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Everything posted by *RDB*

  1. Huh, what do you mean it's my turn.. Oh, sorry about that: Max.. you ever hear the adage of a bad apple spoiling the crop? Well it doesn't apply here Max, the Cubs got the best deal for Nomar, and Boston looks like fools letting 2 future hall of fame caliber shortstops walk out of Bean Town while the Yankees continue piling wins up "this season". That's all I care about, we know the Yankees are going to reload every year, that's what they do.. and we know every year regardless of what management says Boston is going to try and keep pace. Now as long as Boston shows that they don't know entirely which direction they want to go, be it sign expensive free agents like Schilling and Foulke or go after young prospects like they did in this deal, we're going to quickly find out that Theo is going to have to jump on one side of the fence or the other.. So yes, as of now the Cubs got the best end of the stick, look at them, they're winning ball games and when the pitchers they have get a little run support they get the confidence they need to make it to the World Series. They have the rotation, and now they have one more "happy" bat.
  2. Thoughts: Damn... Screwed and ****ed Goodbye Jase Goodbye Cowboy Goodbye Marvin Goodbye Drew cuz Lord knows how far you'll go after Diane is gone.. LOL at Jase thinking Scott had a twin.. (you wish) I guess I'll have to see the live feeds to see why Scott thought he was so safe.. And finally, Drew's decision to keep the 4H united ended up being the one to destroy them completely.. it's anyone's to win it now on the girls side.
  3. Thoughts: Diane is a terrible player, but so is Jase.. If I was Jase I'd be acting more conservative like Scott was, rather than blowing it up in everyone's face. He'll be the #1 target for the rest of the show with no way to dig himself out of that hole. I think it's even more ridiculous that he is trying to strike deals because no one will trust his tail no more. .. I find it ironic finally that the same person moaning and groaning over hiding "secret" tools in the game is part of the big twist in the whole entire show. It was a righteous complaint but from the wrong person. It simply does not make sense also because in live feeds I think Will had seen the spy screen when Drew was in office, so now who do you trust? Hah.. If A does not vote for Marvin, I can guarantee... no guarandamn tee.. that A and Diane will be on the block at the first chance they have. A would have made her bed on that one..
  4. Well for what it is worth I was never a big fan of Big Brother till I got into it at the tail end of last season... been hooked ever since. Amazing Race does not entertain me simply for the same reasons BB never appealed to me during the early years.
  5. yah let me sign up as well, that Ricky argument piqued my intrest.. ps. BnBho... that's picture is unreal..
  6. Quick Thoughts: With Diane winning the HoH is it possible for the 4H to stay intact? I came up with a scenario in my head last night. The votes are split 4 to 3.. possibly if everyone stayed as is.. Adria Will Nic Karen Marvin Drew Cowboy Adria is now the swing vote, and the plan that J/S set up last week by saving her is now in effect. A scenario where all 5 men stay in the game: Ok we know J/S are #1's on Dianes list.. and in the veto competition I'd say she has probably a very small chance of winning it, so one of them will be off the block. It'll require somone "scaring" her into thinking the worst possible thing that could happen is Jase and Scott make it back into the house together. So who do you put up against them? marvin? Naw, it would be an easy campaign by (J/S) to pick him over them since Marvin ain't too hot in the house himself. Cowboy? I dunno.. still not a safe vote in a sense. However if she can be convinced that the only safe vote is if she puts up one of the girls to ensure that no girl will vote a girl out, then we're in business.. they're screwed, but not completely out..
  7. ah, yup.. the 4H are done. I'm tempted to look at feeds just to see how they are taking it because I mean there is no strategy I can think of that will save that group, and with Nat. in the house now, it's a done deal. I highly doubt Adria will do anything to stick to her word, but who knows.. if she does they do have an outside chance.
  8. heh, eventually someone will have to go to the bathroom, and I doubt anyone will go to the lengths of pissing their pants on live TV... well, maybe Jase, he's a dumb S.O.B. like that..
