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Kane's Mullet Slacker

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Posts posted by Kane's Mullet Slacker

  1. The end of LOTR: Return of the King. Yeah, I said it. I guess because I become so emotionally attached to the characters, and they were leaving on the ship, Gandalf was my favorite character. Also, the fact that it was the last of the movies, and it was the end of the adventure. It also could have been the fact we'll probably never see another great trilogy of films like this in our lifetime.

    EDIT: Almost forgot, I almost go teary eyed in the episode of Trigun when Nicholas D. Wolfwood dies. Wolfwood was my favorite and he was a bad ass.

  2. Looking real good RSL, the ME tag matches look great. Nice to see Roberts is getting a push. I demand more Wasted Talent though! Onto the predictions:

    SWEW Tag Team Championship

    2 out of 3 Falls

    Styles Ca$h© vs. Majestic (Delirious & Super Dragon)

    - I think this is the end of Styles Ca$h's impressive run as tag team champions, Majestic looks like the guys to take the belts from them, with either Styles or Ca$h turning heel on the other.

    Austin Aries (w/Becky Bayless) & John Roberts vs. Majestic (Alex Shelley & Samoa Joe)

    - I gotta say the Majestic get the win here, I would have to say Samoa Joe could get the pin, since you could argue he never got a rematch after he lost the title to Aries.

    Number #1 Contendership Match

    H-Factor (Jack Evans & Teddy Hart) vs. The Havana Pitbulls

    - This one could go either way. Evans and Hart haven't had much of luck lately with the whole John Roberts feud and a win here could really shoot them up the roster especially against former SWEW tag team champions. The Havana Pitbulls are returning in this match and they could use the win, plus they seem to be out for revenge on Samoa Joe and the Majestic, and with Majestic winning the tag belts this would be the oppertunity for the Pitbulls to kill two birds with one stone.

    SWEW Triple Chance Match

    Bobby Quance vs. Low-Ki vs. Spanky

    - Sadly, Bobby Quance doesn't stand a chance of winning this match. Spanky could pull out the win somehow, but I'm going with Low-Ki. He's on a roll lately and it looks like he's finally focused on winning the SWEW Heavyweight Championship.

    Azreal & Matt Sydal (w/Daizee Haze) vs. Wasted Talent

    - Gotta go with Wasted Talent in this one. I think Jimmy Rave will make an appearance trying to get Daizee to be his manager/girlfriend and this will distract Sydal long enough for Lovell and Stevens to get the win.

    Jimmy Jacobs vs. Jimmy Rave

    - I'm kinda torn here, since I like both guys but I went with Rave here, since Jacobs seems to be on a downward spiral and he's lost his mind. Jimmy Rave needs the win here to stay strong.

    Gregg Bradley vs. Tyrill House

    - I think the big guy will finally get a win here, he hasn't won a match yet, and this could be his first win. Haven't seen much of House except for the last show so, I doubt he'll win this one. Although it could end in a no-contest with Majestic hitting the ring, and destroying both men.

  3. Unfortunatly I bought the original on DVD when it came out and then I saw they released a Directors Cut recently and was banging my head against a wall [well not leterally] but I knew I should have waited, but I heard reviews for this cut of the film and heard it makes the movie much better, I also heard Coolio is in it.

  4. The Taz promo was long, but it was cool man. The announcement of Franchine as Lynn's manager? Hmm...its like Lynn is gonna get some sort of push into the title picture after that promo IMO.

    The tag match of York/Matthews and Tajiri/Mickey was ok. The ending of Sandman leaving and York being pissed...dunno why that happened. Oh well, guess its in Sandman's new nature I guess.

    Overall, good show man.

  5. I don't know the PPV was kinda meh, the matches weren't that great, I mean London and Nova was great but the rest of the matches just seemed rushed, although the exchange with Hardy and Mysterio was good.

    I knew Team Angle would win :shifty: I was kinda hoping Colt would win but I have no quams with Benjamin getting the win.

