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Posts posted by IDOL

  1. RAWlogo.png


    Since this officially marks a new era for RAW and the WWE as a whole we get a new opening video set to the sound of Union Underground's "Across the Nation." Once that airs, the NEW Raw logo comes onto the screen and we go live to the arena. The set has been changed up a bit as the Titan Tron is now angled, and the set looks of broken metal. Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler hype that tonight we will see the New World Order's Kevin Nash take on Kane, and that tonight free agent "Stone Cold" Steve Austin will choose a brand!


    After the pyro burst "The Game" hit the PA, and the WWF Undisputed Champion, Triple H made his custom new entrance into the arena, only now instead of carrying the old WCW and WWF Titles over his shoulder, he has one - the new Undisputed Championship title Belt. It's a bit of a mish match between the two belt styles, and isn't that bad looking at all. "The Game" gets up on to the apron, and after taking a swig of water spits it out mistfully. He enters the ring and is soon handed a microphone.

    Triple H: So, what do you guys think, huh?

    *He holds the new belt up for the fans to see, most approve.*

    Triple H: Not so bad if I do say so myself.

    *He places it once again firmly on his shoulder.*

    Triple H: Now, according to the rules of this "Brand Extension" - In holding this Undisputed Title, I am eligible to compete on both RAW and Smackdown. That I know. But'ya see... what I don't know is who will the next guy will be to walk down that aisle and face me for this title at Backlash. I don't know if it's gonna be a RAW guy, I don't know if it's going to be a Smackdown guy... well I DO know it won't be one Smackdown guy and that's the former Champion, Chris Jericho who lost his chance at challenging me again for this title when I pinned my ex-wife's ass in this ring last week, and sent her out the door!

    *Hunter looks pretty pleased with that announcement.*

    Triple H: So I know it won't be Jericho, but that still leaves the question; who's it gonna be? ...

    "Keep Rollin'.. Rollin'.. Rollin'!"

    *And just like that, The champion is cut off with the sounds of Limp Bizkit's hit song and the "American Badass," The Undertaker roars out on his custom bike, stopping only to park it at the bottom of the ramp. After getting into the ring, Taker takes out a microphone from the pocket of his jeans.*

    The Undertaker: You wanna know who's next, Hunter? Well I don't think there's any damn question about it. It's the guy whose yard yer' standin' in right now.

    Triple H: Really, Taker? Then fill me in her, what makes you think you, over everyone else, deserve the shot at this title?

    The Undertaker: How 'bout the fact, that you can't beat me, boy? I proved it at WrestleMania 17, hell I've proved it each time you've stepped into my yard! And given the chance, son - you bet'cher ass I'll do it again!

    *Taker's stare is cold and calculated, but his words are enough to set Triple H off as he rips off his jean jacket and gets right into "Big Red's" face.

    Triple H: You see this right here!? (pointing to the title) I've got 15 pounds of gold on my shoulder that says you can't do it again!

    The Undertaker: (chuckling to himself) Well then... I guess we're on...

    "Not so fast, hold on there boys!"

    *The voice belongs to the owner of the Smackdown! brand, the "Nature Boy" Ric Flair, who has a microphone and smartly keeps his distance at the top of the ramp.*

    Ric Flair: It's a damn good thing I'm here tonight to get Austin to sign to Smackdown, because I'd hate to have anyone else let the Undertaker down when they tell him, there ain't no way in hell he's challengin' for the title at Backlash, WOOOOOO!

    *Flair's words make his bitter enemy grow irate.*

    The Undertaker: Just what in the hell do you mean, I'm not getting my shot at Backlash?

    Ric Flair: What I mean Undertaker is... (he holds up a piece of paper attached to a clip board) that this contract right here states that at Backlash, the Undisputed Champion Triple H will put the title on the line against one of my guys, a Smackdown Superstar!! WOOOOO!

    *The news is enough to make The Undertaker flip his lid, but instead he keeps his cool.*

    Ric Flair: So since you are contractually obligated to RAW, Undertaker.. I guess you'll just have to wait your turn!

    *Taker stares at Triple H, and then Flair before going back to Triple H.*

    The Undertaker: Yer a deadman! But tonight, you can bet your ass that someone's gonna pay for this!

    With that a happy "Nature Boy" struts to the back and RAW goes to commercial.

