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Ol' Spanktooth

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Everything posted by Ol' Spanktooth

  1. The only good song by Hoobastank is "Same Direction", and "Out of Control" is an ok song. I'm not watching, did they sing "The Reason"? That song sucks ass.
  2. Am I the only person who likes both games equally?
  3. Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie...Best. Movie. Evar. EDIT: But be sure if you see Anacondas to take me with you
  4. Same here. But I love the progression of players on Madden. It's so great. On ESPN, players only progress after every pre-season it seems like, and it's only a little bit. On Madden, I've had guys go from 65, to 81, to 73 all in one season. Brilliant. Oh, and Trung Canidate owns all in that game. ^_^
  5. Perfect Dark was such a Goldeneye rip-off, it shouldn't be even close to this list if Goldeneye isn't on it.
  6. Look up. *runs away quickly realizing that SoR is not on the list* ←
  7. Bah. Super Mario RPG and Maximum Carnage should have been 1 and 2. If Streets of Rage 1, 2, and/or 3 don't make this list, I'll seriously kill you.
  8. Has Larry Fitzgerald been taken yet? If not, I select him. If so, I'll take Quincy Morgan, WR, Browns
  9. Baltimore, DEF Don't think it's been picked...
  10. We're off to the hurricane shelter, we're under heavy warning. If I'm not back by my next 1-2 picks, take me the highest ranked HB in each of them.
  11. Ol' Spanktooth selects WR, Hines Ward, Pittsburgh Steelers
  12. I would just like to say, Loiaza or however you spell his name, is absolutely awful. On the other side, Contreras (I'm having a hard time spelling today, go easy on me) is doing great for the Sox. And on another AL Central note, the Indians are winning the division. That is all.
  13. I'd like to reserve a spot for the next show. This is a great idea maddog. I like it.
  14. Rofls... I know it has nothing to do with this thread, but I can't resist. Vick reportedly got injured at Falcons camp. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=1853056 Right now its nothing serious, but it shows that he may be injury prone. ← I knew I should have picked Tomlinson...
  15. Hawks would have been terrible anyway, so it's not like it matters.
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