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Posts posted by marksbros6

  1. ^^^^^

    No excuse mate....

    ...BOW DOWN to the UBER-NERD!!!!

    Seriously, ther Cybermen are one of my favourite Sci-fi villains, hence encyclopediac knowledge of them. I think they are especially unsettling as people can be 'cyborgs' or low-rent cybermen already: Pins to keep bones in place when broken, corrective lenses for poor eye-sight, hearing aids- all attatching something to your body to improve it in some way.

    I've often thought that the technology to make creatures like the cybermen could exist in the not too distant future (physically anyway, I reckon on cybernetic limb replacement being a possibility in the next 30 years, dunno about 'removing' emotions though). This is what makes them more frightening in my mind than most other sci-fi creatures, in a way they are some of the most plausible 'monsters' we've seen. Fitting I suppose as they were envisioned by a real life doctor of science.

  2. Good news about Berbatov.

    Shame this means that Mido will probably be on his way, but a front line of Defoe, Keane, Berbatov, Barnard, with the exciting prospect of Terry Dixon (just broken in to the Rep of I squad at 16 and highly rated) a possibility too.

    Chimbonda looks like a good buy. RB needs strengthening (I like Stalteri and Kelly, but they've given away a few chances this season, and Kelly's looked kinda average every time I've seen him play this season).

    I'd like to see Bridge at WHL. Lee hasn't been strong defensivly in a lot of games (though attacking he's been strong). Bridge will strengthen us in that department.

    I hope Davids stays. He doesn't have to play every game next season (Ghaly and Huddlestone can fill in in the center of the park Zeigler up the left). I'd like to see him available for the European games, he gives us a leader on the park (in a team of leaders, thank you Leds and Keano!) and his tenacious play is plus for us. He ended up injured, and wasn't the same player when he came back, or for the rest of the season sadly.

    Like the new kit. Looks like the back has some pattern on it in navy. Wish the Sponsor logo was a bit more stylish, but cant argue with the reported 34 million they'll feed into the club (you've gotta think our improvement this season is paying dividends in that regard, with the money coming into the club and quality players actually signing for us after being linked with the club0.

  3. However, in the book for the original Cybermen story Telos was similar to a random planet that McCoy or Colin baker went to, in that it had a rocket powered core and was the sister planet of Earth. So, it flew off when it had better resources than Earth and the population was far superior to that of Earth's. Then they came back wanting to take over Earth having used up their own resources.

  4. While Ruud has been a phenominal striker for United, i don't think he'd fit into the Spurs squad.

    We already have 3 fantastic strikers in Keane, Defoe and Mido (presuming he stays) Ruud isn't gonna be happy sitting on the bench (as he's proved at United).

    I'd much rather see a younger player, preferably a target man, who would be happy to be in and around Tottenham's first team, to improve his game. Someone who could come off the bench to make an impact, and who wouldn't mind doing so. I'm not sure about Lee Barnards airial ability (he doesn't look like he's that strong in the air, in an Alan Shearer-type way).

    As for Ruud vs Mido I'd rather Mido stayed. The thinking is that he'll be on his way since getting injured, but it'd be good to keep him, he knows the team, has got used to the Premiership, and could be here for a good few years yet. I can't see Ruud being at the point of his career where he's still getting better, Mido is a good striker, and he's still improving.

  5. Personally I'd be happy to let the result stand.

    That said I think the Board are entitled and obligated to protest the decision however they can.

    I'm sure if it had been a normal fixture, and not on the last day of the season, that it could have been postponed: 10 first team players out AT THE SAME TIME is exceptional circumstances. I know other teams have had 'injury crisis' but not 10 players being hit with something at the same time. And forcing Spurs to play in their condition (which is what effectivly happened) DID give a significant advantage to West Ham, and in effect Arsenal in their league placing.

    This would have forced Jol to change his game plan, Maybe he could have called up players from the reserves (though I'm not sure he could have at short notice, or on the rules regarding what players are eligible to play) I know Spurs usually travel with a squad of about 18 players, but if 10 were sick that only leaves 8 at 'full fitness'.

    At the end of the day the Chairman is within his rights to protest, indeed he owes it to every fan who's bought a ticket, program, kit or watched a game on telly this season, it's his job to do the best for THFC and the plc. I don't expect it to get anywhere, but it's something that had to be done.