    The Christian-Kane match was filler really and pretty much just a squash by Kane.

    The Elimination Chamber match had it's high spots for instance Benoit's Swandive Headbutt off the top of the Chamber, and Molly hitting the RKO on Orton and eliminating him, I was laughing my ass off when I read that.

    Overall, I'd say thumbs in the middle leaning upwards.

  6. Just to let you know Ash...St. Anger by Metallica came out last year...

    My Chemical Romance Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge

    - At first I was skeptical about this band, but after listening to the CD a couple of times it's grown onto me and I've begun to like it.

    Unearth The Oncoming Storm

    - This CD just kicks ass a great metalcore band

    Jimmy Eat World Futures

    - Not as poppy as their last album but still great, a bit darker but I like it some good tunes on this one. Although at some points it drags a bit.

    Killswitch Engage The End of Heartache

    - Well it didn't improve upon the formula of the awesome Alive Or Just Breathing, it's still a great album and I guess they say if it aint broke don't fix it...

    Lamb of God Ashes of the Wake

    -Some people may say they sold out because they signed to Epic records I say fuck you, they did it to inject the mainstream rock/nu-metal bands with a 'leathal dose' of pure American Metal.

    Atreyu The Curse

    - Well it's not as good as Suicide Notes with Butterfly Kisses, it's still a good album as they rely more on Brandon Saller's clean vocals on some songs more than the guttral growls of Alex Varkatzas but it's great when they blend the two together especially on songs like 'The Remembrance Ballad' and how can you not love their cover of Bon Jovi's 'You Give Love A Bad Name'?

    Shadows Fall The War Within

    - Another great album from Shadows Fall who continue to blend Sandanvian Metal with Speed, Thrash, and Death Metal.

    Rammstein Reise, Reise

    - This is a great follow up to 'Mutter' another great album in itself but sounds nothing like it as they experiment with different sounds in this album and it comes off pretty well.

    Eighteen Visions Obsession

    - At first I didn't like this album but after giving it another few listens it grew on me, it expands upon 'Vanity', but takes out all of the filler crap that was in 'Vanity' and at times the vocalist sounds like a cross between ex-Stone Temple Pilots/Velvet Revolver singer Scott Weiland and the singer of VOD and that's not a bad thing on songs like 'Waiting for the Heavens' while they do maintain some of their metalcore ferousity on tracks like 'Tower of Snakes'

  7. I heard a lot of good things about the comic but never read it unfortunately, movies looks great though and with Robert Rodriguez as director it's gotta be good. What's with Jessica Alba in comic book movies? [she's supposed to be in Fantastic Four, too]

  8. I'd have to say the Panthers, depsite losing to the Falcons last Saturday, they're still red hot right now. The Rams have been inconsistant all year long and they have two tough games coming up...[Philadelphia this week, The Jets next week] and Chandler is a horrible QB...the Saints have to face the Falcons this week, and the Panthers, actually next week and I don't see them winning either game.

  9. Glenn Gilberti then walked onto the Impact stage alongside the NYC’s music and with a microphone in hand. He didn’t even wait for his music to stop as he started to speak…

    Glenn Gilberti: Dusty, Dusty, please shut that oversized cakehole of yours. No one cares about Johnny No Friends, Johnny V. Crap or B. Badd or whatever the hell he is called! He is a poor excuse for a wrestler and no-one including, the NYC and the fans care about what happened to him, or what is gonna happen to him! Dusty, you should be worrying about the New York Connection, not about some poor, defenceless wrestler who can’t protect himself from a gimmicked cannon! TNA is not a place for people like that. This is wrestling, this ain’t no happy family…

  10. I'd definitely go with MVP Baseball 2004, as ESPN Baseball is dissapointing and I wouldn't bother with ASB either. MVP is a great game, like GYS said best franchise mode, good gameplay, and lots of fun. Plus there's tons of unlockables including legendary players like Babe Ruth, Yogi Berra, Nolan Ryan ect. ect.

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