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Cadet Ember McLain

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Posts posted by Cadet Ember McLain

  1. If it were my choice, I'd be re-playing FF9 right now. I seem to follow a 7 month cycle, where I'll pick up an FF at random (or because something reminds me what it's like), play it for 2 months on-and-off, then leave it for 5 months (or more, if you count the fact I rotate games).

    I do the same things with books. It's just about the same length of time that I'll forget enough of the story to pick it up and read it again.

    I should probably get that checked.

  2. Hmm... ultimate team?

    • Setzer - Dice and Cards? Ultimately efficient combat weaponry! What could go wrong?

    • Cait Sith - Because nothing says BRUTE FORCE like a punch from a stuffed toy.

    • Fighter - OK, while a good class, I'd be lying if 8-Bit Theater didn't influence this choice. I wish Sword-Chucks were real...

    • Amarant - One of my favourite characters of all time. Plus, you've got to respect the Goatee Of Doom.

    • Black Mage - See Fighter. "I don't get mad, I get stabby."

    • Paine (White Mage Dressphere) - I was struggling for a decent choice for White Mage here. Aeris is skilled, but as we've seen, she has a potentially fatal allergy to swords.


  3. If you've got the money, go for the Elite, because of the HDD. You don't really need that much space, but it's nice to have, instead of needing it later and having to spend $200 extra. I think it comes with a free month of Gold on LIVE, as well...

    With LIVE, it's a matter of how long you want a Gold membership. Silver is free, but you can't play online with it. Australian GAME are doing a 12-month deal for $99...

  4. A little trick you can use is to sneak while someone is on the opposite side of a wall to you. They can't see you, and it counts towards your experience... I'd be careful about running while sneaking, because you may walk over a terrain that gives away your footsteps...

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