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Kane's Mullet Slacker

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Posts posted by Kane's Mullet Slacker

  1. That guy definitely went around, but I agree with the idea that if it was close the ump was going to lean toward the pitcher. No way they put themselves through that Jim Joyce situation again.

    And I gotta say it was unbelievable watching the Yankees come back to beat the Sox. That had to be a kick in the gut to Bo-Sox nation.

    Yeah, that was pretty bad. Their bullpen is atrocious.

  2. Phil Humber with a perfect game! Holy shit.

    Best part about it is that Brendan Ryan clearly didn't swing...but no ump would have the balls to end the PG that way. Not after the amount of criticism Jim Joyce got.

    He went around, it was the right call. Phil Humber deserved it and he was very humble about it.

  3. I got the Geth Infiltrator last weekend and this week I got the Batarian Sentinel. Both are pretty bad ass characters. The Hunter Mode on the Geth is really useful especially against the Geth and Cerberus. It allows you to see cloaked enemies like the Geth Hunters and the Phantoms. The Submission Net is also a really useful power, it deals a ton of damage to armored and shielded targets. I've yet to unlock the other 4 characters, and I'm still missing the other rare Asari Adept.

  4. It's bad. Real bad.

    Also, in sad news only Benji and I (and maybe Don Ready Slacker?) care about, Disney's talking about cancelling Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes at the end of season 2 and replacing it with an Ultimate Avengers show that would tie-in to Ultimate Spider-Man. Ughhhh.

    :angry: That's terrible news.

  5. Found a cool Justice League book on Comixology today. It was called "Justice League: The Nail" I am only on part 2 of 3 but it's an alternate reality where the day the Kents found Clark in the field they instead get a flat tire and stay home. So it shows the world without Superman. Very crazy so far. I don't want to get too into because of spoilers but it's a cool read.

    I read that story recently, good read. You should pick up the sequel, Another Nail as well.

  6. If you're Adept or Vanguard you should really only carry one weapon. Since you're going to rely a lot more on your powers with those classes and need a fast recharge rate. The Drell Adept is pretty good if you level up Reave and Cluster Grenades. The Reave and Cluster Grenades combo deals a lot of damage. I just use a pistol for the Adept and a SMG for the Vanguard. I only use the shotgun with my Krogan characters since they're so damn heavy.

  7. I don't know why I'm still watching Ultimate Spider-Man, but I am. And I fucking hate hate hate the "spider-cycle", much in the same way that I hate that motorcycle robot thing Superboy has in Young Justice - it's tacky, shameless, and it feels like it was just thrown in as a merchandising thing. HEY KIDS, GET YOUR SPIDER-MAN WITH SPIDER-CYCLE NOW NOW NOW FOR THE LOW PRICE OF $8.99! YOU DON'T WANNA MISS THIS!

    They didn't destroy it already? I don't think I'm going to last the season watching this.

    The first 5 minutes of the new episode involved him tooling around on it. I was really hoping they wouldn't go with it - what with Spidey even making fun of it and saying it wasn't "for him" or whatever when it was first introduced. Plus, how stupid is it that he has a motorcycle when he can just websling anywhere he wants?

    Also hated the characterization of Venom. I probably won't last the season either.

    I watch because the writing is decent, but yeah, this really doesn't feel like a Spidey show so much as it feels like an excuse to have Spider-Man be on screen with a team. The thing that annoys me most is that it's called Ultimate Spider-Man, but save for Nick Fury being black and wearing trench coats, this is not the Ultimate Spider-Man I've known and loved. Venom felt completely off... although I liked the nod to the current Venom comic in the Venom episode (no spoilers).

    Toss-up for me, though I doubt I'll be a hardcore viewer.

    I watched the show for the first time this week and didn't like it. The Spider-Cycle is dumb. Anytime they give Spider-Man a vehicle it's dumb. Why does a guy who can web-sling everywhere need a vehicle? Obviously it's to try and sell more toys. But the Spider-Cycle sucks and so does the Spider-Mobile. I also don't really like the team either. Spider-Man is supposed to appear in Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes this season along with Wolverine. I don't think the shows exist in the same continuity though. It will be nice to see the New Avengers on screen.

  8. Tonight's series finale of Eastbound & Down was great. Probably the best show of the series as well, definitely it's best mix of comedy and drama in an episode. They have really stepped up their game to put on a great final season, the writing has definitely improved greatly over the previous seasons. Though the comedy has kind of taken a step back for the drama this season, I still found this season to be hilarious. And after watching all of the season earlier, I find stuff that I never caught before that cracks me up.

