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Everything posted by Cole

  1. The avatar is a cut with a duplicated layer with soft light, then I took the background from the sig and put it on the Avatar and added the text. Not really JUST a picture, but it wasn't hard after I made the background. Edit - I'm guessing you were talking about my actual avatar. My post said I couldn't use the one I made since the limits on EWB make it look bad, I guess you missed that?
  2. I won't be using the avatar because with the height and width limt on EWB it makes it look distorted.
  3. They didn't confront her on TV, and I don't have the live feed. I said THEY WILL confront her.
  4. YES! ROCK THE RINK! I FUCKING FORGOT ABOUT THAT GAME! I USED TO LOVE THAT! I think that now it wouldn't impress me as much though, although with some new features...it just might.
  5. Cole

    NHL 06

    The create a player in '06 is supossed to be re-vamped acordding to the EA site. I went and watched the trailers there and the moves that the players were doing with the new stick moving shit looked cool, but the trailers for this game always look good then the game plays shit, in my opinion. I'll end up getting the game for my birthday or something though, just because I always have and always will. Hopefully I'll get into this year like I used too in '04 and '03
  6. Ahhh, fuck! I really thought that she would come through but then she screwed them over! The funny part about it is, she doesn't think she's doing anything wrong. They are really fucked now, because they are losing someone for sure because either Kaysar or Howie will win Veto and then take their person off and since they confronted Jenn then the partner of the person still on the block will be put up. This is the last time Kaysar will trust outside of the 3 others in this house.
  7. Wow, that must be a decent paying job Good job on most, I prefer the little hype banners for the PPV's most. I always like them, every month that I see them.
  8. Very, because sum words r really tough to sound out.
  9. Or buy a memory card off Ebay, there are lots of people that sell the memory card with rosters on it or allow you to send yours and then they'll send it back with the rosters.
  10. I think everyone needs to look to NHL Hitz series, they have people playing on roller blades. It can work, but EA Big will just have to try and make it as much like NHL Hitz as possible for it too work.
  11. Cole

    Madden 2006

    Ummm, triplexpac, it's called ordering it I've had it since the day after it came out in the US and I've boughten every NCAA game since 03...not that hard (And hell, it will only cost 10 more canadian dollars then for a usual game IN STORES)
  12. I think if they could really focus on NHL Hitz then it'd be sucessful becuase that game was great for some fun.
  13. Anyone want to fill me in on the ending of the Angels/A's game. I saw like 5 seconds of the end and the only part I saw was F-Rod sitting on the ground behind the mound... And, I just saw the Cameron/Beltran collision, it wasn't as bad as I expected but it was bad enough to send Mikey away Not good, at all.
  14. Cole

    Madden 2006

    My local EB had either trade 2 or 3 games in and get Madden 06, I'm guessing that it was games that are worth atleast something decent not old shitty ones. I'd call and ask. I didn't bother with the trade in though, I could be bothered to bring games in and see if they were good enough to trade in etc.
  15. Cole

    Madden 2006

    I got the same as LL on the IQ test and got drafted the same. I played the first week of training camp and the first pre-season then simmed all the rest. Except I did the movie, and I got 3/3 on my lines Anyone see any super cool extra features yet?
  16. I'd like to ask people who post the spoilers to please keep the spoilers tag on, for the benifit of others (Just a reminder, so I don't have to be careful when viewing the thread And obviously, this only means stuff that hasn't been seen on TV yet, not like the stuff that we've seen on tonights show)
  17. Dammit, I didn't realise we'd have to wait till tomorrow to find out who is HOH Whatever, It's only till Saturday. It's gonna be an action packed show.
  18. Man, we need someone good to get this. Someone to stir some shit up bad because everyone is too friendly right now. If the vote wouldn't have been 6-1 then it wouldn't need to be stired up, but it was
  19. Same, I'm pissed that he is even on the top 2. It's a big piss take since all that work and amazing tv that was produced from him getting taken out...is gonna go down the drain Edit - YEEEEES! KAYSAR! BABY! Lets wait for Ivette's break down!
  20. During the commercial break, Kaysar and Eric are the top two vote getters. Since it's the commercial break before we find out, I'd like to state that last Tuesday I had a nightmare that Eric came back to the house! I just thought I'd tell you, incase I'm some kind of pyshic or something Just for proof.
  21. What...The...Fuck? I think Howie's seen it too, that would explain why he's been all over him
  22. Yeah, the Mortal Kombat part was the best. The others were okay, but the crowd randomly laughing kinda ruined it for me.
  23. Cole

    Madden 2006

    Does anyone else know if it matters whether you play all of the camps and pre-season games or not?
  24. Cole

    Madden 2006

    Well, I'm hoping it's not the same as NCAA were you started no matter how bad you were Just thank thats not the way.
  25. Cole

    Madden 2006

    I'm QB and got drafted by Cleveland, that would normally suck but they got Braylon in the first round (and I love michigan) so it's good. I've played all of the training camp stuff before my first pre-season game which I will play in the morning. I never usually play Pre-season stuff but I will in this as I think it might give me some advantages, same with training camp. Do you guys know if I have to do all those...like ALL of them?
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