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Posts posted by GRIFT

  1. Bob Rock was fired once during this recording session... but when watching the DVD material you get a clear sense that the band is trying to get away from the poppier style they embraced on Gravity.

    I think this album is a great step in the right direction and definately more in the vein of Spirtual Machines or Happiness than anything else.

  2. I thought it was great, especially because she had just been shot in the vest like most typical cop shows... then BOOM surprised the hell out me. Plus she was probably the biggest supporting character... so I'd say it was a good 'Holy shit' finish.

  3. My, my, my, where to begin?

    I absolutely loved the movie. I was a little bit offed at first when I saw Madson's delivery of his first few lines to Bruce. I thought he sort of over played the comic vibe in their opening sequence. By the end he was much better.

    Willis' character Hartigan was definately the best developed, and had some of the best lines in the film... (ie the palsy line, then I'll punch out god etc...)

    Marv was the most badass of the characters, and certainly the best performed. It is easy to see how people used to say that Mickey Rourke was going to be the next Brando before he slipped into retirement. I am glad to see that he is out. (sidenote, has he made anything that wasn't done by troublemaker since returning?)

    Clive Owen's sequences with a dead Benicio were great. It reminded me of Lord of the Flies for a little bit. I am not a big Rosario Dawson fan, and her acting in these scenes bolstered that for me.

  4. There is a great group called Clann Zu and they are just about the best band to come out of Ireland. Half the lyrics are in english, and half are in Irish Gaelic. I recommend them highly... A good song to start with is Words of Snow.

    http://www.clannzu.com/ You get alot of their music under downloads from the site.

    I REALLY recommend checking it out. It is unlike anything else listed above.

  5. Jesus, you people have been watching too much Paulie Shore is Dead. Not every celebrity who dies before their time is celebrated like they were geniuses.. People were sad when Aliayah died, but no one called her Aretha Franklin. People where sad when ODB died, but no one called him Tupac or Biggy. And certainly no one called the lead to Drowning Pool a Maynard Keenan when he died.

    If Michael kills himself he will be just what he is now, a brilliant star who fizzled into frantic oblvion and only manages to remain in the spot light for the same reasons most people slow down when they pass an accident. He is a shell of the performer he once was and I hope he gets his life back on track... or on track at all.

    Plus who the fuck are we to support him killing himself? A couple smug kids on a wrestling board.

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