    Smackdown gets the first shot - 76% Rating

    Triple H lost 2 points of overness

    The Undertaker lost 2 points of overness


    As Monday Night Raw came back on the air, Tommy Dreamer was already in the ring, hunched over with his arms resting upon his knees and looking focused. His opponent, the WWF Hardcore Champion Maven was out next to a modest reaction. As Maven tossed the title over the top rope and slid into the ring, Dreamer picked up a kendo stick from the mat and quickly laced the back of the young Tough Enough Champion with stinging shots. Tommy then placed the stick across the throat of Maven, and hit a russian legsweep. Cover, and the "Innovator of Violence received a two count. Dreamer whipped Maven into the ropes, and looked to hook him up for a spinebuster, but the Hardcore champ caught the ECW mainstay with an elbow to the top of the head. It stopped Dreamer dead in his tracks, and Maven delivered a dropkick that sent Dreamer through the ropes and to the floor. This point in time could have been the defining moment where Maven could have mounted a strong offensive lead in the match, key words: could have been. Before Maven could even see it coming, Justin Credible slid into the ring behind him, armed with a steel chair. He tapped Maven on the shoulder, and the blasted him with the chair as Maven turned to face. Credible made the cover, 1, 2, 3! Credible was the new Hardcore Champion!

    His reign wouldn't last long though, because Dreamer had returned to the ring. So when Justin Credible demanded his Hardcore Title Belt, he got it - right in the face courtesy of Tommy Dreamer! Tommy quickly covered, 1, 2, 3! Tommy Dreamer was now the Hardcore Champion! The new Champion though, would be met with an immediate challenge from Raven who pushed a cart full of foreign objects to the ring. Raven came out Dreamer with a cookie sheet, and smashed it against his skull so many times it was almost unrecognizable. Raven set up the chair that Credible had brought into the ring, and went to whip Dreamer into the ropes for his trademark drop toe hold into the chair, but Dreamer countered and whipped Raven over the top rope and out to the floor! Dreamer turned around and attempted to catch his breath, but instead caught a Missile Dropkick to the chest, courtesy of Maven! Maven quickly rolled on top of Dreamer and scored the victory! He had regained his Championship!

    Maven p. Tommy Dreamer to become the NEW Hardcore Champion - (OR:58%, CR:59%, MQ:59%, *1\2 rating)

    The Hardcore Title gained in image

    Without wasting any time, Maven quickly scooped up the Hardcore Title belt and raced to the back. He'd had enough "extreme encounters" for one night.


    WWF Monday Night Raw cuts backstage where the brand’s owner, Vince McMahon stands in the center of his office. As always he has that look of an evil genius on his face, and stands in a way where he’s expressing himself.

    Vince McMahon: Tonight is the beginning of a brand new era… Vince McMahon presents: Monday Night Raw! ‘N while I’d rather have network television, at least I can do what the hell I want on cable! So in that very ring tonight – I’m gonna put Stacy and Terri in a Bra ‘n Panties match. That's right, nothin’ says Raw more than two women stripping each other of their clothing!

    *The camera pans over to the right to reveal Stephanie McMahon, who has been standing there all along. She doesn’t seem as confident as she normally does.*

    Stephanie McMahon: That’s... good Dad, but I don’t think a bra ‘n panties match affects me. I’m here to talk to you about my, ahem, (she does her best to look innocent) employment.

    Vince McMahon: Why, what do you mean, Stephanie?

    Stephanie McMahon: Remember? I lost last week ‘n got fired.

    Vince McMahon: AGAIN?!?! But you only just got fired last November when the WWF kicked the Alliance’s---

    Stephanie McMahon: ---That’s fine, Dad. Look, I’ve made bad mistakes in the past: marrying Triple H, selling my stock to Ric Flair ‘n all that – but please! Daddy. Can I have my job back?

    Vince McMahon: Huh, I'd almost forgotten you and your brother were responsible for the Flair thing. Look, I’ll give you a job again… But until you learn a little something called responsibility, its not gonna be as glamorous a job as what you once had!

    *Stephanie gives her Dad a big hug, happy enough.*

    Stephanie McMahon: I’ll take it, thank you Daddy!

    Vince McMahon: You can start next week...

    With that, Stephanie leaves the office. The scene ends with a close-up of Vince smiling.

