the line-up.

    Hollywood Hogan vs. The Giant

    I hadn't even thought about it until "Mr. McLauren" brought it up on Nitro, but when did Hogan last defend his belt?? Well in any event, he is being forced to defend it against the number one contender The Giant. And now we know that there is no way around it for Hogan. The Giant obviously has a big advantage when it comes to strength and power. Hogan's biggest advantage will be the same advantage every nWo member will have and that's the fact that it is nWo Souled Out, so you have to know they have some tricks up their sleeves to make sure that the night goes their way. But The Giant is basically a one man army, and he may be able to take on anything the nWo throws at him.

    The Outsiders vs. The Steiner Brothers

    The Outsiders have been dominant with the tag titles since winning them, but the Steiner Brothers are one of the best tag teams ever in professional wrestling. This should be a very interesting match up, but once again you have to give the edge to the Outsiders being their event. Although with the Steiners being involved in the apparant alliance with Luger, Guerrero, and Jericho; they may just have the answer for the New World Order.

    Eddie Guerrero vs. Mystery nWo Member

    Eddie Guerrero won the United States Title back at Starcade in the finals of the tournament...but he hasn't actually been able to celebrate with his belt since it has been in nWo possession ever since then. Ted DiBiase has been busy keeping the belt warm for whoever wins this match. Rumors are flying as to just who the mystery nWo member will be...and I have my own theories as well. Guerrero has the odds stacked heavily against him since we already know its an nWo Member but also because he has no idea who to prepare for.

    Big Bubba & Michael Wallstreet vs. Chris Benoit & Jeff Jarrett

    Ric Flair hasn't seen any ring action lately, I just realized that. Hope he's not hurt or anything...anyway, the Horsemen angle continues even as they take part in the WCW's war against the New World Order. We already know that Jarrett and Benoit are not the best of friends, but you have to think Jarrett wants to win this one just as bad as anyone since he still hopes to prove himself Horsemen-worthy. And we did see that they could work together briefly on Nitro. But in an extended situation, their differences could cause this team to explode.

    Lex Luger vs. Buff Bagwell

    Love it or hate it, Lex Luger is apparantly the leader of the WCW war against the New World Order. But in this battle of the war, it will not put leader against leader, but instead leader vs. guy who is being sent out their to do the dirty work. Don't expect a match classic from these two, but do expect lots of flexing and muscles.

    Lord Steven Regal vs. Konnan vs. Masahiro Chono

    This is for the Television Title and is really a continuation of the feud between Regal and Konnan; Chono was just thrown in by Bischoff to continue the theme of the night. So I would not expect much out of Chono. Look for more cheating from Regal, but with having to deal with two people this time he may find it more difficult to sneak away once again with his belt.

    Syxx vs. Chris Jericho

    On paper this one looks pretty good, and could help in making Jericho the star he coudl potentially become. Personally I think they could have threw Ultimo Dragon and Rey Mysterio Jr. into this one and made it for the Cruiserweight Title, but then I'm not the booker, now am I? Oh well, in a card filled with mostly matches that probably won't be anything special, this one's workrate will probably stand out. I'll call this one for match of the night honors.

    Remember, they tell us the card is subject to change. So ANYTHING can happen! Souled Out is in a couple days...I'm out!

    -John Weekes


  18. I wish I had gone with West Virginia..I had a pretty good feeling about them too. But the past two days have shown exactly why March Madness is so great. Here's to more of the same tomorrow (except in the Duke game...GO DUKE...and the Louisville game too because I have them in the final four)

  19. Collateral - 7/10

    Pretty good stuff here, not much to say about the movie that hasn't already been said since I am finally getting to see it for the first time. Many have said they didn't really like the ending and I have to agree with them on that note. I did really like the dialogue there between the two right before the action picked up at the end inside the car. Note to self: Don't make Tom Cruise mad.

    Now I just got to see Ray.

  20. WCW Monday Nitro

    January 20, 1997

    Nitro started off by showing the events from last week involving the Horsemen, including the backstage segment where Benoit walked out as well as Benoit vs. Big Bubba; which saw Jeff Jarrett hit Benoit with the Halliburton briefcase - whether it was intentional or not only Jarrett knows. We also see when Steve McMichael tries to help Benoit up, but Benoit shoved him away. That scene fades to clips from the State of the WCW Address and the end of the show when The Giant had Bischoff by the throat and forced him to make Hogan vs. Giant at Souled Out for the WCW World Heavyweight Title. The last shot of Giant tossing Bischoff out onto Hogan and the nWo is shown before the Nitro opening video. From there we get the panning of the crowd as the pyro went off on stage as Mean Gene Okerland was already in the ring to start Nitro off.

    Gene Okerland: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to MONDAY NITRO!! You can bet tonight will be a GREAT night for WCW, so let's get things start RIGHT AWAY here tonight. It is my pleasure to introduce to you the man who has a VERY important decision to make tonight, and that man is none other than the one and only DIAMOND....DALLAS...PAGE!

    Self High Five

    Diamond Dallas Page walked slowly out from the back as the unsure crowd met him with a mixed reaction. DDP looked just as unsure as the crowd as he walked out wearing simply blue jeans and a black T-Shirt. DDP continued slowly down the aisle, not acknowledging any of the fans, just simply looking at the ring as he made his way down the aisle. He climbed up the ring steps and stepped into the ring where he joined Okerland in the center of the ring.

    Gene Okerland: Now Dallas, I've known you for a LONG time...tell us...tell the world that you aren't possibly considering the offer by Bischoff.

    Diamond Dallas Page: You know something Mean Gene...I have known you for a long time, haven't I? Well, I've also known Eric Bischoff for a long time. I've known Kevin Nash for a long time. I've known Scott Hall for a long time. I broke into the business with those guys...we traveled up and down the roads together. Hell, me and Eric are neighbors! I consider myself to be have been very close to these guys.

    Gene Okerland: But you have put those days behind you, right?

    Diamond Dallas Page: Well...like I said, I've known these guys for a long time. And I also know how much stock to put in what they say. You see, some people's word is worth its weight in gold...while others don't mean crap. And I think you know as well as I do Gene, what the word of the New World Order means.

    Gene Okerland: Oooh yeah, I do.

    Diamond Dallas Page: I mean just look at the big goof The Giant. Hogan said he'd get a title shot...then refused to give it to him...The Giant wanted what he deserved, he gets kicked out and beaten down in a like ten on one. Eric...Eric, he said that I wouldn't have to worry about that. He said I was a "team player." He said that I was like family to him. "No worries Page, join the family...you know where you belong." For as long as I've known Bischoff, I've known that everything that comes out of his mouth is pure bullsh(bleeeeep).

    This turned DDP's mixed reaction into a loud pop from the audience.

    Gene Okerland: Oh yes! I like the sound of that? So does this mean you are turning down the offer?

    Diamond Dallas Page: Hold on Gene-o, don't jump the gun just yet. Let's think about something for a minute Gene. Just WHO in this industry can you trust anyway? It's a cutthroat business where every man is out for himself. One minute you'll think someone is your ally...you're friend...but mention the World Heavyweight Title in the conversation, and you'll find yourself at the wrong end of a chairshot. The truth of the matter is that when it comes down to it...when it comes down to the big gold belt that Hollywood Hogan has defaced with the black spray paint...there are no friends. How is ANYONE suppose to know who to trust in this damn company anymore? EVERYONE has their price Okerland...everyone has their price.

    Gene Okerland: Now what exactly is that suppose to mean.

