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Posts posted by caucasianheat

  1. Kenen & Seth are both good, and with Jimmy Fallon gone they will have to be

    Fallon was definitely the worst player on SNL last year, beating Sanz by a hair, and among the worst of all time. His jokes rarely hit and his was totally overexposed. That, and he laughed out of character constantly. Like, every sketch, constantly. I can handle a bit of laughter on the odd occasion, like with the Debbie Downer sketch, but he laughed in pretty much every sketch I saw him in last season. I'm glad he's gone.

    That said, I think Seth Myers and Will Forte will probably be standouts this year, as both guys are awesome but had a lot of the spotlight taken away by Fallon. Seth would be an awesome host of Weekend Update, and I'm hoping that's what goes down. His top-notch work on Spyglass is proof that he can handle the role well.

  2. I love the show as a whole, but the best parts, for me, are the little nods to various films and TV shows. For the sake of an example, look at the episode where Lahey and Sam Losco (sp?) are running for the position of Trailer Park Supervisor. As Sam gives his speech, there's a guy with a mohawk and army fatigues standing nearer to the back of the crowd, an obvious nod Taxi Driver. The show is great, some of the jokes are first rate and the characters are to die for, but those little moments make the episodes for me.

  3. Card for LPW II: Night of the Champion

    - October 25th, 2004.

    - LPW Heavyweight Title Tournament Finals, Ladder Match: "The Homicidal"Sabu vs. Kid Kash

    - 200 Light Tubes Deathmatch: "The Human Horror Film" Supreme vs. Necro Butcher

    - LPW Tag Team Titles, Decision Match: Blackout (Ruckus and Sabian) vs. The SAT (Jose and Joel Maximo) vs. Youthanazia (M-Dogg 20 and Josh Prohibition) vs. A Mystery Team

    - Super "F'n" Dragon vs. Matt Sydal

    - "The Notorious 187" Homicide vs. "The Shooting Star" Bobby Quance

    - JC Bailey vs. "The Rock Superstar" Kaos

    - 2/3 Falls Tables Match: "Mr Insanity" Toby Klein vs. Justice Pain

    - "Spyder" Nate Webb vs. B-Boy

  4. Lousy teen drama where everything bad that can possibly happen does and more. It's an accurate portrayal of how adults think preteens think teenagers act.

  5. I think the write-ups being short made perfect sense. If you think about it, he's sitting in the gorilla position and just watching things happen, in keeping with the first person perspective. He calls all the important moves and spots of the matches, and sums up the interviews rather nicely. It seems less like a journal, and more like something that's been committed to memory, which I think is cool.

    Awesome backstory, a great way to kick off the diary. I like the angle of being an uninteional drug runner and testifying against Vince. The incorporation of real-life events made it a lot better than "Eric Bischoff called me and made me booker". Thumbs up to that. The booking of the first show was a bit spotty, and a few matches seemed like throwaways for all intents and purposes. But it was good nonetheless. I'll be interested to see how some of your storylines and feuds pan out. I'll definitely check this out again.

  6. Surprise, surprise, Outkast wins Video of the Year award...

    It may have been a forgone conclusion, but I thought it was probbly one of the more creative videos of the last year, and easily the most creative one nominated.

  7. [Fat Joe]

    Hear the metal's burstin, there's a terror lurkin

    It's a certain, whoever searchin to find God when my clips inserted

    Words are blurted when we bust guns, you heard it

    Left ya *gun shot* murdered

    I know ya *scream* was stunned by the verdict

    I'm a free man, kill your free lance for only three grand

    Makin an examp for my other workers and cut off each hand

    You greedy mothafuckas I'll see you in hell

    Jealous niggas wanna see me in jail fiendin to tell

    No talent Fat Joe?

    Get banned already.

  8. Fuse isn't much better.

    Neither is radio for that matter.  Radio, much like pro wrestling has been ruined by guys who think they know what the people want.  The talented performers are forced to tone down their style to not overshadow the station itself or offend any listeners.  Corporate tell the Program Directors what they have to play even though they have no clue what good music is, just what will make a quick buck.  True fact about radio, the higher ups are given more free stuff from the record companies for playing shittier bands.  The record company knows they can't sell the shitty band without it being shoved down the throats of listeners, so they give the station all kinds of stuff that can be used for promotional material or employees for that matter.  DJs are told what to say and are punished for going off any of that.

    Yes there are indy radio stations out there, but keep in mind over 50% of radio stations are owned by Clear Channel and Infinity Broadcasting (which is owned by Viacom, which also owns MTV).  And there are many other big companies out there that own a good portion of the stations like Sesquehana and Radio 1 (which owns over half of the hip-hop stations in the country).  It's tactics like these that are killing radio and since listeners don't bother to learn these facts and are happy as long as they can hear the new Usher song 27 times a day, it won't change.

