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Kane's Mullet Slacker

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Posts posted by Kane's Mullet Slacker

  1. The HVW Heavyweight Champion will be crowned - Roderick Strong

    HVW Heavyweight Championship Tournament – Semi Final 1

    Alex Shelley vs. Roderick Strong

    HVW Heavyweight Championship Tournament – Semi Final 2

    El Generico vs. Spanky

    Six Man Tag Team Warfare

    Brandon, Sal & Vito Thomaselli (w/Sal.E Graziano) vs. Delirious, Jimmy Jacobs & Matt Sydal (w/Daizee Haze)

    Number #1 Contendership Match

    Abyss (w/James Mitchell) vs. Chris Sabin vs. Steve Corino (w/Team Corino)

    Chikara Tag Match

    Eddie Kingston & Larry Sweeney vs. Jigsaw & Mike Quackenbush

    Special Attraction Match

    James Gibson vs. Kevin Steen

  2. I was a big fan of your diary, SWEW, and I'm quickly becoming a fan of this one. Dan Maff's gimmick is great, and I like the Thomaselli's stable with Big Sal. It's obvious your a Shelley mark, but I think it would be too obvious for you to put the belt on him, so I'm predicting you swerve us all and have Strong win the whole thing going over Shelley in the process. I also enjoyed the match between Sabin and Spanky on the last TV show. (Y)

    P.S. More Corino and Abyss

  3. Glad to see this is back, and I must say the card for "California Dreams" looks awesome.

    I'm definitely looking forward to the tag team grudge match with Homicide making his debut teaming with AJ Styles against 'Ca$h Inc'. I have a feeling though that a new member of 'Ca$h Inc.' will debut in this one and cost Styles & 'Cide the match.

    Go Wasted Talent~! I love me some Wasted Talent. So keep pushing those guys.

    The Six Man Tag looks good, ooh dessention in the ranks of H-Factor. I can see the old partner miscommunication angle with Hart and Quance coming.

    The No DQ, No CO match should be a good one. I wouldn't be surprised to see Daizee pull a Heel Turn here and help Rave win.

    John Roberts is a dead man, Samoa Joe is going to murder him.

    The two Triple Chance matches look good, I can see Tyrill House actually pulling an upset in his match. And Reyes winning his match for his team the Pitbulls.

    Then there's the title match between Low-Ki and Aries. Which should be great, and I could actually see Low-Ki beating Austin, as he's been on a roll as of late and without Kid Kash and the Crew around to distract him, he's fully focused.

  4. 9. World Title Match: Chris Benoit v. Chris Jericho v. Shawn Michaels

    8. WWE Title: Matt Hardy v. Edge

    7. Randy Orton v. The Rock

    6. Hell in a Cell: Undertaker v. Billy Kidman

    5. Molly Holly v. Kane

    4. SuperCage for the WWE Tag Team Titles: Team JAPAN v. Kurt and Brock v. Eddie and Rey Rey v. WGTT

    3. Intercontinental Title: Lance Storm v. Michael Shane

    2. Ron Simmons, Rob Van Dam, and Hurricane v. Right to Censor

    1. World Tag + Women's Title: Sting/Harris/Laree v. La Résistance v. Team WCW v. Joey/Chris/Jackie



    Chris Benoit giftwraps the tag belts to Evolution (SummerSlam)


    Randy Orton


    Trips, Trish, and Tracy


    Roddy Piper


    Randy Orton: You were, I am


    Shawn Michaels defends Bret Hart (really) on RNN (RAW in Calgary)

    BEST MATCH (Wrestling Quality Division)

    Benoit 2, Jericho 1 (Armageddon)

    BEST MATCH (Crowd Reaction Division)

    Jericho completes the comeback (SummerSlam)


    Chris Benoit's ten-story powerbomb drop on Nick Mondo (Unforgiven)




    Chris Jericho

  5. Glad to see this diary return as I was a fan of the last few incarnations. I'll be reading for sure. Card looks pretty good. Nice to see Tyson Dux being used. And of course the Sansei of Mattitude Matt Hardy. Let's just hope you don't run into any unfortunate problems like the last run.