    Diamond Dallas Page: It means exactly what I said it means...everyone has their price. And the checkbook of the New World Order has no bounds. You've got Eric Bischoff kissing Ted Turner's ass...and you've got the Million Dollar Man in their back pocket. No one can contend with that kind of backing. Not The Giant, not Lex Luger, not STING. Not even D...D...P.

    Gene Okerland: No Page...you can't be...

    Diamond Dallas Page: We've got to face the music sometime Gene...the nWo might be around for a while. Hell, they might be around for even longer than the WCW is. At this rate, they may even drive the WCW into the ground. And if that does happen, there's going to be two different types of people. The ones who sided with the nWo - the ones with all the fame, power, glory, money...they'll have it all. And the ones that sided with WCW - the ones who will be left without a job - right out on the street on their asses. And guess what...I HAVE SEEN WHAT THAT LIFE IS LIKE. I've been down in the gutter after losing all my money. And I will be DAMNED if I am sent back to that kind of life again.

    Gene Okerland: But Page, what about all the fans...all the WCW fans, all the DDP fans...you can't just turn your back on them.

    Diamond Dallas Page: You know something Gene-o...maybe you're right. My fans have always been very supportive of me. They've never done anything to make me do this to them. And I'd hate to be viewed as a gutless coward like Sting was and walk out on WCW. Maybe all WCW needs is to band together under real leadership...someone with a never say die attitude...there has to be a weakness in the New World Order.

    Gene Okerland: Alright, now hold on...you've jumped all around the issue Page. What is your decision?

    Diamond Dallas Page: On the matter of where my allegiance stands. I guess it all comes down to what is more important to me...is it the money...? Or...is it my pride? Ha, well I guess I promised Bischoff and the whole world an answer. So, from now one, Diamond Dallas Page is ONE HUNDRED PRECENT...

    Just as Page was about to give an answer, the arena lights and mics cut out. When the lights cut back on, Sting was standing right behind Page. Sting grabbed DDP by the hair, pulled him back, and dropped him with the Scorpion Death Drop. Gene Okerland left the ring quickly as Sting stood over DDP's body, and pressed the bat down against DDP's chest. The fans were giving Sting a mixed reaction as the cameras cut out to commercials.



    Tony Shiavone: Welcome back to Nitro fans, and what a surreal moment we just witnessed! We still don't know where Page stands! And during the break, he got up unassisted and stormed out of the ring. He was so mad he already left. What was THAT all about.

    Bobby Heenan: It's obvious, Tony.

    Tony Shiavone: Would you care to enlighten us Brain?

    Bobby Heenan: DDP was about to reveal that he's in the New World Order...and since Sting is ALSO with them, he came down to stop them from ruining the surprise.

    Tony Shiavone: Slander is a crime you know.

    Bobby Heenan: It is? Uh oh...then I guess I shouldn't have gave my nephew legal advice then...

    Tony Shiavone: Anyway fans, we've already had a lot go down and we're just starting. Later on tonight we will see Jeff Jarrett taking on the Four Horsemen's Chris Benoit, as well as The Blue Bloods taking on Hugh Morrus and Konnan formerly of the Dungeon of Doom...and in a preview to Souled Out - WCW United States Champion Eddie Guerrero will take on New World Order member Buff Bagwell! But first, we start the show off with a Cruiserweight Title Match! Ultimo Dragon puts his belt on the line against Rey Mysterio Jr., who won a shot last week against Dean Malenko! Let's go to the ring!

    WCW Cruiserweight Title Match

    Ultimo Dragon © (w/Sony Oono) vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.

    Ultimo Dragon and Rey Mysterio went back and forth in what can only be described as a breath taking match that showed what WCW Cruiserweight wrestling is all about. The fans even began to get into the match, unlike last week's cruiserweight match. Rey sent Ultimo out of the ring and was going to slingshot out of the ring with a plancha onto Dragon, but Oono shoved Dragon out of the way and Rey hit the floor hard. Ultimo then climbed up slowly onto the apron as Rey began to pull himself up. Dragon jumped onto the ropes and hit the Asai Moonsault onto Rey on the outside. Dragon was up first and rolled Rey back into the ring. Rey rolled into the ring on his back as Ultimo climbed onto the apron and then onto the top turnbuckle. Ultimo Dragon came off the top turnbuckle looking for a moonsault onto the prone Rey, but it turned out Rey wasn't as prone as we thought as he rolled out of the way, causing Dragon to hit nothing but canvas.

    Rey used the ropes to pull himself up as Ultimo Dragon too was slow to get up. Rey bounced off the ropes and came into the recovering Dragon, hitting him with a tilt-a-whirl head scissors takedown. Dragon rolled back to his feet quickly, only to get hit by a spinkick from Rey. Rey then rolled out onto the apron as Dragon began to pull himself up. Oono tries to pull Rey off the apron, but Rey kicked him aside. Rey then springboarded into the ring going for a sunset flip onto Dragon. However, Dragon countered and then sat down on Rey for a pin attempt of his own, craddling Rey's legs - One, Two, Rey escaped. Dragon used this to retake the control of the match and try to keep the quick Rey grounded. He eventually got the Dragon Sleeper locked on, and it looked like it might be the end for the valiant Rey Mysterio. However, Rey didn't give up, and instead fought is way to the turnbuckle and used his legs to run up the turnbuckle and flip backwards, reversing the Dragon Sleeper into a variation of falling inverted DDT! Rey was slow to recover, but he did manage to make the cover - One, Two, Thre....Dragon just barely kicked out in time.

    Dragon began to pull himself up, but Rey planted him head first with a mat slam. Rey then climbed up to the top turnbuckle and waited as Dragon began to pull himself up once again. Rey leaped off the top turnbuckle flying right at Dragon, but Dragon saw Rey coming and met him with a super stiff kick right to the midsection. Rey dropped to his knees on the mat holding his midsection. Dragon came up from behind Rey, pulled him to his feet, and then hit him with a Dragon Suplex. One, Two, Thre.....Rey got out of the pinning combination at the last possible second. Dragon stomped on Rey a couple times before pulling him up and Irish Whipping him into the ropes. Off the ropes, Rey slid between Dragon's legs. Dragon turned around right into a rana craddle pin from Rey - One, Two, Thre...kickout. Rey met Ultimo back to his feet with a kick to the midsection and then went for a sitdown powerbomb to Dragon. However, as he lifted Dragon up, Dragon countered by sliding down Rey's back and then locking the Dragon Sleeper on once again. Rey tried to fight it off for a second time, but Dragon dropped to his knees on the mat to keep Rey from moving. Rey did not tap out, but once referee Billy Silverman checked Rey's arm...it dropped three times and Silverman called for the bell.

    Winner and STILL Cruiserweight Champion - Ultimo Dragon

    Overall: 72

    Crowd: 62

    Match: 100

    Tony Shiavone: What a match! That's why cruiserweight action belongs in WCW!

    Bobby Heenan: Alright, now that the midgets are done...let's get to some REAL action.

    Tony Shiavone: Well for some REAL action, let's send it back to Gene Okerland who is standing by with "The Total Package" Lex Luger.

    Luger Motivates?

    Backstage, surprisingly enough, Gene Okerland was standing by with Lex Luger, who was not scheduled for action tonight yet was for some reason still shiney and wearing his wrestling gear.

    Gene Okerland: "Total Package" Lex Luger, this Saturday at Souled Out...you are facing the nWo's own Buff Bagwell. Now your feelings on the New World Order have been well documented, what do you think about their methods of deciding who you face at Souled Out?