  9. Thoughts as always: I read up a little on the last few days live feeds since the big fight between Holly, Diane, Scott and Jase. 1. The TV show left off a lot of info.. the live feed was a lot better, I mean the 4H didn't magically decide to vote Holly off, and I thought it would have been better if they had shown all the going behind stuff that eventually led to convincing them to make that decision. Also a little more of the Scott/Jase argument. On the live feed, I think Scott even came out of his shell a bit saying he was jealous of the situation.. I'll probably steer away from live feeds from here on out besides the ones in this situation dictating who will win a game. The CBS editors just don't show enough.. Holly was a good choice, but the 4H have yet to see what kind of wall they have backed themselves into. The Numbers game that Scott talked about for so long is about to come into play, and it all depends on who get's this HOH. Or if Adria keeps her word. I would LMAO since this is endurance if one of the guys got it. The twist would be ruined that quick...
  10. I still don't understnad why they don't utilize the HOH "secret" weapon once again, (TV monitors) but oh well, I'll leave that alone like a bad plot in a movie. My thoughts on the show as always: - Drew probably would have voted off Holly regardless, he was forming a good bond with Diane and Adria, and probably could have been persuaded to join them as one of "the good people" in the house not knowing he was actually helping the Girls alliance (similar to Marvin helping the 4H and not knowing.. ..of course, "Diane "The Drama Queen" went and made an ass out of herself at the veto competition leaving her team high and dry. When Drew saw that Diane was in fact 100% in alliance with those outside, it made his decision a lot easier. Keep the 4H's numbers intact and vote off the girls.. easy as that. - Finally the Cowboy/Nakomis storyline may end.. no wait, now we got to have 3 more weeks of sibling rivarly because they now hate each other. Cowboy is a lame.. and Nakomis picked the wrong time to trust. - Tonight's episode showed a lot of people's true colors.. Holly really is a bimbo.. Scott really is a meathead lol, and Diane has no idea how to be strategic at all.. what is this, two alliances blown now? - Marvin very well could screw the 4H, but why put himself at risk with both sides. He is getting played pretty badly by them, but at the same time 1. He helps the 4H and the girls get hit hard, then they become a lot more vunerable to help him out down the line because it will be a neccessity of survival. 2. Marvin ain't no fool, and knows that going against the 4H isn't a wise move as they are the most strategic of the house. The only question I ask is that he should have shown a lot more power once he found out he was the proverbial swing vote, he should have used it more to his advantage. Being the swing vote (as Nakomis has shown) will keep you on the show longer, than if you were just an expendable 5th member of a group. He didn't capitalize on that at all..
  11. Well thoughts for tonights episode, I'll keep it pretty vague.. - The Irony and hipocracy of Drew should make him not trusted by anyone. His motives are obviously not for the betterment of the 4H so he is not on the same level of them anymore. Although I predicted that they would eventually split up once S/J made themselves targets (duo wise). It's funny how Drew can not stand Holly messing around with Jase but will not vote off his F-buddy as well. I don't blame him tho.. rather have me something to cuddle than vote it off. - Another thing to think about it, Drew if he panics could still flip this either way. If he wants to get good with 4H, he can tell them to take Nakomis off and put Marvin up. There would be no veto and he'd be gone. He could easily play this off if he wanted..
  12. Yeah this is just a matter of saving up your "milk money" and purchasing both. You can't go wrong with either. Plan to buy Madden.. get 2k5 when you can.
  13. I think Simpson jumped the shark when they went to Computer generated animation rather than the old fashion way. The characters lost their crudeness personality wise and drawing wise.. and it just seemed ever since then the writing has gotten worse. I mean you can distinctly tell a difference between the old school Simpsons and this load of B.S. they got out. I almost don't even consider this stuff "The Simpsons anymore".. I went to Dallas last week, and caught for the first time in probably two years old school Simpsons. In my town we get nothing but 2000 - 2003 Reruns over and over.. heh, the episode happened to be the one where Lisa gets a Pony and the one where Bart goes to France and almost instantly I was laughing.. Was it because Homer was being a moron like he is now? NO Homer: I work from midnight to eight, come home, sleep for five minutes, eat breakfast, sleep six more minutes, shower, then I have ten minutes to bask in Lisa's love, then I'm off to the power plant, fresh as a daisy.
