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Everything posted by Cole

  1. Cole


    That joke was just...stupid and bad...on soooooo many levels
  2. So, I guess we are going with the Tatanka rules?
  3. I do prefer those, What do you guys think?
  4. I'd just like to warn you, I've tried it and it's hard as hell
  5. Those rules are interesting, I'd be more then happy to use them though. I'm up for a challenge.
  6. It's up to Jonny, I'll go 3 way if he wants too.
  7. I've been in the mood to do battles lately and only want to do wrestling related rules if possible.
  8. Yeah good battle, I'm going to be posting some open battles in the near future since I had fun with this one. Hope to see one of you guys there.
  9. My vote also goes to Jules, the background and blending is amazing and all of the text is absolutely great. The summerslam and the Match font are both perfect. Great job. BTW - If you don't mind me asking, what are those two fonts?
  10. So I guess it's one a peice Pretty evenly matched battle here, eh?
  11. I've edited my original, and really I don't have a HUGE HUGE problem with you editing but I just feel that once everyone has posted their graphics...thats that. It's over. Whatever, doesn't matter. Your newer version is much better then the original one you had posted too by the way (Y)
  12. Well, I think I'm going to edit it. I don't find it super fair that you changed yours but whatever. I'm just going to take JBL's name out and add someone else. Not edit anything else.
  13. Here it is... What should we go up too? 3...5? I'm good for whatever you guys want. Edit - Apparently, I had JBL listed twice...I fixed that.
  14. Mine will be up later today (it's like 3:30 am here right now...so later today would be like...1pm in the afternoon) I did do one graphic, but the quality on it...I'm not too sure. I'll make a new one/edit my current one or post it tomorrow when I'm not tired.
  15. I also choose Alldawson. His gives me the DVD feel, very 90's as well. Juan Deere's has way too many effects to be authentic and the blending also takes away. Dochappy's does feel 90's-ish but feels too simple. Just a few cuts with black and white here and there. The front cover blending is good, but the back cover makes me not like it...espcially the glowing text.
  16. I'm not bothered with these rules, if Haasofpain agrees to them then I'll get started.
  17. Can I get in on this too? I want a wrestling related battle and don't want to start a new topic since we already have a few with just wrestling only. Hows a 3 way sound?
  18. I hate credit cards I was gonna buy the live feed today for a month which would give me a little more then past the end but oh well and then my stupid credit card doesn't have any money on it. I NEED TO WATCH THE HOUSE GUESTS DAMMIT!
  19. Wow, just wow. Great episode...absolutely fucking great. I laughed at the uncensored video and then I was amazed that they showed some of it on TV. Great show, Howie missing a finger and a half fucking shocked me...never noticed it before. I gotta say...April crying was one of the funniest moments this year. It was even better that she said to Howie that this isn't working if he wants her to run upstairs and cry after she already did once, then she did it again. The fat hubby comment when I watched the uncensored video was great 'cause I noticed that too
  20. Dammit, I missed Tuesdays show 'cause I was at Smackdown tapings. Hopefully, I'll be fully caught up by watching Thursdays show. I read about the stuff that happened and whos up now. Man....I'm pissed that I missed it
  21. Cole

    Madden 2006

    Speaking of winning...I beat Clawson 13-10 4 takeaways, babeh. If y'all are interested in some kind of tourney with EWB's tell me in here, Clawson and I are in for sure if it happens.
  22. Cole

    Madden 2006

    Maybe we can set up a little 4 or 8 man tournament here at EWB?
  23. Cole

    Madden 2006

    Does anyone want to play a game through PS2 Online? I prefer playing people I know 'cause a lot of the people just online seem to be quiting whenever they are losing which gives both people a loss. So if anyone wants a game with me, hit me up on MSN or PM me.
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