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Everything posted by AJ

  1. Catalinas place is the white dot on the map in Fern Ridge. The nearest town is Montgomery. In the North of the first island.
  2. Buffalo is at Catalinas place. Remington I'm not sure about but I've come across an Infernus in the Rodeo part of LS, although they're probably much more common in LV if you've got that far.
  3. A Euros? One needed for Import/Export, and I've never even seen one before. Also, is there somewhere that a BF Injection is parked? I have seen one, but don't fancy hunting one down. edit: Found the Euros. Underneath the Sphinx in LV. edit 2: Found BJ Injection. On the beach on the West side of SF. Do you actually get anything for completing all the Import/Export? Other than the money for the cars.
  4. Get all Silvers in Driving School, and then you have one parked outside.
  5. I have the full 8 man gang (I just finished gaining all territories and have max respect for that) and I agree it's a pain having nowhere to put them all. It's not like Coaches are that easy to come across in the hood either.
  6. On my brother's game we have a picture of that dude wearing a box on his head and a piece of card strapped on his chest. I forget what it says though. "God is cheating us" or something.
  7. I wanted to make myself a new logo. So I did, and then put it to use (well, at least to some extent.) Comments good and bad much appreciated.
  8. I recommend getting the Patriot from the Easter Bay Chemicals. It's not that far away, and you don't have to deal with a police chase.
  9. /forum/index.php?showtopic=11286">October 2004 Contest Rules: Manipulate this stock keeping to this month's Halloween theme. Judges: AJ, Iwc, Caucasianheat, Jules. 31.5 /forum/index.php?showuser=403">kaya - View Graphic (8.0 . 6.0 . 9.0 . 8.5) 29.5 /forum/index.php?showuser=536">JohnnyPerfect - View Graphic (7.0 . 6.0 . 7.5 . 9.0) 26.5 /forum/index.php?showuser=381">Flowzen King - View Graphic (5.0 . 6.0 . 8.5 . 9.0)
  10. AJ

    Band Aid

    I prefer the original. The way they sing "World" on this version just sounds wrong.
  11. I like you haven't done many missions. The latest mission I've completed is Doberman. I'm now one-by-one gaining territories. Once I have them all I'll do some more missions. I want to do Vigilante, Taxi and Pimp missions but I daren't in case my hood comes under attack in the middle of it.
  12. Always? No, that's the first time I've ever mentioned anything like that. It's my opinion, I don't own an Xbox or a Gamecube 'cause personally I'd rather have one console and a big library of games rather than 3 consoles with the same amount of games spread out over all 3. Other than that, if you could get a Ps2 style pad for Gamecube or Xbox I'd more than happily play on them.
  13. The only reason an X-box version would suck is because of the shite control pads. PS2's have by far the best controls.
  14. I'm guessing the same as other guns. Faster re-loading, faster shooting, able to carry more ammo, less shots to kill/blow up things? Oh and you can probably move whilst shooting too.
  15. There's a Patriot parked at Easter Bay Chemicals (South East of the SF Airport.) There's a Buffalo parked at Catalina's place. As for Feltzer, well I know it looks like a Mercedes 380sl but I have no idea of anywhere specific that you'll find one. Just drive around on that one. edit: Oh and if you really get stuck looking for a Sanchez or a Camper. Sanchez can be found at the base of Mt. Chilliad and a Camper at the very top.
  16. Don't know if you all knew this or not but once you've deployed your parachute, if you hold the left analogue stick back then he tucks his knees up and descends much slower. Allowing you to travel greater distances before you land.
  17. Inside there's a Shamal and a Dodo plane. Go in the actual Airport entrance to fly on the big commercial jet.
  18. £12.99 from Play.com It stores 16mb of saved games and they can be transferred to and from your PC, PS2 and Codejunkie's website. Effectively I can send my SA saved game to someone halfway round the world. You need another piece of software to extract the gallery and photos from the saved game. It's not too difficult though. The Slamvan I found in the Rodeo area, it was just plain red at first. I added the paintjob, bumper, bullbars, side skirts, rims, etc...
  19. Well you can't really see but I did alter the tint on the paintjob. It's not black it's just really dark blue.
  20. I haven't got max driving skills The Max Drive is a flash USB device that lets you transfer data from your PS2 memory card to your PC.
  21. Got my Max Drive through the post this morning. So thought I'd share the first photo that I've transferred from my SA game with it. It's a little jaggy, but I guess it beats having to take a photo of the screen with a digital camera. I added the text, obviously.
  22. Well you can't mod street cars to their fullest unless you've unlocked Wheel Arch Angels in San Fierro but you can mod plenty of cars at the auto shop place in Temple (West of the Mulholland Intersection) Slamvan is classed as a lowrider, by the way.
  23. I'm not off Los Santos yet on my game, which explains my lack of garages: CJ's House: Fully Modded Slamvan El Corona House: BF Injection Santa Maria Beach House: Fully Modded Infernus Mulholland House: Fully Modded Moonbeam (amazingly, it looks good.) Yours?
  24. My PSP corrupted the file, so I'll have to remake it for the rest. For now here are some I did before the corruption: If you haven't recieved one yet, check that you don't have the same picture that someone before you has used. I'll use the same pic twice, but no more after that.
  25. Umm, well I picked up a big black dude wearing only a pair of bright red and green shorts at the beach who wanted to go to the Church. Odd enough for you?
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