    Stephanie McMahon gets un-fired in record time – 83% Rating

    Vince McMahon lost 2 points of overness


    Steven Richards came down to the ring looking less than happy, the reason revealed in his opponent: The man who attacked him in his match last week against William Regal, the debuting monster Brock Lesnar. With Paul Heyman screaming orders at the big man – Lesnar obliterated Richards with a clothesline from the get-go. The clothesline is the weakest move in the end, as the ECW veteran also fell victim to powerful Goldberg-esque slam variations throughout the bout. Brock charged Steven to the corner and thrusted his shoulder into Stevie’s ribs several times. After an overhead belly to belly suplex, Richards was finally put out of his misery with an amazing TKO like maneuver, Only he tossed Richards body in front of his own, instead of behind. The pinfall afterwards easily got the three count.

    Brock Lesnar p. Steven Richards – (OR: 52%; CR: 36%; MQ: 68%; ** Rating)

    After the match, Paul Heyman gets in the ring and celebrates. Lesnar meanwhile stands above Richards, coldly staring down at the man he just destroyed.


    Backstage, the New World Order has just entered the building. Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and X-Pac walk down the corridor in an unorganized fashion. They stop when X-Pac sees a random member of staff backstage. This person is holding a cup of coffee.

    X-Pac: Milk and two sugars?

    *Before the guy can even nod, Pac steals the cup. The nWo walk on with X-Pac drinking. He makes a horrid look on his face and throws the cup away. Meanwhile*…

    Kevin Nash: Woah, hide your wives, its Jonathan Coachman!

    Raw interviewer Jonathan Coachman appears, microphone in hand.

    Jonathan Coachman: New World Order – I’ve got a question that the wrestling world wants to know.

    Kevin Nash: Is it whether or not I’m going to pose for Playgirl? Sorry but no. Its more issues with money, yadda yadda yadda…

    Jonathan Coachman: No no, the question is what did you say to Vince McMahon last week to make him choose you guys as his second draft pick.

    Kevin Nash: Ugh... The simple fact is Coach in that first draft pick, they split up The Rock and Hogan, those two little play buddies. Personally I don’t give a flying crap about The Rock. Instead, quite simply, we’re taking out the legend of Hulkamania brother!!! for being a traitor. Y’know people seem to forget that in 1996, it was me and Scott that created this New World Order deal. Hulk “Hollywood” Hogan decided to join us after OUR promises of fame and money, ‘n yet everybody thinks he was the creator and leader of it. What kind of crap is that?

    Jonathan Coachman: But why did you get yourself placed into a match with Kane of all people later on?!

    Scott Hall: Hey chico, you suggesting Big Kev can’t mow over the Big Red Machine?

    Kevin Nash: ‘s alright Scott, I got this. Coach, you’re an idiot. Kane has been getting into the nWo’s business a bit lately, so we’re taking him out, leaving Hogan all by himself. Who else is gonna help, huh? Austin?!? Let me tell ya somethin’, he’s signing to Smackdown coz he knows and the whole world knows he’s past his prime. We take out Kane, we take out Hogan – and finally Monday Night Raw becomes the property of the New World Order.

    The scene cuts after that to another section of the backstage area where…

    The New World Order: open for business – 74% Rating

    Kevin Nash lost 2 points of overness


    Backstage, The Dudley Boyz are standing in front of the camera in their military duds. Both D-Von and Bubba Ray share a seriousness in the expressions, as they stare deeply into the camera.

    Bubba Ray: Last week, my brother D-Von and I earned the right to be able ta' still call ourselves a tag team when we beat The Hardy Boys - a team that had been no strangers to us in the past. A team that put it all on the line in that ring with us, who gave their blood and sweat. A team that like my brother and I loved competition, a team that loved calling themselves Tag-Team Champions. Well The Hardy Boys, are a team no more...

    *Bubba pauses for a moment to let it truly sink in with the fans that last week possibly could have been the last time the Hardys would ever wrestle together.*

    Bubba Ray: You know, they say in life there are rarely second chances. Well what do you call last week? When we beat The Hardy Boys, we were guaranteed to be able to stay together and fight another day. However, perhaps more importantly - we earned the right to challenge once again for the WWF World Tag-Team Titles. Last week the Dudley Boys not only earned the right to stay together as a team, we not only earned the right to challenge for the titles, we earned the right for a second chance. A second chance, a whole new chapter in the book that is the greatest and most decorated tag-team in the history of our business! Billy and Chuck, you two run around here in your pleather shorts, with your bleached hair and your "stylist," and you act like its all fun and games - that holding those titles is a joke. Well allow me be the first to tell the two of you, that at Backlash - the joke is on you!

