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Everything posted by AJ

  1. AJ


    When there's no money left you just play on without getting payouts for passing Go or any chance/community chest cards. Also, there shouldn't have been hotels on every square, unless you made some of your own. There's purposely not enough hotels.
  2. AJ

    Red Dwarf

    I love how all the big changes from series 2 to 3 are explained in a block of text at the start flying up the screen at the speed of light. I had to slow my dvd player to 1/7th the normal speed to actually read it.
  3. AJ

    Red Dwarf

    Finished watching series 2. Favourite quote must be when they find Kryten with the dead crew members... Kryten: Is anything the matter? Rimmer: Anything the matter? They're dead. Kryten: Who's dead? Rimmer: THEY are dead. They're all dead. Kryten: My God. I was only away 2 minutes.
  4. AJ

    Red Dwarf

    Got series 1, 2 and 3 for Christmas and I have series 4 and 5 ordered off Amazon due to arrive by the 4th of January. I'll get back to you all once I've watched them all again.
  5. hopefully this becomes less subtle the more you look at it.
  6. I don't use the jetpack but it's not cheating. You earn the jetpack in the game, why shouldn't you be able to use it?
  7. Santa Claus: The Movie I think that's what it's called, NOT the Tim Allen one, the one with John Lithgow as the evil corporate company dude... Was made in the year I was born.
  8. For some reason I'm on a HP mailing list :blink: So if anybody wants to know... The 6th book in the series, which is named Harry Potter and The Half-blood Prince, will hit stores in the U.S, Canada, Australia and Great Britain on July 16th 2005. Press Release: http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories....02672561&EDATE= I'unno... I thought there must be SOME of you interested.
  9. Ladies, handbags down please. You're never going to 'win' this argument. So why bother? I only want to see posts to do with the original topic from here on.
  10. I also chose Arsenal. The Red Sox thing may be the biggest story in America. Outside of America though, I'm sure football is more in the mind of the people than baseball.
  11. Was LuaLua named man of the match? If not he should have been. Arsenal weren't at their best I don't think. Portsmouth made it difficult for them today.
  12. They're all going to be close matches IMO. There's no match that stands out as one with a definate favourite and underdog. Chelsea have the toughest challenge I think out of the English teams.
  13. For pictures to cut, it's easy enough to search Google. Or if you want to do it the real way, scan in your own wrestling magazines and cut them out from there.
  14. I'm more taken aback with the amount of time he's wasted to actually type all that crap up than with the comedy value.
  15. I find it hard to find enough gang members to kill. I find one, and then no more. :/ ← Couple of tips: 1. Drive around the area in a car or bike with a recruited member of your own gang. They'll shoot at any rival gang members they see, often some you wouldn't have noticed by yourself. 2. Often rival gang members are driving in cars rather than at the side of roads. I found that dragging one from a car and killing them usually makes others show up to the scene.
  16. Sahyder, leave the modding to the mods I wouldn't have bothered reading the NBA thread to find this out, so this is fine by me.
  17. As far as I know cheating doesn't stop you getting 100% but it DOES add into your stats "Times Cheated: #" so I wouldn't suggest doing it. You don't need a jetpack to get the tags anyway, just drive around with a motorbike, that's the best way.
  18. I took over all the territories but I didn't check in my stats to see if it equalled 100%. I'm no help at all, am I.
  19. So what time's the draw? edit: Nevermind, found out. 10.30 tomorrow morning. Can't wait.
  20. Here you go. Comments very welcome, by the way.
  21. www.sport-e.com is good for the big european clubs. ManU, Arsenal, Juve, Barca, Madrid, Inter etc. £30 a shirt. Think I'm getting a Barca one for Christmas.
  22. So many ifs and buts in that game. I didn't think that free kick goal should have stood. Something needs to be done really about referees, I mean he was stood waiting to blow his whistle, then changed his mind and let Henry take it early. What are Chelsea meant to do? I can't believe Henry missed that chance either, so unlike him. Although Lampard had a header early in the second half in acres of space and he should've done more with that too. In the end it was a fair result I think. Definately opens up the top of the table a little bit more. Man U can go within 2 points of Arsenal tomorrow. I'm guessing they will. It's a funny sight to see Arsenal and ManU sitting 3rd and 4th while Everton are above them.
  23. Why can't the old movies just be left alone instead of being dragged back to life. I wonder what Roald Dahl would've thought about this new one, considering he was supposed to have hated the original movie. Oh and Depp looks like a woman.
  24. Arsenal and Chelsea I think will both go through quite comfortably as long as they don't draw Barca (who're the team to beat in this competition if you ask me) even against Real Madrid they've got a fair chance. If Celtic can manage a draw against Milan I'm sure ManU can beat them. I think Juve would provide the toughest challenge out of the possible draws for Utd but also the best match. As for Liverpool, well I'd be hoping to be drawn against Lyon if I were a fan.
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