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Posts posted by caucasianheat

  1. No matter what anyone says, the Late Late Show should go to David Cross. The man is pure gold.

    Oooo, I didn't even consider him. He'd be terrific, and it'd be even better if he had Bob Odenkirk on lots, also. Mr. Show lives!

    Another Mr. Show fan? I must say, our breed is few and far between my good man.

    And Zero, I agree that Cross isn't exactly "network friendly," and him taking on a late show would invariably result in discontent in one way or another. If he were forced to tone down his style, more loyal fans would be disappointed. If he kept up his current style, more conservative viewers would be turned off, especially with a network like CBS. If we were talking about HBO or Comedy Central, it would be an entirely different story.

    Truth be told, I'd absolutely love to see Norm McDonald doing a late show. He's got the news experience from his Weekend Update tenure with SNL, and could more than likely convincingly pull off an interview. In my mind, he'd be an outstanding choice, at least better than Carson Daly or Kilborn himself.

  2. There's definitely going to be some fine tuning with the audio and various other rough elements of the game.

    My main problem is that the game is utterly recycled. If you look at it, Smackdown vs. Raw won't be too terribly different from Smackdown: Shut Your Mouth. The gameplay looks unbelievably similar, with many of the same flaws. The problem is that the things in the previous year's game that really dragged it down are never attended to. The only thing that get's attention are updating the rosters, improving the graphics, and adding inane and useless new gameplay modes. They should be fixing the problems they've had since the series made it's way to the PS2 with Just Bring It. Instead, they change just enough to make the game a little bit different from the last.

    I'll admit, the addition of online play and create a pay per view are very cool and very welcome new bits. But it won't change the fact that when you're playing the game, it'll be bland, derivitive, and generally unrealistic. You can add as many new modes and bells and whistles as you like, but the way the game plays will always be the most important.

    Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to while away my evening with Fire Pro 2 on the GBA...

  3. "World Wrestling Federation wrestler Owen Hart, known as the Blue Blazer, died Sunday night. ... Blue Blazer's partner, White Turtleneck, was unharmed."

    Which is, if you examine closely, not a dig at Owen at all, but the ridiculous gimmick the writing staff gave him. Perhaps it was a little insensitive, but it wasn't a dig at Owen by any means.

    Exactly. There seemed to be this terrible outcry from wrestling fans calling for Kilborn's head at the time, when really he was poking fun at the gimmick, not the man. It wasn't particularly humorous, but it wasn't some jaw dropping show of disrespect either.

    No matter what anyone says, the Late Late Show should go to David Cross. The man is pure gold.

  4. How will Fallon do? Dunno, but considering how poorly SNL alumni usually do after leaving (with the obvious exception of the originals)...

    I have to completely disagree with this statement. I agree that not all of them do too hot, but I'd say over half of the people that leave to seek better options, do in fact, do better. Look at Adam Sandler, Chris Farley, Mike Meyers, Chris Rock, and Will Farrell, just to name a few. Who's failed? Although people like Chris Kattan and Norm McDonald never really got huge, they certainly did decent. Both have been in starring movie roles since leaving. I don't claim to be an expert, but I bet they got paid more for their movies than they did for doing SNL.

    Well, Tracy Morgan's sitcom didn't exactly set the world on fire...

  5. Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody

    Roxy Music - Street Life

    Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love

    The Who - Won't Get Fooled Again

    The Who - Teenage Wasteland

    Cream - White Room

    J. Geils Band - Centerfold (It's scary how much I love this song)

    RATM - No Shelter

    Metallica - The God That Failed

    NOFX - The Decline

    Beastie Boys - So Watcha Want

    John Lennon - Imagine

    The Mars Volta - Eriatarka

    At The Drive In - One Armed Scissor

    Thrice - The Artist in the Ambulance

    Michael Jackson - Beat It

    Matthew Good Band - Apparitions

    The Clash - I'm So Bored with the USA

    Herbie Hancock - Rock it (Don't ask)

    19 is enough for me, my brain hurts

  6. Good riddance, Fallon hadn't been funny in ages. He and Sanz just started annoying me by the end of the season, because they can't even hold it in through a single sketch.

    Myers and Armissen (sp?) are the best guys they've got right now.

    EDIT: Maya Rudolph needs to go far away from anything involving television. She is terrible.

  7. In no particular order

    Talking Heads

    The Who

    The Mars Volta

    At the Drive In

    Alice in Chains

    Smashing Pumpkins


    Beastie Boys


    The Refused - thumbs up to PunkRockPete for turning me onto these guys, inadvertantly




    Matthew Good Band

    Red Hot Chili Peppers



    Boys Night Out

    Avenged Sevenfold


    The last 5 are questionable, but everyone else is nominating their current favourites, so what the hell.

  8. There are two GREAT things about Gigli.

    1) Al Pacino

    2) Christopher Walken

    Now, why either of those guys signed to this ridiculous piece of shit, I'll never know.

    It's sad when even Pacino and Walken can't save a movie from being a total fucking bomb.

  9. World Heavyweight Title Match:

    Chris Benoit vs. Batista vs. Christian

    Benoit retains, Batista won't be involved in the fall.