    Lex Luger: It's just like it always is. They all talk big infront of the camera, but when it comes to making the big matches...they wuss out. Buff Bagwell wouldn't be facing me if he didn't have to. That's the nWo mentality. They don't fight anyone unless they have to. And when they do, the numbers are always in their favor. It really doesn't matter to me who the nWo throws at me, because as long as I stand for WCW...I will take on each and every one of them. I might as well be taking on each and every one of them anyway since in a match with one of them you have to deal with all of them. And that's really making me sick to see quite frankly. Each and every week I watch as another member of the WCW locker room gets his butt handed to him out there. I'm sick of it!

    Gene Okerland: You were in that position two weeks ago Lex, and someone did come to your rescue. Except it wasn't someone from the WCW locker room. It was The Giant.

    Lex Luger: See, that's my point exactly. It was the typical New World Order jump attack and spray paint job...we've seen it a dozen times atleast. And who comes out? Not someone from the WCW locker room...not my former best friend Sting...it was a NEW WORLD ORDER MEMBER! What does that say about the WCW locker room?

    Gene Okerland: Well to be fair, The Giant isn't eactly nWo anymore.

    Lex Luger: Oh but we don't know that. What if it's all just a big plan to get us to trust The Giant again, so that he can backstab us once again. No, the Giant can't be trusted.

    Gene Okerland: But he saved you from a beating!

    Lex Luger: He did...but isn't that what someone who wanted you to trust them would do? But how can anyone who turned his back on the WCW once be trusted? He can't. But I can be trusted. And I want to send a plea out to the WCW locker room...it's time for us to step up and band together to face the New World Order. Not one person can do it alone...but if we fight together, we can overcome the New World Order!

    Luger stared into the camera, shook his head, and then walked past Gene Okerland.

    Gene Okerland: We'll be right back! Don't go anywhere!



    Coming back from commercial, the last bit of the Luger interview was played again for those of us with no short term memory.

    Tony Shiavone: Strong words from Luger! Looks like he really is trying to step up and be the WCW leader.

    Bobby Heenan: Trust him? I can't trust him further than I can throw him.

    Tony Shiavone: And why not?

    Bobby Heenan: I don't trust anyone who uses more wax on their own body than their car. It's rule number 3.

    Tony Shiavone: Well at Souled Out, there will be a lot of questions about trust...as every match will be WCW vs. nWo. And right now we have a prelude to Souled Out with a WCW vs. nWo match in the form of Eddie Guerrero vs. Buff Bagwell!

    Non-Title Match

    Eddie Guerrero vs. Buff Bagwell (w/Vincent & Ted DiBiase)

    Just a decent match here, as Buff Bagwell botched several spots against Eddie Guerrero. Bagwell powered Eddie Guerrero into the corner and was wailing away at him, but took a moment to stop and pose for the unappreciative crowd. As a result he found himself eatting a couple of forearm shots from Guerrero who then brought Bagwell down face first into the top turnbuckle with a drop toehold. Bagwell stumbled backwards into a rollup from Eddie Guerrero - One, Two, kickout. Bagwell stumbled up to his feet only to be taken down once again by a dropkick from the fired up Guerrero. Tony Shiavone took time out to remind us of what happened to his nephew Chavo last week at the hands of Nash of the nWo and that at Souled Out Eddie Guerrero would be facing a mystery nWo member for the United States Title (which DiBiase had with him at ringside). As Eddie hit a snap suplex on Bagwell, DiBiase grabbed Guerrero's attention from ringside and flashed him the US belt. Guerrero slid out of the ring and went after DiBiase, who fled immediately. Vincent stepped in to try to stop Guerrero, but Guerrero decked Vincent. As Guerrero was about to get his hands on DiBiase, Bagwell hit a baseball slide to Guerrero, sending him into the gaurd rail.

    Bagwell took advantage of Guerrero on the outside, dropping him across the gaurd rail a couple times and then throwing him into the ring steps. As the count neared ten, Bagwell climbed back into the ring to distract Charles Robinson, allowing Vincent to hold Guerrero as DiBiase hit some cheap right hands to Guerrero. They drop Guerrero back to the floor as Bagwell climbed back out of the ring and continud his work on Guerrero. He stomped Guerrero into the floor and then rolled him back into the ring. Bagwell climbed back into the ring and went straight to the top turnbuckle going for the Buff Blockbuster. Guerrero stumbled to his feet, but moved out of the way as Bagwell came off the top. A brainbuster from Eddie set Buff up perfectly in the center of the ring. Eddie moved to the top turnbuckle to go for his Frog Splash, but this brought Vincent predictably up onto the apron to distract the ref. Ted DiBiase then climbed onto the apron and clocked Eddie in the back with the US Belt. Eddie fell off the top turnbuckle to the mat as Bagwell rolled over to make the cover. Charles Robinson turned around to see the pin - One, Two, Three.

    Winner - Buff Bagwell

    Overall: 66

    Crowd: 70

    Match: 78

    WCW Shows Unity

    Ted DiBiase and Vincent entered the ring. They lifted Eddie back up off the mat as Buff began taking some more cheap shots at Eddie. DiBiase called for some troops from the back. This brought out Syxx, who came out with spray paint in hand.

    Tony Shiavone: Oh no...

    Bobby Heenan: That Syxx is no Piccasso.

    Syxx entered the ring and joined in on the attack on Eddie Guerrero as the fans' boos grew louder. However, from the back came "Lionheart" Chris Jericho! He slid into the ring and took out Syxx from behind. He then hit a dropkick to Bagwell to send him to the mat.

    Tony Shiavone: Chris Jericho has had issues with the nWo's constant interfering the past couple weeks, including this past Saturday on Saturday Night!

    Jericho easily decked DiBiase, and then took Vincent down with an enziguri. Syxx was back up and exchanging rights and lefts with Jericho when The Outsiders, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash, hit the ring to stop Jericho. They began triple teaming Jericho until The Steiner Brothers appeared from the back to make the save this time.

    Tony Shiavone: It's about time the WCW stepped up!

    The Steiner Brothers went toe-to-toe with the Outsiders as Syxx and Jericho continued to go at it. Buff Bagwell was recovering and trying to join in when Lex Luger also came running down to the ring. It didn't take long before the faces cleared the ring of the New World Order.

    Bobby Heenan: Well I'll be...they did it!

    Tony Shiavone: Lex Luger, The Steiner Brothers, Eddie Guerrero, and Chris Jericho just cleared the ring of the New World Order!

    Bobby Heenan: Well, not all of them.

    The Outsiders, Syxx, and the rest of the nWo made their way back up the aisle and stared down the faces in the ring, who were pacing back and forth. Chris Jericho grabbed the microphone.

    Chris Jericho: That's it! That's it! I've seen enough! Week after week after week AFTER WEEK - EVERYTIME the New World Order has a match...you see another nWo shirt sticking their grubby little noses into the match! WELL I'VE HAD ENOUGH! I've been victim to it too! And all this nWo-ference HAS TO STOP! If you want to have your little nWo vs. WCW matches, that's just fine...but WE'RE going to make sure that the matches are as fair as possible! AND THAT MEANS NO INTERFERENCE! Someone has to put a stop to it, and it's gonna be us!

    Back on the stage, the nWo did not look to scared...as Scott Hall even mocked him with his "Oh we're so scared" hand jesture.