  6. Jenas is recovering from a stress fracture of the shin I believe. Apparantly Reo-Coker is on standby to replace him according to the BBC website.

    And i reckon if Rooney Isn't gonna recover, then they'd be best off taking Defoe. Are they allowed to call up Bent now he hasn't even been named as a reserve?

  7. Can't BELIEVE some of these choices.

    I actually don't mind Hargreaves, but he hasn't been near the squad in months, am I right? There is already enough versatility in the squad. Carrick can be the DMF, Lennon can cover both flanks and Carragher can play anywhere Hargreaves can and do a better job to boot IMO.

    And Walcott? Someone who has yet to debut for his first Premier league club? When Darren Bent has scored so many goals this season and Jermain Defoe and Darius Vassel (proven England Goal-scorers) are left out? Don't get me wrong I always get behind the England team, and I hope the lad does well but it just seems bizarre. I can't remember the last tournament where we had an uncapped and untried player in the squad (though to be fair he does have a chance to make his debut in the upcoming friendlies).

    I'd have left out Campbell, Walcott and Hargreaves and taken Wes Brown and Jermain Defoe and Darren Bent. Campbell hasn't impressed since his injury, and as I stated Hargreaves isn't needed with Carragher in the 23.

    That way there would be two strikers with doubts over fitness (Rooney and Owen) Two proven England Goal-scorers (Crouch and Defoe- who IMO would compliment each other) as well as Bent (Who could try to convert his Premier goal tally into results at international level).

  8. Spurs have done well to challenge Arsenal this season, but look at the facts. They have played only FORTY competitive first team matches in all competitions all season. No top flight team has played so few games for about 70 or 80 years. Liverpool (for example) had played forty competitive games by sometime in January or February. Spurs really only had the league to concentrate on all year and I'm sure Wigan, West Ham, Blackburn and some other would be where Spurs are now if they had abandoned their cup runs so easily. Do I see Spurs doing "an Everton" and under-performing next year? Damn right I do. If they try to get anywhere in the domestic cups, or try to striing together a decent run in Europe, they will most likely fall flat on their faces.

  9. Anyway, enough of the chatting about Arsenal and Henry in the Official Spurs thread. i'd rather concentrate on the positives from this season. YES it was gutting to lose the final game of the season, and a chance at the CL. But it would have been more gutting for our neighbors from 'up the road' to win the final and rob us, which I'd put money on at the moment. AND I'm convinced that if the squad had been fit then we would have won. Maybe Jol should have nemed our reserves, given the likes of Bunji, Barnard, Marney, Huddlelstone, Davenport and Cerny a shot. Well we'll never know, but we can say:

    We've had our best finish for AGES. 5th place! We had something to play for on the last day of the season! This is a welcome change from finishing 11th or 13th, and I strongly believe that after a lot of 'False Dawns' this Spurs side has the potential to do great things.

    Martin Jol. He will go down as one of the Tottenham greats. After having to deal with a parade of managers who havn't had a clue it seems (I'm thinking of Gross, Pleat and Santini here) we've got the man to take us places. Tactically astute, a good man-manager (his positive comments about Mendes and Brown after they left, and ignoring the whinging of Sean Davies speak volumes) and most of all a fantastic figurehead for the club. His humour in interviews is great to see, yet he can be an intimidating figure when he needs to be (I loved Wenger squaring up to him, there's only gonna be one winner if it came down to a fight!). Most of all he's a manager we can have faith in again, and no-ones inspired that confidence in me since...well Graham didn't have the team, neither did Hoddle, Pleat made some shitty decisions IMO (King in midfield every game?) and Santini stayed for a cup of coffee and that was it, so basically no-ones inspired that confidence in me in...forever!

    The Team and Players. Englands #1 Keeper. King and Dawson in defence. Michael freakin' Carrick. Lennon for England! Give us a whole team of ROBBIE KEANE'S! There are weak points. Davids doesn't look like he has the fitness for a whole season anymore, but I hope we can keep him for his European experience alone. The full-backs look suspect, hopefully Jol can get in some solid replacements for them, they'd be the only weakness in an otherwise solid defence, it's a shame that Stalteri and Lee have cost us a few points this season. I'm also hoping that Marney, Yeates, Ifil and Zeigler can come back and get some chances in the team. I think Marney could be solid at right back, and for the instances where Davids is not fit, off his game or just plain suspended, then Zeigler can give us a similar option to Lennon down the left flank. I'd like to see Yeates given a shot in the 'Jermain Jenas' role too.

