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Everything posted by GoN_

  1. Rooting for Italy and Ireland today.
  2. When we drew Cyprus we didn't have a coach (Queiroz was suspended and not fired yet), so not much to go by. We beat you at home when we needed to do so, and lost in Denmark when a draw would be enough. And we beat Bosnia 6-2 in the playoffs... Not that I firmly believe that we win, come Wednesday, but I wouldn't count us off. Hell, I expected us to do much worse agains the Germans tonight. Hell. I expected Denmark to be steamrolled over by The Netherlands, so who am i to judge? :lmao: I said for weeks that we would be thrashed by the germans and end the group with 0 points. A shame we lost yesterday, would love to see us both in the quarter-finals, but now that's almost out of question.
  3. When we drew Cyprus we didn't have a coach (Queiroz was suspended and not fired yet), so not much to go by. We beat you at home when we needed to do so, and lost in Denmark when a draw would be enough. And we beat Bosnia 6-2 in the playoffs... Not that I firmly believe that we win, come Wednesday, but I wouldn't count us off. Hell, I expected us to do much worse agains the Germans tonight.
  4. When your team is playing badly, to say that another team doesn't scare you... It's odd.
  5. Really? After how you played a couple of hours ago?
  6. I don't like the way we're playing. Long balls everywhere and too much space in defense.
  7. And now... the main-event!
  8. That was a fantastic pass.
  9. I wouldn't be surprised if Denmark scores a second.
  10. Yep, Holland is pretty shitty in defense.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuSxF2WTrcM
  12. None of the yellows were deserved. What a stupid way to sent someone off.
  13. This guy is such a great striker.
  14. It's in portuguese, but it has flags!
  15. If you had those four today, I would point you to win this.
  16. I highly doubt we will have that many people in the Ukraine.
  17. I still believe the Heat can win this. In case they don't, I'm rooting for Durant in the Finals.
  18. Not to sound pretentious or something, but I would prefer to have England in my group than any of the three we got (I think Denmark is a weaker side but a worse matchup for us, and the germans and dutch are miles ahead of most teams in the competition).
  19. Portugal obviously. If things go wrong, i will probably root for the Dutch to win the cup. I really don't like any other big team so...
  20. I think the last few months of updates have been reasonable.
  21. Kinda is. He kinda isn't... lolwut. There are a lot of people who don't think so, so it isn't undisputed at all. And I won't be discussing this here.
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