    Chris Jericho: Oh yeah, you better be! And since we're going through with these WCW vs. nWo matches...how about you guys let someone else make the matches for once. How about this Syxx...you've cost me two matches in two weeks, well how about you and me and Souled Out? Unless...you're...CHICKEN!

    Jericho imitates chicken noises into the mic, which drives Syxx crazy as he apparantly agrees to the match. Jericho had a big grin on his face and then looked back to the guys in the ring.

    Chris Jericho: Good. Now, how about a little more fun for tonight? Since I'm on this little powertrip and getting my way...how about a preview to Souled Out? How about...I don't know...Scott Steiner versus...oh say, Kevin Nash?!

    The fans wanted to see it, and Scott Steiner definitely wanted it. Kevin Nash seemed less than thrilled, and it looked like he was going to return to the back without accepting the challenge...but then Jericho taunted him with the chicken calls again. Kevin Nash turned around with a sneer and started down the aisle only to be stopped by Scott Hall and Ted DiBiase.

    Chris Jericho: Awww, let the big boy come down and play!

    Kevin Nash pointed to them in the ring and said he would see Steiner later tonight. The nWo finally returned to the back with WCW's representatives celebrating in the ring.



    The Blue Bloods vs. Konnan & Hugh Morrus (w/Jimmy Hart)

    Another dropoff in match quality for this one. The crowd seemed to be a bit more dead for this match too, I assume this was the popcorn/bathroom break match. Shiavone reminded us of Regal's history with the Television Title and his dirty methods for retaining and how Konnan wants to end the dirty methods. Anyway, Regal started off against Konnan, and was looking good early on as he was taking Konnan to the mat with some classic chain wrestling. When Konnan started to fight his way back into the match, a little cheating did the trick for Regal as well. Regal took Konnan to the mat with a half nelson suplex and then made the tag in to David Taylor. Regal pulled Konnan up and held him in a full nelson as David Taylor hit some European uppercuts to the restrained Konnan. Taylor tries to pick up where Regal left off, but Konnan fought Taylor off and made the tag to Morrus. The power of Morrus was proving to be too much for Taylor as he hit him with repeated clotheslines. A scoop and a slam followed by a standing splash onto Taylor resulted in a two count for Morrus.

    It became a bit of a role reversal of sorts as Hugh Morrus and Konnan were actually completely dominating David Taylor, making him the heel in peril. Lord Steven Regal just watched on from the apron, shaking his head in utter disgust that Taylor was being destroyed. Morrus tagged Konnan in and they walked to the corner where Taylor was recovering. Hugh Morrus grabbed Taylor and Irish Whipped him into the opposite corner. He then Irish Whipped Konnan who ran into the corner with a Rolling Clothesline to Taylor as he was stumbling out. Taylor hit the mat and Konnan went for the pin. One Two, Thre...Regal just barely made it in and broke the count, although he did not look happy about having to do so. Konnan stared down Regal as he continued to work over Taylor. Morrus and Konnan continued to show their tag skills as they kept Taylor from making it back to the corner. Taylor finally did manage to gouge Hugh Morrus' eye and then gave him a low blow. Taylor slowly crawled on his knees over to the corner and asked for the tag to Regal. Regal looked very disappointed at the groveling Taylor, but tagged himself in anyway.

    Morrus was recovering as Regal entered and gave Morrus a set of European Uppercuts and forearm smashes. Regal worked over Morrus until he went for a underhook powerbomb, but Morrus powered out with a backdrop. Regal began to get back to his feet, but Morrus met him with some right hands and then attempted an Irish Whip, but Regal reversed it and sent Morrus into the ropes. Regal went for a backdrop, but Morrus saw it coming and drove his knee into Regal's head. Morrus tagged in Konnan and they took Regal to the mat with a double clothesline. Regal fought back against Konnan, hitting him with some stiff closed hand fists. Following a hangman neckbreaker, Regal went for the pin - One, Two, kickout by Konnan. Regal pulled Konnan up and sent him into the ropes, but Konnan reversed it. Off the ropes, Konnan met Regal with a kick to the midsection and then planted him to the mat with a mat slam. Konnan wasted no time locking on the Tequila Sunrise to Regal. Taylor tried to make the save, but Hugh Morrus put a stop to that. After a few moments of trying to fight it, Regal gave in and tapped out!

    Winners - Konnan & Hugh Morrus

    Overall: 60

    Crowd: 63

    Match: 71

    Tony Shiavone: Konnan just got a clean victory over the Television champion!

    Bobby Heenan: So? The title wasn't on the line.

    Tony Shiavone: Yeah but you think that would qualify him for a title shot!

    Bobby Heenan: Nope, I don't see your logic.


    Another Match for Souled Out

    Coming back from commercials we were brought in on the nWo suite, which was not a very pleasant atmosphere following what happened with Luger, Jericho, Guerrero, and the Steiner Brothers earlier. The entire nWo was present, including nWo Sting and Masahiro Chono. Eric Bischoff was there to address the troops.

    Eric Bischoff: Ok listen, we can't worry about Luger or any of them...we'll take care of them at Souled Out.

    Kevin Nash: Correction - I'll be taking care of Scott Steiner tonight. At Souled Out it will be a handi-cap match.

    Eric Bischoff: See, that's the kind of thinking I like. But right now we have some more important business to handle...and that is the so called World Title match at Souled Out.

    Hollywood Hogan: There's no way The Giant is getting this belt brother...it's staying right where it belongs. This is its home.

    Eric Bischoff: Exactly. Alright Hollywood, let's go take care of business...

    Just as Bischoff and Hogan were about to leave the suite, Jimmy Hart barged in with Konnan right by his side.

    Eric Bischoff: What the...what is this all about??

    Jimmy Hart: Eric...Mr. Bischoff! Did you just see what happened out there in the ring?

    Eric Bischoff: Um no Jimmy, I'm a little preoccupied right now. So if you don't mind...

    Konnan: Yo dawg, I just schooled Steven Regal.

    Jimmy Hart: That's right, he did! And I think it's pretty obvious that Konnan deserves a shot at the Television Title at Souled Out!

    Eric Bischoff: Ugh...listen Konnan, Jimmy, it looks like you do deserve a shot at the title; but Souled Out is the nWo's show, not yours. And for there to be a Television Title....hmm...

    Bischoff pauses to think and then a smirk comes onto his face. He glances back into the suite.

    Jimmy Hart: What?! What is it??

    Eric Bischoff: I just had a GENIOUS idea. Hey Chono - you've had some pretty good wins lately, how would you like a Television Title shot?

    Masahiro Chono looked at Bischoff with a confused look on his face, apparantly unable to understand what Bischoff is saying. Scott Hall then leaned over into Chono's ear and whispered something to him. Chono smiled and nodded his head in agreement.

    Konnan: Yo yo yo WAIT A MINUTE. Where's my shot?

    Eric Bischoff: Now, now Konnan, I never said you weren't getting a shot. Because at Souled Out we're going to have Lord Steven Regal defending his Television Title against Masahiro Chono...AND Konnan. Now if you would excuse us gentlemen, we have somewhere to be.

    Konnan and Jimmy Hart left, satisfied that Konnan would be getting the title shot. Bischoff and Hogan then bid farewell to the suite as they headed for the ring.


    Meet Mr. McLauren

    "Voodoo Child" was playing right back from commercials as Eric Bischoff and Hollywood Hogan walked out onto the stage to loud boos from the crowd. Hogan had his belt and was playing it like a guitar on the stage to his music.

    Tony Shiavone: We're back fans...and I have no idea what Bischoff and Hogan are up to coming out here right now.