    D-Von: Ooohhh my brotha'..... TESSSSSSSTIFYYYYY!!!!!

    The Dudleys are ready for Billy & Chuck - 65% Rating

    With that, Monday Night Raw heads to a commercial.


    When the show came back on the air, it was the moment that all of the males had been waiting for - Mr. McMahon's promised Bra and Panties Match. Terri skipped down the ramp making her little "She-devil" horns and wearing a pair of pink short shorts and a matching halter top. Her opponent, the "leggy" Stacy Keibler came out in a black skirt and a longer sleeved tight fitting shirt. The bell rang, and Terri raced towards Stacy, going right for her skirt. Stacy promptly shoved Terri to the mat and then hopped onto her and "choked" her out a bit. they rolled around a few times until finally Stacy mounted Terri with authority and grabbed hold of her top. She ripped at it fiercly and within a few moments it was off. Terri, "shocked" - grabbed at her chest and then got back to her feet. They clawed at each other for a few more moments, with teases of attire being torn off but nothing really coming of it. Then, as Terri raced toward Stacy, the leggy diva stepped out of the way and Terri came chest first into the ropes. The impact sent who bacwards, and Stacy rolled her up in a school boy like maneuver before pulling off the busty blonde's shorts for the win!

    Stacy Keibler def. Terri in a bra & panties match - (OR:49%, CR:67%, MQ:10%, DUD)

    Stacy, who was still fully dressed, twirled Terri's shorts around on her finger and tossed them to the outside. After having her hand raised, she goes to step through the ropes but...

    8 - NOT SO FAST...

    "Turn it up! Turn it up! Turn it up!" The familiar sounds of the former Too Cool song strikes up and brings out perhaps the only man capable of coming out to it on RAW, the massive Rikishi who sports a top hat and shades. Stacy looks puzzled and steps back into the middle of the ring while Rikishi makes his way in and gets a microphone.

    Rikishi: Now Stacy, this is Monday Night RAW, baby! So how about you an' I give these fans a little sun'tin' they wanna see, huh?

    *Stacy looks confused, as to what Rikishi is implying.

    Rikishi: Hit the music...

    The music hits once again and the dance lights come on. Rikishi starts a movin and a groovin, and soon enough the once apprehensive Stacy joins in for a feel good moment. That isn't all though, with Rikishi's urging, Stacy gives the fans exactly what they want to see as she strips down to her bra and panties for the crowd. With Stacy and Rikishi having fun in the ring, Monday Night Raw heads to another commercial break.

    Rikishi dances, and Stacy strips - 73% Rating


    The next match on Monday Night Raw was a huge opportunity for Matt Hardy, seven days fresh from the Hardy Boyz splitting courtesy of the draft, as he had a shot at Rob Van Dam for the coveted WWF Intercontinental Title. It was no easy task as displayed in the opening collar and elbow tie-up, RVD’s better agility and maneuverability getting the best of Matt. Matt was determined to show his potential as a singles performer though, and had to cheapshot Rob with a punch to the face to get things started. Hardy’s offence was cautionary, kicks and stomps, with an occasional body slam and vertical suplex. It was this careful nature that made it hard for Van Dam to counteract due to the tightness and linked nature of the moves. RVD eventually found a way to reverse his fortunes however… He slipped out of a headlock and executed a roundhouse kick to the challenger’s head. Despite the moment of losing control, Van Dam was still fairly confident in winning the match, pointing the trademark thumbs at the fans. Matt got himself up, but was slammed to the ground again, this was when RVD did the Rolling Thunder! A pinfall only got the two count. Van Dam picked up Hardy and pointed to the thumbs again only to be punched in the stomach. Van Dam ate a Side Effect! Matt made the pin… But got a close two count only. Matt unintentionally set up the finish for the match when he took Van Dam and lifted him up to the top turnbuckle. Getting up in hope for a superplex, Matt wound up slugging it out with the champion, exchanging numerous punches. Van Dam won the fight as Matt splatted to the canvas. Suddenly Rob Van Dam executed the Five Star Frog Splash!!! The pinfall afterwards got the three count!!!

    Rob Van Dam p. Matt Hardy – (OR: 72%; CR: 68%; MQ: 76%; **3\4)

    The Intercontinental Title gained in image

    Rob Van Dam received the belt from the referee as his music played. He pointed his thumbs: “ROB… VAN…” Suddenly The Undertaker booted him in the forehead!!! Where the hell did he come from?!?! ‘Taker picked up the groggy Intercontinental Champion and chokeslammed him with force!