    Hell In A Cell:

    Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels

    Haitch by pinfall

    Eric Bischoff Challenge Final:

    Shelton Benjamin vs. Christian

    Christian wins by cheating

    Eric Bischoff Challenge Semi Final #2:

    Christian vs. “Nature Boy” Ric Flair

    Christian cleanly

    Eric Bischoff Challenge Semi Final #1:

    Shelton Benjamin vs. Randy Orton

    Shelton wins by DQ

    Cage Match:

    Kane vs. Matt Hardy

    I'll guess Matt in an upset

    Grudge Match

    Christian vs. Chris Jericho:

    I can't think of an ending to this, so I'll say a Draw.


    Which match will get the highest Overall rating?


    Which match will get the highest Crowd Reaction?


    Which match will get the highest Match Quality?


    Who will leave Raw for SmackDown!?

    Ric Flair

    Which match ends in a Disqualification?


    Will Batista leave Evolution?


  10. You guys need to here TI's diss to Lil Flip and then Lil Flip's response. He killed TI.

    'Nigga, you lucky that my plane got delayed.

    Otherwise I would've knocked ya ass off da stage.

    Trying to get on my Game Over Remix but I told you no

    I only do tracks with niggaz I think dope

    And niggaz know, in the streets I'm the hardest

    so why the fuck would I diss a gold artist?'

    Erm, burn?

    Sorry, this seems like a really bad knock-off (best way I can put it) of the East Coast-West Coast war. syco hit it on the head, gangsta rap is dead....

    Oh man, that rhymes. Check my uber mic skillz!

  11. For once, I do believe we agree on political matters. There's no reason for MTV to try and sway the vote. You hit the nail on the head by calling this a commercialized election, because every lousy B-list celebrity simply has to put tin their two cents on the issues. For some reason, disliking Bush has become somehow fashionable, and it makes people that actually don't like the guy look like sheep. It's pretty lame. Hollywood ought to stick to making crappy movies instead of trying to stick their nose in politics and get their names in the headlines. It's really lame.

  12. First 15 things I got on my playlist. It's all electic and shit.

    1. Cream - White Room

    2. Atreyu - Lip Gloss and Black

    3. imarobot - Dynomite

    4. Silverstein - When broken is Easily Fixed

    5. Tangiers - Keep the Living Bodies Warm

    6. At The Drive In - One Armed Scissor

    7. Boys Night Out - The Subtleties That Make Mass Murders Out of Otherwise Decent Human Beings

    8. Thrice - Under the Killing Moon

    9. The Buggles - Video Killed the Radio Star

    10. The Who - Won't Get Folled Again

    11. The Mars Volta - Concertina

    12. Michinoku Pro - Kaientai DX Theme (<_< )

    13. Smashing Pumpkins - Today

    14. Hall & Oates - You Make My Dreams Come True (<_<)

    15. Billy Joel - Only the Good Die Young

  13. *groans*

    I won't be doing this again, lol. I thought everyone could be cililized (sp?) enough to accept the fact that this is peoples opinions, and not fact. People all have different tastes, and they have all voted for their favourite bands. Obviously the top 100 is not going to match everybodies tastes, and there will be bands on there that you think shouldn't have made it, but I'm sure other people don't think that the bands that you like should've made it either.

    So do you want me to post the rest of it, or just get someone to close the thread?

    I think it would've been a lot safer had you just posted all 100 at once. Instead, you have to come back to this thread and look at all the complaints (some which do have grounds) before you can post the next set of 5. If it were me from this point, I'd just post whatever was left.

  14. This list sucks. If Muse is even on it, its a fucking crock.

    Indeed. From what I've heard of them, Muse just doesn't float my boat at all. Add to that the fact that this is a list of all time bands, not bands that really only started breaking out this year. They just don't belong on it at all.

    And if the Mars Volta isn't on here, everyone that voted can fuck themselves :angry:

  15. I don't have a huge problem with Slipknot but what I've heard from them is just screaming. I mean how the hell can you enjoy someone screaming in your ear? Also there personalities suck so badly from what I've see. Spitting in the air and swallowing it again, that's just sick. Maybe the rumour about them killing dogs on stage wasn't true, but they are still twisters  :shifty:

    Screaming is an acquired taste, some people like it and some people don't. I've actually had people cover their ears while I listen to bands like alexisonfire on my headphones. It's just a matter of loving it or hating it I guess.

  16. No its just the Slipknot fans(ie Tristy) are jealous of the super voice of Curt Kobain. I'm guessing you think Backstreet Boys should be in the top ten though?  :P


    I don't even like Slipknot anymore :rolleyes:

    Really? Tristy is finally learning the life of good music :)

    *Chainsaw to all Slipknot fans*

    Bah, their new album is really good, actually. I was pleasantly surprised.

  17. I was a bit skeptical at first, as the Smackdown series is notorious for its massive letdowns. But I'm really starting to buy all the hype that's going into this game. Online play, face and heel meters, manager interference, create a belt, and create a PPV are all thuings that I can get excited about.

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