    An example of how well they blended the comedy and the drama this episode was when Stevie finally became a man, choosing his family over Kenny and their final good byes I was in tears, but was still cracking up at the dialogue. And Stevie's ridiculous wig and fake eye brows.

    Oh, and Seth Rogen's cameo was great. Hilarious way to start an episode.

    I think it would have been better if he really died.

  9. Spider-Man was a pretty good series but I still prefer X-Men. The last season of Spider-Man wasn't that great, but then again neither was the final season of X-Men. However I really liked the final episode of X-Men and the end of Spider-Man was kinda neat with Stan Lee's cameo.


    1) Community vs. 4) The Office (U.S)

    3) The Walking Dead vs. 2) Seinfeld - I like The Walking Dead but Seinfeld was a great series and deserves it more.


    9) Game of Thrones vs. 4) Breaking Bad - Game of Thrones knocked out Lost and I love Breaking Bad. If GOT knocks out Breaking Bad I'm really gonna be pissed.

    3) South Park vs. 15) Sons of Anarchy


    1) The Simpsons vs. 4) The Sopranos - As much as I love The Simpsons the show has really went downhill and The Sopranos was just too good.

    14) Louie vs. 2) Scrubs - Even though Louie knocked out Dexter I'm voting for the underdog.


    1) Arrested Development vs. 13) The A-Team

    6) Futurama vs. 2) The Wire - Revenge for The Wire eliminating Twin Peaks.

  11. From my iPod:

    1. She's Enough - Atmosphere

    2. Pour Me Another (Another Poor Me) - Atmosphere

    3. Lonely Boy - The Black Keys

    4. Run Right Back - The Black Keys

    5. Stop Stop - The Black Keys

    6. Sensible Heart - City And Colour

    7. We've Got A Situation Here - The Damned Things

    8. Blues Having the Blues - The Damned Things

    9. The Organization - Death Angel

    10. Wanderlust - Every Time I Die

    11. Let It Die - Foo Fighters

    12. Hellion - Judas Priest

    13. Electric Eye - Judas Priest

    14. Who Said We're Wack - The Lonely Island

    15. New World Order - Megadeth

    16. Run with the Wolf - Rainbow

    17. New Damage - Soundgarden

    18. Mailman - Soundgarden

    19. Butterfly - Weezer

    20. Have A Drink On Me - AC-DC

    21. Love Bomb - AC-DC

    22. Ballbreaker - AC-DC

    23. Meanstreak - AC-DC

    24. Two's Up - AC-DC

    25. Brain Shake - AC-DC

    I think the reason for all the AC/DC at the end is because I was hitting play all without having my iPod on shuffle.

  12. "And it's a packed house here in Cleveland!"

    Indians/White Sox game has an attendance of what looks like 27. It's like real life Major League. :w00t:

    More importantly than that the White Sox put a 10-spot on the Indians today. Even though I thought the bullpen was going to blow it.


    1) The Simpsons vs. 8) House - Never saw House but I'm not voting against The Simpsons anyway.

    5) It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia vs. 4) The Sopranos - I feel Always Sunny isn't that funny anymore whereas The Sopranos was a consistently good show.

    6) Firefly vs. 14) Louie - I've never seen Firefly, and I love Louie even though it knocked out Dexter.

    7) 24 vs. 2) Scrubs - I've seen a handful of episodes of Scrubs and zero episodes of 24.


    1) Arrested Development vs. 8) Mystery Science Theater 3000 - MST3K was a good show but I liked Arrested Development more. I'm actually anticipating it's return.

    5) Parks & Recreation vs. 13) The A-Team - Yeah I've never watched Parks & Recreation and I used to watch The A-Team as a kid. Besides P&R doesn't have Mr. T.

    6) Futurama vs. 3) Friends - I hate Friends.

    7) Twin Peaks vs. 2) The Wire - Twin Peaks is going to lose and that makes me sad....

  14. I need to watch more than the first season of Spectacular, because I really liked it. It did maybe the best job of modernizing the Lee/Ditko/Romita-era of Spider-Man I've ever seen.

    I haven't watched Spectacular Spider-Man yet but it's on Netflix streaming so I might give it a whirl. I have to finish Wolverine and the X-Men though.

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