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Posts posted by thuganomic

  1. Phew. 24 PMs sent out. If you see yourself in the game list above and not received a PM, then let me know. Sorry to those who were cut, I was thinking about expanding the number of roles, but I didn't want to make any trouble for RW and whatnot. So, you guys will be first replacements. :)

    Look for the game thread to open up in a bit.

  2. This will be a 24 player game.

    Here is the original: DC Mafia: Metropolis

    Sign up if you wish....although you may not be guaranteed a place. Like last time, I want this to run smoothly, but also have a good mix of veterans and enthusiastic rookies. OK...GO

    1. C-MIL

    2. TheRossWalker

    3. Hajjhowe

    4. Sousa

    5. LittleDaniel

    6. D-Day

    7. Will

    8. Mr. Potato Head

    9. Ace

    10. Cloudy

    11. TGC

    12. Ruki

    13. GoGo

    14. Winter F'N Sun

    15. Josh-Oo-Wuh

    16. -A-

    17. D-Extreme

    18. Rabid Wolverine

    19. LCS

    20. Split Second

    21. FlatDoughnut

    22. TSSTB

    23. HailtotheKing

    24. Pesci

    Alternates: Matt, Essa, Gamemaster, Clover, YoungB, Mick's Bitch.

  3. This move makes perfect sense to me. Like the article stated, it was heavily foreshadowed and now it makes perfect logical sense. It's win-win for NBC if only because they get to keep Leno from going to ABC and trouncing Conan there. Look, Conan's target audience is not Leno's target audience. Meaning the people this is aimed at, the 60 year olds, maybe they'll stick around and watch Conan. But if they don't, Conan's got his own fanbase now and he'll do fine at 11:30. I agree that Fallon gets the short end of the stick here, but...I also agree that nobody gives a flying hoot about Jimmy Fallon.

    It's clear that NBC can't compete in the scripted drama arena; there has been a plethora of failures in the last 3 television seasons. This allows them to stop the hurting for a bit with an entity that's known to work (Leno, like it or not, is far from the risk that the Rosie disaster was).

  4. I'd say Michael was pretty sensible last episode in terms of how he dealt with Office conflicts. He's always a complete nutcase in relationships, but we get signs and hints every now and then that he's not a terrible manager and that he does have some business sense.

  5. So yeah, Ps3 Release today. Rock Band 2 is glorious. I went crazy at every little update and add-on, marked out like nuts the first time my friends and I played Eye of the Tiger. Goodbye grades for the next two months.

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