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Posts posted by Josh

  1. If you dig The Office, Parks and Rec is an easy successor. The Good Place gets further away, but it’s even better than those. Maybe you’d dig Community?

    On a different (partly related) note, my wife and I have been watching Ghosts (British ensemble comedy) and Rutherford Falls (the latest Schur-run show.) Both are tremendous in very different ways.

    • Like 2
  2. The Personal History of David Copperfield (the recent Armando Ianucci adaptation) is incredible. I had good expectations going in, but it still blew me away.

    Wonderful script and direction, stellar cast, and Dev Patel just throws himself into it. Tremendous performance.

    • Like 2
  3. That was such a satisfying season. Lots of great tasks, not a single dud contestant, and Mike By God Wozniak.

    REALLY looking forward to 12 too, based on the three people I know alone.

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  4. I think it was more forgetfulness than ambivalence toward his wishes, but yeah. Shouldn’t have happened.

    God. When we finally learned the meaning of the title, I absolutely lost it. I am so glad Mike is a phenomenally good sport.

    • Like 1
  5. As soon as I realized everyone was wrapping both legs together, I exclaimed, “Have none of you seen this show?”

    Also, Mike losing it over Greg’s description of Sarah’s bee was the most wonderful thing.

  6. This is a really good group. Different dynamic from last go round. Less punchy laughter, more fun arguing over points. And yeah, Mike is already my favorite. He cinched that in the prize task. My wife says he reminds her a bit of Tim Vine.

  7. I think it was around $5. Some weirdly precise amount, since the price is clearly set in pounds.

    Also, having watched it now, it’s not exactly a new special. (“Make a New Tomorrow” that is.) It’s clearly filmed on the same stage set as Cold Lasagne, but he’s in a different outfit. Maybe material that just didn’t make the main special? Either way, it was fun.

  8. James Acaster released a new special on Friday that you have to purchase via his website/Vimeo. There’s also a bonus special if you opt for it. It is very well worth it.

    We watched the main special - “Cold Lasange Hate Myself 1999” - last night and ADORED it. It’s just over two whole hours of very personal stuff, mixed with a bit of general weird observation. We’re watching the bonus special tonight and I can’t wait.

    • Like 1
  9. I really need AMC to start letting their shows go on to some streaming service the next day. I’m way behind on Better Call Saul. A matter of seasons.

    Mandalorian was just terrific. I’m especially glad it’s shown that you just get in, tell a story, and get out in each episode. It breaks from the established norm of “this show is x minutes long.” WandaVision (and surely more Disney+ series) followed suit and I’m so pleased.

    The Good Place HAD to be number one. It was just such a unique creature that nailed pretty much everything it tried and it was incredibly ambitious in all that it tried. It will forever be a show that I’m tempted to call my favorite of all time.

    Mighty great job, GoGo.

    • Like 2
  10. Catching up.

    Last Week Tonight remains as solid as ever. GoGo’s right that it’s probably the only show poised to duplicate Supernatural’s feat.

    Lovecraft Country wasn’t sheer perfection, but what is. There were so many goddamn elements of that show that I ADORE. I feel like there’s absolutely a built-in way to do a Season Two (that would take it in a bit of a different direction), and I would be all over that. (Allll that said, the use of the Native American trans character (who was briefly there) was pretty offensive.)

    I am so sad I didn’t get to Kipo soon enough to put it on my list, especially since it’s ALREADY done. Very high quality show for anyone.

    Taskmaster just stands alone. There’s nothing else quite like it and I love that. I hope it runs forever.

    Brooklyn Nine Nine is such a journeyman comedy. Solid every season, but always just short of being THE best. It’s a long time favorite of mine and I’m glad to see it this high. As I’ve said elsewhere though, I do NOT have a good feeling about this upcoming final season.

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  11. So we gave Kipo a go.

    I stand by my statement that the animation looks anime influenced. I think the creator honestly wears that on his sleeve and loves it.

    But, despite whatever reservations I had, we are absolutely loving it. It’s exactly the sort of show we needed to fill that Steven Universe void.

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