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Posts posted by -A-

  1. When I first heard about this I was a lot more excited than I am now. Think it's just a combination of the allegedly uninspiring single player, GoW being awesome, and BioShock + Mass Effect coming out so soon. Can't wait for the latter :D

  2. Not that, but I've had a few other random bugs in single player since the update. Ran through Act 4 (I think) when you're heading towards the Fenix estate, and at the part where the boomer is supposed to break through the wall ... he didn't. Had to play the entire act again :(

  3. Maps are out apparantly but I can't get to my console. Anybody interested in playing tonight? I got a trial code from a mate until I can investigate the various cheap online Live subscriptions. Will be online in about 3-4 hours.

    Gamertag: BlakeNJudge

  4. I do like my world tour games, but I've also got a liking for distant future games. I holidayed for 20 years with English, Scottish, Italian, Spanish and French leagues active, and am now in charge of a Birmingham team with low Premiership expectations and quite a few highly promising youngsters. FMs never tend to be that stable in the long-term, but things seem quite reasonable so far. Many clubs seem to have high bank balances, but transfers are pretty consistent with the odd £35M purchase by the big clubs and a reasonable number of other switches. One thing I've noticed is that players are overly-technical, and I think that's a result of the balancing in the patch. Another oddity is that the game seems to have become highly defensive, with the top 12 average ratings in the Premiership possessed by central defenders. PPMs are almost gone, except for, bizarrely, 'Shoots from Distance.' Similarly, almost all players are 'Weak' or 'Very Weak' with their secondary foot. Arsenal won the Premiership 9 years in a row too, running up until the season I've taken over in :(

  5. Roles are being sent out shortly and the game thread will be up after that.

    I cut two of my roles because I wasn't happy with the balancing, and I'm really sorry to Jam and CKN who were the unlucky two that didn't draw roles. I'll put you at the top of the replacement list, if you're still interested - I'm pretty sure you'll still get to take part.








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