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Everything posted by AJ

  1. Once the train stops in the station, go to the front of the train and steal it just like you would a car. It isn't just going backwards that derails it. You can just go forwards and build up plenty of speed, eventually you'll derail on a corner.
  2. Don't get your gang members to help. They just shoot all the other gang members and you end up getting a wanted level and a lot of unwanted attention from other gangs.
  3. I'm not saying I believe or not believe any of these, but here: Confirmed Myths Ghost Cars There ARE ghost cars in Back O' Beyond in the South of San Fierro. They are beat-up Glendales near the large rocks in the shape of horseshoes. If you attempt to take them to an auto-shop, you can change the colour but you cannot repair them. If you move them from their place. Another ghost car will spawn at the top of the hill and roll down into place of the other one. There will be no driver. Plane Crashes I've witnessed one firsthand. It happened in the middle of the street. Whilst these happen rarely, it's said that Mt. Chilliad is a place where it's common to see planes crash. UFO Map Near Area 51 in Las Venturas there is a place called The Probe Inn. Inside there is a map on the wall. This map has several dots on it. These are locations where you are most likely to see weird ass shit like UFO's. Whether UFO's actually exist is another matter. Demolished Trees In Back O' Beyond there are many cut up trees and some 'gooey trees' which seem like glitches in the game. Brown Lake Also in Back O' Beyond, the lake nearby has brown coloured water and is meant to bubble at certain times. Myths Unconfirmed: Bigfoot Lots of people have said they've seen him. From most of the descriptions he's tall, has a big round body and round head and has thin arms and legs. No-one's been able to catch him, the biggest excuse has been that he runs about 4 times as fast as anything on the game. Commonly seen running past in the distance. Key places are Back O' Beyond and around Mt. Chilliad UFO's People have claimed to have seen green orbs in the sky (air planes have flashing red lights so it's not them) and some have gone as far as saying that beams of light have shot down nearby. Loch Ness Monster Try swimming East of Los Santos. A few have claimed to have seen it peeking above the water but when you go below it has disappeared. The Tree With The Face Back O' Beyond again. People have claimed to have seen a tree with face like features. Flame Thrower Circle Again in Back O' Beyond there is a flame thrower surrounded in a circle of trees. It's said that using it to light the trees does something. Leatherface On the southern farms on San Fierro there is a chainsaw spawn in the middle of a crop field. Supposedly going here at a specific time a farmer resembling Leatherface will chase you away. Sharks Too many people mistake Dolphins for them. There's more, I just can't remember them all. There's something strange afoot.
  4. Yeah that's a special dock because if you can somehow get on top of the aircraft carrier to the North of the dock, there's a fighter jet up there. So I'm told. I haven't tried getting there yet. I'm just about to fly there from Los Santos in a jet to see.
  5. Can't remember the exact words but on one of the radio stations (Bounce, I think...) it goes something like: "Ever get that thing where your optic nerves get mixed up with your asshole? You get a shitty outlook on life."
  6. You've found 99 without a guide of any sort? If so, that's pretty impressive. How long has it took?
  7. Fish, Dolphins, Turtles, Jellyfish and Oysters.
  8. Yeah that's what I was talking about. You get a parachute when you jump from the big commercial flightmajigs.
  9. I can't seem to find any drug dealers. I know what they look like, just can't find any... help? I've just won 65,000 by betting all my money on the long shot at the betting office.
  10. Just as I've came out of the betting shop a small plane crashed in the street right infront of me, blowing a car up and then a van after it caught fire. I'm happy to have witnessed something like this firsthand.
  11. Behold Jook and his amazing time machine~!
  12. I've visited two and the tattoos are the same. They look lame before you put them on, nevermind when they're on.
  13. I'm White English and I have no problem with any of the characters or understanding them. Game kicks ass. End of story.
  14. You didn't by any chance get 'Stumpy' from King of Queens this morning did you? Seems a weird coincidence, if not. As for mine, I'd have to do some research since I can't really place any songs in that time period, other than MC Hammer. I may edit mine in here later.
  15. Here's the only picture I've found as 'evidence' of Bigfoot. It's probably not real: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v456/acu...01/bigfoot3.jpg
  16. When was the last time you saw a closed airport? They're open all the time... aren't they?
  17. The planes DO have them on board. I know for sure my brother didn't find a chute before he did it.
  18. Once you've unlocked San Fierro. You can go to either San Fierro or Los Santos airport and pay a fee to be flown from one to the other. It gives you a nice cinematic of your flight, but the bad-ass thing about this is that you can jump from the plane at any time you like. You plummet toward the ground and deploy your parachute (or not, if you're twisted like that) when you wish. The plane also flies over Las Venturas (even if you haven't unlocked it). My brother parachuted out of the plane over there and managed to land inside the airport, then took off with a helicopter. So go parachuting, if you haven't already, it's seriously cool.
  19. At the moment... Cornrows Black Vest Black Track Pants (Adidas stylee, yo) Those expensive sneakers from Pro Laps. Dogtags Silver Watch East Coast Tattoo (Upper back) Los Santos 'LS' Tattoo (Right Chest)
  20. I did listen to Radio Los Santos, but everytime I turn it on it seems it's that annoying song with the siren-type noise that reminds me of Kill Bill. So now I've found a new love... Bounce FM.
  21. Anyone else having a problem with vehicles disappearing from their garages? I just put my Slamvan back in the garage, went and saved it, came back and it had gone. This has also happened to my brother as he lost his cheetah.
  22. I should warn you for talking about cheats. Tsk. If you're resorting to cheating this early on, that's lame. :/ My weapons: Knucks, Knife, Pistol, Shotgun, Uzi, Spray Paint and some weird-ass looking cane thing.
  23. Man, those are harder than you said. I failed on the very last one, I did all the deliveries and my clock ran out when I was about 10 seconds away from getting back to the 24/7.
  24. Uhm... my original question, anybody?
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