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Everything posted by Colossus

  1. Colossus


    So, another bump. After 3 episodes of the last season, it's obvious that they are going with Michael (Dean) vs Lucifer (Sam).
  2. If Portugal manages to qualify, it is going to be really painful in the actual competition. I didn't like Scolari, but Quiroz is just plain stupid
  3. If Van Gaal gets his shit together (and Van Der Vaart), Bayern has a real show at winning 5 games in the group, and going to the final...
  4. I played the demo. It was good, better than 09 IMO. The setpiece creator is something that is long overdue, the Scouting system is simple but works, it has a lot of nice, small features that make it feel more like a real managing sim (Team A vs Team B, for example)
  5. NBA 2K10: Exclusive First Look Liking the new gamemodes so far.
  6. Yeah, but he had Raul, Ruud and Higuain in the team, so that doesn't count Johnny, like the President of a certain club?
  7. Don't know man, Reyes could stay. With that, I would say that we have a team that HAS to win the Title. Quim Shaffer- David Luiz- Sidnei-Maxi Amorim Reyes-Ramires Aimar Cardozo-Saviola If we didn't win the title with this team, we may as well just give the fuck up
  8. Not that good, but still, it's Saviola, he's going to rock on our team and in our championship Cardozo\Saviola Aimar Fuck Yes
  9. So, who wants a young and promising Argentinian, that has a lot of potential? (Dí Maria) 25M and he's yours
  10. It is being rumored that he's dead...
  11. Well, Alves is quite good. Like Carvalho, but much more agressive. Also, aparently Blackburn os trying to sign Oscar Cardozo from Benfica, and they are willing to go up to 12M Euros. Not gonna happen though, as he costed us 11 Million, he's our best scorer (playing half of the season on the bench as well), ans he's just too valuable for our team to seel him by so little. However, expect him to be at Blackburn in 2 weeks
  12. Aly Cissokho, Left Back from FC Porto, has just been signed by AC Milan. Quite a jump. Last season, he was on the 2nd French Division
  13. http://www.championshipmanager.co.uk/ Link to CM01/02
  14. Portugal isn't going to make the World Cup beacause Quieroz is shit. He called 4 goalkeppers, and keeps our best striker out of the team. That is wise, no doubt about it. And he put Boa Morte in the starting 11. Think about that
  15. Were did I compare the two teams? And he failed. Being the best player in the team and one of the best in the world, he had to do more this Series. He was great during the Season, and he did not perform at the same level this Series. Yes, he had a lot of points, but that alone doesn't win games. Compare it with MJ, since you say he will be better than him. When the team needed him, he made a shot,a steal, a pass, anything...
  16. He was a failure. He had the best record in the league, he had one of the best records ever at home. He had to reach at least the Fianls. Imagine if the 1996 Bulls haven't won the Title. That season would have been a failure.
  17. at the Tour de France? and was he doped? If so I think that's Ricci. He was blitzing the early mountain stages, surprised it took them that long to realise he was cheating. Ricco actually, he was amazing in the Giro I think. And yea, he was doped in the Tour. Great to see Rasmussen back, a few teams should fight for him
  18. That, or set some goals that you try to achieve. For exemplo, in an 08 save with Benfica, I have set the goal of winning the 5th CL of the Club (done), and beat the Record of golas and appearences...
  19. Been playing Battlefront. Great game, got addicted to the demo in PS2, never played it again, and just found it out
  20. I guess they changed our song, the one that was selected was rubbish. Not bad actually
  21. What was the name of that Italian guy that, last Year, climbed mountains like he was going for a ride on a Sunday?
  22. Cardozo, if used properly, is a BEAST. In 08, he scored 70 goals in a Season EDIT: Oh, and Quasi, awesome that you bought Miguel Vitor. Great Kid
  23. Colossus


    They have teased Sam vs Dean for 2 seasons almost. Their father said to Dean to kill Sam if necessary.
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