    While Van Dam laid unconscious in the middle of the ring, the Red Devil departed looking emotionless. As the referee attends to RVD, Jim Ross asks the question everybody’s thinking: why did The Undertaker attack Rob Van Dam?!


    It was time for the main event match of the evening. The numbers game was immediately apparent from the get-go: Kane was by himself while Kevin Nash had X-Pac and Scott Hall with him. Despite this fact, Kane was dominant from the get-go, unleashing several moves including an uppercut to Nash. Pac leapt up onto the apron to complain only to get an uppercut himself. Big Sexy retreated out of the ring to regroup with his stable mates. At the eight count, Kev climbed back in. As possibly planned outside the ring, Nash raked Kane in the eyes and pushed him into the corner. There he delivered striking knees to the gut three times, before topping it off with a mocking DX crotch-chop and a striking elbow. Big Sexy tried a Sidewalk Slam afterwards, but the Big Red Machine was too heavy for him. Instead he ran to the ropes, the intention of doing what to remain a mystery as Kane delivered a big boot out of nowhere! Kane grabbed a grounded Nash by the throat and squeezed until his opponent stood up. He whipped him to the corner and delivered a crushing clothesline, one that caused Kevin to stagger into the centre of the ring and fall over. Kane went to the top rope, and kicked Scott Hall off the apron as he tried his rendition of interfering. Nash stood up straight into a flying clothesline. Kane motioned for the chokeslam, a gesture which made X-Pac climb onto the apron to distract the referee. Scott Hall slid into the ring with a chair, only for him to get a big boot in the face. Nash though got up, picked up the chair and slammed it into the Kane’s back. Kane went down like a ton of bricks. Kev slid the chair out of the ring and went for the pinfall, just as the referee became “conveniently” undistracted again: ONE!!! TWO!!! THREE!!! Kevin Nash picks up a tainted victory (surprise surprise).

    Kevin Nash p. Kane – (OR: 73%; CR: 81%; MQ: 56%; ** rating)

    X-Pac and Scott Hall enter the ring to celebrate with their fellow stable buddy. Just as they taunt the fans, Kane suddenly sits up. However he is beaten down, three against one too much even for a man like Kane. X-Pac picks up the chair and smashes the object into Kane’s side several times until…

    “Real American” plays!!! Hulk Hogan trots down to the ring, pointing at a panicked looking New World Order. He climbs up the ringsteps and into the ring. X-Pac lunges at him but gets punched away. The crowd cheer like crazy as Hulk Hogan goes at it with both Outsiders by himself with some success. The attack is short-lived though, Pac low blows Hogan, causing the legend to fall down onto his knees. Hulk is attacked like Kane, beaten down by three men at once, even receiving several chair shots to his bad knee that was only surgically repaired last summer.

    The segment ends with the New World Order departing the ring, celebrating on the ramp and assessing the damage in the ring. Raw fades into a commercial break on the bodies of Kane and Hulk Hogan, laid out in the centre of the ring.


    Back from the final commercial break, the ring has been decked out with a red carpet.

    “No Chance In Hell” hits, bringing out the owner of Monday Night Raw: Vince McMahon. Strutting down to the ring with him as per usual, he noticeably has a red clipboard in his hand, the brand new Raw logo decorated on the back of it. He gets into the ring and gets a microphone from Liliam Garcia.

    Vince McMahon: Tonight here exclusively on my Monday Night Raw, you will see “Stone Cold” Steve Austin do the right thing by signing onto this very show. Now Stone Cold may’ve not officially made his decision yet, but I know how the Rattlesnake works. He WILL sign to Raw, and its all because of me. Y’see despite being enemies over the past several years, it’s become pretty obvious to me that Austin, quite simply, needs Vincent Kennedy McMahon. What is this rebellious, beer swilling, loud mouth SOB without the authority of me to go against him? The Rattlesnake needs something to pray on, to bite out. You can’t expect him to go to a place where the owner, in this case Ric Flair, wants to be all friendly. That’s not what Stone Cold is about at all!

    “WOOOOO!!!” The trademark 2001 music brings out Ric Flair, owner of Smackdown. Dressed in a smart suit, he styles and profiles all the way down to the ring. Like Vince, he has a clipboard too – only this one is blue and with the Smackdown logo on it.