    Bobby Heenan: They're up to no good is what they're up to.

    Bischoff and Hogan finally got to the ring and Eric Bischoff grabbed the microphone from David Penzer.

    Eric Bischoff: What great fans we have!

    The fans just continued booing Bischoff as he ignored them.

    Eric Bischoff: I just know that everyone is excited about the New World Order presents SOULED OUT this Saturday...I suggest if you haven't pre-ordered it yet...WHAT ARE YA WAITING FOR? It's going to be the biggest show ever put on and a million times better than any of these Dubbya Cee Dubbya shows that are put on every month. How can you not want to see The Outsiders defending the Tag Titles against The Steiner Brothers; or the unlikely tag partners of Jeff Jarrett and Chris Benoit taking on Big Bubba and Michael Wallstreet; or maybe you are wondering about who will be the mystery opponent for Eddie Guerrero? However, there is one match that I know none of you really wanted to see anyway...and that's Hollywood Hogan vs. The Giant. Some of you may be under the impression that this match will be taking place, well I hate to tell you, but it's not going to take place. Because you see, last week The Giant put his hands on me and I happen to be the WCW President. And since he laid his hands on a WCW official, I have NO choice but to suspend him for Souled Out! Thus, he will not be present and there will be no match!

    Hollywood Hogan: And it's too bad too, brother! Because I was really looking forward to laying the whoopin' on that big tall joker! But if you're gonna do the crime...you gotta do the time too brother! And that is exactly what The Giant is gonna have to do on Saturday instead of taking on the 24 inch pythons. So it looks like for Souled Out I will be taking the night off and watching the action from the comforts of the New World Order suite. I'll have the best seat in the house for watchin' the black and white defeat WCW!

    As Hogan finished, the Giant's theme music cranked up on the speakers around the arena. The Giant walked out to a pop from the crowd and he had a man with him dressed in a business suit and carrying a briefcase. Bischoff and Hogan looked perplexed as The Giant and the man entered the ring.

    Eric Bischoff: Wait just a minute here...what is this all about?

    The Giant: Mr. Bischoff....Hogan...I'd like you to meet my attorney, Mr. McLauren.

    Eric Bischoff: What is the meaning of this?

    The Giant: I'd love to explain it to you...but I think he can do it best.

    Mr. McLauren: I'm going to cut right to the chase Mr. Bischoff and Mr. Hogan, according to the WCW Rulebook - the WCW World Heavyweight Title must be defended at least once every thirty days. You, Hogan, have not defended your title in the given time and therefore, if you do not defend your belt at Souled Out, the WCW Executive Committee will strip you of the belt and there will nothing even Mr. Bischoff can do about it.

    Hollywood Hogan: What? What?!

    Eric Bischoff: Calm down...I can handle this. Fine, you want to see a title match at Souled Out? At Souled Out, Hollywood Hogan will defend the World Heavyweight Title against VINCENT!

    Hogan and Bischoff laughed as they think they have outsmarted everyone once again, but the lawyer was not through yet.

    Mr. McLauren: You think you have all the answers Mr. Bischoff? Well, also according to the rulebook, the WCW World Heavyweight Champion must defend the title against the number one contender before defending it against anyone else, because after all - that is the point of having a number one contender. And as a result of my client's victory at World War III, The Giant IS the Number One Contender to the WCW World Heavyweight Title. And as a result of last week, The Giant has a verbal contract with you Mr. Bischoff for a title match at Souled Out. Failure to make sure you do all within your power to make the match happen, you would be failing to honor your end of the verbal contract, and you can face the consequences of not doing so.

    Eric Bischoff: Face the consequences? Is that a threat? DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM? I am the PRESIDENT of WCW. You can't threaten me.

    Mr. McLauren: You're right, I do not have the authority to do anything. However, it would be in your best interest to honor your end of the verbal contract, because the WCW Executive Committee does have some say in determining the fate of the WCW President. And I think the WCW Executive Committee would like to see this match at Souled Out.

    Hollywood Hogan: Well let me ask you sumthin brother, what makes you such an expert on what the WCW Executive Committee wants?

    Mr. McLauren: That's an easy one, Mr. Hogan. That is because not only am I an attorney, but I am also one of the members of the WCW Executive Committee!

    Hogan and Bischoff's eyes grew wide and they had a quick talk amongst themselves. Bischoff brought the microphone back up to his mouth as Hogan began to pace around the ring.

    Eric Bischoff: Ok...so...it looks like my back is against the wall here. Looks like I have NO choice. Well, alright. But it's going to be hard for The Giant to have a match at Souled Out if he can't MAKE IT TO SOULED OUT!

    Just as Bischoff said this, Hogan clocked the Giant from behind with the WCW Heavyweight Title. The Giant fell to a knee as Mr. McLauren quickly exited the ring. Hogan gave The Giant another shot with the belt to send him all the way to the mat.

    Tony Shiavone: That was just a cheap shot!

    Hogan rolled the large Giant over onto his back and then hit him with the running Legdrop. Hogan stood up and Bischoff celebrated with them as they left the ring with "Voodoo Child" playing once again. They stopped halfway up the aisle to continue their celebration. However, when the turned back to look at the ring, The Giant was getting back to his feet and he was NOT happy to say the least.

    Bobby Heenan: Uh oh! The sleeping Giant is awaken!

    Hogan and Bischoff were in utter disbelief at how fast The Giant recovered. The Giant spotted Hogan and Bischoff and went for the ropes, stepping out of the ring and then jumping down off the apron. Bischoff and Hogan took off in a hurry backstage as The Giant gave chase.

    Tony Shiavone: Look at the cowards run! Hahaha! I'm loving every minute of this!

    The screen cut backstage as Hogan and Bischoff were still running for dear life. They made it to a waiting limo and they each jumped into the back seat. The Giant came around the corner just as they slammed the door shut. The Giant made it to the limo and tried to open the door, but found it locked. He gave the door a big kick, leaving a huge dent in the door just as the limo took off. The Giant chased after the limo, but before he knew it - it was gone.

    Tony Shiavone: There will be no running from The Giant for Hollywood Hogan at Souled Out!



    Before the next match, we got a recap of Bagwell/Guerrero from earlier and the set up following the match that led to this next match.

    Scott Steiner vs. Kevin Nash

    Each man came out by themselves, which was unusual for Nash but perhaps he wanted to prove that the nWo did not need interference to win. Like most matches since Rey and Ultimo, it was decent at best. This was a battle of power against power, as both men went right at each other. Nash held a slight upperhand in that department, and that allowed him to take control early. Nash got Steiner in the corner and worked him over, driving his elbow repeatedly into Steiner's neck. Nash then brought his boot up and began to choke Steiner - One, Two, Three, Four, Nash was forced to release the choke. Steiner stumbled out of the corner into a right hand from Nash that leveled Steiner. Nash bounced off the ropes and went to drop an elbow down onto Steiner, but Steiner rolled out of the way and Nash hit the mat with his elbow. Nash tried to stay on the offensive, but Steiner used a chopblock to take Nash's legs out from under him and as a result send him to the mat. Steiner quickly stomped on the same arm Nash missed the elbow with, taking advantage of a perhaps weakened part of Nash's body. Steiner used Nash's arm to his advantage, and eventually locked Nash with a cross armbar.