  6. Just got around to reading this diary, and I must say it's a gem.

    I think I was one of the few people to actually enjoy WCW around this time before the buyout. And I always thought the WWE could have done alot more with the whole WCW buyout thing.

    I love the Val Venis push. Val Venis is always been one of my favorites, and I'm glad to see his getting a huge push in this diary.

    Glad to see you're giving Hugh Morrus a push too I was a fan of his durring his MIA days, and I enjoyed his feud with Lance Storm over the US title. Too bad WWE shit all over him.

    I'm hoping Billy Kidman turns on Rey Mysterio soon, I love Heel Billy Kidman, and a Rey and Kidman feud would just rock.

    BatB looks to be a good card so far, keep up the good work, I'll be reading for sure. :thumbsup:

  7. I haven't commented in this diary in a while and I'd thought I'd just share my thoughts after that show...

    As highly unbelievable it might be [the public humiliation and on-air firing of Triple H] , it's been a long time coming in this diary. That one segment made the whole show. The rest was subpar.

    Somehow I see Molly Holly making it to the finals of the KOTR.

    The World title match in Japan between Benoit and Christian should bring the awesome.

    Other than that it seems everything is just steamrolling towards Wrestlemania.

  8. 10 Man Over the top Battle Royal

    - Perry Saturn it seems you have some kind of plans for Saturn

    Adam Pearce vs. Rick Santel

    - It's kind of obvious that Santel will lose this match as he's been absoultely terrible so far, and his attitude is shit. However, despite the fact that he wins, Pearce will leave for TNA.

    Lenny Lane vs. Perry Saturn

    - Saturn would only lose heat if he lost this match after winning the battle royal.

    Marty Jannetty vs. Sean O'Haire (with Shannon)

    - Sean O'Haire seems to be getting a push and win over Marty would give him a rub.

    Rock-N-Roll Express vs. The Future

    - RNR will win this one but they'll probably be a post-match heel beatdown furthering the feud

    Chris Kanyon vs. Teddy Hart

    - Kanyon wins this one, to go onto the finals, as he seems to have some momentum coming into the match especially with the emotional promo he cut at the last show.

    Julio Fantastico vs. Norman Smiley

    - Julio has been being groomed as the future champion since the beginning of the diary, and it only seems logical for him to advance to finals. Making it a classic heel vs. face conforntation.

    Julio Fantastico vs. Chris Kanyon

    - It would seem illogical to have a heel vs. heel finals, as the fans wouldn't know who to cheer for. So that's why Hart vs. Julio wouldn't work. And I don't see Julio losing to Norman so Hart would be the one to lose. I see Kanyon taking the title getting some revenge on Julio for pinning him on the first show. Plus, it will send the fans home happy for once. I do see Julio getting rematch though and possibly winning the title.


    1. Pick the winner: Chris Benoit v. Molly Holly

    No way Molly's beating Benoit, her monster push may finally come to an end after this match.

    2. Pick the winner: Matt Hardy v. Eddie Guerrero

    As much as I'd like to see Eddie beat Matt, I don't think it's gonna happen. Matt Hardy's title reign so far as been very ho-hum. He needs another win over someone the caliber of Eddie to cement his title reign.

    3. Pick the winner: La Résistance v. Booker T and Scott Hall

    Just cause

    4. Who pins whom? Dupree pins Booker T

    5. Pick the winner: Ron Simmons v. Nathan Jones

    It's pointless to just give Jones the title back after Simmons only won it a few weeks ago.

    6. Who, if anyone, will be Simmons's manager? No One

    I'll pick the road less traveled and say Simmons rejects Heyman's offer.

    7. Pick the winner: Alexis Laree v. Jackie Gayda

    Please for all that's holy, don't give Jackie Gayda the title.

    8. Pick the winner: Ron Killings v. Jose Maximo

    Jose is just getting a sympathy title shot, and although it would be something new to see him with the Crusierweight title, I'm gonna go against everyone else and pick the Truth.


