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Damian WayLNKe

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Posts posted by Damian WayLNKe

  1. Our local corporate alternative station, after experiencing a hilarious death in like 2004 where it was immediately transitioned into a Latin music station (leading to a wave of suburban kids to make regrettable statements about Spanish-speaking people on Livejournal and Xanga), was revived on FM a few years ago and essentially sticks to playing "the classics" with random selections of popular indie groups today such as Arcade Fire. It's a healthy way to cater towards the lowest common denominator while still pretending to maintain some credibility.

    There is a good station out of Annapolis down here that has tried to stay afloat by having its DJs shill local businesses and products in between songs just out of the blue "well that song was great and so is my coffee from Starbucks". Their song selection has recently really dropped off and they've been stuck trying to sound more and more like a generic corporate alternative station. They probably won't be around much longer. The same really should be said for all FM radio. Its coffin's final nail can't get hammered in soon enough.

    I haven't listened in a few months but Indie 97.9 (HD radio station) is really good and is what a modern HFS should be.
  2. Just marathoned the last half of this season of Haven.

    I feel like we're basically back where we started from except there's little hope to fix it. The only resolution I can think of is Duke now having a trouble that can separate all the Audreys as different people.

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