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Posts posted by -A-

  1. Meh, the fact that Styles and Joe were involved in the process doesn't really assuage any of my Midway fears. It's not like a wrestling game developer has never had access to gamers, or wrestlers before - and I doubt that the addition of any two opinions really makes much difference to the game. Will be interesting to see the first actual gameplay videos, this one was absolutely pointless.

    The game is supposed to be released late 2007/early 2008 to whomever asked.

  2. From my experience, you've got to accept a lot of 'didn't seem to be listening' responses, or you get something worse. I still haven't quite mastered when to use the HT option of 'encourage the team,' since it seems to piss off my players more often than not. I just stick to the formula of 'tell your team they can win this match!' then at HT, 'declare yourself pleased' and the same at the end of the match. Occasionally throw in the odd 'tell your team you expect them to win' (because I'm a strong side in my current game) and that seems to freshen things up. Definitely one of the weakest modules at the moment.

  3. See, I'm a West Ham fan and I'm pretty happy with the decision. The players over-achieved last season because they got off to a good start and had the underdog status. I'm sure more than a couple of them were hoping for transfers to bigger clubs too. This season, they're been abject, lacked confidence and hardly even looked like they wanted to play outside of the Arsenal game. Lack of motivation when the talent's there? That's all on the manager I'm afraid. Pardew hardly lit up East London when he led us to 6th place in the Championship - last season was the blip, unfortunately.

  4. Did you read the article? Yes they did, and they won.

    Seems to me that this company probably has very good reason to file the lawsuit. They filed their patent application in 1997, clearly pre-dating the Wii. The reason they wouldn't complain when the remote was revealed was because they wouldn't have access to the product itself, or the designs. One trigger is not inherently the same as the other, and they would have to look at the mechanics of the product to see whether their patent was infringed.

    Their loss of earnings would also be suffered from the fact that Nintendo would otherwise have had to license from this company.

  5. I've just got a trial of this and am going to go hell for leather for the weekend on it, with no intention of ever forking over money.

    a) Is this unlikely to happen?

    b) Any suggestions for how to start things off?

    EDIT: Blizzard's woeful organisation with regards to the trial has pissed me off unbelievable. Uninstalled, and they can forget any chance of getting my money :thumbsdown:

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