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Posts posted by kale

  1. Well you get additional effects and additional clothing options but the meat and potates is the new camera angles that you can do a lot more with then with the camera angles already built into the game.

    There is the free camera, advanced follow camera, advanced tripod camera, and the advanced free camera.

    For example:


    that clip was done with the advanced free camera. You couldn't really do anything like that without the camera jumping.

    If you really enjoy recording stuff, I would recommend it

  2. Did anyone else get the filmer pack? I did and I'm enjoying it immensely. I'm slowly compiling clips for a video. My gt is Kalekayn if you want to look at some of my clips

  3. I think it'd be an interesting matchup. Both teams are about the same both offensively and defensively, but I think still think the Cowboys are the class of the NFC until proven otherwise (which we will see in a few weeks).

    What do you mean 'until proven otherwise'? The Cowboys haven't proven shit. The one team they played with a pulse, the Patriots, beat them. I'm not saying that the Packers have done anything either, but fuck, the Cowboys haven't proven shit. They lose a first round playoff game, then open the season beating the teams they're supposed to beat, and they're the 'proven' class of the NFC?

    I'll take Green Bay all day and TWICE on Sundays against that Cowboys team. Better defense, better QB, and if the running game gives them anything, they'll win the NFC. The Cowboys are horribly overrated, and its simply because they have a star on their helmets.

    Shit, I'll go a step further. There's ONE division in the AFC the Cowboys could win, the AFC West, and I'm not sold on that, considering the way San Diego played against Indy. Indy, San Diego, New England, Pittsburgh, Tennessee, and Jacksonville are all better than Dallas. The NFC is horrible.

    Gah, I HATE Cowboys fans. Worse than freakin' Notre Dame fans. It's sad, because I actually LIKE the Cowboys, or, at least, did, when they had the Triplets, but I HATE their fans.

  4. w00t, beat Carry Me Home on hard, only 8 more songs to go.

    edit: w00t, make that seven songs to go:). Just beat Laid to Rest

    edit 2: damn, failed psychobilly freakout at 86%, though I'd get past it:( I know I can beat YYZ on hard as I've done it before in quickplay.

  5. No one has ever accussed the Raiders of being brilliant at trades/drafting/managing their team. The only people that could give you their thought process are the raiders themselves.

    Still, the whole conspiracy theory is just silly.

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