    Nash's long legs allowed him to reach the ropes and break the hold. Steiner tried to keep Nash down, but Nash's power allowed him to fight his way back up and he drove his knee into Steiner's midsection before a kneesmash to the head sent Steiner to the mat. Nash tried to shake away the pain in his arm, showing that Steiner's strategy was paying off. Steiner didn't want to stay down either, as he got up he managed to catch Nash in a hammerlock. Nash fought his way free with back elbows from his free arm. Nash took another wild swing at Steiner, but Steiner ducked and showed his power as he lifted Nash up and dropped him to them at with a back suplex. Steiner with the cover - One, Two, kickout. Both men got up to their feet. Steiner attempted an Irish Whip, but Nash sent Steiner into the ropes and then got him off the ropes with a back elbow. Nash once again showed the effects in his arm as he had held his arm in pain after sending Steiner to the mat.

    Nash shook off the pain and dropped Steiner across the top turnbuckle with the Snake Eyes. Steiner stumbled away from the corner into a sideslam from Nash. Nash with the cover - One, Two, Thr...shoulder up. Nash pulled Steiner up and set him up for the Jackknife, but once he lifted Steiner up, Steiner hit him with some right hands to the head. Nash fell backwards with Steiner landing ontop of him. Steiner stayed on for the cover. One, Two, kickout. Nash got up and went for a right hand to Steiner, but Steiner blocked and then twisted Nash's arm around in an arm-wrench and then pulled him into a short-arm Steinerline. The fans were firing Steiner up as Nash got back up to his feet. Steiner hooked Nash and hit him with a swinging belly-to-belly suplex. Steiner went for the pin - One, Two, Thre....kickout. A frustrated Nash rolled out of the ring to escape Steiner. Steiner wanted to go after Nash, but referee Mark Johnson tried to keep him in the ring. Nash picked up a chair and was walking back towards the ring when Steiner hit him with a baseball slide. Nash dropped to the floor but was still holding the chair. Steiner reached out of the ring and grabbed Nash by the head and began trying to pull him up while still being in the ring..but Nash grabbed the chair and brought it up, slamming it into Steiner's head. Mark Johnson saw this and immediately called for the bell.

    Winner via DQ - Scott Steiner

    Overall: 74

    Crowd: 87

    Match: 74

    Nash climbed back into the ring with the chair and began to measure Steiner up. Mark Johnson tried to stop Nash, but Nash shoved him to the mat. Steiner began to get up as Rick Steiner came running down to the ring just as Nash was about to crack Scott across the skull with a chairshot. Rick Steiner came up from behind Nash and pulled the chair from his hands. Rick Steiner swung the chair, but Nash ducked out of the way and left the ring in a hurry. Nash slowly walked back up the aisle as Rick Steiner helped his brother finish getting up.

    Tony Shiavone: A win for WCW...but not the kind of win we wanted.

    Bobby Heenan: A win is a win, and I think we should be happy to get what we can at this point.

    Mongo Gets the Night Off

    The screen cut to backstage in the Four Horsemen locker room, where Chris Benoit was finishing lacing up his boots as his match with Jeff Jarrett was up next. The rest of the Horsemen were all present, including Steve McMichael and Debra, still sporting the black eye.

    Ric Flair: Chris! Tonight you have to go out there and you're gonna show Jeff Jarrett EXACTLY why you deserve to be a Horsemen! He doubted your qualifications a couple weeks ago...well you show him what you're made of!

    Chris Benoit: I plan on it. I know I belong in the Horsemen...although SOME of us don't.

    Benoit was looking directly at Mongo as he said that...

    Steve McMichael: Aw come on now! I came out last week to help you, even after what you did to Debra.

    Chris Benoit: Help me? I lost last week. Thanks to you and that bimbo.

    Steve McMichael: HEY! We tried to help you! It was Jeff Jarrett that caused you to lose.

    Chris Benoit: Yeah, but she distracted the ref and you didn't do much help.

    Debra: Heeey...Jarrett was trying to help you too. He...just miscalculated.

    Chris Benoit: Yeah, whatever. Just do me a favor and BOTH of you stay away from the ring this time.

    Ric Flair: You know what Mongo, I think you better just take off for the rest of the night. Me and Arn got things under control here if the nWo decides to interfere. You go ahead and get a head start on us in taking the town! WOOOO! We'll catch up later!

    Steve McMichael: But...

    Arn Anderson: Ric's right Steve, we can handle things. You and Debra haven't had much time to yourself since becoming a Horsemen, so go ahead and spend some quality time together. Don't you worry about a thing.

    Mongo looked to Debra and then reluctantly gave in.

    Steve McMichael: Well alright...good luck guys. I'll catch ya later?

    Ric Flair: Oh yeah! You bet! WOOOO! Go have a good time kids!

    The camera faded to commercials as Steve McMichael and Debra walked out with their bags.



    Main Event

    Chris Benoit (w/Woman) vs. Jeff Jarrett

    While it was not as great a match as Rey vs. Ultimo, as far as story telling and crowd reaction it might have been just as good. This match was back and forth with the crowd behind Benoit and Jarrett getting a lot of heel heat. They locked up to start the match. A brief exchange in mat wrestling led to Benoit taking getting an early advantage. Benoit got Jarrett into the corner and hit him with some stiff knife edge chops to light up Jarrett's chest. However, Jarrett finally blocked one and reversed things in the corner so that he could unload some chops of his own to Benoit's chest. But Benoit didn't take long before he blocked Jarrett and fought his way out of the corner with more chops. He then kicked Jarrett in the midsection and took him to the mat with a snap suplex. Benoit went for a quick pin - One, Two, kickout. Jarrett pulled himself up to his feet and Benoit drove a forearm into the side of Jarrett's head and then whipped him into the ropes. Off the ropes Benoit caught Jarrett with a running knee lift to the midsection to send Jarrett flipping over to the mat.

    Benoit crawled onto Jarrett and began unloading vicious right hands to Jarrett's head, showing the anger inside Benoit. Randy Anderson finally pulled Benoit off of Jarrett, giving Jarrett some time to get to his feet. Benoit moved in and went for a right hand to Jarrett, but Jarrett blocked it and hit Benoit with some punches of his own. Jarrett took Benoit to the mat with a dropkick and then quickly moved in locking a chinlock onto Benoit. Benoit fought his way to his feet in no time with the fans behind him and broke free with some elbows to Jarrett's midsection. Jarrett sent Benoit back to the mat however as he grabbed Benoit by the head and just whipped his head backwards to the mat. Jarrett quickly hit a kneedrop to Benoit and went for a cover - One, Two, kickout. Jarrett was now establishing control over Benoit. After sending Benoit into the ropes, Jarrett ran off the ropes himself and hit a crossbody onto Benoit for another pin attempt - One, Two, kickout. Jarrett wanted to put Benoit away so he went for the Figure Four - but Benoit countered with a small package roll up - One, Two, Jarrett escaped.

    Jarrett was back up to his feet first and immediately took Benoit back down with a clothesline. Jarrett stomped on Benoit and pulled him to his feet. Jarrett whipped Benoit into the corner and then ran in with a clothesline. Jarrett lifted Benoit up to the top turnbuckle before joining him. Benoit tried to fight back, but Jarrett kept him at bay and then came off the top turnbuckle with a superplex that left both men down. Jarrett rolled over and made the cover - One, Two, Th...shoulder up. Jarrett stayed in control until he went for a back suplex to Benoit. Benoit flipped over and landed on his feet. He came up behind Jarrett quickly and hit him with a Release German Suplex. Benoit pulled Jarrett back to the center of the ring and then did the cut throat motion signaling he was going to take to the top rope. But before he could, Michael Wallstreet, Big Bubba, and Vincent arrived at ringside. Wallstreet got on the apron first - but Benoit knocked him down with a right hand. Big Bubba jumped onto the adjacent apron, but Benoit sent him down as well. Benoit climbed out onto the apron as Vincent got up there. Benoit grabbed Vincent and slammed him head first into the turnbuckle and sent him off the apron. Benoit finally got to the top turnbuckle and went for the swandive headbutt to Jarrett, but all this time had given Jarrett plenty of time to roll out of the way.

