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Posts posted by nufan

  1. first half has been brilliant loved the promo between the ECW challengers, seemed pretty realistic

    You have your characters down to a T really carlito as a heel is always better as carlito as a face and RVD back in the 'dude' gimmick is good, i watched real ECW and him trying to be intimidating is pretty funny

    cant wait for the next half

  2. woah im stumped lol.... i might need some time with this one

    so im guessing we are designing the front of the post card.. and before i do it can it be in circular shape i dont want to do it and find out im breaking the rules

    5 post cards 5 circles collect the whole set

    5 olympic rings for those playing at home lol

  3. I liked the build up to it the changes were good but personally i dont like the way u right the show.. i prefer less commentator it is fairly hard to follow.. setting it up in sections is better


    Match 1

    Rocky Mavia vs Vadar

    Insert random match text here about how rocky starts off well vadar powers back .. vadar misses move rocky hits rock bottom 1....2..........long wait before the....3 match over


    Rock offers handshake... vadar stares him down grabs it but pulls him in for a vicious belly to back suplex. The assault continues until the entire backstage crew of road agents and referees come down to break it up.


    you catch the drift? or just copy someone elses technique of writing lol

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