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Everything posted by IDOL

  1. no one leaves IDOL comments anymore :(

  2. I've never been able to play any console online because of where I live, the highspeed doesn't reach my road. I like the game itself, but was just wondering if the online play was anything as good as Halo with the tournaments and everything.
  3. Modern take on an old constructivism movie poster by the Stenberg Brothers. HERE
  4. I just got a 360 the other day because I was so sick of looking at everyone who lives with me here at the Dorm playing theres while I bust out the ps2. I've rented this, and despite an awful amount of glitches it is awfully fun. I'm going to buy it, but I was wondering, is it good online or no?
  5. click on the free option, it's probably just a matter of overlooking things on the page
  6. http://www.thewrestlinggame.com Got that from an ad on TNA wrestling's site. looks interesting, so I figured I'd share it with everyone.
  7. Just ask Sophie if you ever have any alter ego questions. I've plugged them all in.
  8. For some reason they were merged with the other thread, and I really don't know what for since they were on different bgs than the ones they use.
  9. Stephanie Bennoccio, aka Trinity. Yeah its a mistake
  10. Dallas letting Barber go into free agency is the dumbest thing I've heard today. He's twice the player Julius Jones is.
  11. http://rapidshare.com/files/92074876/GFX.zip.html
  12. IDOL

    The Dome needs more WWF 97!

  13. I didn't see anything wrong with that gameplay at all. Wasn't the last Midway wrestling game "WrestleMania the Arcade Game?" They've come a very long way and the overall look of the wrestlers rivals Smackdown for sure. The only thing I didn't like was seeing Sting doing Style's Phenomenon, and both Sting and Kurt doing so many X-Division style moves. Hopefully the arsenals become worker specific.
  14. Haha, loved your call of this season. I feel the same way on alot of the points, Brooke's over the top richness at 22/23? is really over the top and drawn out sometimes, like financing Peyton's record company and just walking in and buying a house. I dunno, but I can stomach it. What I didn't like however was turning the nanny into a fucking seducing slut like that, and it totally wasn't needed. As you said, we've gotten enough of that with Peyton/Lucas/Lindsay. I just rolled my eyes when the nanny was putting Nathan's pants on and seducing him, seemed so out of place and unnecessary. One thing else I've noticed about this season is that there are characters so fucking annoying that I want to change the channel when I see them. Brooke's mom, and Mouth's boss for instance. I dunno, I still like the show but it seems so over the top sometimes that it seems to have lost touch of the greatness it was in the first two seasons.
  15. Many of you guys may remember the CM Punk drawing I shared her a while back, and I'm here once again showing off some recently scanned in work. These were all done on paper with Gauche last year in my 2D Design Class. If you'd like to view them at my Deviant Art page, just go here http://irwarrior86.deviantart.com/gallery/ Comments, critiques and the like welcome. When I get more scanned in I'll share them here.
  16. Ah yes, thanks for pointing that out (Y)
  17. Let's see what you have done Marcus, LJC and I both have TEW 07 now so we could help.
  18. That accident was supposed to be years ago, with Austin making an HBK-esque comeback recently.
  19. I'm thinking about compiling a thread at GDS and letting them have it. I've toyed with the idea, and honestly I'd prefer it on TEW but there is just too much work for me to do it myself.
  20. very nice The Who, thanks much
  21. Be, go ahead and post some pictures, sadly I have lost my at home internet connection so I won't be able to do much until I get back to college. Post the ones you want cut though, and I'll see what I can do.
  22. I'd recommend watching the other seasons for sure, but they aren't needed to get into the new one as the first episode did a good job of brining everything up to speed with what you need to know, and gave a good idea of what is going on.
  23. I made sure to plug all of the ones I included in one by one before I released the scenario, but if you are referring to the new pictures being released in the picture thread then yes you will have to put alot of them in manually, there were quite a bit of workers we added.
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