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Posts posted by marksbros6

  1. With Spurs being 'My' team, the other team's I follow would be:

    Liverpool- my brothers and best mate follow them.

    Oxford- lived here for 7 years and the stadium is just down the road from me.

    MK Dons-Used to live in MK back when we had no footie team. Don't agree with how the whole Wimbledon deal went down, but now they are my hometown's adopted team I'd like to see them do well.

  2. OK I'd partly agree to drop Lampard, in the same way that dropping Ferdinand seemed to give him more motivation before the World cup.

    But give Bent a game? I don't think anyone's in Doubt that Rooney will be back next game. Personally I don't think HE should even start. Defoe and Crouch are a good partnership, that is working well. In my book if the team is playing well, and winning you don't change the team unless you have to. If someone comes on and plays BETTER then they should be given a shot if the person they replace didn't play well. England have been down the road of 'oh he's a big name, he's got to start' and I think Defoe and Crouch should be given their chance to continue in the next game.

  3. STAR TREK>Next Gen>DS9>Enterprise & Voyager.

    You can't beat the dynamic of Kirk/Spock/McCoy.

    And there was some awesome humour in the origional series.

    The Trouble with Tribbles:

    Montgomery Scott: Well... well, the Klingons, uh... is this off the record?

    James T. Kirk: No, this is not off the record.

    Montgomery Scott: Well, Captain, the... Klingons called you a... a tin-plated, overbearing, swaggering dictator with delusions of godhood.

    James T. Kirk: Is that all?

    Montgomery Scott: No, sir, they also compared you with a Denebian Slime-Devil.

    James T. Kirk: I see.

    Montgomery Scott: And then they said that you were...

    James T. Kirk: [upset] I get the picture, Scotty.

    Montgomery Scott: Yes, sir.

    James T. Kirk: And after they said all this, that's when you hit the Klingons?

    Montgomery Scott: No, sir.

    James T. Kirk: [Confused] No?

    Montgomery Scott: No, uh, I didn't. You told us to avoid trouble.

    James T. Kirk: Oh, Yes.

    Montgomery Scott: But I didn't see that it was worth fighting about. After all, we're big enough to take a few insults. Aren't we?

    James T. Kirk: [Even more confused] What was it they said that started the fight?

    Montgomery Scott: They called the Enterprise a garbage scow! Sir.

    James T. Kirk: I see. And... that's when you hit the Klingon.

    Montgomery Scott: [Obviously proud of himself] Yes, sir.

    James T. Kirk: You hit the Klingons because they insulted the Enterprise, not because they...

    Montgomery Scott: Well, sir, this was a matter of pride.

    James T. Kirk: All right, Scotty. Dismissed. Oh... Scotty, you're restricted to quarters until further notice.

    Montgomery Scott: Yes, sir. [Perks up] Thank you, sir. That'll give me a chance to catch up on my technical journals.

  4. OK, LOOK at the LEADER BOARD!!!!

    Did my team-mate not read the bit where it says 'team leader' over my name!


    Anyway, hopefully I won't qualify in pole for the next race, maybe then I'll actually win one!

  5. I was convinced we'd see Sabu and Sandman after the first pics released had all the balcony dives and weapon shots.

    Ah hell, maybe they'll be unlockables or legends. (They were both under legend contracts at the time, maybe that's not too much to hope for!).

    And while I am pissed about no London and Kendrick I AM glad Melina's in. I was Annoyed at there being no MNMlast year, and even though they've split now i'm glad they've made it into one game.

  6. Congrats mudda for becoming the third Gooner that I don't hate with all my soul.

    And the only one who isn't, like, a REALLY hot babe.

    Defoe deserved to go to the world cup, he would have actually played, as opposed to Walcott. I'm glad he's getting his chance now, hopefully he'll start a few more Spurs games too as we desperatly need the goals.

  7. West Ham in takeover discussions

    West Ham are having "exploratory discussions" over a possible takeover.

    The move comes hot on the heels of the club luring Argentine pair Carlos Tevez and Javier Mascherano to the club.

    "Discussions are at an early stage and there can be no certainty that an offer for West Ham will be forthcoming," said a club statement to the Stock Exchange.

    "The board also confirms that there is no contractual link between the signing of the players (Tevez and Mascherano) and the bid discussions."

    More to follow.

  8. Anyone fancy representing the Isle of man, the last true haven of speed, in the current A1GP series.

    Go to public games and select A1GP, then join the Isle of Man team.

    EDIT: With me of course! Left that bit out.

  9. Apparently only a loan, so he might play for the first team yet!

    Similarly Routledge has gone to Fulham on loan. We get Steed Malbanque in return. Permanently! Some deal. 1 years time and 'Yeah we'll have our player back thanks, we need to rotate the team in pre-season.

    Mind you the loan'll probably be made permanent, can't see Routledge playing for us after all the buzzing between different clubs.

    Anyone have an opinoin on Malbranque? Never really paid much attention to him and as he's injured it'll be a while before we see him play!

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