    9. When someone retires, either they pass the torch or they get beaten up as a goodbye. Which will happen? Pass the Torch

    10. Who will be involved in it? Edge

    11. Of the following three options, which will describe the outcome of Kidman's decision:

    A. He joins Undertaker to be reunited with Torrie

    B. He recovers Torrie from Undertaker

    C. He leaves Torrie and goes on his own


    12 and 13. Who drew #1 and #2? (Answers will be considered interchangeable.) Shawn Michaels and Randy Orton

    14. Who drew #30? Brock Lesnar

    15. Who wins? Chris Jericho

    16. Who is second? Edge

    17 and 18. Who finishes third and fourth? (Answers will be considered interchangeable.) Triple H (come on you know he's still got some stroke around there) and Brock Lesnar

    19. Who will spend the most time in the ring? Chris Jericho

    20. Who will be credited with the most eliminations? Kane

    21. How often will only one person be in the ring (apart from, obviously, the very end)? Once

    22. One person advertised for the Rumble will withdraw. Who? Tracy

    23. Who will be picked to replace that person? A very reluctant Sting

  10. Total Nonstop Action Wrestling Presents:

    The Final Resolution Prediction Contest…


    Predict the winners and the match order

    (1-9 with 9 Being the Main Event, and 1 the Opener)…

    9 - NWA Heavyweight Championship

    Jeff Jarrett © vs. “The Macho Man” Randy Savage

    7 - Abyss vs. “The Alpha Male” Monty Brown

    If Abyss wins, Monty Brown will never get another title shot in TNA!

    If Monty Brown wins, He is the number one contender!

    8 - Raven’s Clockwork Orange House of Fun – 6 Man Tag Team Elimination Match

    The New Flock (Raven, Slash and Sinn) vs. Jeff Hardy, BG James and Ron Killings

    5 - NWA Tag Team Championship – Four Team Match

    New York Connection © vs. American Patriots vs. America’s Most Wanted vs. Kazarian and Shane

    1 - Christopher Daniels vs. Elix Skipper

    6 - TNA X-Division Championship

    Chris Sabin © vs. Petey Williams

    3 - New York Streetfight

    Glenn Gilberti vs. Johnny B. Badd

    2 - Konnan vs. Diamond Dallas Page

    4 - Tag Team Grudge Match

    Kid Kash and Dallas vs. Rowdy Roddy Piper and Jimmy Snuka

    Show Questions:

    Will the person Jarrett called show up at Final Resolution? Yes

    If Yes – Who is that person going to be? Vince Russo

    What will be the worst match ? Kash/Dallas vs. Piper/Snuka

    What will be the best match ? Sabin/Williams

    Will Final Resolution see anyone debut? Nope

    If Yes – Who is going to debut?

    Will anyone turn at Final Resolution? Nope

    What will be the elimination order for the Clockwork Orange match? BG, Sinn, Slash, Killings, and Hardy

    What will the overall PPV be rated? 73%

    What will the buyrate be for the show? 1.06


  11. The Anniversary Show looks great from top to bottom.

    I liked the last post with the look back on the year in review. Rereading some of the goings on the past year of shows brought back some great memories. Like Kid Kash-Low-Ki Milkshake incident :lol: still makes me laugh just thinking about it.

    As for the last show, great to see Wasted Talent get some face time on the microphone, as I've really taken a liking to the guys.

    The win-loss records are pretty interesting too. Told you Spanky was a jobber. :P

    Keep up the great work, RSL :thumbsup:

    Your friendly neighborhood Slacker

  12. Oh.. Bury Your Dead is another great band you all should listen to. Brutal hardcore stuff with some positive lyrics in a few songs, some funny lyrics, and a great style. And their drummer is amazing. And they have a CD with every song named after Tom Cruise movies.

