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Posts posted by marksbros6

  1. OUCH!

    He really just needs to work on his finishing. Then he'd stick away chances when the goal is looming wide open in front of him. I like his running, pace and positioning, he just needs to stick away the chances he gets, or at least get them on target to test the keeper. It is a wonder he makes the England squad all the time when he misses chances like on Sunday.

  2. Let's see.

    Gangrel's Autograph

    Jonny Storm's Autograph

    Stacy Keibler's Autograph (signed photo from meeting her at the 'collectormania' event) :wub:

    William Shatner signed photo.

    Catherine Bach signed photo.

    Nicholas Brendan signed photo.

    Missed collectormania this year :angry: No job = no money :thumbsdown: so missed the opportunity to stalk Amber Benson around the MK City center.

  3. Cool. I like most of the options mentioned here. And the addition of Velocity and Heat will be good for my GM mode battles with my best mate.

    The new story mode looks good here. Hopefully the rivalries are a bit more 'random' than before, after the first few times playing through story mode on SD2006 you'd always end up in a familier storyline facing the same wrestlers. I'd love to see different guys being involved in fueds, even if the basic storyline is the same.

    I just hope that they don't use guys like Eddie in story mode. Last year having to fight Davy-boy Smith was a bit of a pain, as it jolted the player out of the 'real-ness' of the game (which is a shame as the voice overs and stories were cool). I did like having bret, Stone Cold and Mankind involved though, so I wouldn't object to all three 'Faces of Foley' and the other legends who are still active/semi-active involved.

    Can't wait till this is out!

  4. Seconded the respect for Pedro. It's a shame he got sold, I think he'd be a bit more productive than Jenas in the ACM role.

    It's a shame that Pedro had to get caught out with the Zokora incident. (Zokora has stated that he was 'off-balance' and 'slipped' according to Martin Jol). Poor old Pedro never seems to get any luck.

    Still, lets not let it overshadow the fact that WE WON A GAME! AT HOME! Finally, and not before time! Hopefully we can get some points on the board so we don't have to worry about being near the bottom of the table.

  5. Christian BALE!!!!

    Soz, was kinda tired when I wrote that. Though i thought something about it didn't sound right.

    Regardless of Stark's current situation, one of the most enduring themes in the comic was his battle against alcoholism, so you can bet it'll turn up in the movie.

    And I can't wait to see Downey jr in the role. It's one of those castings that just feels right, y'now?

  6. Goatee? I always remember Stark having a 'tashe.

    I'm a fan of Downey Jr. I never wanted to see someone like Cruise in the role, I don't like 'big stars' playing established fictional characters. I much prefer guys like Chris Nolan, who IMO have a chance to make the role their own.

  7. Still though we were lacking in imagination tonight. At least we finally got a goal though, got the first UEFA cup round out of the way.

    The side still seems to lack balance. Unfortunatly without Routledge, and having gotten rid of Dean Marney we don't really seem to have anyone to play up the right convincingly. People have suggested Jamie O'Hara in this role, though never having seen him play I can't speak as to how effective that'd be.

    I think the solution would be to play:


    Dawson King Gardner

    Chimbonda Zeigler

    Zokora Tainio


    Mido Keane

    IMO 5-3-2 is the way forward, it gives us width, Chimbonda was the only guy really running the right for most of the match anyway, we don't have to worry about Lee Y-P at LB (though I though he put in a good performance today) and our midfeilders get to concentrate on playing, what I believe to be, their best positions.

    EDIT: that was supposed to be a diagram, but I'm sure you can see how they'd line up, 3 center backs, 2 WB, 2 CM, 1 ACM, 2 Fwds.

  8. Lets see. Shout outs for Shawshank, ROTJ, ROTS, Serenity all been done.

    The START of the Warriors. All the gangs going to the meet in their trademark gear, the voice over and music built up the atmosphere really well. Also when the Warriors end up being entertained by the girl gang (The Lizzies) who then try to kill them.

    The Battle for Autobot City in Transformers: THe Movie.

    The Start of 'Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man' Mickey Rourke looking all bad-ass and taking off (after having just nailed some chick) on his bike. My Hero. Comical that he didn't actually like the film and did it for money.

    Fight in the Mardi Gras Graveyard in Hard Target. Actually pretty much any scene in that film with Lance Henrikkson in is cool.

