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Posts posted by nufan

  1. I'm willing to let it slide.. but it did say Rock Fest... saul williams and EL-P are hip hop and a fest is usually more than 3 people.. including the special guest.

    i have had people be picky with me about rules, but yeah im willing to let it slide

  2. Best advice i can give to you is mess around with blending and layers and also check out a few photoshop tutorials, i think there is a links section on here somewhere or go to google and type photoshop tutorials comes up with heaps.

    easiest thing to do is make ur own style and then develop from there

  3. Pen tool is golden... if you know how to use it. It is similar to the polygon lasoo tool, just make sure you change it to select paths not draw a shape. Then you control click on the path and hey presto.

    when doing curves hold alt and click on the point and it will level it off.

    but like K said probably not best for the novice

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