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Everything posted by Cole

  1. Cole

    NHL 06

    I used to love all of the NHL games (playing full seasons in most) but last year, I just couldn't get into it. Hopefully it's improved.
  2. Cole

    Madden 2006

    Well, I'm having someone go pick it up at EB for me tomorrow (while I sleep ) if they have it in. Hopefully they do
  3. BWHAHAHA! I was sitting here at 1:50 looking for something to watch so I put on Game Show Network, I don't pay attention for a few minutes but then I turn and look at the TV and who do I see but...JANELLE!~ Damn, shes hot. I just thought I'd share that with you all, since I'm so excited about it
  4. BOO! Super boring match. Almost like they were told to go all three rounds so don't tire themselves out before the 3rd round I know thats not what happened but with such a bad fight, I'm looking for excuses.
  5. Wow...22 seconds...They pull out Prelim matches because they didn't fill the time and now they are going quick too I think at this rate we'll see atleast 2 more prelims and then the Main Event. Hell, maybe even 3 prelims.
  6. Well, it's not the main event. I guess they are gonna have some of the prelims on here to soak up the hour they have left.
  7. Man...I hate Leben, but I didn't really pay attention to this fight enough to argue him winning His little promo makes me sick though. The Main Event Is Next!
  8. Good decision by the judges, Hogar didn't deserve to win that one. I don't think he did anything huge other then the bruise on Hogar's face. Other then that, Hogar had the whole match.
  9. Yeah, I think Quary would have just killed him from there though so...in my opinion it doesn't really make much difference other then us not seeing a major asskicking. We'll have to wait for Hogar to step in the ring to get his handed to him
  10. As soon as he got onto his back I knew it was over, Spratt just looked like he didn't know how to defend it. Then when he tried to knock him off by falling ontop of him just got him in a worse position.
  11. So...now that it's starting do we talk about Fight Night in here or is another topic going to be started? I'd start one but I don't want to take the chance of getting my head bit off
  12. There are only two things I want to see tonight. 1. Leben getting his ass kicked, I love my Koshcheck 2. See Hogar get absolutely killed! He is going to get the shit kicked out of him, something I've wanted to see since TUF started. Edit - Is this gonna be the official topic for tonight or are we gonna start one in like 5 hours?
  13. Well, I've been waiting for this for a bit and I didn't really watch Unleashed so I'm going to watch Unleashed at 8pm and Velocity at 7pm too. It's gonna be a great night!
  14. Hmmm, a little bit of a bump I guess. 10 days. I'm just wondering if anyone wants to play a game online. I played an online friend online yesterday and wasted him 16-2. So i'm hoping EWB has some competition for me If you want a game just PM me or post your S/N and we'll set up a time.
  15. I can't get the vote page to work, I'll try again tomorrow...this has happened to me before on the night the show aired. It'll work tomorrow for sure. Edit - I've been informed that being a Canadian, I can't vote...oh well.. Edit 2 - Bah, nevermind...I was miss informed. I voted for Kaysar! WOOOOO!
  16. Kaysar got eliminated with a vote of 7-1 :blink: I never thought that was possible I'm trying to figure out who voted for Jennelle...I have a feeling it was April. I'm glad Howie won HOH, He's gonna put up James and Sarah for sure. As payback for what they were gonna do to Howie and Rachel if they got the power. Also, One person who has been eliminated is coming back next Thursday and we get to choose! COME ON EWB! VOTE KAYSAR BACK! WE NEED TO CONQUER THE EVIL "FRIENDSHIP"
  17. Hmm, not a real interesting episode. James and Kaysar are up and James and Sarah have tried to sell out Kaysar and co. and save their asses this week and go back to Maggie and people. I think it's gonna catch up to them. Now, thegore. Theres no way Howie is gonna go up after one gets taken off with Veto. If either, Jennelle/Kaysar/James or Sarah wins the veto they will take their partner or themselves off and then the opposite teams partner will be put up with their teammate. Howie and Rachel are safe, because they've pissed no one off and they have no reason to go up even if Maggie was playing smart. Tuesday and Thursday are going to be interesting, The big veto comp and then the eviction. The odds are gonna be evened up to 4vs4 after this week though.
  18. I think that they'll put up Kaysar and James but James will go just because he pissed the other team off more then Kaysar...IMO. I don't know...I think that the votes will go this way if those two are put up. Votes For Kaysar To Go - Ivette, Beau, Jenn, April and Sarah Votes For James To Go - Jennelle, Howie and Rachel but April and Jenn, IMO are wildcards...I think they COULD go either way...they might be forced over to go with Kaysar and co. if Maggie finds out they've been lying to her and they do know each other...
  19. Well, Eric is gone and then Maggie won HOH... I think Kaysar and James are going up on the block, they are the ones that put their ass out on the line last week. It's gonna be interesting...
  20. Either way, that was cool. That had to be one of the best tricks ever. I wish there would have been more of the aftermath when he finds out what happened, or explains the experince before they tell him what happens...
  21. It could go so many ways... I think we have two groups of 6...Erics consisting of Eric, Maggie, April, Ivette (SP?), Beau and Jenn. Then Kaysars consisting of Kaysar, Jenelle, Sarah, James, Howie and Rachel. There are 12 players and only 9 votes. If nothing crazy happens, 5 for Eric, 4 for Maggie because in my opinion all of Erics group will vote for Maggie to go since they need him but it just won't be enough. I love how Rachel is still hanging with Eric's group to decive them...I love it. I think Thursday will be an amazing episode...now we wait. BTW - Kaysar and Howie...both own!
  22. I'm scared to click that in fear of spoilers for tonight...Can you clarify if it's spoilers for tonights or past ones for me? Edit: Dammit to hell I clicked on the top one in the first post of this page and say those, so nevermind about that question above Never again, do I click on that. Never.
  23. Thank god this is here, I was thinking we didn't care about US big brother here at EWB. I'm sad Michael is gone, I liked him. Hopefully if they bring someone back it will be Michael, also Eric's little pack of "sheep" have numbered days, I'm guessing Kaysar will put up Eric and someone, probably April or Maggie so they have to vote one of the people out, slowly killing his little team.
  24. But honestly whats the point in making one without the real players? I think the second best is College which i've heard they've considered. Other then that, it's not like a computer one where you can download the rosters quickly and playing with fakes on PS2 is no fun.
  25. Photos of what? the expansion of your park? I think that would be decently cool...
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