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Posts posted by GRIFT

  1. Don't let the name throw you but Smog is great... oh, and check out Townes Van Zandt.

    Steve Earle was once quoted as saying something to the effect of, 'Townes Van Zandt is the greatest American songwriter of any generation and I will say that on Bob Dylan's coffee table.

  2. Speed has little to do with soloing as far as I am concerned. Sometimes the key is the space that you leave between the notes. I recommend checking out some Pink Floyd, they are a great example of emphasis over speed.

  3. Feist - Let it Die

    Stripped down, sensual pop music, with a touch of jazz and trip-hop around the edges. It kicks off with only the strums of an acoustic guitar, before Feist jumps in like an orphaned torch singer. "Well it's time to begin/as the summer sets in/It's the scene you set for new lovers," she croons.

    Bruce Springsteen - Devils And Dust

    I am probably the only Bruce fan on the board, but I think that this album and the subsequent tour has been one of the iconic artist's most personal offerings. The sound balances out far better than the minimalistic Tom Joad, while capturing the same sort of characters you'd find in his other acoustic works.

    Our Lady Peace - Healthy in Paranoid Times

    After the dissapoinment of Gravity, Maida and the rest of the band deliver a performance quite like no other. They've reached heights untouched since their Spiritual Machines Album. This latest album demonstrates why Our Lady Peace should, and hopefully will, break through in the music industry not just in Canada and North USA, but throughout the world. What greatly empowers HIPT is Raine's vocals shining through songs such as "Angels Losing Sleep" and "Picture". Our Lady Peace returned to their roots in a way, including more of the fan favorite Raine falsettos and more interesting guitar work from Mazur(and some interesting bass lines from Coutts). Maida has also grown bolder with his lyrics -- partly due to his recent humanitarian missions to Iraq and Darfur, through War Child Canada. Healthy features the single "Where Are You," an intense plea for world harmony, and "Wipe That Smile Off Your Face," a scathing anti-Bush track.

    Coheed and Cambria - Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness

    Each album this band releases seems to be more intricit than the last. The guitars are wailing, the lyrics are scathing, and the vocals are... well it is Claudio.

    Bright Eyes - I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning

    I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning (released simultaneously with Digital Ash in a Digital Urn) is the album the Omaha native has always threatened to make, channeling his country rock influences into articulate, witty ballads that come to life with gorgeous harmonies supplied by Emmylou Harris.

  4. So my friends and I watch a lot of shitty movies. I think there is really a whole subgenera of movies that are so bad that they somehow circle about and become good. My two glaring favorites at the moment are They Live! and Death Race 2000.

    Death Race was on AMC the other night and I blew my proverbial shitty movie load. It takes place in some post apocalyptic world in which an authoritarian government rises to power and offers up their form of bread and circuses: The Death Race. The race is a cross country frenzy that has no set course and best of all rewards points for running over anyone you come across. Women are worth 10 points more than men in all age brackets, teenagers rack up 40 points, and toddlers under 12 rate a big 70 points. The big score: anyone, any sex, over 75 = 100 points.

    It stars a young Sly Stone and David Carradine.

    So what are yours?

  5. I am not really a fan of the series but my friend Megan has made me go to everyone opening weekend since they started pumping them out (she is a red head so I know better than to say no to her if it can be avoided) and for once I am kind of intrigued by one of the trailers.

    This might not be as bad as I feared.

  6. Salton%20Sea,%20The.jpg

    The film's story line just seems to flow out toward the viewer in a languishing, yet engrossing stream, sucking you along in its undertow. Couple that with enough plot twists to catch your interest and a stunning performance by Val Kilmer and you have a stylish, intense, funny and unexpectedly moving film. 8/10

  7. I just finished Bound For Glory by Woody Guthrie and it was great. You can definately see why this book had such a motivating effect on a young Bob Dylan and in many ways struck similar chords as On the Road.

  8. Call me crazy but I like it. It is a sharp looking game, and once you get used to the gameplay you can actually pull of some unique plays. My only complaint is that occasionally refs will botch calls really badly and give possession for throw ins, goalkicks, corners, etc... to the wrong team.

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