  13. 1. WORLD TITLE, IRON MAN MATCH: Chris Benoit © vs. Chris Jericho

    2. Final score of the Iron Man match? 2 - 1

    3. #1 Contenders Match: Christian vs. Kane vs. Molly Holly vs. Rhyno

    4. Who takes the fall? Rhyno

    5. Intercontinental Title: Christopher Nowinski © vs. Lance Storm

    6. World Tag Team Titles: Sting and Chris Harris © vs. Sylvain Grenier and ?? ?? ??

    7. Who is the mystery partner? Rob Conway

    8. Who pins whom? Grenier pins Harris

    9. HHH vs. Trish Stratus and Tracy

    10. Which woman is involved in the fall? Trish

    11. Randy Orton vs. Shawn Michaels

    12. What will Evolution do at Armageddon (that, presumably, they've been planning)? Take out Molly

  14. I loved the Original KOTOR, albeit some of the puzzles were a bit annoying, and I'm also playing KOTOR 2 at the moment. I'd get the first one, then if you like that I'd get the second. Although the second game isn't much different in terms of gameplay [such as the controls are very similar, if not identical to the original]. They added some new features though to keep it fresh.

  15. Comparing Hero to Rashomon is BLASPHOMOUS HERACY!

    ... Erm, not really, since it's clearly inspired by Rashomon. Also, it's better than any other movie on that group.

    So the top five pretty much consists of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Spider-Man 2, Shrek 2, Kill Bill vol. 2, and something else that's slipping my mind.

  16. This is looking good so far, Syco.

    I like how you’re rewriting history, with the inclusion of Rey Mysterio Jr., and the pushing of Steve Corino.

    I also like the feud with the Pitbulls and The Harris Brothers, and Joel Gertner is gold. I just hope the Pitbulls go over because I hate The Harris Brothers and their Nazi ways. I got a chuckle out Gertner’s promo on Francine as it sees you have him down pretty good.

    Malice was the shit when TNA first started and I’m glad you’re pushing him like they did.

    I’m hoping the last entrant to the X Division tournament is Shelton Benjamin, but I wouldn’t be disappointed if it’s Charlie Haas either but I’m a Shelton Benjamin mark so that would just make me happy.

    The Styles-Low-Ki match was great as I would expect, and the Mysterio-Scorpio match was pretty good, too. Scorpio’s pretty under-rated in my opinion; I hope he makes a return.

    Scott Hall winning the championship was nice, glad to see you didn’t go with Shamrock like the real TNA did, and I’ve always wanted to see Hall with the gold.

    Try to keep this one up. :thumbsup:

  17. This thread is gonna lead to flame-city, but hey, who gives a fuck? (ie. my next sentence >_> ) Yes, Good Charlotte ARE complete poser twat/wannabes, but what else is new in the world of pop-music!?

    Live, on the other hand are a very good band, i thought everyone knew about them? I've never heard any one say anything bad about them either, a very inoffensive lot.

    In terms of my picks, hmm... This is hard since most of the music i listen to is dated, and hence people dont bother to shit on it (not that they would of heard of most of the bands, see sig, but hey), let's see....

    -Sepultura? I've even warmed slightly to their most recent album after swearing off the post-Max line-up. Im a die-hard 'old-school' Sepultura fan,  ie. anything from Roots on back i think is great, but i have always HATED derek green, his vocals really are complete shit compared to Maxs' in my opinion. Wait a minute, i'm criticising the band im complaining about other people criticising... Ok, how about, 'old' Sepultura? They seem to get no love whatsoever, at least from people i know.

    -The White Stripes? I mean, not 'everyone' criticises them, but i've heard alot.

  18. I fail to see what is so great about Team America. I mean I watched the movie, I was dragged to it by my friend who wanted to see it. It wasn't horrible but it wasn't like, "OMG THIS IS TEH GREATEST MOVIE I EVER SEEN~!!!!111!!!" It had it's funny moments, but it shouldn't be this high on the list. The Ladykillers, I thought was a fun movie too, I love how they all meet their untimely deaths. I haven't seen Bourne Supremacy yet, but I liked Bourne Identity and I too like Brian Cox. I haven't seen Friday Night Lights yet, but I want to. I'm sure Spider-Man 2 will find it's way into the top 10.

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