    Which brings me to the emergence of the youth talent at Spurs. Lennon. Barnard. Dawson and Davenport have all looked impressive this season. And they all have more to come I'm sure! Hopefully they can be bolstered by some quality signings in the Summer (Left back, Right back and a Striker should do it!). maybe then we can push Arsenal, Man U, Liverpool and Chelski even harder next season.

    I'll be off getting my passport sorted, and thinking of excuses to skip work midweek next season.

    Till then:

    'Tottenham are the greatest team the world has ever seen...

    Tottenham are the greatest team the world has ever seen...

    Tottenham are the greatest team the world has ever seen...


  10. If you want to know my ideal roster, just go to WWE.com and click on the 'RAW and SD! Superstars' page. The roster needs to be BIG, and as it is going to be the latest generation of technology for the PS2, and the first of the next-gen PS3 there is no reason it can't be. SD2 had the best roster IMO, simply because it had pretty much all the current wrestlers for the time, meaning you could add in some WCW/ECW CAWS.

    THQ have always stated their 'cut off date' for inclusion of superstars, what they need to do is make sure the roster is as up to date as possible, maybe even finding out some of the characters to be called up from OVW/DSW/ECW so they can be included.

    They should make an effort to include as many tag-teams as possible this time around. I was really dissappointed at the lack of MNM in the last game. Even if it means crappy teams like Venis and Viscera, the roster should be as close to the current WWE roster as possible (OK so I won't complain if Gunnar Scott doesn't make the cut, or Johny Parasie either, but aside from out-and-out jobbers, everyone should be in).

    Taking this years roster as a starting point, guys who should definatly be included:



    MNM (and Melina)

    The WHOLE Spirit Squad



    Mark Henry (just so I can beat the crap outta him)

    Great Khali (just for completism)




    Matt Hardy




    Road Warrior ('Animal' LOD alternate attire)

    Super Crazy


    Vince (as playable character)

    Shane Mcmahon

    Simon Dean (Nova alternate attire)

    Gregory Helms (hurricane alternate attire)

    Brian Kendrick


    Mickie James






    Hogan (Present/nWo/Old School/Mr America alternate attires)

    Foley (All three 'Faces of Foley' as alternate attires)

    Mr Perfect



    Demolition (Ax, Smash, Crush)



    Razor Ramon? (If copyright allows)

    Dusty Rhodes (NWA Dusty, as opposed to polka-dots!)

    the Rock (current attire-Tattoos and old school Rock)

    Stone Cold

    I definatly think there should be an ECW storyline, maybe leading up to ONS (don't think ECW will make it as a 'third brand' in the game though). Maybe we could have some old ECW superstars:




    Axl Rotten (Team with Balls)


    Tazz (Suit/Tracksuit/Old-school Singlet)

    Terry Funk

    Blue Meanie

    Heyman (available as a manager)

    I'm hoping there are more storylines this year, as well as an improved GM mode (more roster spaces would be nice!). I hear there will also be more to GM than 'text-based' angles, hopefully some cut scenes and some dialogue.

    Including the ability for all the Spirit Squad to defend the tag belts would be nice, as well as having valets/managers/stable members come out for all your matches (like real life, as well as 'Road to Wrestlemania' on the old N64!).

    Lots more alternate attires should be included. At least for the guys who change regularly (RVD, Flair, Rey-Rey, HBK) just to give some variety in season/GMModes.

    All in all i'm excited by the buzz for the next gen version of the game. 2006 was a big step for the SD games, good voiceovers, storylines and graphics and gameplay. If the next one was simply a BIG roster update I'd be happy, but I imagine there'll be some new features to get excited about too.

  11. OK You've all appealed to my 'inner geek.'

    On the movie front: Star Trek: Academy? Hell no. Shatner and Nimoy are irrevocably associated with the roles, having younger actors play them would suck! Anyway i was under the impression Kirk and Spock wern't at the Academy together, and that he only met him (and Bones) when he became Captain of the Enterprise (though there may not be much connonical evidence for this).

