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Drake Smashem

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Everything posted by Drake Smashem

  1. wah wah wah people like something i dont they must be wrong yes colonel id love some cheese with that whine oh shit i fell over better call the wahmbulance It's fucking catchy as shit, that's why I like it, and I'm prepared to bet that most of the "people doing good things with music" don't get recognised because they're actually either shit or not doing anything different to anybody else out there. You disgrace Linus.
  2. Worst. Anything. Ever. This is sickening. Some guy makes a crappy, catchy song and the people doing good things with music don't get recognized. Also, the covers and variations of the song need to stop being made.
  3. This game is so awesome. I am considering doing a Diary in the Cube with this game.
  4. Here is some of the renames. Courtesy of Phil Parent from FPC
  5. I just Buy.com'd mine. I am tired of going to GameStop and asking about the game.
  6. 1. Dave Chappelle 2. Jerry Seinfeld 3. Richard Pryor 4. Dave Attell 5. Demetri Martin 6. Lewis Black 7. Rodney Dangerfield 8. Mitch Hedburg 9. Christopher Titus 10. Jim Gaffigan
  7. Not big on metal, then again, it isn't my choice what you like, 3/10 for System of a Down being on there. Folsom Prison Blues - Johnny Cash Sweep the Leg - Karate High School Shalott - Emilie Autumn Healing - Boys Night Out Castles Made Of Sand - Jimi Hendrix I Don't Wanna Grow Up - The Ramones Jane - Barenaked Ladies Project Sex - Trap Door Satin In a Coffin - Modest Mouse Chasing The Girl - Rachael Sage
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