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Damian WayLNKe

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Posts posted by Damian WayLNKe

  1. So I just found out about Revenant with David Anders as the lead in a comedy/zombie movie and that it had good reviews. They had me at David Anders. The DVD is going for around $10 online so I decided to check Red Box. I placed a reservation online and then went to pick it up (note: the closest machine which is near the end of my street didn't have it so I had to go two miles away). When I got there, it turned out the machine was out of service. Here is the transcript of my customer support experience.

    chat_agent.png Red Box: Hi my name is ...., please give me one moment while I review your question.
    chat_agent.png RB: Thank you for holding for me. I’m sorry to hear you are having trouble with your reservation and would be happy to help you today.
    chat_agent.png RB: I understand how you not being about to get your reservation can be a pain, thank you so much for contacting us and for your patience.
    chat_agent.png RB: What is wrong with the box?
    chat_enduser_message.png LNK: The message on the the screen said it was out of service.
    chat_enduser_message.png LNK: I'm not a Red Box expert
    chat_agent.png RB: I am sorry about that. I've issued you a refund for $2.54. Please allow 5-7 business days for the credit to show up in your account.
    chat_agent.png RB: Is there anything else I can help you with today?
    chat_enduser_message.png LNK: I used a coupon on the order. Will I get that back?
    chat_agent.png RB: No I am sorry you will not. Thank you for chatting with us at Redbox. Have a great day!
    chat_alert.png RB has disconnected.

    They disconnected instantaneously when I got their last message. It would also been nice to know if I could tell if I would come across an out of service machine again :bang:

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