    Jarrett and Benoit both slowly began to pull themselves up as Big Bubba and Michael Wallstreet each got up on an opposite side of the ring. Benoit and Jarrett were both up, but instead of going after each other, Benoit turned and decked Wallstreet while Jarrett turned and decked Big Bubba. They turned around and continued their match with Jarrett going right at Benoit, but Benoit pulled Jarrett down to the mat and locked on the Crippler Crossface! Jarrett tried to fight it off, but was caught in the center of the ring and tapped out.

    Winner - Chris Benoit

    Overall: 74

    Crowd: 78

    Match: 89

    Benoit released the hold and was blindsided by both Big Bubba and Michael Wallstreet. With Jarrett down, Benoit was outnumbered. Vincent joined in on the attack until Ric Flair and Arn Anderson came down to make the save. Jarrett got up and joined in and helped the Horsemen rid the ring of the three nWo members. Bubba, Wallstreet, and Vincent fled the ring as The Horsemen along with Jeff Jarrett stood victorious in the ring.

    Tony Shiavone: The Horsemen stand tall...along with Jarrett?! We're out of time...can WCW continue on this momentum heading into Souled Out? Be sure to catch Souled Out to find out!!

    Jarrett backed off into the corner, uneasily staring down Benoit and the other Horsemen. The screen faded out on Jarrett and the Horsemen eyeing each other carefully...

    End Show.

    OVERALL - 76%


    Ultimo Dragon def. Rey Mysterio Jr.

    Buff Bagwell def. Eddie Guerrero

    Konnan & Hugh Morrus def. The Blue Bloods

    Scott Steiner def. Kevin Nash (DQ)

    Chris Benoit def. Jeff Jarrett

  21. user posted image

    Failure is not an option.

    This was Bill Watts' motto. Well, it is his motto now. He knows failure all too well. He had a run in with failure with the Jim Crockett Promotions. He was supposed to be the head writer, but all of his ideas were hardly fresh or original. There was always someone else who had a much bigger and much better idea than his, and thus it was not long before he was replaced as head writer and gone all together. But he would not give up. Wrestling was and always be his life and he would not let the changing times keep him out of the business he loves so much. And you know what they say...if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

    And join them he did. Bill Watts joined the National Wrestling Alliance Family in 1999 with the birth of NWA: Detroit Michigan. Perhaps the hardest part of opening a new company in an already loaded league such as the NWA was getting together the talent to run the promotion. It really came as no surprise when it was announced that Bill Watts' son Erik Watts would be a part of the promotion. Joining Watts was other big, hard hitting powerhouses that Watts has always liked to build a company around. He felt that the Detroit fans would share his appreciation for nonstop, hard hitting action. This included the likes of The Legion of Doom, Buff Bagwell, Brian Adams, The Steiner Brothers, One Man Gang The Harris Boys, as well as early cameos by Bam Bam Bigelow and Bill Goldberg.

    Watts did manage to get more than just these hard hitting brawlers, as he also managed to bring in Michigan's own hometown hero - Rob Van Dam. Van Dam has always had a huge following in Michigan, so he jumped at the opportunity to work infront of his most loyal fans. And to top that deal off, RVD brought in his longtime friend and partner, the "Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal" Sabu and their manager Bill Alfonso. The roster was shaping up nicely for Watts, but there was one signing he really prided himself in, and that is of the 1996 Olympic Gold Medalist - Kurt Angle. There was an obvious clashing of styles with Angle and the most of the roster, but Angle showed from day one that he had the charisma and the talent to become a superstar.

    Since the opening in 1999, Watts has kept an incoming flow of more wrestlers who fit the NWA:DM style coming and making appearances every once and a while. Talent such as CW Anderson, Tank Abbott, Rhyno, and Ahmed Johnson have came in along with up-and-comers such as Kevin Northcutt, Rodney Mack, and Ron Waterman. The future of NWA:DM looks to be as good as ever. In another big signing similar to that of Kurt Angle, in the middle of 2004 NWA:DM signed former NFL linebacker, Monty Brown. Brown played for the Buffalo Bills from 1993-1995. He won a Superbowl ring playing for the New England Patriots in 1996. But he was then traded to the Lions where he spent the next two seasons mostly benched due to injury and had to retire from the NFL as a result. However, when he became interested in wrestling, Bill Watts was there to give him the contract and send him to Motor City Gym where he continued his wrestling training. Brown is set to debut in NWA:DM in the near future.

    NWA: Detroit Michigan hasn't exactly set the world on fire since its debut in 1999, but it has been enough to keep the local fans happy and entertained. Fans of NWA:DM in the Michigan area can watch Rock City Wrestling every Saturday at 10:00 PM on the Comcast Sports Network.

    NWA Michigan Heavyweight Title

    user posted image

    Current Champion - Kurt Angle

    The first NWA Michigan Heavyweight Champion was crowned back in July of 1999 at the first show, Motor City Madness. It was decided in a main event 10-man battle royal, where the participants were decided in earlier qualifying matches during the show. The participants included: Rob Van Dam, Sabu, Buff Bagwell, Bam Bam Bigelow, Scott Steiner, Kurt Angle, Brian Adams, Erik Watts, and Mark Henry. When it came down to Bagwell, RVD, and Erik Watts - Bagwell sent RVD and Watts over the top rope while they battled with each other two become the first Michigan Heavyweight Champion. While the fans would have loved to see Rob Van Dam walk out with the belt, Bagwell was still a pretty big hit with the fans. Bagwell would hold onto the title until November when Kurt Angle would show how fast he could rise to the top as he had already become the most hated heel on the roster and took the title from Bagwell. Angle dominated the competition like no one else, taking on any and all challengers through 2000.

    Just when it looked like Angle might get all the way through 2000 without anyone coming close to taking the belt off of him, he met his "match" in December of 2000 in the form of...Erik Watts. Watts was getting a huge push, most think it was because of him being the son of the owner...but whatever the reason may be, he dethroned Angle to become the champion. Watts was being pushed as a megababyface, but the fans were not enjoying watching him get shoved down their throats...and now that he was champion, it only got worse. Angle decided to take a break from Detroit, and headed to NWA: Hawaii for 2001. With Angle gone, there was no real dominant heel, and thus no one who could take the belt off Watts. The problem of no top heel would soon solve itself as the fans began to turn against the heavily pushed Watts. Despite acting like the heroic face, he was getting loud boos every time he stepped into the ring. As a result, Watts' character took a turn for the heelside as he became a weazily and coniving heel who relied on his daddy's money. Watts' new character did wonders for him, as he actually became a credible heel champion over time.

    Watts would soon enter a bitter feud with Rob Van Dam over the belt after RVD's longtime tag partner Sabu went down with a neck injury (more on this in the tag title section). Much to the delight of the Michigan fans, Rob Van Dam defeated Erik Watts for the title in September of 2001. Erik Watts, however, would get a second title reign as he got the belt back against RVD in February of 2002. It was another lengthy reign for Watts as he sneaked his way to victory against the likes of RVD, Buff Bagwell, and a returning Sabu in late 2002. The one to take the title off of Watts this time was a fresh-face in a new local hero, Rhyno. Rhyno with the spear he calls the Gore on Watts through a table was enough to win the belt in January 2003.