    Ric Flair: Vince McMahon! WOOOO!!! This maybe Monday Night Raw, your show and you can do what you want with it. I get the same privilege when I run Smackdown, Thursdays on UPN by the way---

    Vince McMahon: Woah, if you wanna advertise your product, you have to pay Spike TV just like everyone else.

    Ric Flair: The point is, any sales pitch to Stone Cold should be while we’re both here, and it should be to his face. It’s his decision at the end of the day…

    *Glass shatters*! The Raw crowd catches fire as the one and only “Stone Cold” Steve Austin marches his way down to the ring. Dressed in his DTA shirt and cut-off jeans, he rolls into the ring and proceeds to take five minutes posing at every corner of the ring. As the music eventually fades, McMahon forcibly smiles and claps.

    Vince McMahon: Stone Cold, ladies and gentlemen!

    The crowd are in full “WHAT?!?” mode, yelling it at every pause Austin makes.

    Steve Austin: Shut yer damn hole! Y’know somethin’… I was in the back… Having a beer… Having another beer… Watching you two go on about me… And y’know what… I like Ric’s idea… I ain’t decided on what brand I’m gonna go on… [To the crowd] I said I ain’t decided yet… [Turns back] So why don’t we have ourselves a lil’ sales pitch session… The best guy t’yammer on ‘bout me gets me on their damn show…

    Vince McMahon: Well sure I---

    Steve Austin: I ain’t finished talkin’ y’mealy mouthed son-of-a-bitch!

    Loud cheers from the crowd. Vince looks embarrassed.

    Steve Austin: Coz of that, I’m gonna make y’go first Vince... Well go on… What are you waiting for?

    Vince McMahon: Okay then. [Coughs] As I was saying before---

    Steve Austin: That speech almost brought a tear to my eye, your turn Ric!

    Vince McMahon: [Absolutely livid] Now wait just a damn minute. I’m Vincent Kennedy McMahon, and I deserve the respect of---

    Kick! Wham! Stunner! Flair smiles as Austin gets down on all fours and trash talks the now unconscious owner of Monday Night Raw. A few moments later, Steve regains his composure.

    Steve Austin: As you were saying Ric?

    Ric Flair: Stone Cold, lemme just say first off, it’s always good t’see Vince get beat like that! WOOOO!!! Now Stone Cold! Unlike Vince, I actually know what you want, and sure as hell ain’t to hold your hand. What I got on offer is a contract to Smackdown, a chance to retain your moniker as the best of the business. It ain’t gonna be through anything except for your own abilities and your own actions, just like it should be, simple as that!

    Suddenly there is a surprise interruption. The music of the New World Order plays, bringing out Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and X-Pac. Nash has the microphone in hand, all three members are looking pretty cocky after winning their double-altercation in the last segment.

    Kevin Nash: Hey Austin! If I were you, I’d make the right choice and sign onto Smackdown! In case ya didn’t hear me earlier, it seems pretty obvious to everyone including yourself that you’re past your prime. 1998 ended a few years ago, Austin, you ain’t the toughest SOB anymore… So if I were you, I’d take the old folks train to Smackdown with the Nature Boy there, and leave Raw in control of Vince McMahon and the New World Order. Don’t be stupid Austin – coz if we can destroy a big red monster and Hulkamania in the space of five minutes in that very ring, imagine how easy for us it’ll be to stamp on a Rattlesnake!

    Steve looks at Ric Flair. Flair already knows the outcome of what’ll happen.

    Ric Flair: Steve, I know what you have to do. Good luck.

    They shake hands. Flair leaves the ring, Smackdown contract still in his possession and exits the arena via the side of the ramp. Austin meanwhile grabs the Raw contract from beside Vince (who’s still knocked out) and signs it. He then holds it up at the nWo.

    Steve Austin: Y’know… Stone Cold may be a redneck, but I ain’t that stupid… You want me on Raw so you can take me out too… Look at the contract… The dotted line… It reads: “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, and it gives me the license to tell you boys to c’mon down to the ring so I can unleash a can of whoop ass!

    Kevin Nash: You wanna fight?! YOU WANNA FIGHT, HUH?!? Well you’ve got it big boy!!!

    Nash, Hall and X-Pac charge down to the ring as Austin stands in one spot, waiting to attack. Pac gets a bit too excited and winds up sliding into the ring before his stable matches! Stone Cold swings the clipboard at such force at X-Pac’s head, it has the force of a steel chair! Pac dizzily falls back onto the ropes, springs off and falls straight into a Stone Cold Stunner!!!. The place goes nuts over the move.