    If they are going to do a movie...make it in the far future of the Trek universe. Don't have ANY of the old crews. Give 'The Franchise' a much needed re-boot. Long-time fans would come out of curiosity, and newer fans, who might just avoid anything 'Star Trek' might be tempted by the movie having no 'baggage' or backstory.

    As for favourite Series:

    1: TOS/Animated Series/First 6 movies

    2: TNG

    3: DS9

    4: Enterprise

    5: Voyager

    The Origional Trek just has to be the best. I only got to see it on Sky re-runs (but did get to see 5 eps a week). It told some good stories, had some good Sci-fi concepts, and was basically a story about three friends, Kirk, Spock and McCoy. These were the characters who pushed everything forward, and their dynamic was what made it accessible, as everyone could relate to their friendship.

    The Animated Series which followed TOS carried on the story, including some follow up episodes and recurring characters from the first three seasons (with the origional actors as voice artists no less!). There were also some quality sci-fi stories in there too. I particularly remember an ep entitled 'The Slaver Weapon' featuring Spock and Sulu, and based on a story premise by Issac Asimov himself!

    TNG and DS9 were good too. TNG was more of a follow-up to TOS, with less of a story arc, and more stand-alone episodes. DS9 had the ongoing story, and character development in spades, but TNG just edges it for me for keeping the origional premise of 'seek out new worlds...' (Though I remember 1 really cool DS9 novel I read all about a high-stakes poker game at Quarks, that was pretty cool.)

    Voyager just pissed me off. It was CRAP IMO! The final straw was when a friend and I sat through the start of an ep and predicted exactly what was going to happen. Down to certain characters action and certain peices of dialogue (I know you're all thinking 'nerd!!!' but it had got that formulaic and predictable).

    Now for character.

    All time Fave: Doctor Leonard H McCoy. He was always the heart of the show (TOS anyway). Kirk would be making the 'big decisions' Spock would look at things analitically and 'Bones' would tell them that they were both wrong ... dammit!!!! He'd be good for comedy moments too, but seemed to be the most 'human' or should that be 'humane' character. The scenes at Yosemite National park in ST:V are some of my faves with McCoy, talking to himself as he watches Kirk nearly kill himself climbing the mountain.

    Least Fave: Hmmm. Wesley Crusher, Harry Kim, Neelix, Kes, Seven of Nine, Janeway, Tuvok, Dr Pulaski, TOO MANY TO CHOOSE JUST 1.

    For ships I think the best have to be:

    1: Refitted Enterprise (Movie version, origional always looked too much like an Airfix kit to mee, watching in the 90's)

    2: Klingon Bird-of-Prey. Just loved the moveable wings and the bird-like sihloette.

    3: Borg Cube. TERROR, Just TERROR (until Voyager, a smaller, less powerful ship than the Galaxy-Class Enterprise don't forget, managed to defeat them on a near weekly basis).

  12. Well, Dani California is the name of the "teenage girl with a baby inside" mentioned on Californication and she also makes some appearances on By The Way if I recall. I can't find the word to describe what she is, but she's a reoccuring character in their music.

  13. lol^^^^^^











    Had an awesome match yesterday. Spurs-Sheff U in the FA cup 3rd round. My team (Spurs) get an early Robbie Keane goal to put us ahead. We are unable to get another all match. In the final 10 mins we get Anthony Gardner sent off for a proffesional foul on Steve Kabba who was through on goal. 2 minutes later Paul Robinson is carried off injured. I've used up all my subs. I put Steven Kelly in goal, with the remainder of the team in front him. We fight a reargard action for the remainder of the match (Kelly punching the ball clear on two occasions to prevent the equaliser).

    It was the first time I've had to play an outfield player in goal for more than a couple of minutes in a game, in all my history of playing CM/FManager. While not something you want to make a habit of it was a nice to get the win under such conditions.

  14. That must be the most galling thing for you. You can say what you want about injuries, Viera being sold, Campbell going off-the-boil. But to have the players 'not being interested' (as it seems the general consensus of opinion on here is) must be the worst. And it doesn't look like ending anytime soon. Ah well. Pires will more than likely beat most of our defence and score the winning goal against our lot (Spurs) when we meet up for the last N.London derby at Highbury, like he always does. Should put a smile on your faces.

