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Posts posted by thuganomic

  1. I'm just glad State made a little run near the end, so they didn't completely embarrass themselves. They didn't belong on the court with the Tar Heels tonight. They beat 3 underachieving teams to get here. They have heart and that's about it. Eventually, that will fall short in the face of a team this talented.

  2. I think Bluey's argument is not that she's a good parent because she left her kids a bunch of money. It's more along the lines of she can't be that bad a person if everything she did (at least in some part) was for her kids.

  3. Since they've come up a lot recently, what's the thinking on 'find a kill Player X to win' conditions? It seems like they hardly ever require serious worthy-of-winning-the-game skill. Half the time it's because the target claims or gets investigated and you've really done nothing significant. Even when you guess someone based on logic, it's rarely such an amazing play that you've really deserved to win. If you're an investigator and you manage to pick a scum player out of nowhere, you frequently still lose. If you're the don and you manage to figure out who the vig is and kill him, you still frequently don't win. With the non-victory conditions, you can win the game based on one decision, which is often lucky.

    I don't like them. If a player had to kill 3 specific people or something like that then I could see it being a worthwhile win condition.

    It's not as easy as you think.

    Hajj had Batman narrowed down to either MPH and Josh-oo-wuh in DC Gotham. If he had picked Josh, he would've won....

    The rest is history. >_>

  4. Probably summer. I'm thinking either moving it to another city (Star City? Central City?) to get some more obscure heroes in there. Any suggestions?

    Also, maybe a Smallville version with some time-traveling scum heading to Smallville to kill Superman before he becomes the Man of Steel. I gotta see what makes sense within my DC Mafia universe. >_>

  5. Stop looking at the channel in whole and just focus on that ridiculous program. It's not supposed to be hard-hitting and serious. Anyone who takes their advice from Cramer should know what they're getting into. CNBC is wrong for promoting Cramer's words like it's gospel, but that's about it. If Cramer starts proclaiming himself to be some kind of watchdog (for some goddamn reason, he started to tonight on TDS), then he assumes full responsibility. But I just take it that he's a loud entertainer showboating for ratings. It's absurd to think he has as much blame as Jon Stewart is making it seem like he does.

  6. And even if Cramer is hosting an "entertainment show" he is still in the position to reveal what he knows to the public.

    Not to belabor the point, but this is the exact argument that Jon Stewart dances around whenever he's under attack for not being hard hitting enough with his guests.

    And to sahyder: I have been following what Jon Stewart has been doing in his attacks on CNBC. I have no problem with that. CNBC has no business promoting Cramer to be God, but when are we going to start putting some responsibility on the pure IDIOCY of the viewers who take it all in? I don't like Stewart picking on Cramer when what Cramer does is entertainment, just like the Daily Show.

    I personally think Mad Money is completely frivolous and not to be taken seriously. Just watch the show for five minutes and anyone with a brain should know that it's all theatrics and if there's any truth, it's been dumbed down and dressed up to such an extent that people should not trust it blindly. Now, if you disagree with me on the responsibilities of Cramer and whether or not its entertainment, then I'm going to have to stop here.

  7. I'm not disputing any of that, especially with me being a smart guy. >_>

    I just think Jon Stewart is taking the easy way out and finding an easy, blabbering, incoherent, apologetic scapegoat in Cramer.

    Ok, back to your regularly scheduled Daily Show circle-jerking. I'll probably rejoin in a week.

  8. So what. Because Jon Stewart acknowledged that he was doing an unfair thing, I can't echo that point?

    Cramer absolutely overreacted and made the situation a billion times worse for him. I'm just spelling out the hypocrisy of Jon Stewart expecting an entertainer like Cramer to be doing the job of news reporting.

    I have watched Mad Money, and I don't take him seriously for one bit. He's there to entertain. What's not to get about that? I have no sympathy for people taking advice from a guy throwing bulls at them.

  9. No, I'm making this argument now. Any show involving a guy throwing cows at the screen....is an entertainment show. This is about as asinine as on Crossfire when Tucker Carlson chided Jon Stewart for not hitting John Kerry with hard questions. They're both entertainment shows. If Jon Stewart wanted to prove his point, he would go after the actual news network, and not Kramer.

    EDIT: And Cramer hosts Mad Money, not Fast Money.

  10. I like Cramer, I really do. I'm not sure how I feel about Jon Stewart using Kramer as a scapegoat, because at the end of the day, both their shows are pure entertainment cheese. Kramer has about as much credibility as Stewart. He doesn't pretend to be a reporter, he revels in his entertainment value. It's unfair for him to be spanked like that on television as a proxy for CNBC.

  11. Let me know if you need help, Matt. A good Pokemon Mafia game would be amazing.

    I don't want to be infringing on your territory, Matt. But I think I've come up with a pretty cool way of organizing the roles to include all of the Pokemon in some capacity. Shoot me a PM or find me on MSN if you want to chat.

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