    Austin yells at Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, who have remained at ringside, to come into the ring. The Outsiders however opt not to, walking back up the ramp, loudly saying: “Some other time!” They don’t even bother to try to retrieve X-Pac from the middle of the ring!

    Monday Night Raw ends with Austin celebrating with the fans again, this time with cans of beer at his disposal. JR screams that Stone Cold is now a member of Monday Night Raw as we fade to black.

    Steve Austin signs for Monday Night Raw – 96% rating

    Quick Results:

    - Justin Credible p. Maven to become the new Hardcore Champion

    - Tommy Dreamer p.Justin Credible to become the new Hardcore Champion

    - Maven p. Tommy dreamer to become the new Hardcore Champion

    - Brock Lesnar p. Steven Richards

    - Stacy Keibler def. Terri in a Bra & Panties Match

    - Rob Van Dam p. Matt Hardy to retain the Intercontinental Championship

    - Kevin Nash p. Kane

    The Numbers:

    Overall Show Rating: 71%, Television Rating: 6.41, Attendance: 7002

  2. WWFLogo.png

    >>WWF WORLD CHAMPIONS: (Non-Brand Exclusive)


    >>THE RAW BRAND: (Exclusive Champions, Draft Results)


    1. Hulk Hogan

    2. New World Order (Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and X-Pac)

    3. The Undertaker

    4. Rob Van Dam

    5. Kane

    6. The Dudley Boys

    7. Chris Benoit

    8. Brock Lesnar

    9. Rikishi

    10. Maven

    RAW's Lottery picks: Matt Hardy, Goldust, Mr. Perfect, Big Boss Man, Diamond Dallas Page, The Godfather, D-Lo Brown, Raven, Hugh Morrus, Stacy Keibler, Val Venis, Mighty Molly, Tommy Dreamer, Hardcore Holly, Terri, Stevie Richards, Justin Credible

    >>THE SMACKDOWN! BRAND: (Exclusive Champions, Draft Results)


    1. The Rock

    2. Kurt Angle

    3. Edge

    4. William Regal

    5. The Big Show

    6. Booker T.

    7. Jeff Hardy

    8. Mark Henry

    9. Tajiri

    10. Trish Stratus

    Smackdown!'s Lottery picks: Lance Storm, Chris Jericho, Scotty Too Hotty, Christian, Ivory, Tazz, Test, Albert, Al Snow, Faarooq, Chavo Guerrero Jr, Lita, Bradshaw, Billy Kidman, the Hurricane, Torrie Wilson, Funaki, Crash Holly, Spike Dudley, Shawn Stasiak, Jacqueline, Perry Saturn

  3. WWFLogo.png

    WWF 2002: The Brand Extension

    An Awful-Idol production.

    Monday Night Raw

    March 25th 2002

    Linda McMahon starts the show by reiterating the draft rules. Raw will be owned by Vince McMahon, and Smackdown will be owned by Ric Flair. Tonight they will choose ten wrestlers each with the rest being drafted on WWF.com afterwards. Anybody under contract is eligible except for WWF Undisputed Champion: Triple H, WWF Women’s Champion: Jazz and the WWF Tag Team Champions: Billy & Chuck. Those three Champions are in turn able to compete on both shows and defend the titles. Once their reign has ended, they will become a member of their successor's brand, and the successor is then able to compete on both shows and so on. The New World Order will count as one draft selection. Chris Jericho and Stephanie McMahon are ineligable from the draft on Raw due to their triple threat match with Triple H tonight. Steve Austin is also not available as he is having some contract disputes yet to be resolved.

    Tazz defeated Mr Perfect.

    The draft began. With Vince McMahon’s Raw winning the coin-toss last week, he got the first choice. He chose none other than the most successful thing apart from Wrestlemania that he ever created: Hulk Hogan. Just after Ric Flair chose The Rock, the music of the New World Order hit. Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and X-Pac came out and whispered something in Vince’s ear. Vince nodded before proclaiming his second choice was the New World Order.

    In the backstage area after the break, Vince McMahon was with The Hardy Boyz (and Lita) and The Dudley Boyz. With the Tag Team gold being defended on both brands, it would be fitting if at least one team was guaranteed survival. So tonight it would be the two teams in a #1 contender’s match, with the winners being guaranteed to be drafted as one pick. Kurt Angle barged in afterwards, pissed off that Vince didn’t choose him. Vince promised he would be the next pick.