  14. I agree, but you have to believe that Cowboy has at the least extended his stay in the house by a bunch of weeks . The one mistake he has made is lose his sister forever as a potential ally which will probably come to be his end. If she stays at that.. I think out of that group, I got Drew to win the whole thing.. S & J have made themselves targets and will be nominated at the same time. Michael has no respect in the house, and Drew is good among both groups. I really see him playing that to his advantage sometime in the game. No one else in the house has an outside shot at winning because of how messy they act but Drew.
  15. I think an elimination of the 4 horsemen would be a good sign just to add more competitiveness in the house but really I'd love to see it happen a different way than just by someone winning head of house and evicting Scott or Jase out. I'd love to see Holly act like she has one bit of sense and actually start playing the game instead of just living in the house. She's a goofball.. I'd sure as hell like to see Cowboy/Drew screw the 4 horsemen. Eventually they will figure out that it's actually the duo of Scott/Jase running the show actually and they aren't going to want to be expendable. That would make for some good TV to see them break the group up rather than letting someone else do it. Remember this is BB we're talking about, these alliances never last too long when people start realizing they weren't as close as they seem. I got one question, how come Marvin didn't get to use those secret HoH cameras that Jase did.. he could have probably seeen a lot of conspiring and saved his own ass rather than act like a string puppet.
  16. You are very right, but I just don't get the "historic" team defense. To me it doesn't hold water at all.. because in fact, I will keep using the AI defense. Philadelphia is a said team with tradition yet, with Allen Iverson they have to try a lot harder to lure someone. In fact I can't even remember who Philly has ever been able to accquire outside of inside deals with the Nets. However beside the point I applaud the Lakers for going after Vlade if it's true. He'd be a good fit and would atleast make the Lakers a playoff team no doubt. He fits what I figured the Lakers would go after (a second tier player) and will not be there much longer than Shaq would have age wise so it's a good fit.
  17. AS I'll continue to say, no Big Fish player is going to want to play as Kobe's right hand man. Lakers may get a second level player, but they will have to draft or trade for another "superstar" player to play alongside Kobe, unless they aren't selfish which is sadly rare now a days. And the only "bait" they had in effort to get a said superstar walked out the door and got him a beach home in Miami. As for the NY being in trade talks all the time, yes, NY being the market that it is always has a spot for talk, but really.. outside of Marbury, who on that Knick squad is really just an impact franchise player? If a player is trying to make a name for himself, it would make very good sense to go to New York, because in my eyes they have a very high probabilty of being the star instantly on the team. What it comes down to In the Lakers case, you look at that lineup and you see one big star already, Kobe Bryant who falls in the category of Allen Iverson, Shaq, and even T-mac. The First Option boys.. And when you really think about it, TMac got traded to Houston (and will probably accept limiting his touches to form a powerful duo). The Lakers went no where during the young Kobe years until Shaq and Kobe shared the pill Iverson did nothing for his team shooting the ball 2 times more than the SF, but who was the guy that continued to hit big shots down the stretch leading up to those said finals vs. the Lakers? Eric Snow. My final statement is this, I don't care anymore about if the Lakers win or not.. they have proven to me right now that they'd rather worry about personal squabbles (proving points, settling egos) rather than fixing a minor problem and winning a few more champions. A great writer, Dick Vitale has even said, that he once compared Kobe to the great Michael Jordan, but now he wish he didn't because MJ welcomed the outlandish Dennis Rodman with open arms to Chicago because he knew, that Dennis would help the Bulls sustain a championship. However on the otherhand the selfishness and petty squabbles between Kobe/Shaq has broken an empire and who the offense run through seems to be way more important than winning rings. The Lakers duo of Kobe and Shaq would have enticed a possible free agent and built up another 3 championships if they could have just shut up and played ball the way it is supposed to be played. I leave thinking that neither one will be able to get the job done by themself. Shaq has a greater chance as Big men are harder to come by, but Kobe will find the road to the NBA championship this way will be easier said than done without "talented" help. - RDB
  18. This is some good discussion first of all.. You are right a big star will come to LA, but it will be the Clippers before the Lakers. The Clippers remind me of my Mavs like a year or two before we got Dirk. Because I admit we were terrible. The Lakers on the other hand remind me of the last season with the Bulls when egos ran off: 1. Phil Jackson 2. The Best and most dominant player at his position sycodmn, I'll give you the fact that the Lakers will definately not be a lottery team. I mean hell put anyone around Kobe and they will some games. But just like Jordan couldn't do it by himself he needed another player. In the WC now, you need really a 3 person nucleus. And of course a dominant post player. (heh, look at Minnesota and what happened to Dallas/Sacramento) The point I am making is that even if the Lakers are good, because of the fact that will A. Not be able to afford, or B. not be able to coax anyone anymore.. will lead to their demise. This whole issue wouldn't sit well with anyone if they know they are a "superstar" but will not get their touches.