    And this is coming from an employee of a major radio station owned by one of the big two.  But once satellite gets big, we'll go through a radio revolution, which will eventually be ruined by corporate greed.  It would be nice to see internet radio get big and eventually make it into car stereos, but with the brutal and inexcusable abuse internet radio receives from record companies, that will never happen.

    Campus/Community Radio is always the answer.

    My local radio fucking blows too. Then I took on a co-op at the local campus/community station and figured out that all radio doesn't suck.

    If you don't like MTV, and you're sick of hearing the same shit on the radio, try listening to your local campus station. It's like a breath of fresh air.

  9. MTV has no redeeming qualities anymore... I cannot even remember their last entertaining moment.  Mainly because I haven't watched the channel for more than five minutes in the last two years.

    MTV 2... I was so excited when my cable provider finally picked it up, and then they started airing commercials.  Then started putting other bullshit on there other than videos.  And people keep eating the bullshit they're fed from this aging station.  I long for the day when MTV becomes completely out of touch and dies.

    Sadly, MTV will never fall out of touch. They'll ride every fad that comes rolling along and never stop appealing to 12 year olds who are too stupid to decide for themselves what they like. That's the MTV generation for you, a bunch of brainless tools who like whatever they're fed the most.

    Fuck music videos, go listen to the radio.

  10. Hoobastank was crap, as were New Found Glory, Ashlee Simpson, Yellowcard.

    When you suck in studio, it's pretty hard not to suck live.

    These shows aren't even entertaining anymore. There's always someone on the show who plays a sizeable role that I find to be a complete annoyance. This year: Will Smith. I saw him yelling and jumping around on stage and had the channel changed in about 4 seconds. I hate that guy.

    It'll be interesting to see how the awards play out, and if it'll go like every other year. You know, where someone who absolutely blows takes away like 5 awards for the same video. I'm only really interested to see who takes the MTV2 award, unless they've cut that out for an inane segment with someone who's brains I'd love to blow out with a shotgun.

    EDIT: They even killed the MTV2 award, nominating crap like Yellowcard. I thought MTV2 promoted music that isn't shamelessly whored out to everyone on the face of the earth. I guess I was wrong.

  11. Strong roster, some of my favourite indy talent on their. Quick question, who are Toby Klein and Puma, I'm not informed on those two at all.

    Puma works out of So Cal (PWG, NJPW-USA) and is also known as Pinoy Boy or TJ Perkins.

    Not sure about Toby Klien though.

    Klein is a very talented deathmatch worker from the Midwest. He does most of his work with IWA:MS

  12. Yes, God yes. If this is anything even close to the original LPW, I will absolutely treasure it. I like your roster, it's got a few really good guys that people rarely use in diaries such as this, which I really like. I'm really looking forward to seeing what you can come up with.


    Pixies vs Radiohead-

    Pink Floyd vs Beatles-                                               

    Blur vs Beastie Boys-

    The Doors vs Modest Mouse-


    Beck vs Velvet Underground-

    Roxy Music vs Talking Heads- I cannot choose!!!

    Kid Koala vs Tom Waits-       

    Snow Patrol vs DJ Shadow-


    Scissor Sisters vs Franz Ferdinand-

    Jesus and Mary Chain vs Aphex Twin-

    Flaming Lips vs Bjork                       

    Neutral Milk Hotel vs Goldfrapp         


    Belle and Sebastian vs Refused

    The Clash vs At the Drive-In

    Libertines vs !!!                 

    Dizzee Rascal vs Del Tha Funkee Homosapien

    EDIT: Damnit. Forget it.

  14. Meh they should have scrapped Snuka and Brutas for like Randy Savage and someone like Razor Ramon, Ultimate Warrior, Vader, The Brittish Bulldog or Owen Hart. Here's hoping they somehow reveal that there is more legends than we think in the game.

    I pray they have there entrance music and proper entrances, I really did hate them mini ring things in HCTP.

    Mini rings > *

    I loved those things in real life, and their awesomeness transcended nicely into the game.

  15. LMAO all the names have been changed just a bit, some of them are funny

    Rob Convoy

    Chunk Columbo

    Eric Bischall

    Hot Scotty

    Jon Bradley Leftfield

    Kirk Angel

    Ray Mysterious

    ..are just some of them. :lol:

    It's just like playing the Fire Pro games. I think I might be able to get into this... :shifty:

    EDIT: Guess I'll have to take a raincheck on playing it. It's still a fucking memory hog.

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