    Christian & Booker T defeated Edge & DDP.

    Ric Flair came out after the match, proclaiming he had chosen the next member of Smackdown… Kurt Angle. Backstage, Kurt destroys the backstage area, pissed off!

    Vince McMahon responds in his dressing room by saying he wants his roster to be bigger and much better than Ric Flair’s. He says he has Hulkamania and the New World Order, two famous franchises on his roster. Now he wants a third one: The Undertaker. Kurt charges in the room and demands why the New World Order was picked over him, to which Vince replied: “Why do you think?”

    Trish Stratus defeated Ivory.

    Smackdown makes its next choice after the match to even things out: Edge. Ric Flair exhales a “WOO!” to end the segment.

    Back from a commercial break, Hulk Hogan and The Rock are backstage talking about The Rock’s upcoming match with Scott Hall. They say it’s a shame that they’ve been split up – and promise someday, somehow, they’ll have Hogan vs. Rock II.

    Vince McMahon and Ric Flair came out to the rampway again. Vince chose Rob Van Dam, taking the Intercontinental Title with him. Flair took William Regal and his European Championship. Vince, angry that Flair took a title then takes Kane. Ric Flair’s response: The Big Show. Now both sides have chosen five wrestlers each.

    In the backstage area, Kurt Angle continued to complain non-stop to Vince McMahon until he was forced into a match later on tonight…… Against Kane!

    The Rock defeated Scott Hall by DQ. Hogan and The Rock clear house of the nWo afterwards. They hugged and shook hands one last time.

    The Dudley Boyz defeated The Hardy Boyz to become #1 contenders to the Tag gold, and in turn cemented that they would stay together as a team.

    Immediately after the match, Vince named The Dudley Boyz as his next draft pick. Ric Flair took Booker T on the basis of being a five-time WCW Champion! Hearing Booker’s name reminded McMahon of a certain someone, a big rival of Booker back in the day, none other than Chris Benoit! Ric congratulated him on a good pick before taking Jeff Hardy. Vince decided not to do the obvious and take Matt Hardy. Because he’s such a nice guy, he’ll let the random drawing decide whether or not The Hardy Boyz will stick together instead. Seven choices have been made each so far.

    Backstage, Stephanie McMahon was interviewed by Terri. She spoke as if tonight she would become the Undisputed Champion, furthering the wedge between the "alliance" between herself and Chris Jericho.

    William Regal vs. Stevie Richards didn’t even get underway when Brock Lesnar (with Paul Heyman) destroyed Richards in the middle of his entrance.

    This beatdown impressed Vince McMahon so much, he chose Brock Lesnar as his eighth pick despite not even wrestling a match yet. As a response, Ric Flair picked the only man he thought looked stronger than Lesnar – the World’s Strongest Man: Mark Henry. Vince promised that the draft would be completed after the next match.

    Kane defeated Kurt Angle in a Wrestlemania 18 rematch. Angle tried to escape mid-match, but Edge ran down and threw him back in the ring straight into a beatdown plus a chokeslam.

    The final part of the draft… McMahon continued the big-man theme by choosing Rikishi. Ric Flair reminded his co-partner that there were still titles to be claimed, so he took Tajiri and his Cruiserweight Title. Vince McMahon got the final title: the Hardcore belt belonging to Maven. The twentieth and final pick of the night was Ric Flair’s, and he chose Trish Stratus.

    Finally in the main event, Triple H defeated Chris Jericho and Stephanie McMahon in a triple threat match to retain the WWF Undisputed Title. As a result, Jericho is not allowed any more title shots, and Stephanie McMahon is FIRED from the WWF.

  4. So I busted my butt the last couple of days making banners and avatars for a forum. It took me a while to come up with a universal design that just switched bg colors but, and one of the skins was a "DX" green and black theme so I figured I'd do a DX themed banner. Well here is what they looked like when I was all done;






    and theres a grey, gold, and another clored one as well. The guy put them up on the site and all was well, but then yesterday I log on and find that these have replaced my work;






    Now I'm not a guy who likes to toot his own horn, but am I correct in assuming that my work was the better work here?

  5. I've seen alot worse, for someone getting the hang of things they aren't so bad, but I've always wondered why do people feel they must use MS paint and PSP? I've been using PSP 8 for years, and have never felt the need to use the quite inferior paint with it. What does Paint do that PSP can't?

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