  15. Maybe. Ledley King is looking more like being included as a D Midfielder, though he'd be my first choice if Terry and Rio got injured as well. Don't think Brown has a hope in hell of displacing John Terry. If Campbell continues to self destruct I could see Brown going in his place though.

  16. OK. Thanks to the Gooners dropping points AGAIN :-) we can look to the Blackburn game to try to pull our run together.

    Considering they've just beaten the Gooners they'll be up for a second N.London scalp. We're at home, we don't seem to have that many injury worries...so how are we gonna drop points this time? lol.

    I think Murphy should really be playing through the middle, trying to get through-balls onto our forwards, who certainly don't lack for pace. Put Davids on the left, Lee on the overlap, Lennon on the right and Carrick in front of the back four.

    The only contentious position I can think of at the moment would be right-back. Stalteri has been criticised the last two games, I think he's a good player but maybe we need to drop him for the moment. Steven Kelly would fit right in (he's not impressed me much this season, but he has been playing at left-back for most of his appearances.)

    Also I was wondering what anyone thinks about the long-term chances of our current loaned players. Particularly Marney and Yeates. Are they gonna be playing for us next season or sold on to raise funds. I've been a fan of both when I've seen them play, but Marney is a RM/RB (where we have Lennon, Routledge, Stalteri and Kelly) and Yeates is either a RM (ditto) or a small forward (when we really want a bigger guy as cover for Mido). I'm thinking Yeates has the most chance of staying, I believe Jol has said that he'd like to try him in an Attacking CM position, but you always wonder when a player's been loaned out for that long wether they'll be back after a taste of first-team action.

  17. Probably has something to do with the players 'adaptability' rating. Either that or you can only really re-train players for one position. I kinda remember that from earlier games.

    It might have something to do with age, or how often the player actually plays in that position. I've had players increase their capabilities just by playing them in a position.

  18. What nationality is Cappello anyway, Italian?

    I feel very strongly that the next England coach should be British, if not actually English (from what I can see the press are using 'British' as a concession to O'Neill being considered). Big Sam or O'Neill would get my vote (if anyone cared enough to ask. lol). I just think an English manager will have more passion for managing the National side, it will mean more to them. Eriksson's appointment was really a reaction to Keegan's managment, but I think they now regret it, in that he doesn't seem to have the desire to win for the country, the English people, he just seems to want to win for his own reputation. I don't think any foreign boss can truely have the passion to win with England, even Jose Moriniho would be more concerned with how the performance reflected on his managment skills, rather than how it affected the English Fans IMO.

  19. Never seen that many physios and players shit themselves quite like that when Smith signaled for help.

    As a follower of wrestling and motorbike racing it's always a worry to see someone get REALLY hurt, like when they arn't moving, or can't get up. It was nice to see some of the Liverpool players gathering round, and the crowd at Anfield showing their support by applauding when he went off (I hope it was a sign of respect anyway, just writing that down I realised it might be misconstrued).

    Anyway this is quite a blow for you guys. It's interesting how Arsenal and Man U are both being hit with injuries at the mo. And you don't quite have the same strength-in-depth that you used to.

    Anyway I was sorry to see Smith get injured, it looked like a bad fall on the replays, like his foot just tucked up under him, and he looked in a lot of pain. This also puts him out of the world cup squad for certain, and he's a useful player to have, versatile, a good finisher and passionate about his game. Hope he can make a quick start to his recovery.

  20. Would have been interested in what a Sheringham/Rasiak strikeforce would have achieved, Teddy always had a rep for being 'the King Maker.' Andy Cole, Sir Les, Iversen all looked better playing alongside Sheringham, maybe Rasiak could have benefitted from it.

    But in the current environment (Trying to get into the Champion's League) I think Teddy would have been a bad signing. He's not really a 90 minute player anymore, and now that Mido's back, we have 3 fantastic strikers competing for places, as well as a capable understudy in Barnard.

  21. I don't think that Mido should have been kicked out of the squad and banned. Yes, he was unproffesional, but was obviously motivated by the want to stay on and score, help the team win. If he apologised for his conduct later, after the game he should have been given a chance.

    Still he's back at WHL now, cheers Egyptian FA.

    And kinda sorry, yet relieved to see Rasiak depart. Always a shame to see a Spurs player leave off the back of a few poor performances. That said I wouldn't want to be waiting for him to find his feet in front of goal, when we need all the points we can get to try to reach Europe.

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