    In August of 2003, Kurt Angle made his return to NWA:DM and immediately was challenging Rhyno for the Michigan Heavyweight Title. In October, he successfully defeated Rhyno, making him tap out to an Ankle Lock. Their feud would continue for the rest of 2003, but Rhyno would be unable to regain the title. Then in February 2004, former NCAA wrestling champion Brock Lesnar showed up on the Detroit scene to challenge Angle on his claim of being the only true REAL wrestler. The fans were really getting behind Lesnar as he one-upped Angle and defeated him for the title in May. However, when Lesnar got into a dispute with Bill Watts over not wanting to lose the title to Erik Watts, Angle would win the belt back in August.

    Kurt Angle has held onto the title since, and has a new rival in Rob Van Dam who has returned to the Heavyweight Title scene once again. Rob Van Dam found allies in The Steiner Brothers, but Angle (who has brought in his brother Eric Angle) started to form an alliance of "REAL" athletes...starting with Rick Steiner who turned on his brother to join up with Kurt Angle in December 2004. Scott Steiner beat Rick Steiner to get a shot at the Michigan Heavyweight Title, but came up just short of defeating Angle in February. In March, Rob Van Dam could finally get his shot at Kurt Angle if he and Scott Steiner could beat Kurt Angle and Rick Steiner...but it would not come to be as RVD was turned on by Scott Steiner, who after losing cleanly to Kurt Angle realized who the true athletes in NWA:DM are. And that brings us to where we are now...

    NWA:DM Tag Team Titles

    Current Champions - Vacant?

    Early on, NWA:DM was home to one of the most legendary tag teams known to wrestling - The Legion of Doom. August of 1999 saw them become the first Tag Team champions in NWA Detroit in a one night tournament where they beat The Steiner Brothers in the final round. The Steiner Brothers and the LOD had a bitter rivalry throughout the rest of 1999 and early 2000 which saw the titles change hands between the teams an a couple of occassions, with the Steiners beating LOD in January 2000 only to have LOD win them back in March. NWA: Hawii came a calling for the LOD, much like Angle later, so they dropped the titles to RVD and Sabu in August. RVD & Sabu successfully retained in a feud with the Harris Boys, but then entered a feud with Kronik - Bryan Clark and Brian Adams. In what was to be the blow off match of the feud in December 2000, Kronik won the tag titles...but they injured Sabu's neck on a botched double chokeslam out of the ring when Sabu was suppose to go through the table at ringside, but they just missed.

    2001 saw the debut of a new fan favorite team - The 8 Mile Soldierz, consisting of Mark Henry and Ahmed Johnson with their manager Jazz. They feuded with Kronik and The Harris Boys throughout 2001, with each team getting a turn holding the tag titles as Harris Boys won them in April, Kronik won them back in June, 8 Mile Soldierz taking the belts in a triple threat match in September, only to have Kronik win them back for a third reign in November. NWA Texas' Bam Bam Bigelow made another appearance in NWA:DM, this time alongside his Jersey friend Chris Kanyon to challenge for the Tag Titles. Bigelow & Kanyon saw their tag title reign in April 2002. Bigelow & Kanyon held the belts until it was time for Bigelow to return to Texas, seeing them lose the straps back to The Steiner Brothers in September 2002. The tag division really was slow as no other real teams could challenge for the Steiners besides Kronik. However, Sabu returned in late 2002 and after unsuccessfully going after the Heavyweight Title, he reunited with RVD and had a respect feud with the Steiners that saw RVD & Sabu get their second title reign in May 2003. The Legion of Doom returned in early 2003 as well and helped to ignite things.

    Just when it looked like the tag division may be going somewhere, two big hits occured. First, in August 2003 Sabu suffered another injury after he botched a dive out of the ring, forcing plans to change midmatch and RVD had to be pinned by unlikely champions of Brian Lawler and Jamie Dundee. Lawler and Dundee became by far the smallest wrestlers in NWA: Detroit Michigan to wear gold. This would not last long, as they would lose the belts in September to Kronik. The next big hit to the tag division would come when Road Warrior Hawk of the Legion of Doom died in his sleep in October. Road Warrior Animal left Detroit to take a break from wrestling in order to get over a loss of his good friend. However, he would return in early 2005 in search of a new Road Warrior.

    Kronik held the tag titles until March of 2004 when they would be defeated by The Steiner Brothers. The Steiners held the titles and never lost them. The titles, however, have been suspended following the breakup of the Steiners in December 2004. However, now that they are reunited, we could see the Tag Titles return.

    NWA:DM Television Title

    user posted image

    Current Champion - Erik Watts

    Once NWA:DM struck up their TV deal with Comcast in May 2004, they decided to create the Television Title. It might as well be named the Title for Erik Watts Since He's not Heavyweight Champion Anymore...but that would just be too long. The story behind the belt was that on the first TV show, Watts claimed that he had used his daddy's money to buy the belt and thus he declared himself the champion. Watts and his hired hands (Watts Inc.) who constantly are around to help him win kept the title safely his his hands until Buff Bagwell started outsmartting Watts' crew. Bagwell won the Television Title off of Watts in September. But Bagwell would not have much of an opportunity to enjoy his title as Watts would win it back in December of 2004. With Watts' having so many hired hands, it makes him almost impossible to beat...

    The Roster


    Ahmed Johnson

    Bill Alfonso

    Brian Adams

    Bryan Clark

    Buff Bagwell

    CW Anderson

    Don Harris

    Eric Angle

    Erik Watts


    Kevin Northcutt

    Kurt Angle

    Mark Henry

    Monty Brown

    Nathan Jones

    One Man Gang


    Rick Steiner

    Road Warrior Animal

    Rob Van Dam

    Rodney Mack

    Ron Harris

    Ron Waterman


    Scott Steiner

    Tank Abbott

    Tag Teams

    The Steiner Brothers - Rick Steiner & Scott Steiner

    Kronik - Bryan Adams & Brian Clark

    Harris Boys - Ron Harris & Don Harris

    8 Mile Soldierz - Mark Henry & Ahmed Johnson w/Jazz

    RVD & Sabu - Rob Van Dam & Sabu w/Bill Alfonso


    Watts Inc. - Erik Watts, Tank Abbott, CW Anderson, The Harris Boys


    Bill Watts (Owner)

    Johnny Ace (Booking Committee/Road Agent)

    Victor Anthony (Play-By-Play)

    Mark Madden (Color Commentary)

    Bill Alfonso (Senior Referee/Road Agent)

    Chris Kay (Referee)

    David Legault (Referee)

    Road Warrior Animal (Trainer)

  22. I have never read the comics before, but one day I happened to look at the original trailer for it and have been wanting to see this movie ever since. But I do wonder if this movie will still be good for people who have never read thew books? I hope so because I am really looking forward to seeing this.

    And I too thought it was 3 stories: "Sin City", "The Big Fat Kill" and "That Yellow Bastard." Atleast according to IMDb.

  23. The first day did not fair well for me...but luckily no one major from my bracket has been taken out yet...of the teams that lost that I had winning, only Alabama I believe did I have going further than the second round, and I think I had them losing in the third anyway. So while I didn't have the best of first days, there's still hope.

    Some games had me worried...Wake Forest and Illinois both had barely a lead at halftime..things could have been much worse for me than they were. Go Duke tomorrow! :)

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