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Posts posted by nufan

  1. yeah this has been bugging me for ages... i have the paramour sessions album from papa roach and im a bit confused with the scars song.. i know it is off one of their earlier albums but was it on a movie... i know all the words and i cant remember seeing the video clip or hearing it much on the radio

    please help me out lol

    sorry if this is in the wrong section

  2. the best way to blend i find is

    1. use square marquee tool select area of photo

    2. set feathering (ctrl + alt D) i think

    3. Inverse selection (shift control i) once again thinking not in photoshop

    4. Delete about four times

    there is probably an easier way but yeah... this is the way i taught myself

  3. i learnt my lesson last time


    WHEN a bleary-eyed Michael Weatherly posed for a picture with the Herald Sun on Monday, he admitted he had grabbed only an hour's sleep after enjoying the Logies festivities.

    The Hollywood star left the Channel 10 afterparty at Crown's Tonic Bar about 2.45am. So what kept him from catching some shut-eye between then and his wake-up call?

    The answer is Heidi of the mountains look-alike Nicky Whelan.

    The ambitious soap actor struck up an intense conversation with Weatherly at the afterparty.

    They chatted while she sucked on cigarettes and he admired her fashion fright of a frock that featured a red glitter mesh panel over her left hip and buttock.

    Later, Weatherly asked if Whelan would pose with him for some happy snaps taken by his niece, Alexandra Breckenridge.

    Whelan eagerly obliged. The pair engaged in a long conversation on one of the banquettes, with Whelan leaning in and speaking into his ear.

    Former Neighbours star Stephanie McIntosh joined the pair, before the trio headed to Chapel St for a drink.

    Weatherly is the latest visiting international male celebrity befriended by Whelan -- following in the handsome footsteps of model Marcus Schenkenberg and actor Michael Vartan.

    No doubt they are all handy contacts to have in her Blackberry when she is on one of her regular jaunts to Los Angeles.

    Whelan has designs on cracking the US market. She recently had her so-called 'big break" playing a bimbo in a skit on David Spade's The Showbiz Show.

    Spade was so enamoured by her obvious talents that he has agreed to film a cameo on Neighbours while in Melbourne next month.

  4. My guess is DL won't be dead he will probably be accidently touching the now deceased linderman and be healed from him... thats not a spoiler purely a guess.

    and there is still an episode for sylar to gain claires power which should be a brilliant episode is it still going to be 2 hours?

  5. No Use For A Name were always a pop-punk band. It's far from a derogatory term. But I do agree they've kind of lost their edge over recent years. I was never a huge fan, but they do have some good songs. "Leche Con Carne" especially is a good album.

    Rise Against are good, but they're starting to piss me off with the whole, "Shoving our views down people's throats" thing. Why have videos that are totally unconnected to their songs, just to shove your views down people's throats. Pisses me off. Also, I WANT MORE KILLING TREE TIM!!!! Plus "Siren Song..." sucked...("Tip The Scales" was fucking harsh though), the new album's good, but they too seem to have really lost their edge. Their song on the Sick Of It All tribute really proves it. IT'S AWESOME!! Great screamed vocals. It's weird hearing Tim scream properly again. He's got such a great voice, and on the last album his vocal work was totally pussied out. Their version of "Built To Last" is the standout on the CD, and makes me miss the RPM days of Rise Against even more. :(

  6. if u like fall out boy check out any band under the FUELED BY RAMEN record label... some of my personal fav punk bands are

    No Use For A Name (pop punkish nowadays used to be solid punk rock)

    Rise Against (for your political punk rocker)

    Cute Is What We Aim For (these guys are pop punk the girls will love them)


    Mayday Parade

    All Time Low

    All American Rejects


    i have mroe but cant think lol

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