    'Get away from her...BITCH!'

    Final gunfight in 'Miami Vice'

    All of you have to get a Kiwi film by the name of 'Stickmen' about a group of pool players. 'So why does he wear the pink shirt?'

    'Kneel before me...Son of Jor-El...Kneel before ZOD!' (sometimes it's fun being the baddies right?)

    No one's mentioned the gun battle from 'Matrix'? Why?

    And I'll give it some thought, but probably my all-time favourite, and certainly the most moving film moment would have to be:

    'I have been, and always will be....your friend.'

    Spock's death in 'Wrath of Khan.'

  9. As a Big Undertaker fan I'm interested in where you're going with his story. Love the Image of him with the axe, and him reverting to his ABA brutality when needed. Hopefully he'll still continue to be the 'Dead Man' though, just with a more brutal edge to him.

    I'm also enjoying the portrayal of DX. 'Break it DOWN...' You've got the dialogue, especially Shawn Michaels, down. Loved the 'funniest religious joke' and how HBK is being the 'Straight man' to HHH's 'degenerate.'

    Oh! And Jerry Lawler's appraisal of Kelly3 was hilarious. 'A stand out from Japan' :lmao: 'The Biggest thing since...Muta?' :lmao:


    Keep it up.

    Edit: And cheers for inspiring me to pick up EWR again. I havn't played it in AGES!

  10. It looks good.

    How come Barca can afford to not bother with sponsorship? Soz if it's a silly question but I really don't follow Spanish football beyond watching the odd game.

    I mean even my mate's Sunday League side has a sponsor. OK it's a local 'Adult Shop' and the poor guys have to have a pink heart on their kit but hey, it pays the fees.

  11. Darn, couldn't find it the other day (the kits). AND the pictures I DL'ed were too big! Shame I had to re-format my HDD cos I had loads of cool skins and backgrounds and pics.

    Thank's anyway, I'll take another look.

    And On Topic:

    Liverpool. This weekend. Traditionally a time of me and my best mate 'not talking' (he's a Liverpool fan you see).

    They seem to be having a tough time of it, and we're both about the same part of the table. Anyone think we could nick it? I'm thinking we'll have another goal-less draw on our hands.

  12. There's some rumours going around one of the Smackdown boards about 5 unlockable wrestlers in addition to the Legends.

    Due to the general amount of illiteracy present on the board I'm taking it with a pinch of salt. Most of the over-excited posters are speculating on ECW wrestlers or the Spirit Squad. I know which I'd prefer!

  13. Now I remember why I like this board so much. Get with the Jayne quotes!

    (Jayne see's Inara and a female client making their way to Inara's Shuttle)

    'I'll be in my bunk'

    As for other relationships:

    Kirk/Spock/McCoy. One of my favourite ST scenes ever is from ST:V when they're on shore leave together at the start of the movie, eating Doctor McCoy's 'Special' Beans and singing 'Row, row, row your boat.'

    Tim and Daisy from 'Spaced' was cool, possibly my fave moment came when Tim and Mike were building a robot for 'Robot Wars.' They share a double-entendre loaded role-play with Daisy 'being Phillipa (Forrester).'

    John/Aeryn from Farscape was a good reletionship that managed to be teased out over 5/6 seasons.

    John/Dargo was a god buddy relationship as well.

    I'm also facinated by the Lee Adama/ Kara Thrace relationship in Battlestar. Apollo gets REALLY annoyed after she sleeps with Baltar. Only seen series 1 so don't know how it all resolves yet. That said the Baltar/Six relationship is interesting too.

  14. Not a bad result, was good to be able to watch the new team.

    I liked Zokora, hopfully now he's settling in he can impact on some more premiership matches in the same way!

    And in Huddlestone he's got the perfect midfield foil. Built like an brick outhouse, powerful and strong in the tackle.

    Jenas did well tonight, the lad gets a lot of stick, hopefully he can be a bit more consistant this season. He took his goal well.

    Mido looked competetive and hungry, Defoe had a quiet night, but the team's performance made up for it and I think we've got one of the best center back pairings in the Premiership in Dawson and King.

    Just about the only concern I had was Davids. It took him a while to get into the game after he came on, with a few misplaced passes.

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