  19. The irony of Kobe wanting to be the leader of his team and then having to worry about his decision is terrible. I won't rip on this team any further, but I for one think the Lakers are no longer the team to play for anymore. 1. No Big Fish is going to want to go there after seeing how the Lakers treated Shaq. The only one that will go is if the Lakers pay him huge money and then the Lakers are screwed salary wise in a conference where it takes more than 2 people to win a championship. 2. The Lakers should call it a quits and work on that bench. going after a high profile superstar (which won't happen because of the negative media) would be a step back after having the best Center in the game. the Lakers will not be smart enough to get deep because they want Kobe to think they can win now.. 3. And speaking of Kobe, this is a business, and the Lakers made the biggest mistake you can make. One the Cavs made as well.. you have to water the garden before you eat the crops. And although Shaq cried to get out of town, you can never make a trade like this unless you are 100% sure Kobe will sign. That's why I think Kobe will sign, because they wouldn't have traded Shaq, but Kobe is going to be miserable and lead to the downfall of the Lakers.
  20. Haha No Shaq.. No bench.. the Lakers are now the Philadelphia 76ers of the West, and that's if Kobe even comes back. This is an ugly situation that 's only going to get worse now that the team is getting shot up.
  21. The Lakers remind me of the other team that fired Phil Jackson for some reason :/
  22. Three things oughta have been learnt this episode: * Don't trust anybody * It'll take someone from the inside of the 4 horsemen to betray them * The Gay guy fits in with no one.. I don't know how this will play out but now that the girl group has been found out before they even got started, TGG has screwed over himself and made the game just that much harder to wrestle it away from the 4 horsemen. Either way you look at it he has pissed off both sides.
  23. It was a pretty good show, but Holly is more than the stereotypical dumb blonde. And man I don't know if that's her strategy but she accidentily brought more attention to herself than she needed too. *Spoilers* Taking the money was smart, there's no way in hell you could have passed that up, with no guarantees of winning. With 10,000 more than you had you can atleast justify coming although now you got a big target. Oh yeah the twins are possibly: Diana & Drew or Scott & Will or a long shot Lori and Scott/Will I could understand half brother and sister not recognizing each other, but twin sibling is quite odd.
  24. Nash walking hurts but I trust the Mavericks because I remember way back before the Mavs were any good.. we let the same thing happen to Jamal Mashburn and Jimmy Jackson. And especially Jason Kidd. We landed Nash when he was a young 3rd stringer and not worth really anything and built him up. We may have to wait but we can build up another PG. Also Dallas is certainly out of the race for Shaq because there's no way we justify losing Dirk to pick up Shaq with no leader at PG. We could still make the trade, but we are still missing pieces and Dirk is more of a long term solution so we won't make the trade regardless.
  25. Vanessa.. that's one fine piece of ass
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