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Everything posted by AJ

  1. Davina McCall looks like a female Willy Wonka. More shit "celebrities" ahoy.
  2. Did anybody else see Will Mellor (Gaz from 2 pints) waving that Jeremy in? He'd be a way better contestant.
  3. Celebrity reality shows like this are a joke. It'd be alright if they had proper celebrities. Not has-beens and never-was'.
  4. Just let the public vote. First to 3 is usually the way. He hasn't even accepted yet though.
  5. AJ

    Love Song Help

    I've looked through endless amounts of track listings for love song albums at amazon and I haven't really seen anything. I'm looking for love(ish) songs along the lines of Amazed by Lonestar or Truly Madly Deeply by Savage Garden. Ones that are happy really... not ones that are sad love songs. Anyway, suggest away... much thanks in advance.
  6. AJ


    Channel 5 is the most recently added terrestial channel (which was still like years and years ago now but anyway..) and ever since it began it's had hardly any credibility (if any at all) whatsoever. Since most of it's early programming consisted of lame soap operas like Sunset Beach during the day and softcore porn at night. It isn't much better these days.
  7. AJ


    Channel 5? Jesus christ...
  8. Why whip up something quick when you have a full month to do something? Oh well.
  9. I have a Megadrive but I can't play on it 'cause I've lost the cables for it. I know they're in the house somewhere, but where I don't know. I have quite a few games for it, and the ol' menacer gun still in it's box in the loft.
  10. This month is a chance to make your mark on the EWB forum's front page. ___________________ Rules: Create a 400x400 splash (enter page graphic) for the Extreme Warfare Battleground forums. It can have anything you like on it. As long as it features the name of these forums. (That can be in any form, ie. EWB, EWB4, Extreme Warfare Battleground, EWBattleground etc...) Be creative, you can for example create and include a new EWB logo or a new slogan. Who knows, if you give us a good enough entry your graphic could well feature on the front page of the ewbattleground.com website! DEADLINE: January 31st. Doesn't matter about timezones, you have 26 days, there should be no late entries. Below is the blah you should already know. ___________________ DO... ...use a reliable host, as the contest will not be judged until after the deadline and any images that don't appear cannot be judged. ...link to your entry, 14-15 entries per page is going to slow this topic down a lot. DON'T... ...enter more than once. You are however allowed to edit your entry up until Jan 31st and no later. ...ask to be a judge, please enter instead.
  11. It's going to be more fuel to the argument that video replays should be used in football. I think that bad referee decisions are part of the game though. Without them we'd have no controversy. Sure every game would be without problems but it'd be really really boring.
  12. Robbed indeed. ManU were playing fucking awful. They're very lucky Carroll got away with that and they got a point. They certainly know how to make title hopes difficult for themselves.
  13. Shit I forgot about Counterfeit... another great song from the original album. As is Faith, even though it's a George Michael/Wham cover. It's awesome.
  14. He sings the right word. I'm sure. Yeah I was being a bit blunt in my last post since it frustrates me so much about how people whine about the band all the time. I realise a lot of people dislike limpbizkit but despite all of that they're still my favourite band. If anyone wants to hear them. I strongly suggest the first album (3$ Bill) as Stuck, Sour and Pollution still remain today as some of their best tracks. They are more on the heavy side though, compared to more recent ones. The best tracks from the latest album in my view are Build a Bridge (used for a WWE PPV, I forget which), Underneath the gun and of course Eat You Alive.
  15. Old New Songs - which is a remix album Results May Vary - last album
  16. SOOOOO much better than the original. As was their cover of Metallica's Sanitarium. bizkit should cover everybody's songs, the world would be a much better place. and yes Wes is back, they're currently recording a new album coming out this year sometime. and 3$ Bill Y'all is the first and best bizkit album to date. Go listen to it.
  17. Junky hearts Fred. Anyone who badmouths him will be promptly banned.
  18. AJ


    Take your time and see where your enemies' routes are. I've watched far too many people just run into a place and have enemies chasing them all over. Patience and stealth are musts.
  19. AJ

    Red Dwarf

    I saw that ages ago, I even told you about it All the info and artwork for Series VI up on the site. On reddwarf.com you see a red drop down box at the top. Click on News Archive and then click on the story that's called Art Amundo. I'd link if I could but I can't for some reason. That's been there since the 10th of December. Anyway onto my question, so far the DVD spines look like this: Series 1: Rimmer 2: Holly 3: Hilly 4. Kryten 5. Cat 6. Lister Now on that Art Amundo story it pretty much tells us that Kochanski will be on series 7 but what I'm wondering is who will be on series 8? Perhaps Captain Hollister but I'm not sure. I thought maybe a scutter, since they've been a character since the very beginning. Thoughts?
  20. /forum/index.php?showtopic=13567">December 2004 Contest Rules: Create a 500x300 Christmas themed graphic. Judges: AJ, ACCBiggz, Small Blue, Fourstarfizzle. 30.0 /forum/index.php?showuser=50">Iwc - View Graphic (8.0 . 8.0 . 8.0 . 6.0) 25.0 /forum/index.php?showuser=490">Jimmy The Exploder - View Graphic (8.0 . 6.0 . 7.0 . 4.0) 24.0 /forum/index.php?showuser=143">Norris Scott - View Graphic (6.0 . 6.0 . 6.0 . 6.0)
  21. ANYONE please? I've had myself and two other judges scores. I only need one more. So anybody (even if you don't do graphics, you can still tell what's good looking and what's not) PM me with some scores. The sooner that happens the sooner we can get on with the January contest and the other thing I have planned.
  22. I thought Liverpool were extremely unlucky today. They deserved a draw at least. Chelsea certainly didn't deserve a win. Xabi Alonso out with a broken right ankle too... ouch.
  23. JUDGES NEEDED. Anyone who did NOT enter and would like to be a judge of this contest. PM me with your scores (out of 10) for each graphic. Many thanks.
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